Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 15

: Fifteen [1 Person Saves 1 Report]

The General Manager’s Office of Oriental Daily.

The beautiful female secretary pushed in the door with a stack of newspapers in her hand, and whispered to Ma Chengkun who was leaning on the boss’s chair with her eyes closed, “Boss, this is today’s newspaper.”

Ma Chengkun opened his eyes, sighed and said to the secretary, “Make me a cup of coffee.”

The female secretary took orders to make coffee, while Ma Chengkun vigorously opened the newspaper sent by the secretary. The first thing he does every day is to read the newspaper, which is a habit that Ma Chengkun has cultivated for a long time. The newspapers on the table at the moment are all screened and sorted by the secretary, and the more important reports are placed on the top.

As the head of a large newspaper group, 23-year-old Ma Chengkun is too young.

No way, Ma Chengkun’s uncle was accused of smuggling 700 tons of opium into Hong Kong the year before, and fled to Taiwan. His father was accused of drug trafficking and bribery last year. . The older generation of the Ma family was born in a triad. After the incident, they all packed up and ran away. The “Oriental Daily” can only be carried by the younger generation.

Today’s “Oriental Daily”, Ma Chengkun controls the overall situation as chairman and general manager, and his cousin Ma Tingqiang is in charge of the newspaper’s external affairs. Two 23-year-olds are in charge of a large newspaper. Although they are full of energy, they have no experience or skills. The sales of “Oriental Daily” have dropped again and again, and they are about to fall below 100,000 copies.

Ma Chengkun first opened his own “Oriental Daily”. He scanned every page roughly, and when he turned to the supplement, he suddenly frowned. The page above was supposed to be a serialization of Ni Jiao’s novels, but it was actually replaced by a new novel “Searching for Qin”. The author Kang Jianfei has never heard of the name.

As the general manager, Ma Chengkun is in charge of the management department of “Oriental Daily”, mainly responsible for the newspaper’s advertising, distribution, outreach and so on. As for the content of the newspaper and the selection of manuscripts, Xu Jixin’s editorial department is in charge.

Xu Jixin is an old man left by his father, and Ma Chengkun also respects him very much, and generally does not interfere in the editing department. But this time, he was a little dissatisfied with Xu Jixin. It was a big deal to replace Ni Jiao’s novel in the supplement. Xu Jixin didn’t even greet him.

Changing the novel is a small matter and not informing him of a big matter. Ma Chengkun’s anger comes from Xu Jixin’s disrespect to him!

Ma Chengkun pressed down the displeasure in his heart and continued to open other newspapers. Now he has to rely on Xu Jixin to run the newspaper, and tearing his face is not good for anyone.

Ranked second was Ta Kung Pao. The secretary directly opened the seventh page, and used a red pen to tick off important reports.

“Hiding the filth, the shame of the press”

The bold and **** font made Ma Chengkun unhappy as soon as he saw it.

This report is dedicated to scolding the “Oriental Daily”, and the content of the scolding is basically concentrated on the “Fengyue” edition of the “Oriental Daily”, saying that the “Oriental Daily” sells eroticism and is vulgar.

The Fengyue edition mentioned by Ta Kung Pao is actually one of the pages of the supplement of Oriental Daily, which is devoted to publishing some **** and romantic affairs. Compared with the content of the Fengyue edition of “Oriental Daily”, the meat scene in Kang Jianfei’s “Looking for Qin Ji” is simply nothing, so that day, the editor-in-chief Xu Jixin had no concerns about the Yanwen in “Looking for Qin Ji”.

“Ta Kung Pao” has a mainland background, while “Oriental Daily” is pro-Taiwan. The two newspapers were originally **** for tat. This time, due to the continuous decline in sales of “Oriental Daily”, in order to attract readers, the articles on the Fengyue edition became more and more sexual and explicit, and immediately attracted the criticism of “Ta Kung Pao”. Suspension for rectification.

As soon as Ma Chengkun saw this kind of article, he felt angry in his heart. The sales volume of “Oriental Daily” reached the number one in Hong Kong two years ago. As a result, his father and uncle had accidents one after another, other newspapers beat down dogs, and all kinds of negative reports flocked. The sales of “Oriental Daily” suffered a series of setbacks.

“Dong dong dong!”

There was a knock on the door, Ma Chengkun threw away the newspaper, sat up straight and pretended to be calm and dignified, then coughed, “Come in.”

