Dreamland Guide

Chapter 719 - insist

All the people have not changed in their original positions, as if what happened just now was an illusion.

Huang Liang only felt that his body was emptied. The short battle just now consumed too much of his mental power.

Immediately after Howard, the man in black next to him, and Hong Kui, the three fell to the ground almost at the same time.

Huang Liang was taken aback. He didn’t care if Howard and the others were dead, so he hurried over to see Hong Kui.

Hong Kui was not dead, but he was extremely weak at the moment, and his breathing was already inaudible. Fortunately, Huang Liang is a doctor. He checked it briefly and concluded that Hong Kui would not die. As long as his last point of consciousness was protected with his spirit, his life would not be in danger.

While giving Hongkui cardiopulmonary resuscitation, he used his own spirit to explore the source of Hongkui’s weak consciousness, calling out Hongkui’s name.

The next thing is to see the victory or defeat between Hollenheb and Itnut.

There was a crystal clear ice-ribbed stick in Etnut’s hand. He smiled sullenly and said:

“Holenheim, you are indeed stronger than I thought, but you can’t beat me. Besides, I now have the Soul of Ice in my hand.”

Horenheb seemed surprised, and asked: “You were born in the dark and dark sandy land. You stolen the power and power of the Amenhotep family and the power of the blood of Tosha, the son of Unab, I believe you can manipulate The power of sand and fire, but how can you control the soul of ice?”

Itnut laughed loudly: “I am the son of Gaia! The son of Gaia does not limit spiritual traits and can control all the holy objects that can guide the spirit! Do you think that what Itsa left behind can really fight Gaia? Do you Forget, is Gaia the source of spirit and consciousness? Gaia is invincible! The sons of Gaia cannot be defeated either!”

Hollenheb shook his head and said: “Maybe we can’t fight Gaia, but we can refuse to be manipulated by her. And you are not Gaia, you are just a dog! No, you are not as good as a dog! Because a dog is stupid, but there is Your own brain, but you don’t even have a brain, even your own independent thought. You are just a synapse at the end of a tentacle!”

Itnut smiled wickedly: “You don’t need to be hard, you will know who has no thoughts in a while. You stupid humans, if you have to cling to this skin, then I will make you perfect. I will freeze your body. And your thoughts, your spirits, which are all given to you by Gaia, will eventually be taken back by Gaia. At that time, you will only be left with a cold corpse floating in the dark universe. Talk about freedom. , What thoughts to talk about!”

Horenheim sighed: “You really lived for thousands of years! You still don’t understand the value of life! You can’t see freedom, and you will never have freedom!”

“Then let me see the value of what you call freedom!”

After Etnut finished speaking, he lifted the Ice Soul in his hand. A breath that was countless times colder than the Siberian wind began to condense in the air, and the Ice Soul played out in his hand than Hongkui. A hundred times more powerful.

Huang Liang saw ice ridges appearing in the air in front of him, and all the water vapor that was not rich was frozen.

He was trembling from the cold. The cold air did not invade his body through his clothes, but penetrated his blood and bone marrow, as if the cold air had passed through a distorted space and directly entered his bone marrow.

He knew that this was not the real cold, but directly awakened all cold memories in his brain and magnified it a hundred times. This kind of mental attack is more terrifying than the real cold.

Horenheb was waiting, and took out a short red coral branch from his body, and said: “Do you think you alone have the sacred rod?”

Itnut said: “Sure enough, you took the holy object on the spire. But it’s no use! You only have half the soul of fire, and I have a whole soul of ice, ice and fire mutually fight each other, you can’t beat me. !”

“That’s not necessarily.” Hollenheb said.

A stream of heat erupted from his body, and the nine suns in the sky seemed to suddenly have vitality and began to shining hotly on the earth.

However, the freezing in the air was still severe, and Yitnut exerted his force again, and a steady stream of ice-cold power was drawn from the void that did not know where.

The heat can never dissolve the icy cold, but it does not seem easy for the icy cold to completely freeze this warm current.

“You can’t win!” Itnut exclaimed in his sharp and hoarse voice, “Your half soul of fire can only summon half of Toshaw’s divine power, and here is Chayak’s chassis. On this ice sheet, the power of the Ice Soul will become stronger. The whole world is icy and snowy. How long can you hold on?”

Horenheb stopped speaking, and went all out to fight the icy power from Eternut, which seemed to be a bit difficult.

Huang Liang didn’t know whether he should go up and help. In such a master showdown, his power was minimal, and it might even be unhelpful. He didn’t know how big the gap between the half and one of the so-called sacred rod was, but he understood that what Eternut said was right. In such an icy world, fire and ice would suffer from the confrontation. , And the reality is that Hollenheb has gradually become a bit of a sign of not supporting.

No choice.

Huang Liang decided to give it a go.

He gently put Hong Kui on the ground. In his weak consciousness, he reminded him: Hold on, don’t fall asleep, in this piercing ice, once you fall asleep, you won’t be able to wake up again.

Hong Kui responded in consciousness: Go ahead, do yours and leave me alone.

Hearing Hong Kui’s response ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Huang Liang’s heart was slightly let go, which at least shows that Hong Kui has recovered.

He no longer hesitated, condensing all his mental strength, on the red-lighted scalpel in the palm of his hand, and then struck Eternut’s back.

However, the water vapor in the air had already condensed into ice, and when his mental blade broke through the ice, the power was already greatly insufficient. Itnut just shook the trench coat, and a powerful force bounced back. Flew the yellow beam out.

Huang Liang couldn’t even tell if he really flew out or if he felt he flew out mentally.

He only felt that he had been flying for a long time, and then hit the ground heavily, his throat was sweet, and he felt like he was about to vomit blood. Although it is only a function of the memory in the consciousness, it is not really vomiting blood, but it is also uncomfortable.

He quickly closed his mind, closed his eyes, stabilized his spirit, and when he opened his eyes again, he returned to Hong Kui’s side.

Ittenut seemed to be a little surprised, and he turned his head to look at Huang Liang. Two cold eyes, like two cold lightning, fell on Huang Liang.

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