Dressed As a Consort In Ancient Times

Chapter 90

Chapter 89

The house once again returned to its original tranquility.

Concubine Yuan Gui looked in the direction of the door, the previous despair was gone in her eyes, replaced by strong anticipation and hope.

She thought that Gu Yun was believable.

The person her daughter fell in love with would not be the kind of wolf-hearted and petty-minded person.

Do not use suspicious people, and do not doubt employing people.

Now, she doesn’t have to think about anything, she just waits for the good news from outside the palace…

On the other side, Gu Yun who left Changchun Palace galloped towards Qianming Palace with a heavy jade seal in his arms.

She had to hurry up, or she might not be able to make it back before dawn.

In the second half of the night, the sky became darker, and the patrolling guards became more relaxed. Gu Yun quietly came to Qianming Palace without much effort.

Although she didn’t know that Emperor Yu would be there, fortunately, she was still energetic, and after a simple search, she confirmed the location of Emperor Yu.

It’s just that there seemed to be some people around Emperor Yu secretly guarding her, so she couldn’t feel as relaxed as entering Changchun Palace.

Stepping lightly, she silently moved towards Emperor Yu’s position. At the last moment, she released her powerful mental power and attacked the guards in the dark.

But before he succeeded, there was an unusual movement around him.

Although the voice was soft, Gu Yun heard it clearly.

Not only Gu Yun heard it, but also the ears of those who were keeping in the dark moved, and then jumped out one after another.

Seeing this, Gu Yun completely hid his figure in a dark corner, held his breath, and quietly observed this sudden change.

A wave of men in black appeared in the night, and without a word, they attacked the people guarding the Qianming Palace. It’s just that they didn’t love to fight, they only rushed towards the palace.

…It seems that their target is the emperor inside? !

Gu Yun watched for a while, and when the two groups of people were playing heartily, he sneaked into the hall while they were not paying attention.

There were no candles in the house, so Gu Yun could only use his mental strength to explore around.

All the way to the inner room, she stopped, and after confirming that she and Yuhuang were the only ones in the room, she walked towards the bed.

Yuhuang’s breathing was steady, but extremely weak.

Probably still asleep.

Gu Yun stretched out his hand and stayed on the tip of Yuhuang’s nose for a moment.

Fortunately, Emperor Yu’s aura doesn’t seem to be exhausted.

As for why it is so weak… Gu Yun is not an imperial physician, and has no ability to diagnose pulse.

But she can use her mental power to enter Yuhuang’s mind and search for it.

Although it may not be useful for finding out the result, it is better than nothing. What if there is a result?

Thinking of this, she released a ray of gentle mental power, which quickly penetrated into Emperor Yu’s mind.

After a while, she withdrew her mental power.

Strangely, the results of the search showed that there was nothing wrong with Emperor Yu’s brain, and he didn’t look like he was poisoned or injured.

On the contrary, it is quite normal.

Then why does he keep sleeping? !

This is a strange thing.

After going back, she had to tell Seventh Princess about this in detail, so as not to worry her too much, but also to let her think about how to make a normal person fall into a coma for a long time without being affected.

The sound of fighting outside became louder, and Gu Yun quietly touched it out again.

After seeing a panting guard lying in a corner not far from her, she raised her eyebrows and used her mental power to temporarily control him.

After giving him a big command, the man rushed towards the fighting crowd again, but the footsteps did not stop, he walked outside while beating, and finally disappeared around.

Seeing this, Gu Yun glanced at the two groups of people behind him who were fighting in full swing, and continued to hide in this corner with arms folded.

That group of people fought so loudly that no one came to take a look. Gu Yun couldn’t believe that there was nothing tricky about it.

Since some people don’t want others to know about it, then she wants to let others know.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ying probably still had to do a good job on the surface, and wouldn’t ignore it when everyone knew that the emperor was assassinated, so as to make it known.

About two quarters of an hour later, there were bursts of eager footsteps outside.

Gu Yun smiled silently.

It seems that just as she expected, Jiang Ying would not ignore Emperor Yu before she received the edict of succession.

However, when the guards heard the commotion outside, they suddenly became lighter, allowing some men in black to rush towards the hall.

Gu Yun’s eyes turned cold in an instant.

She couldn’t understand why those guards did this, so she could only release her mental power again and attack the man in black who had already stepped on the steps.

After stopping these people for a while, the sound of footsteps outside gradually approached and rushed into the Qianming Hall.

“Who?!” A group of people in the armor of the Royal Forest Army surrounded the fighters in a hurry.

