Dreamland Guide

Chapter 640 - The sand on the moon is like silver, the sand on the moon is like water

   As Mei Yiqiu expected, after the windmill landed in the Coquimbo region of Chile, it hit the Andes with its head. It seemed to be eager to go somewhere, hovering in front of the 8,900-kilometer-long high mountain barrier, but unwilling to turn around or turn to find a circuitous route, and finally lost in the long narrow land of Chile. Its brothers in the northern hemisphere are connected with it, and they are silent among the many islands on the west coast of the Pacific at almost the same time.

   Due to adequate preparation, the disaster situation from the north of San Diego to Coquimbo is not serious, but under the raging force of the fifteenth gale, it still attracts enough sympathetic eyes from the world. However, people seem to have forgotten those places where the disaster first came-the islands on the edge of the South Pacific Basin-from a tourist paradise to a deserted island that no one cares about today. Tens of thousands of people lost their tracks in the wind and waves. .

   Although the United Nations launched emergency assistance to this area after the incident, it delivered enough food and supplies to help the survivors there rebuild their homes. However, due to the large sea area involved in the disaster, numerous islands, and too few remaining population, coupled with the serious damage, the efficiency of reconstruction has been lower than that of population migration, so the survivors had to be sent to a distant foreign land in the end. , Received by those generous countries as refugees, and from then on relying on relief and food in the pity of others and the caution of keeping a distance.

   Different from their destiny, the citizens of Hawaii, which are also islands in the Pacific Ocean, have also experienced the baptism of windmills, have returned to their homes one after another. The guarantee of money and national strength quickly made this area a hot spot for world tourism. They rebuilt towns, airports and yacht piers, and also preserved many devastations that were exposed after the tide receded. Tourists not only enjoy Hawaii’s beaches and sunshine, but also like to see the ruins of the windmills, to witness the ruthlessness of the storm and the strength of human beings.

The Bass Islands, Tubuai Islands, Tuamotu Islands, Cook Islands, Massachus Islands, and Bastak Islands have since become a paradise for seabirds, wild snakes and iguanas. No one will disturb you for a long time. In the time, they multiplied as much as they wanted and developed a huge ethnic group until humans re-visited and occupied their homes.

   However, just on the edge of the eye of this storm, a small island with a coastline less than three kilometers south of the Bass Islands, three hundred nautical miles south of the Bass Islands, seems to be particularly favored by God, and it looks breezy.

The island has neither the tragic sight of large trees slanting after the cyclone, nor the aftermath of the stormy waves that can’t retreat into a lake. Even the wooden pile on the beach that looks like it can be blown gently by the wind. The cabins that were blown down are still intact.

   The bay is shaped like a crescent moon, and the turquoise and clear waves gently rush onto the golden beach, over the wooden piles of the cabins, washing the floor with shells, just like the romantic place where princesses and princes walk barefoot in the fairy tale kingdom.

  The sandy beach slowly slanted upward until it reached the purple forest on the mountain. Along the woods, there is a gentle hillside, full of colorful flowers. There are two artistic stone houses on the slope. Because they are integrated with the surrounding scenery, they look more like a pile of **** rocks.

Xia Xiaoxiao sat in front of the stone house, staring at the blue sea stretching out into the distance, colliding with the pale sky at a very far distance, and knocking out many clouds of different shapes, and the sun was sinking in the meantime. IPL.

   The waves push each other from a distance, as if the painter’s delicate brushstrokes depict the shapes of reefs, beaches and palm tree roots. They sounded constantly throughout the night, like the quarrels of neighbors, the singing of poets, and the shouts of street vendors. The natural hustle and bustle made people living in this place outside the world not feel lonely.

   This is where the family of three used to live. From every cloud in the sky to every stone on the ground to every shell on the seashore are full of happy memories of the past.

   She still remembers when she and Situ came here for the first time many years ago, she looked at the sunset west and exclaimed: “It’s so beautiful!”

