Dream Evolution

Chapter 22

Chapter 22 Inquire About Intelligence

Of the two women, one was a brown-haired Westerner and the other was a black-haired Oriental, but the nationality could not be determined. The clothes wrapped around the two of them can be described as “clothes”, and from the badge marks on their arms, they should also be dreamers.

When Wang Ling walked into the tavern, the brunette woman was unfastening the ties of her panties, and the men of all skin tones were slapping the square table and booing. The brunette woman hooked her **** with her fingers with a charming expression, letting it slip a little bit, hoisting the appetite of the men. In the end, he suddenly pulled it down, let out a string of silver bell-like laughter, and threw his underwear on the head of a tall man as strong as a bear.

The other men’s eyes were spitting fire, and their shouts almost lifted the top of the tavern:

“Julie, I’m much more handsome than Stone Johnson, why don’t you throw it to me!”

“Just your skinny body, how can Johnson be fit! Women like strong men, but I’m stronger than Johnson! Julie, your **** should belong to me!”

“Wow hahaha, Johnson, don’t the **** smell good!”

“Since Julie has taken a fancy to Johnson, let him treat him! If he doesn’t invite us for a drink, wait until the mission world, after meeting him, and see if I don’t squeeze his **** out!”

The man called Stone Johnson didn’t get angry when he heard these words. He took off the underwear from the top of his head and put it in front of his nose and sniffed deeply, showing an intoxicated expression on his face. Then, in the scolding and contempt of the people around the table, he shouted: “The bartender, all the consumption of everyone present is my request!”

There was a commotion in the tavern again, but it all turned into applause. This sentence also made Wang Ling, who was frowning and was about to leave this rude, chaotic and **** place, stay.

The two women were still writhing on the dance floor, and the oriental woman was also removing the cover of the key parts. Wang Ling had no interest in such a woman. Seeing that there were no empty tables in the bar, he went straight to the bar and sat on the high chair.

There was a bartender at the bar, a western old man in his fifties, his gray hair was neatly combed, and he had a good temperament. He shrugged to Wang Ling and said, “Lucky boy, there is someone for a treat today, what would you like to order? Vodka or whisky? Seeing that you are an oriental boy, I am afraid you are not interested in such spirits, then, China Moutai Or Japanese sake?”

“Thanks, I just want something to fill my stomach.”

It’s a pub after all, and the food here is simple, just fries, green salad, Italian pizza, and pork scones, and the prices are extremely low—everything is less than 1 currency point.

Anyway, someone paid for it, so Wang Ling came for a portion of each, and found that the food was simple, but very delicious, so he lay down in front of the bar and ate it. After filling my stomach quickly, I asked for a glass of mixed juice and took a sip. Seeing that the bartender was bored looking at the striptease on the dance floor, he said, “You are also a dreamer? How can you be a bartender?”

The bartender glanced at Wang Ling: “A newcomer here, right? It’s not surprising, everyone is in this ghost place and can’t get out. During the seven-day rest period, naturally we want to have some fun, so we need service personnel.”

“In the dream space, after 10 main missions, you can apply to become a service worker, and after being approved by the master, you can work in the public area. The service worker’s on-the-job time is only one month, and no tasks will be assigned this month, so you can easily If you spend it, you can still get paid, and you can take it as a vacation—that’s how I, the bartender, came here.”

Hearing that the old man had gone through 10 main quests, Wang Ling was a little surprised. He didn’t expect to be a senior. He then asked, “The dancers on the dance floor are also service staff?”

There was a narrow smile in the bartender’s eyes: “Hahaha, yes, they are also service staff, but they are not recognized by Dreamspace. They are just here to earn some extra money and have some fun during the mission break.”

He glanced at Wang Ling’s expression and said, “Do you want to know some information? As a newcomer, information is very useful to you, and it can even help you avoid a lot of detours. However, inquiring about information is not free. , this has to be done according to the rules.”

“How much should I pay?” Wang Ling said helplessly.

“A newcomer, I don’t think I have much wealth, and I don’t bother to extort you, 200 currency points, provide information and answer some questions from you.”

The price is fair, and after paying through the dream badge, the bartender asked, “How many missions have you gone through?”

“Just passed the novice task.”

“Pure rookie? Well, you are very lucky. Maybe, my information can save you from dying in your next mission.”

Seeing that the juice in Wang Ling’s goblet had been drained, the bartender took the initiative to fill him up, and then said, “The novice task, basically there is no danger, just let you know what a task scene is, and familiarize yourself with the main task and adjust your mentality, this The mastermind of the space is still very caring for newbies.”

“Generally speaking, after the novice task, the novice can get 3000-5000 currency points, 3-5 attribute points, and 1-3 skill points. Fortunately, you may be able to draw good things in the clearance treasure chest, remember to Buy a basic skill book from the main brain extension. After you have LV1 basic skills, don’t invest in skill points to upgrade, you can go to the training hall, and you can train in it for a very small amount of currency points.”

