Dream Evolution

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Mario, Sorry

When he encountered the Tortoise again, Wang Ling made a request to try to deal with it.

Mario said to him: “The Tortoise is faster than the chestnut boy and has sharper teeth. However, if you attack it, it will immediately retract its body into the turtle shell. At this time, you only need to apply a little power, and the turtle shell will be It will slide forward automatically.”

Wang Ling slashed at the Tortoise with a kitchen knife. The tortoise really shrank its head and limbs. He was about to push the turtle shell when he suddenly had an idea. Can this turtle shell be collected?

In the current turtle shell, there is a wind turtle hidden in it, and it will stick its head out after a while. Wang Ling thought for a while, then put down the big kitchen knife and lifted the corner of the turtle shell with force.

“What are you doing?” Mario asked curiously.

Wang Ling smiled but said nothing. The Tortoise was extremely heavy, weighing about 100 jin. He turned the turtle shell upside down, and sweat dripped from his tired forehead. After doing this, he picked up the big kitchen knife and watched intently on the side.

What does a turtle do after being flipped over? Naturally, he stretched out his head and long neck in panic, and tried to turn over against the ground. Wang Ling watched cordially from the side, holding a large kitchen knife in both hands to cut it down. Among the red blood flowers, the fragile neck of the Tortoise was chopped off by the sharp large kitchen knife, and its head rolled to the side.

The rest of the body twitched violently, and then went limp. Wang Ling chopped off the turtle’s limbs and tail with a kitchen knife, leaving only the turtle shell. When the palm touched it, the Dream Badge gave a hint:

“Sliding turtle shell, a one-time item, after use, the turtle shell slides forward in a straight line against the ground, causing 5-10 points of damage to the creature it collides with, and causing the opponent to fall into a dizzy state for 3 seconds. The sliding distance of this item, Affected by terrain, it cannot be recovered.”

(Note: 5-10 points of damage does not refer to the deducted life value, because it will be affected by the opponent’s defense. The abnormal state is not constant, that is to say, the basic stun value of the sliding turtle shell hitting the enemy is 3 seconds , but affected by the opponent’s own resistance, it may only be 2 seconds, or even 1 second.)

Wang Ling, who is familiar with the Super Mario series, was once again surprised. This should be a prop in Mario Kart on the GBA. I didn’t expect that killing the Tortoise would be able to process such a prop. It’s a pity that the turtle shell is not a specialty product and cannot be put into the mushroom pocket. The space inside the badge can hold the turtle shell, but with Mario here, the inexplicable disappearance of the turtle shell will definitely arouse his doubts.

Wang Ling didn’t want to cause any doubts now. He had an important plan brewing. Seeing that the tortoise shell was so heavy that it couldn’t be carried on his back, he had to use it directly.

Mario, who has grown bigger, is very easy to deal with the chestnut boy and the wind turtle. The two of them walked all the way without danger, and soon came to the fourth green water pipe. Mario took out the map and confirmed, “This water pipe leads to the secret passage, let’s go down!”

Thinking of his mushroom pocket, Wang Ling suggested, “If we don’t follow the secret passage, we should be able to get more treasures.”

Mario categorically refused: “To save the princess, you must hurry up!”

Wang Ling could only be silent. He glanced at the space in front of the water pipe and knew that somewhere there should be the fourth item in this game: the life-enhancing mushroom. What’s the use of this mushroom? It is unknown now, but it is certain that it is an extremely precious item!

When he saw Mario getting into the water pipe, he sighed, and followed suit. The idea of implementing the plan became more and more determined in his heart.

“This is a novice world, with the care and protection of the dream space, accompanied by the protagonist of the story like Mario, and the Minister of Mushroom can easily give the reward of props. And after this mission, I have separated from my novice status, then everything has to rely on its own strength.”

“A good start is the starting point for success. If you can get a lot of benefits in the novice task, the future tasks will be much safer. In this novice task, I got four coins, a blood mushroom, and a mushroom pocket. , the harvest is good, however, this is far from enough!”

“Follow Mario and spend the plot lightly, until finally defeating Kuba’s clone and rescuing the mushroom boy, and the benefits obtained are extremely limited! If you want to obtain greater benefits, you can only take risks!”

Wang Ling fell into the secret passage under the water pipe, and when he looked at him, there were hundreds of copper mushroom coins hanging in the air, and the glittering attractive metallic light dazzled people’s eyes. Even Mario cheered after seeing these coins, and kept jumping to pick up the coins in the air and put them into his pockets.

He happily picked up the coins, but he didn’t see it. Wang Ling, who was behind him, looked at him with a hint of determination and apology.