The guards who guarded the Qianming Palace saw that no one in black had entered the palace. After gritted their teeth, they also confessed to the Imperial Forest Army, “We are guards with knives to protect the safety of the emperor. These men in black are here to assassinate the emperor. !”

In this way, with the help of the Imperial Forest Army, the guards also captured the group of black-clothed men in a dignified manner.

It’s just that the men in black are probably dead men, and several of them bit their tongues and committed suicide.

Seeing this, the leader of the guards took off the jaw of the man in his hand, leaving a few alive.

When the crowd dispersed, Gu Yun saw that the emperor was not in any danger, so he also took advantage of the dawning sky to rush out of the palace.

Along the way, she silently thought about the scene just now.

In the beginning, those guards were hidden in the dark, and it didn’t seem like they really wanted to protect the emperor.

And those people in black really wanted the emperor’s life, so they attacked so hard and rushed into the palace wholeheartedly.

But the guards also made deadly moves against the men in black. Only when they finally heard the footsteps of the Imperial Forest Army, did they put away their deadly moves and let a few men in black into the palace…

Such inconsistent behavior is weird no matter how you look at it.

But what Gu Yun can be sure of is that the man in black is not Jiang Ying’s.

If she wanted the emperor’s life, with her current control over the palace, she would have been able to let the emperor “suddenly die” long ago.

Not to mention, she still wants to pass on the imperial decree, and wants to ascend to that position justifiably.

So the man in black would not be hers.

Then who would want the emperor’s life?

Gu Yun thought for a while, and a name popped up in his mind.

Third Prince Jiang Heng.

It stands to reason that under such circumstances, he is the best choice for the heir to the throne.

But Jiang Ying suddenly appeared in the court that day and took away his right to supervise the country.

So… At that time, he pretended to hand over the power in his hand, so that Jiang Ying could temporarily relax her vigilance, and then waited for an opportunity to send someone to assassinate the emperor, so as to charge Jiang Ying’an with the crime of not being able to protect the emperor and causing the emperor’s death?

Is this really the case?

Gu Yun is not sure, and the more he thinks about it, the more weird he feels.

Forget it, such a matter, she should discuss it with the Seventh Princess after returning home.

Princess Seven knows the other members of the royal family quite well, maybe she can guess the key to it?

A moment before the sky turned white, Gu Yun returned to the backyard of the Princess Mansion.

As soon as the door opened and closed, her figure appeared in the room.

Before reaching the inner room, Jiang Libai trotted up to Gu Yun with her skirt in her hands.

“You are finally back!”

The big stone in her heart fell to the ground, her small mouth shrunk, her eyes were red and she threw herself into Gu Yun’s arms, “You are finally back…”

Gu Yun was covered with the chill of the night, she gently pushed Jiang Libai away, took off her somewhat damp robe, and then embraced Princess Seven into her warm arms again.

“Look, haven’t I come back intact?”

Jiang Libai’s tears were all on her collar, she didn’t speak, just sobbed silently.

seems to be expressing her inner

Guilt and worry.

Gu Yun touched her little head, then bent down, picked her up horizontally, walked all the way into the inner room, and put her under the quilt.

Feeling the coolness of the bedding, she sighed in her heart, took off her wet underwear, and lay down beside Jiang Libai.

After holding her soft catkin, she said softly and softly: “You are my wife, and your father, mother and concubine are also my father, mother and concubine. If they are in trouble, I will naturally not stand idly by .”

“So you don’t have to have any psychological burden.”

“And you see, I’m not hurt at all.”

When Gu Yun said, “Your father, mother and concubine are also my father, mother and concubine”, Jiang Libai’s heart throbbed for a while, and more guilt followed.

She leaned lightly on Gu Yun’s shoulder, and wrapped her arms around her thin waist, “Yes, we are a family, and we should not separate ourselves from each other.”

“It’s just that I’m worried about them, and I’m also worried about you.”

“And… if you get hurt because of my request, I will feel even more uncomfortable.”

Gu Yun understood her thoughts, lowered his head and kissed her forehead, then said softly: “Yes, for the sake of my princess not feeling bad, not only did I not get hurt, but I also completed the task assigned by the princess on time.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Libai raised her head, “Are the emperor and concubine mother all right?”

Just now when Gu Yun came back, she was relaxed, and she had some guesses in her heart.

Sure enough, Gu Yun nodded: “They are all fine, and have not been abused or destroyed by Jiang Ying.”

“It’s just that the emperor is still in a coma, and it seems that he won’t wake up for a while…”

Gu Yun talked about Emperor Yu’s situation in a low voice, and described in detail what happened outside Fang Caigan Ming Palace.

“…So, what does the princess think about the identity of the man in black?”

