Dressed As a Consort In Ancient Times

Chapter 89

Chapter 88

Gu Yun knew the sadness in Jiang Libai’s heart, so she decided to go to the palace tonight to confirm that the emperor and Concubine Yuan Gui were all right. If there was still time, she would still have to discuss with Concubine Yuan Gui. How to deal with this situation now…

In the middle of the night, when everything was silent, Gu Yun lifted the gauze curtain beside the bed and glanced at the sky outside the window.

“It’s almost time.” She sat up from the bed, picked up the night clothes at the end of the bed and put them on.

Jiang Libai stood up, put one hand on the back of her hand, wanted to say something, opened her mouth, but said nothing.

It’s just that the heavy and anxious breathing sound was very clear in the quiet room.

Gu Yun held her hand instead, lifted her chin accurately, kissed the corner of her mouth very lightly, and then pressed it on her forehead, and looked at her already moist skin with the help of the faint light. eyes.

“Don’t cry.” She kissed the tears from the corners of her eyes dry one by one, and pinched her little face again, “I will come back unscathed, and I will also bring you news about the Emperor and Concubine Yuan Gui. So you Don’t worry about me, okay?”

Hearing Gu Yun’s assurance, Jiang Libai bit her lip and didn’t say a word, but the tears in those moist eyes became more and more churning, like a stone was thrown into a calm lake, causing circles of ripples to stir up With that inexplicable thought…

“I’ll be back before dawn.”

Gu Yun sighed softly, and hugged the Seventh Princess tightly in her arms. Feeling the wet front of her chest, she gently stroked her soft long hair, “Princess, trust me.”

In the hazy night, people always lose their sense of proportion.

Jiang Libai struggled in her heart for a long time, and after closing her eyes, she pushed Gu Yun away.

After a few breaths of silence, her mind gradually cleared up, she raised her hand, and began to arrange the night clothes on her body for Gu Yun.

“come back earlier.”

After buttoning the last button, she stared closely at Gu Yun’s face, “Don’t get hurt.”

Probably because the dark night was so charming, Gu Yun smiled lightly and lowered his head.

After the kiss was over, Gu Yun slowly got up, and then disappeared into the inner room without a sound.

In the quiet and dark room, Jiang Libai was left alone with a dull expression.

She didn’t look back at the door until she gradually felt the coolness on her body.

Lying on the bed, she wrapped the quilt tightly, as if in this way, she could dispel the heart-wrenching panic in her heart.

Gu Yun has gone to the palace overnight as she wanted.

But she felt even more uncomfortable in her heart.

The capital has been controlled by Jiang Ying, so danger is everywhere.

But for the sake of her father and mother, she still let Gu Yun take risks…

Now she can only hide under the blanket, praying that Gu Yun, who is a fairy, will not be discovered by Jiang Ying’s people, and she will come back intact.

There is no moon tonight, thick dark clouds cover the sky, the entire capital is dormant in the night, and every sound can be clearly heard.

Gu Yun nimbly avoided wave after wave of guards, and slowly approached the dangerous palace.

Fortunately, she entered and exited the palace more often on weekdays, and she often observed the surrounding environment.

She avoided the gate of the palace and came to an unguarded wall.

Looking at the high wall, she took a deep breath and took a few steps back.

Then she released her mental power, and after detecting that there was no one within a mile behind the wall, she lightly jumped onto the top of the wall.

In less than a breath, she jumped to the ground.

According to the memory in her mind, she first went to the Changchun Palace which was closer to here.

Hiding in the darkness, it took her almost half an hour to arrive outside Changchun Palace. Just looking at the large number of guards outside, she felt a little headache.

After waiting for a long time, she waited for a good time for the guards to change their shifts.

When no one was paying attention, she avoided the sight of the guards like a gust of wind, and slipped into the Changchun Palace very quickly.

There seemed to be only a few candles lit in the hall, and the dim light of the candles was dim, like an old man with no

There is a breath of life.

Gu Yun’s heart tightened, and he hurried to the inner hall.

I don’t know if the fifth princess dismissed the little maids and eunuchs who served Concubine Yuan Gui, but at this moment there seemed to be no one in the inner hall, it was very quiet.

Gu Yun used his mental strength to catch the breath of Concubine Yuan Gui, and after confirming that there was no one around her, he immediately quickened his pace.


Concubine Yuan Gui suffered from insomnia again tonight. She was lying on the soft couch, thinking of the emperor who was still in a coma in her mind, and vaguely heard a voice not far away.

She sat up all of a sudden, clenched the dagger that was just under the pillow.

“Mother Concubine?” Gu Yun took two steps forward, but she stopped after seeing the shining tip of the knife in Concubine Yuan Gui’s hand, “Mother Concubine, it’s me, Gu Yun.”

After recognizing who this vague figure was, Concubine Yuan Gui’s tense body relaxed, and she threw away the dagger in her hand, so as not to scare Gu Yun with it.

“Why did you enter the palace? Is Jianing in your house? Is she and Xing Xing okay?”

At this moment, Concubine Yuan Gui ignored Gu Yun’s son-in-law’s status as a “man” for the time being, and only cared about Jiang Libai and Jiang Xingwan.

On the way to Changchun Palace just now, Gu Yun had already delayed a lot of time, so now she briefly explained the situation outside the palace to Concubine Yuan Gui.

“…Mother Concubine, don’t worry, the princess and Xing Xing are still fine… It’s just that the entire imperial city is under the control of Princess Jiayi, and there are many things we can’t do…”

Hearing that Jiang Libai and Jiang Xingwan were safe and sound, Concubine Yuan Gui burst into tears, “It’s okay, it’s okay…”

But now is not the time to vent her emotions. Although Concubine Yuan Gui didn’t understand how Gu Yun was able to come to the palace from the siege, she knew that she was definitely not just there to spread the word.

“My concubine, what the princess means is that if you want to get out of the predicament, I’m afraid you have to notify General Zhao at the border and let him lead the troops into Beijing… It’s just that there is no emperor’s order. General Zhao can’t leave the border at will, so the princess wants to ask for an order…”

This was also what Concubine Yuan Gui had in mind.

She was trapped in the Changchun Palace before, unable to send out the decree, so all thoughts were lost.

Fortunately, now Gu Yun has a way to enter the palace!

She hurriedly got up and groped around in the dark room.

After opening the hole under the bed, she took a boxy box out of it.

After blowing the dust on it, she solemnly handed it over to Gu Yun.

“Mother Concubine, this is…?” Gu Yun looked at the appearance of the box, and had a vague guess in his heart.

Sure enough, Concubine Yuan Gui lowered her voice and said what was inside, “This is the jade seal.”

“Jiang Ying wanted a copy of the emperor’s imperial edict, so she had already searched the palace a few times. Fortunately, when I realized something was wrong, I had already put away the jade seal in advance…”

Otherwise, if Jiang Ying finds this thing, then Jiang Ying will be the person sitting on the throne now!

And she and the emperor, as people who are no longer of use value, may not escape the end of sudden death…

So it would be better to leave this thing in Gu Yun’s hands, and let her take it out of the palace. Jiang Ying never imagined that Yuxi was not in the palace.

“I’ll give it to you and Jianing.”

“There is no delay in informing General Zhao. After you go back tonight, write down the order to send General Zhao back to Beijing to **** you.”

As long as there is Yuxi, General Zhao will not be considered as leaving the border privately when he returns to Beijing, and naturally he will not be punished afterwards.

Gu Yun put the box in his cuff, and after a few brief discussions with Concubine Yuan Gui, he turned and left Changchun Palace.

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