After escaping from the secret passage, the two of them could see that in the distance was the transit fortress in the first area. In front of the fort is a pennant hanging on a high flagpole. There is a green devil pattern on the flag. This is the battle flag of the Great Demon King Kuba. As long as you pull down the flag and enter the fort, even the first area— It is the end of the 1-1 level in the game.

Mario jumped from the outgoing water pipe, and a large number of chestnut boys and wind turtles patrolling in front of the fortress immediately greeted him. Although he didn’t get the firepower to fire the fireball because he was advancing through the secret passage, he was nearly three meters tall and proficient in jumping and stamping, so he was still very easy to deal with these monsters.

Wang Ling followed closely behind, rushed in front of a chestnut boy, slashed with a knife, and deliberately let the venom sprayed from the wound hit him.

He closed his eyes early this time, but his face and exposed right arm were in burning pain, and he immediately let out a loud exclamation. Mario was fighting the monster. Hearing the sound of pain, he jumped up and stepped on a Tortoise. He kicked the tortoise’s shell and made it slide against the ground.

“Why are you so careless!”

“I saw too many monsters, and I was a little nervous.” Wang Ling replied, taking out the blood-added mushroom, and eating the blood-returning item that Mario knew in front of him. Mushrooms have an indescribable aroma and softness between chewing. After swallowing it, Wang Ling found that all the health values had recovered, and the red blood bar on his head had grown to the fullest.

At this time, the monsters were already surrounded. Mario faced dozens of monsters without any fear. When there were only a dozen or so chestnut boys left, he jumped up again. At this time, his nose suddenly felt a little itchy, and then he couldn’t help himself, and sneezed an earth-shattering big sneeze:


This sneeze was so violent that it knocked the air out of Mario’s chest! In the air, his body shook violently, and the originally calculated landing point suddenly deviates. Instead of stepping on the monster, he stepped on the open space. The chestnut boy next to him immediately bit his foot, but a white light appeared and bounced it off.

However, Mario’s body quickly became smaller in the white light, from a giant man to a height of less than one meter five.

The effect of enlarging mushrooms is gone!

“Finally, the protective ability has been eliminated.”

What caused Mario to sneeze was the E-level talent that Wang Ling had extracted:

“Troublemaker, the highest level is seven, each level enables a special ability, the current level: LV1. Level 1 ability: make the target you look at, make a violent sneeze, this skill can only be used on humans .”

Mario changed back to his original form, but he didn’t panic. He rubbed his nose, continued to trample all the remaining monsters to death, and then ran to the high platform ahead. There are eight steps on the high platform, and each step is about the same height as the plumber—that is to say, the highest point of the steps is nearly twelve meters above the ground!

Mario jumped up the steps step by step, and after reaching the highest platform, he suddenly accelerated to run! He was about to jump high, land on the top of the flagpole in front of the platform, and tore down the devil’s battle flag of Demon King Kuba.

When running at an accelerated pace, he can jump an astounding ten meters, plus the height of the steps itself is twelve meters. When jumping to the flagpole, the squat plumber rose quickly like a pole vault athlete in the Olympic Games, drew a wonderful arc to the top, and then fell in the direction of the battle flag!

Wang Ling, who had not yet climbed the steps, squinted at all this from a distance, and a light flashed in his hand, which was the light emitted by using the “E-level skill refresh stone”.

Mario in the air felt his nose suddenly itchy again, and couldn’t help but sneezed super, at the same time, his heart was cold: it’s broken!

Sure enough, with the sudden twitching of the body when sneezing, the originally wonderful parabola, the arc suddenly no longer harmonious. Mario stretched out his hands in panic, trying to grab the flag or the flagpole, but unfortunately he is less than 1.5 meters, how long is his wingspan? So dancing in the air, he fell to the ground.


The height of 22 meters is equivalent to the sixth floor, plus the impact of the approach, what happens when it falls on the hard masonry ground?

If it was an earthling, 90% would be killed by a fall. After all, Mario is the protagonist of the plot who is proficient in jumping. It can be seen from the fact that he flattened the chestnut boy with his legs. The strength on the legs is definitely not weak, and this height should not kill him.

Sure enough, Mario, who landed on the masonry ground, fell to the ground and only cried out in pain. Wang Ling breathed a sigh of relief. From a broad perspective, the death of the protagonist of the plot meant the failure of the main quest, and he was obliterated. From a small point of view, he also didn’t want the simple and kind Mario to die, and he was killed by himself.

If he really died, he would have to admit that he was unlucky to die with him. However, Wang Ling understands that in this dream space, danger is inevitable. If you are afraid of gambling, then don’t think about extra benefits.

Wang Ling ran around the platform and saw that the red bar representing the health bar above Mario’s head was about one-ninth empty.

The plumber, who was lying on the ground, twisted his right foot unnaturally, apparently spraining his ankle.

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