   At that time they were still on the way to escape. All the staff in Laboratory 19 were dead, including those once great scientists and young researchers like her. Even the cleaners were not spared. She became the only survivor, and invisible danger has been surrounding her.

   She knew that Situ’s purpose for saving her was not so simple, but since the first glance she saw him, she had confirmed that she had found her life’s support and emotional sustenance, even if she wandered for a lifetime, even if she was in danger.

   For a long time, she had nightmares, dreaming that her former colleague came to her with resentment and asked her why she was living alone. She was scared and lonely, and tried to end her life for countless nights. But every time that man appeared in time, as long as she saw his face, she suddenly had the courage to live, feeling that life was still beautiful and the world was eternally brilliant.

   When he was looking for ancient information in Tabb in the South Pacific, they found this small island. She felt that this was the fairy tale world she had imagined. She prayed that she could live here with him, but she didn’t say anything. She just sighed at the sunset that it’s so beautiful. Three days later, this place she is now in will be much more. Two stone houses were created.

   That was the best time she can recall in her life. The front of the house is full of purple flowers. Below the flowerbed is Crescent Bay. Their footprints are left on the golden sand. They have been washed away by sea water countless times and reappeared countless times. Later, the footprints became three pairs, and the extra pair of small ones was denser and more energetic than theirs.

   Alice was not born on the island. In order to ensure the safety of her mother and daughter, Situ took the pregnant Xia Xiaoxiao to Santa Fe, Argentina. In a small town called Bella in the north of Santa Fe, she went to his home and saw the majestic mountains. , Ancient mines and ruined houses of primitive Indian tribes.

   She is obsessed with the place where he was born, but does not like the mysterious atmosphere there. She felt that he was no longer free and easy when he returned there, with a solemn look on his face and heavy shackles on his shoulders, as if he had become a vengeful prince from a bard overnight.

   She would rather be lost in a distant city with him, although his charming appearance and elegant temperament will attract competitors who dare to poison her at any time. Fortunately, Situ is not a troubled person, he is consistent with her.

   She gave birth to Alice in the Mission Hospital in Santa Fe. She gave her daughter a Chinese nickname called Meimei, and hoped that she would spend her whole life beautifully.

   Alice has followed them to many places since she was a child, but like her, her favorite is this island. Since Situ built a small wooden hut on the beach that belonged to her alone, she regarded it as her home.

   For Alice’s safety, Xia Xiaoxiao decided to stay on the island and no longer wander around the world with Situ. When Situ came back occasionally, they took Alice’s hand and strolled on the beach. Alice always chased and asked: “Dad, Dad, what should I do if I miss you when you are away?” First posted https://https://

   Situ built a wooden house on the beach~www.mtlnovel.com~ The house was closed and there was no door. When the tide rose and flooded the wooden piles, the wooden house was like a boat floating on the water.

   Situ said that no one can enter this room except Alice. From then on, every time the daughter missed her father, the father and daughter would meet in the wooden house, like a pair of lovers meeting in secret.

   Xia Xiaoxiao is not jealous of this lover, but she wants to know how Meimei entered the wooden house. Every time a daughter said she had met her father in a wooden house, she thought it was just a fantasy in her young head. But once a daughter cried and said that her father was injured, and when Situ came back half a month later, she really saw the scars on his body that hadn’t completely disappeared, she knew that this lover had received her husband’s care. A lot of love, but she is still not jealous.

   Once, when she was walking with her daughter on the beach, Alice suddenly said that she missed her father. An unconcealed commotion in Xia Xiaoxiao’s heart was prying into secrets, encouraging her: Then you go to the wooden house and find your dad!

   Alice really went.

She saw her little feet step on the beach, and the tide suddenly rose up. She was about to call her back. Alice had stepped on the blue water and an invisible staircase, and walked into a door that suddenly appeared and opened. Wicket. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   Alice waved to her mother at the door.

   The door of the house was closed, the tide receded, and the wooden house stood quietly by the sea, without steps or doors.

   The fine sand is like silver, and the moonlight is like water. It is a good time for lovers to get together.


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