Dream Evolution

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Potency Of Enlarged Mushrooms

Unlike Wang Ling, Mario does not have any solemn expressions, and lightheartedness is the main theme of this world. As the plumber of the world’s protagonist, facing any scene, there will be no negative psychological pressure.

The two followed the passage and headed towards the Kuba Castle. The monsters patrolling the road found an uninvited guest here, and immediately there was a chestnut boy walking in the direction of the two.

The chestnut boy is brown all over, with a mushroom-shaped torso, big ferocious eyes and two extremely thick eyebrows. Below are two big feet that support the body, and there are no arms or legs.

It is worth noting that its huge mouth, which occupies about one-fifth of its body, is large enough to hold the head of a human like Wang Ling in its mouth. You can see the rows of teeth in the mouth. Although there are no sharp fangs, each of the teeth is as big as the palm of your hand, and the bite force is definitely not low!

This is the weakest monster in Super Mario 1, Chestnut Kid. Of course, its weakness is that it is very slow, only slightly faster than human walking. If it is not surrounded by many chestnut boys, it can be avoided completely.

But Mario chose to fight. He ran forward and jumped up abruptly after approaching the chestnut boy. Under Wang Ling’s incredible gaze, he jumped up to a height of nearly ten meters!

That’s almost six times his height!

Mario, who had risen to the highest point, was aimed at the chestnut boy’s head when he fell. Under the trampling of his feet, this monster about the size of his body let out a scream, and its body twisted and collapsed, turning into a thin patty.

Wang Ling was stunned. He was able to completely crush the chestnut boy who was close to 1.5 meters. It is conceivable that the power of this step was so ferocious! In the Yuanzu-level game, the protagonist with a simple and honest appearance and a simple personality is surprising to have such a strong strength!

After trampling the chestnut boy to death, Mario said to Wang Ling: “Follow behind, let’s move forward together!”

He has the skill of “speeding up” (note: in the game, press the B key not loose), even if Wang Ling is running, it is a little difficult to follow him, and he can only see his back from a distance. However, when Mario reached the first floating brick, he saw a question mark representing a hidden object on the floating brick, so he stopped without hesitation, jumped straight, and hit the floating brick with his head. brick.

The bricks were more than five meters above the ground, and an ordinary earthling like Wang Ling would never be able to jump that high. Mario, who has super jumping power, precisely hits the floating brick. His top, obviously using a lot of strength, I saw a muffled sound after the floating brick was pushed up, and it jumped up abruptly.

The muffled sound of “Boom!” was mixed with the sweet sound of “Ding!”, and a copper coin popped out of the brick. Mario, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, grabbed the copper coin and put it into his pocket, and then dropped it gracefully.

After this delay, Wang Ling caught up out of breath. He saw the short, chubby plumber with a smile on his face, and asked, “Is the coin just now a mushroom copper coin?”

Mario nodded, and he said happily: “The treasures that Kuba grabbed from the Mushroom Kingdom, including coins and specialties, are all hidden in the bricks, and he is afraid of forgetting the location of the treasures, and also marked on the bricks. Mark, on the way to save the princess, I can get these treasures back.”

As he was talking, Mario saw the three chestnut boys coming here, so he was about to rush up. Wang Ling quickly said to him: “Leave one for me, after all, the road ahead is very dangerous. I will try my own strength, maybe in Maybe it can help you when you encounter a lot of monsters.”

Although there is Mario rushing ahead, it is absolutely impossible for this journey to be without a little danger. It is better to gain combat experience in advance until you are surrounded by monsters to fight in a hurry.

Mario, who heard the request, really only stepped on two to death, so he jumped back and left the last one to him. Seeing the huge mushroom-shaped monster, Wang Ling gritted his teeth, clenched the big kitchen knife in his hand, and rushed towards the chestnut boy.

This is the first time to fight a monster head-on, and the psychological pressure is naturally great. He doesn’t have the jumping ability and head-stomping skills like Mario. The only thing he can rely on is the big kitchen knife in his hand.

When approaching the chestnut boy, Wang Ling held the kitchen knife in both hands and slashed forward with force. This kitchen knife is half a meter long, with a swarthy blade with a bright silver blade. Although the attack power is only 1-1, it looks very extraordinary. More importantly, it is not the attack power attached to the weapon, but the sharp blade!