The editor-in-chief Xu Jixin came in. Holding the newspaper in his hand, he looked happy, and it seemed that he had met a big happy event.

Ma Chengkun stood up and said enthusiastically, “Uncle Xu, please sit down, do you have anything to do with me?”

Xu Jixin raised the “Oriental Daily” in his hand, and said happily: “Chairman, today’s 110,000 copies of the newspaper have been sold out. It seems that at least 120,000 copies will be printed tomorrow!”

“Really?” Ma Chengkun, who just pretended to be sophisticated, finally revealed his youthful and restless nature, with a look of excitement and joy on his face.

When Ma Chengkun took over the “Oriental Daily” last year, the Ma family was in turmoil, and the newspaper office was divided. The sales of the newspaper dropped from 160,000 copies to 102,000 copies last month. Just when Ma Chengkun couldn’t hold it anymore, newspaper sales suddenly bottomed out. How can you tell him not to get excited? .

“It’s true,” Xu Jixin, as the editor-in-chief of the newspaper, is no less stressed than Ma Chengkun, and now he seems to be freed from hell, he said, “The response of “Xun Qin Ji” was surprisingly good, and the newspaper was sold in less than three hours , hundreds of readers called to ask about the novel.”

“Looking for Qin Ji is really so good?” Ma Chengkun asked suspiciously. He just glanced at it and didn’t look at it carefully.

“It’s definitely selling well. Readers have never read this kind of martial arts novels that travel through time and space before, and they will be attracted by just reading a few hundred words!” Xu Jixin nodded.

Before Xu Jixin could finish speaking, Yao Guangzhen, the manager of the distribution department, rushed in excitedly: “Chairman, the newspapers are on sale! I have informed the printing factory that they will print 3,000 more copies today and 120,000 copies tomorrow! ”



On the second day of the serialization of “Looking for Qin Ji”, the female secretary Ali came to Ma Chengkun’s office and reported excitedly: “Boss, today’s 120,000 copies of the newspaper have all been sold out, and Manager Yao of the Distribution Department wants to directly print 5,000 copies. Is it feasible to print 140,000 copies directly tomorrow?”

“All 120,000 copies sold out?” Ma Chengkun was very pleasantly surprised and walked around excitedly, as if to release the depression that had been suppressed in his heart for a year, and kept rubbing his hands and muttering to himself: “That’s great. ,that is really good…”

After being excited for a long time, Ma Chengkun said, “There is a meeting, Ali, you call the heads of various departments to come to the meeting immediately!”

The big and small heads of the “Oriental Daily” quickly gathered in the conference room, Ma Chengkun stood up and clapped his hands: “Everyone, before the meeting, let us applaud Editor-in-chief Xu, he is the one who recognizes heroes and discovers a good book. novels, thus driving the overall sales of the newspaper. Thanks to editor-in-chief Xu for his contribution to the “Oriental Daily”!”

“Clap clap clap…”

There was a thunderous applause, and the people present were basically all the old employees of “Oriental Daily”. In the past two years, the two founders of the newspaper ran away one after another, and the “Oriental Daily” was about to collapse. Many employees resigned one after another, and the people who stayed were those who were sincere to the newspaper.

Everyone worked under huge pressure for a year, and now that the sales of newspapers are rising again, they are naturally in a good mood, and they all applaud Xu Jixinbao sincerely.

After the applause, Ma Chengkun said, “Colleagues from all departments can talk about their own situation.”

Yao Guangzhen, the manager of the distribution department, first spoke: “Since the serialization of “Xun Qin Ji”, the newspaper sales on the first day have increased by 8,000 copies, and today the sales volume will increase by at least 9,000 copies. Judging from the market reaction, I think it should be bolder and tomorrow Print 140,000 newspapers directly!”

Ma Chengkun nodded and said, “Very good, 140,000 copies will be printed tomorrow, and the distribution department must keep an eye on the feedback from the market.”

“Let me talk about the situation of the advertising department,” Ma Tingqiang was the second to speak, he is Ma Chengkun’s cousin and the future husband of female star Li Zi in Parallel Space, “Due to the sharp increase in newspaper sales in the past two days, the advertising department has I received 4 new advertisements this morning. If the sales of newspapers continue to surge tomorrow, I suggest raising the advertisement price and restoring the advertisements of “Oriental Daily” to the previous price.”

“Okay, okay!” Ma Chengkun said again and again, at this time he was so happy that he couldn’t find any other words to express it except “good”. Sales and advertising are the lifeblood of a newspaper. The news reported by Yao Guangzhen and Ma Tingqiang is actually an announcement that the Oriental Daily has become brilliant again.