When Jiang Libai heard that someone was going to assassinate her father, her heart ached again, but after hearing Gu Yun say that her father was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing Gu Yun’s question at this moment, her face darkened, and she said her name lightly: “Jiang Heng.”

“It should be him.”

Nowadays, he is probably the only person who can send people into the palace to assassinate the father.

But Jiang Libai, like Gu Yun, couldn’t understand the weirdness of the assassination.

From the looks of it, Jiang Ying would still save her father’s life, that’s why she sent people to protect him, which was why those guards worked so hard at the beginning.

But why did you let the man in black into the palace in the end? !

Could it be that she doesn’t really care about her father’s life?

Jiang Libai closed her eyes. Having been immersed in the royal family for many years, she turned her mind and came up with a guess.

“…If you want to ascend to that position in a legitimate way, you don’t have to pass the imperial edict.”

“As long as the father is buried, the prince who can inherit the throne will be charged with heinous crimes… Under such circumstances, as long as she works a little bit, she can also sit in that position without being publicly criticized.”

Although this method still has certain risks compared to a serious imperial decree, but in the situation just now, relying on Jiang Ying’s secret power, she might really want to try it.

Probably, this is why the last guards put the man in black into the hall, right?

Gu Yun looked at the troubled face of the Seventh Princess, and recalled Concubine Yuan Gui’s entrustment in his mind, so he got up and took the outer robe that he took off just now, and took out the box in the cuff.

Then he handed it to the seventh princess, “This is something that the imperial concubine gave me. She said it was for Jiang Ying not to find it, so we will keep it.”

“Also, there is an order to inform General Zhao to enter Beijing to **** him. The meaning of the imperial concubine is to deliver the news early this morning.”

Jiang Libai looked at the familiar box in front of her, her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly took it.

When I opened it, it was the Jade Seal of their Yu Kingdom that was placed inside.

She held it tightly in her hand, not only thankful that Gu Yun went in time, but also pleased with the trust of her mother and concubine in Gu Yun.

If not, I am afraid that this jade seal will fall into Jiang Ying’s hands soon…

“Gu Yun, thank you.”

Holding this incomparably precious jade seal, she expressed her sincere gratitude to Gu Yun.

Hearing this, Gu Yun frowned, a little dissatisfied: “Princess, didn’t we agree before that there is no need to thank you?”

“You are my wife, and we are a close family. If you are like this, you are a bit out of line…”

Jiang Libai heard the hurt in Gu Yun’s tone, bit her lip, straightened up, and wrapped her arms around her neck.

The cherry red lips kissed the corner of Gu Yun’s mouth, and after the sweet breath wrapped the warm thin lips, she blinked and said in a low voice: “Then, can you accept this way of thanking you?”

Gu Yun clasped the back of her head, deepened the kiss, and responded vaguely: “Naturally I like it, and I can’t ask for it.”

After the kiss, Jiang Libai exhaled lightly, and pushed Gu Yun away, “We still have important things to do, we have to draw up an order to send out of Beijing…”

Her soft lips were already slightly red and swollen from kisses, and they were covered with glistening water, like flowers with dewdrops in spring, making people want to pick them wantonly.

Gu Yun endured the clamoring restlessness in his heart, and replied in a hoarse voice: “I’ll go get ready now.”

The decree has been drawn up, but how to send it out of Beijing has to be carefully considered.

At this moment, it was already bright, and the Princess Mansion was still the same as usual, with some imperial guards outside guarding the house.

The two wandered aimlessly in the back garden for a while, and finally sat in the pavilion by the pool.

Jiang Libai sprinkled bait into the pond, lowered her voice and said, “How? There are guards outside, too?”

Gu Yun has released his mental power to perceive the scenery just now.

She nodded, her tone was quite dignified: “Yes, and there are quite a few people.”

Hearing this, Jiang Libai was very discouraged.

“What should I do? If the news cannot be delivered, my grandfather can’t lead the troops to leave the border without authorization…”

Regarding this matter, Gu Yun was also seriously thinking about it.

“Chi Chi Chi…” Suddenly, a bird chirping interrupted Gu Yun’s thoughts.

She looked up, and the parrot appeared in front of her.

“Me, me, me!” At this moment, Yixing took over the body of the parrot. It only shouted loudly without saying anything, considering the Seventh Princess next to it.

It believed that with its tacit understanding with the general for so many years, she would definitely understand what it meant.

Gu Yun watched the parrot fluttering his wings, his small eyes turned around, and he really understood what it wanted to express.

But she didn’t want to hide the seventh princess anymore, so she asked softly: “Can you send a letter?”

