Dreamland Guide

Chapter 641 - The goddess looks at the sky, purple flowers bloom all over the mountain

Xia Xiaoxiao looked at the wooden house and thought of her daughter who was still in Wuzhong.

She had thought of going back to Wuzhong and staying with her daughter, but she was worried that her presence would cause trouble to the entire Xia family, and she was reluctant to leave the sweet memories on this island. Since the day the windmill was created on the Pacific Ocean, she has been living in panic, for fear that this place where she and her husband lived for a short time but regarded as an eternal home will be destroyed by the cyclone.

Until she returned here, she saw the sandy beaches in Crescent Bay still exuding the luster of gold and silver at night, the doorless cabins floating like boats when the tide rises, the ingenious stone houses on the hillside and the blooming in front of the house. The purple flower, she finally believed what Situ once said:

The lover’s home will never be swallowed up by the tide.

She also finally knew why Situ had been running around all his life—he had the mission of protecting a larger home from being destroyed by a greater disaster. She understood why Situ named her daughter Alice, because this is the fairy tale wonderland he created for her, and the small wooden house may be the entrance to the dream.

Xia Xiaoxiao walked through the flowers and walked to the beach, gently walking along the gentle curve left by the sea, leaving her footprints on the beach. She went around a long time and walked again from the beginning, and the footprints changed from two lines to four lines. She looked back at her masterpiece, and the road of one person seemed to have become two people walking. She saw Situ standing on the other side of the beach looking at her, laughing at her stupidly. She laughed, returned to the stone house contentedly, sat down on the black stone of unknown composition, and watched the night fall and the bright starry sky rising.

Many years ago, in this night, she leaned on his shoulder and watched the stars with him, more stars than anyone knew. Xia Xiaoxiao can call out the names of stars no less than Situ, and he also knows the position of each star in the Milky Way, but Situ knows more, and can even name the stars that are invisible with the telescope and the planets orbiting it. It looked as if the spacecraft he was in had docked there.

She knew that he was not the kind of talker, and would not just make up things to make her happy. He must have known what he said. She believed that those planets existed, no matter how he knew it.

When she searched the world and couldn’t get any news from him, she didn’t despair, but decided to return here and wait. This is the nest of love and the place of hope. She believed that he was staring at her somewhere at the moment, and fighting to protect their home, the home of love, never be swallowed by the tide.

The next day, Xia Xiaoxiao walked through the flowers again, walked on the beach, and walked along the coastline. This time she did not deliberately leave footprints, but allowed the sea to flow over her ankles. It was not until dusk that she returned to the stone house, sitting on the stone, waiting for the sunset to fall, and waiting for the stars to come.

The third day, the fourth day, the fifth day… She repeats this process every day, repeating the memories in her mind, repeating the look up to the stars.

Many years later, when Situ walked through the heart of ten days, in the flames of the supernova, he saw the silver sandy beach on the distant earth, with shells all over the ground and purple flowers full of mountains, Xia Xiaoxiao sat idly in front of the stone house, Looking up at the starry sky, her body has long since turned into a hard rock with her beliefs, letting the tide ebb and flow, and the wind and rain will erode.

When the sunset on the sea shines on Xia Xiaoxiao’s body that has not yet been petrified, Xia Chujue is growing like a sunflower in the Xia Family Manor in Wuzhong. She showed maturity and stability that far surpassed her peers, and she was smarter than ordinary people. More importantly, she has an aura that ordinary people don’t have. She can foresee certain things happening and make a very reasonable response.

Xia Wenyuan often laments that it is difficult to find a suitable successor among his children and grandchildren. It is not because they have insufficient talents in doing business or developing a family business, but because they lack sufficient long-term vision and broad-mindedness. Ability and luck can make the business reach the peak, but it is difficult to make the family’s foundation lasting. Only vision and pattern can make people go further.

As the signs of decay left on him became more and more obvious over the years, Xia Wenyuan fell into despair for a time, and was ready to divide his family property until he saw new hope in this granddaughter. He began to train new family successors. When Xia Chujue was eight years old, he prepared a separate chair for her at the family meeting, and asked Xia Bozhou and Xia Zhongwan to take her to participate in Huanyu Hechang. Important activities in the continent.

Others in the family did not express opposition, because the helm of the family only controls the family property and will not grab the shares and dividends due to the family members. But everyone is worried about the time that the little girl needs to grow up and what Xia Wenyuan can support, including Xia Wenyuan himself.

But Xia Chu felt that it did not disappoint. She was already well aware of all family affairs when she was fifteen years old, and showed great control. The power of her speech at the family meeting was not commensurate with her young body. Her words were sonorous, loud, and even straight into people’s hearts. They carved a solid mark in the minds of the participants and were effectively executed.

However, Xia Wenyuan felt a little uneasy. Power is the easiest way to rot a person’s heart, just like the mold that breeds in the dark corners, the cockroaches hidden in the corners, when you see it, it means that there is more and more corruption in more secret places. Rescue.

He warned her not to get overwhelmed, and not to let worldly things pollute her pure heart, although this has been inevitable since the moment he decided to let him take over the family.

The little girl said very firmly: “I am not interested in money!”

She took out all the assets that her father had left her as proof. Those assets were scattered all over the world, including real estate, gold, antiques, and shares of many well-known companies. The accountant and lawyer team hired by Xia Wenyuan worked for three full months to clarify these assets. Its size is far beyond imagination, and it is indeed enough to prove that she is not interested in money. At least the Xia family’s industry is not enough to breed her power. desire.

When Xia Chujue was eighteen years old~www.mtlnovel.com~ Xia Wenyuan finally passed away safely after handing the rudder of the family into her hands. He was just 100 years old that year.

Also in the same year, Mei Yiqiu unexpectedly handed over all the industries under the Third Space and Mei’s Lab to Bishenghua, and Bishenghua transferred them to Bishenghua and the part of her escrow originally belonged to Xia Chujue. After the merger of the industries, they were handed over to Xia Chujue.

A few years later, Xia Chujue went to North America again and began to integrate the industries left by the Wolf family. At that time, the old Wolfe had already passed away. Quay Wolfe and Huang Liang went north together, following the trail of the White Wolf King, from Alaska to the vast ice field around the Queen Elizabeth Islands, looking for the holy land and the legendary ice. The soul.

After mankind suffered a catastrophe and civilization regressed like a tide for more than half a century, Xia Chujue used her wealth and abilities to rebuild the order of the new world and became the hope and actual controller of the world. She accepts people’s cheers and worship, and wherever she goes, there is a surge of people. At that time, however, her favorite trips were the mulberry fields in Wuzhong, the highlands of Giza, the mines of Beira and the ice fields in the Arctic. She found peace there, and her spirit stretched to the infinite distance, touching the stars in the night sky.

At the last moment of her life, she finally returned to the island where she lived in her childhood. The sandy beach there is like silver, and the moonlight is like water. There are shells all over the floor, purple flowers all over the mountains. The small wooden house without a door still stood in the water, but she hadn’t walked in for a long time, so that she couldn’t remember the appearance of the man who had a tryst with her, but remembered his mission deeply imprinted in her consciousness.

She walked across the beach, through the flowerbed, and saw the stone statue that had been eroded by wind and rain.

The stone statue looks at the sky, and the stars in the sky shine.

She knelt down in front of the stone statue, crying.

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