Dream Evolution

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Free Market And Entertainment Area

Now Wang Ling has a total of 12,799 currency points, 14 skill points, and 2 dream skill points.

Princess Peach’s necklace must be bound. As a result, the price of soul binding shocked Wang Ling, and it actually required 5,000 currency points! This is a complete act of robbing money, but he has no choice, and it is impossible to sell the necklace, so he can only pay obediently.

Three basic skill skill books, purchased at the extension, one cost 2,000 points. Fortunately, when upgrading basic skills, you only need to pay skill points instead of currency points, and it is also not affected by doubling.

After Wang Ling used the skill book, he used 3 more skill points to upgrade the basic footwork, basic parry, and basic endurance to LV2, which satisfies the necessary conditions for the use of accelerated running, steel head, and steel legs. However, another trouble appeared. .

If you want to improve these three skills, in addition to skill points, you have to pay currency points – Wang Ling now has only 1799 points left, which is not enough, not to mention that he has to open the scene of the Kung Fu card and enter it to challenge the plot figure.

“Looks like it has to be sold.”

After equipping the Peach Heart, Wang Ling took out all the items from the space bag. There are the following:

“Kung Fu Card, Spirit Potion 1, Mushroom Pocket (Life-enhancing Mushroom 3), Sliding Turtle Shell 8, Tracking Turtle Shell 2, Copper Coin 62, Silver Coin 1, Gold Coin 2, Squid Tentacle.”

Three coins can be exchanged for currency points, but it is a drop in the bucket. Sliding tortoise shells and tracking turtle shells are extremely useful props. The squid tentacle materials are estimated to be sold at a low price. Kung Fu cards will never be sold. After thinking about it, Wang Ling decided to sell life-enhancing mushrooms.

I am afraid that only this kind of props can support the massive consumption of upgrading the three skills.

Leaving the exclusive room again and came to the entrance and exit square, Wang Ling ran directly to the free market, set up a stall, took out a mushroom, and placed it on the stall.

Compared with the people around, Wang Ling’s booth was extremely pitiful, with neither equipment items nor skill books, just this mushroom with blue spots, people around him immediately laughed at him, and he didn’t even bother to look at it. Look.

2 minutes later, a dreamer walked up to Wang Ling’s booth. This man was wearing heavy armor and carrying a big sword on his shoulders – it should be the equipment obtained from the mission world. Due to the interference of protective mist, only a blond Caucasian can be seen from the head.

This man saw the mushrooms on Wang Ling’s booth, and crouched down with the attitude of trying it out. However, after checking the data with the dream badge, his expression changed immediately, but his tone was very casual: “How do you sell these mushrooms?”

Wang Ling visited the free market once before, and did not find any similar anti-erasure props. Knowing that this mushroom should be extremely precious, he quoted an incredible price: “100,000 currency points.”

The blond white man immediately said angrily: “What a joke! Although this mushroom is somewhat useful, it is only 10,000 currency points at most, and you actually increased the price tenfold!”

Wang Ling spread out his hands with a smile, and did not speak. Anyway, there is still more time now. Even if this guy promised 100,000 currency points in one breath, he would not sell it. Only when there are more buyers can we estimate the true nature of the life-enhancing mushrooms. value.

The blond white man saw that Wang Ling didn’t answer a word, and his face changed again. He was a veteran who had gone through 7 E-level missions and 5 D-level missions, and he was familiar with some information in the dream space. This mushroom is actually an anti-obliteration prop, it is really precious! It has been a few months since he entered the dream space, but in the free market in the low-level area, he has only seen this kind of anti-erasure prop once in the past.

“Fate Bonus Die” in the World of Tanks War.

The consequence of not completing the main task is obliteration. The life reward mold (note: that is, the life-enhancing tank) is to create a tank to replace the user and bear the fate of obliteration. Compared with the life-enhancing mushroom, the life reward mold is undoubtedly much better – you can keep all the harvests in this world, but there is no clearance reward, but the selling price is also ridiculously expensive.

“180,000 currency points!”

Low-level dreamers naturally cannot pay such a terrifying price. There are several teams of intermediate-level dreamers who pay currency points to bid in the low-level public area. The blond white man remembered that after some bidding, the life reward mold was bought by a team called “Wolf Pack”, which is said to be a well-known and powerful team in the intermediate area.

I observed Wang Ling and saw that he was wearing ordinary jeans and a white T-shirt (the heart of Peach on his neck was blocked by the T-shirt, and after the soul was bound, the colorful light on it would disappear), and there was nothing on his body. The imposing manner of a strong man, the blond white man estimated that this should be a rookie dreamer who had not experienced several worlds, so he said to Wang Ling:

“Be honest, how much are your mushrooms going to sell? If the price is right, I will win. Among the low-level dreamers, I, Jin George, are still somewhat famous and powerful. In terms of financial resources, it is very rare to exceed my estimate! Your ten Ten thousand currency points is too high, absolutely no one in the entire low-level public area can afford it!”