Xu Jixin suddenly said: “Chairman, I want to explain a situation to everyone here. Before I say it, I will first review my negligence.”

Ma Chengkun was in a good mood and smiled: “Editor Xu, you said, as long as the Governor of Hong Kong is not kidnapped, everyone will help you with other things.”

Xu Jixin said: “Chairman, we must now stabilize Kang Jianfei, the author of “Looking for Qin Ji”. According to the manuscript contract signed that day, the issue of manuscript fees must be re-negotiated in the second week of the novel’s serialization. “Xun Qin Ji” was published in other newspapers.”

“What?” Ma Chengkun’s expression changed, and he reprimanded, “Why are you so confused, you have to trap him in the first place!”

Xu Jixin smiled bitterly and said: “That guy is very difficult to talk, and he compares himself to Ni Jiao. How could I promise to give him such a high fee. At that time, I only thought that “Looking for Qin Ji” might sell well, but I never thought it would be so Sensation? Now the whole of Hong Kong is talking about the novel.”

“Contact him quickly, no matter how high the manuscript fee is, you must keep him,” Ma Chengkun forced himself to calm down from his excitement and said, “A novel can bring a newspaper back to life in just two days. In time, “Xun Qin Ji” has increased the sales of “Oriental Daily” by 20,000 copies, which is already on a par with Jin Yong and Ni Frame, and this person must not be let go!”

Xu Jixin said embarrassedly, “Actually, I wanted to contact him yesterday, but Kang Jianfei didn’t leave an address or a phone number. I really couldn’t find anyone, so I had to wait for him to come by himself.”

“You…you’re so confused!” Ma Chengkun could not wait to kick Xu Jixin out.



Six days after “Xun Qin Ji” was serialized on “Oriental Daily”, with the advent of the novel’s plot, the sales of the newspaper increased again, reaching 158,000 copies.

The “Oriental Daily” once again won the title of “Hong Kong Newspaper Sales Champion” through a novel about traveling through martial arts, which shocked the entire Hong Kong newspaper industry.

You must know that the resurgence of the Wesley series half a year ago only increased the sales of Ming Pao by more than 20,000 copies, but “Xun Qin Ji” directly increased the sales of “Oriental Daily” from 102,000 copies. To 158,000 copies!

Before that, the sales of Oriental Daily had been declining for more than a year, and it was about to decline.

One person saves one report!

Now the bosses of various newspapers are inquiring about Kang Jianfei, and they want to find this new popular writer to make an appointment.

In Jin Yong’s office, Ming Pao editor-in-chief Pan Yuesheng said with an ugly face: “Mr. Cha, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is my negligence this time. “Xun Qin Ji” was originally submitted to “Ming Pao” first, I Without even reading the manuscript, the person was sent away.”

Jin Yong didn’t see a trace of displeasure on his face, instead he asked with a smile, “Why, that Kang Jianfei also asked you to read the manuscript?”

Pan Yuesheng said embarrassedly: “Yes, at that time I was going back to the editor-in-chief to review Ni Jiao’s manuscript, and I only regarded Kang Jianfei as an ordinary new author. I felt that this person was too slick, so I didn’t read his manuscript, only glanced at him. The name of the novel is “Looking for Qin”. I didn’t expect this novel to be so powerful that it overshadowed Wesley’s limelight.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Jin Yong said, waving his hand, “Dongfang Daily takes the vulgar line of the market, while Ming Pao has a much higher style. I have read the manuscript of “Xun Qin Ji”, and even if I repeat it again, I still He will return his manuscript. Running a newspaper is running a newspaper, not a novel journal. Adhering to the idea of running a newspaper is the long-term solution, and relying on novels to increase sales is only a temporary solution.”

After sending Pan Yuesheng to leave, Jin Yong, who was indifferent just now, felt a trace of regret in his heart. If he had known that “Xun Qin Ji” was such a big hit, he would definitely open a new novel column for Kang Jianfei in the supplement, and then personally supervise the editor of the newspaper to delete and correct the meat scenes in “Xun Qin Ji”.

Unfortunately, regret is useless. “Oriental Daily” has once again surpassed “Ming Pao” in sales due to the popularity of “Xun Qin Ji”.


Students who want the essence, I am very sorry. The weekly essence is limited. There are too many book friends who post. This week’s essence will be used up on Monday.

Old Wang is about to die!

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