When the knife went down, the resistance of the skin and flesh was not strong. The chestnut boy’s body was cut with a long slit, light brown, and it could not be said that the liquid was blood or mucus, and suddenly spurted out of the wound. Wang Ling didn’t expect this accident, his face was stained with liquid, and the stinging pain immediately burned, and the dream imprint gave a hint:

“You are counterattacked by the chestnut kid’s venom, you lose 5 points of life, you are poisoned. According to the content of the poison in the venom, and your resistance to the venom, the poisoned state lasts for 3 seconds, and you lose 1 point of life every second. ”

A small amount of venom splashed into Wang Ling’s eyes, and it was also stinging, so he could not see clearly. He felt something bite on his arm, and he hurriedly jerked back and hurriedly retreated, hearing the sound of “piercing” clothes breaking.

Three seconds is not long, and it will soon pass. As Wang Ling retreated by feeling, he gritted his teeth and punched his nose hard. The lacrimal glands were stimulated, and tears poured out immediately, washing away the venom that had entered his eyes. At this time, he heard a scream and knew that Mario should have trampled the chestnut boy to death, so he stopped panicking, closed his eyes, and waited for the effect of the venom to disappear.

“You have to be careful, the chestnut boy will spit out venom after being cut open.”

Wang Ling nodded to Mario. He found that his life had decreased by 8 points, from the original 45 to 37. It can be seen that the blood gauge on his head has been reduced by a small amount. The left sleeve of the school uniform was torn open, probably by the chestnut boy’s teeth.

After a setback, his mood settled down. The chestnut boy’s defense is very weak. The large kitchen knife cuts to the flesh, and the resistance is not high, and the flexibility is not high, and the speed is slow. As long as you pay attention to the venom that suddenly spews out of the wound, killing it is actually very simple.

Seeing that even though Wang Ling was frustrated, his expression was calm without a trace of panic. Mario’s eyes showed admiration, and then he continued to use “speed up” to run forward.

Wang Ling hurriedly followed behind. He had a plan in his heart, and he wanted to confirm an extremely important matter: in the second question mark brick, did it become a mushroom?

Mario stomped to death five chestnut boys all the way to the second floating brick. In fact, it is not accurate to use “block” to describe it, because this is a block of bricks, divided into six blocks, five blocks below, three ordinary floating bricks, and two question mark floating bricks with hidden treasures sandwiched between them. The remaining question mark floating brick is actually in a higher place.

Even with Mario’s jumping height, it’s impossible to directly hit this floating brick, but he can use the brick below as a pedal.

Wang Ling’s heart was beating violently, and he saw Mario hitting his head on the floating brick, “Boom!” A big mushroom with red spots bounced out of the jumping brick.

Mushroom actually still has self-awareness. After appearing, it slid forward immediately, as if trying to escape. Mario rushed up, grabbed the mushroom and stuffed it in his mouth, making a chewing and swallowing sound of “aaaaah”.

This action gave Wang Ling the feeling that Popeye was eating spinach.

After eating all the big mushrooms, a miracle happened. Mario, who was originally less than 1.5 meters tall, quickly increased in height and swelled into a super giant who was taller than Yao Ming and stronger than O’Neal!

Wang Ling looked at all this in shock. He was originally a head taller than Mario, but now it only reaches his lower abdomen. Just a mushroom can double your height and size. Even if you know the effect from the game, you will still feel incredible after seeing it with your own eyes. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

“This is one of the most peculiar treasures in the Mushroom Kingdom. When the mushroom becomes bigger, I feel full of power in my body!”

Mario laughed loudly and stood on the ordinary floating bricks in front of him. He saw the rubble flying around. He could only bounce the top of the bricks, but he actually smashed the tops of the bricks! It can be seen that it is not only the height and size, but after eating the enlarged mushroom, his strength has also greatly increased.

“If I can get such mushrooms…” Wang Ling gritted his teeth and made a plan in his heart.

Judging from the treasures in the floating bricks, he once again confirmed that this scene is very faithful to the original game except for the size of the range and the number of monsters. So, having played the game, even without the help of a map, he has an understanding of the eight castles.

After getting bigger, Mario knocked off the other three hidden treasure floating bricks, harvested three mushroom copper coins, and stepped on a dozen chestnut boys all the way to death before reaching the first green water pipe.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Ling also killed a chestnut boy, who paid special attention to the venom, and did not suffer any harm. After killing the monster, he found that he did not get any reward. It seems that killing the monster to earn points is not feasible.

With Wang Ling’s jumping power, he couldn’t jump over the green water pipe that was more than five meters high, but this was not a game, there was only one way, just go around it.

Moving on, the two encountered the Tortoise, Mario jumped on it and stepped on the tortoise. This tortoise has an extremely hard green shell that can withstand being stepped on. However, after being attacked, the Tortoise immediately retracted its head, limbs and tail, leaving a large turtle shell lying on the ground.

Mario flew up and stomped on the turtle shell. The tortoise shell slid straight ahead. The few chestnut boys behind were hit by the turtle shell.

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