Wang Ling smiled again and replied, “100,000 currency points.”

Jin George was so angry that he almost jumped and scolded him. He held back his anger and said: “15,000 currency points, and I will provide you with equipment from head to toe. Everyone is in the low-level area, and maybe they will be in the mission world in the future. Let’s meet, let’s make friends.”

Wang Ling rolled his eyes, this is a nice saying, but he is not ready to make friends with the so-called “famous Golden George”, and the free market has the protection of dream space, and it is shrouded in fog. After going out, as long as you change your clothes, who will I can’t recognize it either – of course, it’s still obvious to wear heavy armor and heavy swords like Jin George.

At this time, the stall owner next to him heard the bargaining here, and gathered around. After checking the data, he immediately said: “Twenty thousand currency points, you can choose any two pieces of equipment from my stall.”

Wang Ling saw that there were almost all E-level white equipment on the stall, and the only D-level blue equipment was not very good, so he still refused. Both Jin George and the stall owner were enraged by his attitude and wished to beat him up, but in the dream space, they couldn’t take action against others, they could only hold their breath.

Jin George estimates that if more and more people know about it, I am afraid that when the time comes, they will have to pay a lot of money to bid against each other. From his perspective, life-enhancing mushrooms are naturally far inferior to life-rewarding molds, but in the primary area, it is estimated that they can sell 30,000-50,000 currency points.

If it spreads to the intermediate area, it may even be sold for 70,000 to 80,000 currency points! If he can take down the mushrooms, not only will he gain a life guarantee in the main mission in the future, but he will also sell it at the right time, and maybe he will even make a fortune.

“30,000 currency points, my bottom line, this price is very fair! You are still a child, you can’t be too greedy.” Jin George said through gritted teeth.

Wang Ling still refused.

More and more dreamers gathered, and the inside and outside three layers of the small stall were blocked. There are many people who want to buy, but the highest can only pay 35,000 points. Some people wanted to exchange, and some people took out a treasured piece of red elite equipment. The attributes of this two-handed sword are quite good. Unfortunately, what Wang Ling needs most is currency points.

No matter who he faces, he always insists: 100,000, he won’t let go at all.

An hour later, Wang Ling finished setting up the stall, and naturally the mushrooms were not sold. He didn’t care either, smiled and said to the people around him, “I will come to set up a stall at this time tomorrow.”

After saying this, in order to prevent anyone from being followed, he directly teleported out of the free market and appeared on the entrance and exit squares—of course, the masking fog on his body disappeared immediately. Out of caution, Wang Ling returned to the exclusive room and purchased again. A set of clothes: denim shorts, put on a white shirt, and walk out to other areas in the low-level public area.

After some investigation, Wang Ling found out that the arena was a place where dreamers could fight one-on-one or group fights to resolve their grievances. The training hall, as the name implies, is a place for training. UU reading www.uukanshu.com can pay a small amount of currency points, enjoy the exercise facilities, and even buy puppet sparring.

The entertainment area is a big place. Dreamers can’t return to the real world. They fight to death in the main mission. During the interval of 7 days, they naturally have to rest and revel to relieve the pressure.

In this area, there are pubs, restaurants, hotels, casinos, and even the red light district… People who do business in the red light district are women among the dreamers. In the low-level area of dream space, there are about 5,000 dreamers, and the ratio of male to female is about 3:1. Among the more than 1,000 female dreamers, there are always beauties who are willing to exchange their bodies for currency points or equipment and props. And… there are many women who choose to indulge without knowing the life and death of the next mission.

Expressing mental stress, sex, drugs and alcohol, is undoubtedly the most effective.

Wang Ling has no interest in the red light district, and he does not know how to gamble at all. He does not have a little girl by his side, so he is going to a hotel to open a room.

It happened that I was hungry now. After comparing the tavern and the restaurant, Wang Ling chose the tavern. There are definitely not many meals sold in this kind of building, but the tavern is originally a gathering place for all kinds of people, and it is easy to obtain the information you want even if you drink too much.

Wang Ling chose a place called “The Fairy Bar”, and when he approached, he heard laughter and cheers inside. Pushing open the two wooden doors made of oak wood, after walking in, I found that this bar is not big, but it is full of seats. There are more than 50 people crowded around a huge square table, and there are a lot of empty wine glasses on the table. , a mess of cups and plates, apparently everyone drank a lot.

What made him speechless was that there were actually two young women with beautiful looks and a hot body, who were dancing striptease with their butts twisted on the dance floor in the center!

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