Dreamland Guide

Chapter 720 - spark

Taking advantage of this slowing force, Horenheb’s spirit greatly increased, and a flame erupted from his hand. Then there was crackling in the air, like a firework, a lot of sparks lit up, and all the ice condensed in the air burst.

Etruth was furious and yelled, “I’m looking for death!”

With a wave of the Ice Soul in his hand, he drew two intersecting straight lines in front of him, and a big frozen “×” appeared out of thin air in the air, which soon turned into an ice wall to block him in front of him, blocking it. Fireworks at Hollenheb.

At the same time, when he flipped his wrist, the Ice Soul in his hand pointed at Huang Liang.

In an instant, Huang Liang felt as if a huge iceberg had moved over, and it even suppressed the entire sky.

He couldn’t resist at all, and he didn’t know how to resist. He felt the coming of death, and saw death right in front of his eyes.

Consciousness began to store memories in the brain, and countless thoughts flashed in my mind chaotically.

He suddenly thought of Lao Yu, of Martha, of his childhood home, and of many people in the past.

He used to think that he was not afraid of death. It was only at this moment that he realized that he was actually afraid of death, because he still had so many people he was thinking of, even if some of them were no longer there, he still couldn’t let them go. In his heart, in his memory, their appearance, their names, their love for him and his love for them are always engraved.

At this time, a powerful thought occupied all his consciousness-to live! Must live! For Martha, for Selena, for Hong Kui, for Lao Yu…

A ball of flame condensed in his chest. The flame was so fierce that it almost burned him into charcoal.

Flames burst out of his chest and collided with the iceberg pressing on the opposite side.

The disparity in power can be judged with the naked eye. The flame hits the iceberg, like a firefly hitting Mount Everest.

But at that time, he had no scruples, no regrets, and no hesitation. His only conviction was to use all his strength to break the ice. Then live.

He called Martha’s name to the sky with his last minute thoughts.

In Wolfe Manor in far away Vancouver, Martha was awakened in her sleep.

She saw that the window was blown open by the wind at some point, and the faint flame in the fireplace in the room was blown out by the cold wind coming in from outside the window.

She got up, put on a bearskin dressing gown, and went to light the fireplace.

Master Wolf loves fireplaces very much. In this era when heating and air conditioning have long been popular, his manor is still full of such designs.

Huang Liang likes it very much. After they got married, Master Wolf asked them to pick a room as their wedding room. Huang Liang chose this one. He said that the fire in the fireplace made him feel the reality of the world, and that he could feel the same warmth when he was alone with his lover in the bed.

After Huang Liang left, Martha prayed in front of the fireplace every day. The flame, which was not fierce, gave her the warmth of her husband’s chest.

She struck a match and murmured: May God bless my husband and return safely!

The little yellow flame brought up by the little match head was thrown into the dark fireplace and quickly disappeared, which was shorter than the meteor in the dark night.

However, in a short while, the flame reappeared and spread rapidly, igniting the charcoal in the furnace like a spark.

Spark can start a prairie fire, but Spark will definitely not be able to break a whole iceberg that is overwhelming.

However, the miracle appeared like that. The flame that emerged from the chest of the yellow beam burst out with his mental power, and hit the ice cold duo from Yitnut’s hand. The power of the mountain, the flame, suddenly increased in front of the iceberg, from sporadic fire to clusters of splendid sparks, and then into a giant web of burning flames.

When the net opened, it just caught the iceberg and blocked all the cold.

Huang Liang couldn’t believe it. How could he burst out with such a powerful force?

When the mind settled down, and there was a flash of light in his mind, he immediately knew the truth.

He turned his head to look, and he saw that Hollenheb was stretching one hand forward, pushing against the ice wall sent by Itnut, and pointing the other hand at the yellow beam with half of the soul of fire.

The big net in front of Huang Liang is the power of the fire sent by Hollenheim.

He heard Hollenheb say to him in his consciousness: “Go, you go, I will stop him.”

Huang Liang wanted to say, you don’t care about us, concentrate on dealing with Itnut.

But at this moment, he has no extra mental power to communicate with Hollenheb. That would not only make Hollenheb even more distracted, it would also be easy for Itnut to intercept the content of their conscious communication.

Seeing him hesitate, Horenheb said to him again: www.mtlnovel.com

“Go away! Remember to take the kid next to you, he can be transformed into a white wolf, with Chayak’s blood flowing in his body. Itnut’s purpose is not just to get the ice soul, he wants to use the ice The soul is here to activate the Holy Land and welcome Gaia’s consciousness to come to the earth. At that time, the entire earth will face disaster. Only the descendants of Chayak can activate the Holy Land of Ice.”

Huang Liang was taken aback by this information, which he had never known before.

He glanced at Hong Kui again, only to realize that the various abnormalities of the Wolf family had such a background.

Although he didn’t know who Chayak was, he thought he must be a great figure from the distant ancient times, or even the last civilized era.

He no longer hesitated, stood up from the ground with difficulty, and exhausted his last strength to support Hong Kui who had awakened.

Horenheb reminded: “Remember, you must not let Itnout find this little wolf next to you. If you can’t protect him…”

He paused…, “Just kill him!”

Hearing this sentence, Huang Liang was really frightened. He staggered under his feet and almost fell down again, but he quickly stabilized his figure, supported Hong Kui, staggered, and walked along the unknown direction of the ice sheet.

He heard behind him, Itnut yelled: “You can’t run away!”

I heard Hollenheb say again: “With me, you can’t catch them.”

Itnut seemed to be a little frustrated, and said furiously: “Holenheim, you go to die!”

Hollenheb said: “It’s not that easy to kill me!”

Itnut said, “If you run by yourself, maybe I can’t stop you. But you are for these two boys…”

The voice gradually faded away, and gradually became inaudible.

In front, there are glaciers, like ancient frozen dragons, lying on the ground.

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