“When you start the first task after the novice task, if the previous seven days are not wasted and all are exercised in the training hall, it will be enough for you to improve your basic skills by one level, and your personal attributes should also increase.”

“For the next task, there will be no preferential treatment for the novice task. It is best to add a few attribute points to the physical strength, which will increase your chances of survival. If it is a multi-person task, it is wise to join forces with others. Because you are still weak at this time, but you need to be vigilant to your teammates. Because…”

The bartender smiled: “Dreamspace doesn’t stop the killing among dreamers. Sometimes, killing your companion is better than killing a plot boss. As for what the reward is, I won’t tell you now, wait for you Kill one, and you’ll understand automatically.”

Wang Ling picked up the juice and took a sip. He was not an evil and murderous person, and he would not attack other dreamers for no reason. But after reading a lot of fantasy novels, he is still vigilant about human nature. If anyone wants to kill him, he doesn’t mind. On that person, let’s see what benefits will be gained by killing the Dreamer.

The bartender continued: “Some of what Dreamspace told you, I won’t repeat it. If you get something you don’t need, you can sell it in the free market. If no one cares, go to the Grand Casino in the entertainment area, where there is a recycling place for Dreamspace. Any garbage that can’t be used or sold, whether it’s weapons, equipment or props, can be thrown into it.”

“Someone threw it in and tested the basic skill book purchased from the main brain extension, and the result returned 1000 points, so the recovery price should be 1/2 of the real value.”

Just this news, Wang Ling felt that the 200 currency points spent was not a loss. You know, if he doesn’t gamble, it’s impossible for him to step into the casino, so naturally it’s impossible to know the existence of the recycling center—it may be known in the future, but I don’t know how long it will take, this information is really useful to him.

At this time, the oriental woman also slipped away the cleanliness of her body, and there was a frantic noise in the room. The bartender had to keep his mouth shut, and at the same time went to deliver a large barrel of vodka to the big men who had finished drinking. Wang Ling was still on the stool, quietly sipping juice and waiting.

After a while, the bartender returned to the bar and added a third glass of juice to Wang Ling: “In the mission world, when carrying out the main quest, make reasonable use of the plot characters – whether they are the protagonist of the plot, or a supporting role, even if it is an inconspicuous little person. , may give you a huge boost.”

“And don’t be superstitious about the data, after all, this is not a game. For example, a weapon in your hand, no matter how powerful the attack is, and the sharper the blade, if a knife hits the enemy’s ankle, it can only cut off one of his feet at most. Dreamspace should have prompted ‘the damage you give to the enemy, the damage you receive in battle, will also fluctuate up and down due to various other factors’, right?”

Wang Ling nodded: “Yes, Dreamspace also told me that ‘potential, personal charm, affinity, luck, etc., cannot be measured by data.’”

“Hahahaha, not bad!” The bartender laughed, “For example, you look young and handsome, and I’m just a bad old man. In the eyes of most plot characters, I’m afraid your personal charm is higher than mine, but In the eyes of some plot characters who hate young people but like old men, my personal charm is higher than yours. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

Wang Ling also laughed, because he thought of a word: “old man control” – this word is very strong.

“The potential and luck of some people are indeed enviable. In our low-level area, there was once a dreamer. When he entered the world of FC heavy armored soldiers, he picked up an abandoned chariot and repaired it in that world scene. , is actually a high-level chariot, and then when the C-level promotion mission was carried out, it went through without any danger and went to the intermediate-level area.”

Wang Ling caught a word in the bartender’s words and asked, “What is the promotion task?”

“After your strength increases to a certain level, you will be assigned by Dreamspace to enter the promotion task. The difficulty of this task is one level higher than what you have experienced before. That is to say, the promotion task for low-level dreamers is C-level difficulty, intermediate level. The dreamer’s promotion mission is an A-level mission. After successfully passing it, congratulations, you will enter a new public area, and the next mission is also a world scene that is more difficult than the original.”

Wang Ling thought for a while and said, “Will someone deliberately mix in the low-level area with lower difficulty?”

“Good question.” The bartender glanced at Wang Ling with admiration, “There are people like this, after all, if you do one more mission, you will get one more harvest. The treasure chest of clearance rewards is also very attractive. And the difficulty is low. After all, the danger of the mission is relatively small, and some people are afraid of death, so they deliberately do not learn skills and suppress their strength.”

“However, this kind of person, who stays in the current difficulty for a long time, will be punished by the dream space – the clearance reward will be reduced again and again, or even not at all. And the personal attributes will also be reduced by a percentage during the main quest. Therefore, to suppress the strength, it is feasible and beneficial to go through a few more low-difficulty tasks, but if there is too much, it is courting death.”

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