Dreams of the Fragrant River

Chapter 16

: Sixteen [The First Pot Of Gold]

In the building of Oriental Daily, it has been very lively these days. The newspaper has once again become the sales champion in Hong Kong, which makes the employees very motivated. After the sales volume has steadily increased and the advertising revenue has increased, the treatment of the employees will also be improved accordingly.

It was in this atmosphere that Kang Jianfei stepped into the door of the newspaper office again.

Kang Jianfei walked leisurely towards the elevator, and suddenly someone next to him shouted, “Kang Jianfei, Kang Jianfei is here!”

Kang Jianfei turned his head to look, but it was Yun Bo, a young reporter from the Oriental Daily who showed him the way that day. This guy rushed towards Kang Jianfei as if he had seen the God of Wealth.

Hearing Yun Bo’s shout, the staff of the newspaper office on the first floor quickly gathered and surrounded Kang Jianfei.

“Is this Kang Jianfei who wrote “Looking for Qin”?”

“So young, I thought Kang Jianfei was at least 40 years old.”

“And he looks very pretty, much more handsome than Ni Kuangke.”

“Mr. Kang, in Chapter 7, will Xiang Shaolong use the Mohist swordsmanship to show his might?”

“Mr. Kang, can I do an exclusive interview for you?”


The staff of the newspaper office, with your words, blocked Kang Jianfei’s road to a dead end, making him unbearable.

It stands to reason that these employees have not seen famous people before, so they shouldn’t come over to watch Kang Jianfei with such a fuss. It’s just that Kang Jianfei is too mysterious and legendary: a guy who is unknown and unknown, suddenly brought the “Oriental Daily” back to life with a novel, which is like a novel in itself.

What’s more, as an employee of “Oriental Daily”, Kang Jianfei has brought them very real benefits.

“Borrowed, borrowed, please let me go!” With a smile on his face, Kang Jianfei used a lot of energy, forcibly pushed the person in front of him away, and squeezed into the elevator abruptly.

Kang Jianfei is very clear about when to be approachable and when to be arrogant.

Now Kang Jianfei is in the limelight, and forming a group with these ordinary newspaper employees will only weaken the halo of genius on his head. Properly aloof and arrogant, as long as his words and deeds are not excessive, these people will look up to him even more.

As he climbed the third floor with difficulty, Kang Jianfei raised his hand when Yun Bo, who had been following him, knocked on the door of the editor-in-chief first.

“Come in!” Xu Jixin’s voice came from inside.

Yun Bo hurriedly opened the door and reported to Xu Jixin, “Editor-in-chief, Mr. Kang is here.”

“Kang Jianfei?” Before Xu Jixin could see Kang Jianfei outside the door, he suddenly stood up after hearing the words “Mr. Kang”.

In the past few days, Xu Jixin and Ma Chengkun have been waiting for Kang Jianfei every day. They were afraid that he would directly submit “Xun Qin Ji” to other newspapers without saying a word.

Kang Jianfei walked in, stretched out his hand and smiled at Xu Jixin: “Editor Xu, I haven’t seen you for a few days, you are more energetic.”

“Mr. Tuokang’s blessing.” After Xu Jixin shook hands with Kang Jianfei, he greeted with a smile, “Mr. Kang, please sit down, I thought you weren’t coming. What would you like to drink?”

“Just have a glass of boiled water,” Kang Jianfei slumped into the leather sofa and said, “If I don’t come today, Editor-in-chief Xu probably won’t be able to sleep at night.”

Xu Jixin made a look and ordered Yun Bo to pour water, pretending to be calm and saying, “Mr. Kang is joking.”

When Kang Jianfei saw that he didn’t take the initiative to pay for the manuscript, he didn’t bother to open his mouth, so he just sat there with his eyes closed and rested.

Just as Yun Bo was pouring the water, Ma Chengkun, chairman and general manager of Oriental Daily, suddenly burst in. Since Kang Jianfei was lying on the sofa with his back to him, Ma Chengkun didn’t see anyone and asked Xu Jixin anxiously, “Uncle Xu, I heard that Kang Jianfei is here, what about the others?”

As soon as Xu Jixin saw Ma Chengkun’s anxious appearance, he knew that today’s negotiation was a certain loss. Although Ma Chengkun is young and promising, he is still a little too impatient to deal with things and does not have much patience.

“Chairman, Mr. Kang is here.” Xu Jixin pointed at Kang Jianfei.

Kang Jianfei’s face turned even faster than in June, he suddenly stood up and said with a big smile: “Oh, you are Chairman Ma? You have been my idol for a long time, and you are in charge of a big newspaper at a young age. , is simply a role model for youth.”

Seeing Kang Jianfei’s attitude towards him being so respectful, Ma Chengkun felt quite at ease, and smiled, “Where, Mr. Kang is a young and talented person. A wonderful pen stirs the river. I am also a fan of Mr. Kang’s books.”

After the two talked nonsense, Ma Chengkun asked the young reporter Yun Bo to go out first, and then asked straight to the point: “I would like to ask Mr. Kang to continue serializing “Xun Qin Ji” in the “Oriental Daily”. You can offer a price for the manuscript fee.”

“Okay, Chairman Ma is really arrogant,” Kang Jianfei applauded, “Since you said so, then I can’t be too stingy, just 500 yuan per thousand words.”

When Xu Jixin heard the number next to him, he was so angry that he almost fell.

Ni Jiao’s manuscript fee for Ming Pao is only 180 yuan per thousand words. Huang Yulang asked Ni Jiao to write a novel of 500 yuan per thousand words. That is just hype, not the normal market price.

Ma Chengkun was also slightly angry, but now it was Kang Jianfei who took the initiative. He could only hold back his anger and say, “Mr. Kang, is this fee a little too much?”

Kang Jianfei said earnestly: “Ah, Mr. Ma, in fact, I want so much for the manuscript because I’m thinking of the Oriental Daily.”

Xu Jixin finally realized what it means to confuse black and white, and he even said that it was for the sake of “Oriental Daily”, which is shameless!

Ma Chengkun asked with a stiff smile, “May I ask how Mr. Kang thinks about the newspaper?”

Kang Jianfei explained clearly: “First, I want a fee of 500 yuan per thousand words, which is only a drop in the bucket compared to the profits made by the Oriental Daily in the past few days. Moreover, you can also use this topic to hype, Said that I and Ni Jiao’s manuscript fee is the same, but the second Ni Jiao was born. By the way, I forgot to tell the two of you, it has only been more than a month since I swam from the mainland.”

Ma Chengkun and Xu Jixin looked at each other, both saw the surprise in the other’s eyes, and nodded slightly to each other, as if they agreed with Kang Jianfei’s plan.

Ni Jiao also swam from the mainland back then. Ni Jiao also became famous for writing novels. Kang Jianfei has too many similarities with him. In addition, both of them have paid a high price of 500 yuan per thousand words.

The biggest difference between the two is that Ni Jiao is now a famous literary legend, while Kang Jianfei is just a newcomer.

If Ma Chengkun operates properly, then the “Oriental Daily” will once again become a hot topic of public opinion, and Kang Jianfei’s own fame will also soar, which can be said to be a win-win result.

As for Ni Jiao, I’m sorry, but it can only exist as a stepping stone for Kang Jianfei’s fame.

Kang Jianfei continued: “Secondly, if you give me a fee of 500 yuan per thousand words, I can guarantee that I will not submit to other newspapers within three years, and I will choose Oriental Daily as the first choice for publishing novels within five years.”

Ma Chengkun and Xu Jixin are both overjoyed. Kang Jianfei has promised to give the “Oriental Daily” an exclusive contribution. In this way, with the popularity of “Xun Qin Ji”, the salary of 500 yuan per thousand words is indeed not too outrageous.

How do they know that Kang Jianfei’s writing is so bad that it’s terrible to see, even if he doesn’t promise to write exclusively for the “Oriental Daily”, he won’t be able to write other novels within two years – writing a “Looking for Qin Ji” has already made Kang Jianfei vomit blood. .

Just when Ma Chengkun was about to agree, Kang Jianfei suddenly said, “But I have a condition, I hope Oriental Daily can advance my full payment of 750,000 Hong Kong dollars. I plan to write 1.5 million words for this drama.”

Xu Jixin was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, “No, absolutely not. To put it in a bad way, if Mr. Kang turns around and runs back to the mainland with this money, who are we going to ask for the manuscript?”

“How about 500,000 yuan?” Kang Jianfei asked the sky just now, but now it has suddenly dropped by a third to give the other party a feeling of taking advantage.

Ma Chengkun hesitated for a while and asked, “Is Mr. Kang in a hurry to use the money? If I need help anywhere, I can do my best.”

Kang Jianfei asked, “How about this? I’ll give you a 500,000-word novel first, and you will pay me 500,000 in advance.”

Xu Jixin was still thinking about it, but Ma Chengkun wanted to be more forthright. After hesitating for half a minute, he said to Kang Jianfei, “That’s it, I don’t know if Mr. Kang’s novel has been brought over?”

“Chairman Ma really is someone who does big things,” Kang Jianfei patted the flattery without capital, and took out a stack of manuscript papers from his bag, “The manuscripts of 500,000 are all here.”

An hour later, the two parties successfully signed the contract.

Kang Jianfei got his wish in cash for 500,000 yuan and was about to transfer it to the bank when he heard Ma Chengkun say, “Mr. Kang, how about a cup of tea together?”

“Okay, it’s an honor to be invited by Chairman Ma.” Kang Jianfei stopped.

In the end, the two did not go to drink tea, but found a cafe to sit down.

The reason why Ma Chengkun invited Kang Jianfei to drink coffee with courtesy was because he thought Kang Jianfei was very interesting and he would definitely become famous in the future.

How many local Hong Kong citizens are now working hard all their lives to buy a house for the 500,000 yuan? A mainland boy, UU reading www. uukanshu.com earned 500,000 a month in Hong Kong, which can only be described as a genius.

Although Ma Chengkun is young and impatient, there is one quality in him that the seasoned Xu Jixin can’t match, that is, he doesn’t stick to small details, and he doesn’t care about taking a small loss. Having a good relationship before Kang Jianfei really made his fortune was like adding a layer of protection to the future “Oriental Daily”.

When Ni Jiao was just an ordinary editor of a magazine, he also started to write martial arts novels with the encouragement and support of Jin Yong. In the end, the friendship between the two was unbreakable, and the Wesley series has only been serialized in Ming Pao for more than ten years.

Ma Chengkun is very ambitious. He regards himself as Jin Yong of the past, and Kang Jianfei as Ni Jiao of the past!

The two are not very acquainted with each other yet, and they didn’t talk about work and personal topics, but chatted and talked about each other.

After chatting for more than ten minutes, Kang Jianfei suddenly said, “It is very profitable to make movies in Hong Kong now. Has Mr. Ma ever thought about investing in making movies?”

“I don’t make movies,” Ma Chengkun shook his head again and again and said, “movies are too risky. A friend of mine invested 1 million to make a movie last year, but it was shown in the cinema for five days, and the box office was only over 3,000 yuan.”

Kang Jianfei was disappointed for a while, he still had the idea of investing in Ma Chengkunla to make a movie, and now he had to find another way.


Don’t vote for the 10,002 urging votes. Pharaoh also said that the manuscripts were kept.

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