After Yixing was silent for a while, he didn’t pretend anymore, and spoke in a slightly normal tone, “Yes, I can pass the news out of the capital.”

Jiang Libai, who was next to him, heard a parrot speaking logically like a human being, and his eyes widened in surprise.

She sat up all of a sudden, leaned closer to Gu Yun, and stared at this parrot that she only thought was very smart in the past.

“Are you sure it’s safe?” For such an important matter, Gu Yun must ensure that there will be no mistakes.

Yixing flicked his wings, and replied in a very stinking manner: “I must guarantee to complete the task!”

In this way, Gu Yun didn’t delay any longer, and took Jiang Libai back to the study, drew up a new miniature version of the imperial decree, printed the jade seal on the back of the paper, rolled it into a small ball, and placed it in front of the parrot.

Yixing opened his mouth, and put the lump of paper into his mouth. After waving his wings towards Gu Yun, he flew out very quickly.

Looking at the figure of the parrot flying away, Jiang Libai was still in a dream.

“Sister…how does that parrot look like a person instead of a parrot?”

Gu Yun smiled and explained Yixing’s identity clearly.

“Remember what I told you, I am a person who came up from the stars ten thousand years later?”

Seeing Jiang Libai nodding her head in a daze, she continued: “Thousands of years from now, people will have a lifelong partner—the light brain.”

“One star is my optical brain, it is the same as me

came to this era. “

Hearing this, Jiang Libai thought for a while, and asked her own doubts: “You mean, that parrot has been with you all the time? Then why were you alone before?”

Gu Yun pinched her little face, and replied cheerfully: “It used to be hidden in my sea of consciousness, and it was closely connected with my head. So it didn’t have a specific body in the past, but only an empty consciousness.”

These words were probably beyond Jiang Libai’s cognition, and she found it difficult to understand.

But she still understood one thing, that is, the parrot used to be like a ghost, unable to show itself.

“Then why is it reappearing now?”

Gu Yun paused for a moment, and then briefly explained the fact that Yi Xing exhausted his Xing power to deliver the baby when she was having a difficult childbirth, causing the system to crash and nearly die.

“… Without the support of star power, one star will completely disappear in my mind…”

Seeing Jiang Libai’s dazed and surprised look, Gu Yun said another thing, “So at that time I named Xingxing Xingwan, which means that Xingxing will come back no matter how late…”

“Would you mind that the star’s name is such a reason?”

After probably understanding, Jiang Libai grabbed Gu Yun’s cuff with her small hand, “Why do you mind?”

“Without your partner Yixing, not only the stars cannot be born, even I would not exist in this world.”

Jiang Libai thought a lot, but felt distressed and guilty, “At that time, you should be very sad, right?”

It’s a pity that because of Gu Yun’s deceit, she ignored the frustration and sadness hidden deep in her eyes, just blamed her blindly, alienated her, and didn’t spend time with her…

Gu Yun raised the corner of his mouth: “Yi Xing has returned, and the conflict between us has long since disappeared.”

“And no one’s going to be smooth sailing all the time, no regrets. What I’ve got now, I’m satisfied, I’m happy, and that’s enough.”

“What has happened, let it pass, let’s move on, shall we?”

Jiang Libai’s eyes were moist, and she stared at Gu Yun timidly, “Okay.”

Since Gu Yun said that the past will follow the wind, she will no longer mention those unhappy things in the past.

In the future, she will treat Gu Yun even better.

Hmmm…and doubly nice to parrots too!

But… thinking of something, Jiang Li’s eyes turned bitter, “Sister, is that one star a man or a woman?”

The voices of the parrots were all the same, and she couldn’t distinguish between male and female.

“What?” Gu Yun didn’t know why, so he was very confused, “Is Yixing a man or a woman? Why are you asking this?”

Jiang Libai turned her head away, and said with some embarrassment: “You said that the star was in your mind all the time, so you are so close, can’t I ask its gender?”

At this moment, Gu Yun smelled a sour smell, and she felt a little dumbfounded: “What intimacy? Are you jealous?”

“Princess, you think too much. One star is just an optical brain. And optical brains are not divided into men and women, which is equivalent to…”

She thought about it, and tried to make an analogy with what Jiang Libai could understand, “It’s like a stone, but this stone has been input with human-like thoughts.”

“So the light brain can think, but it won’t produce any feelings between men and women. In this way, can you understand?”

Of course Jiang Libai understood.

It is precisely because I understand that I am even more embarrassed.

She was jealous of a “stone” who had no distinction between men and women just now? !

Blushing with embarrassment, she bit her lip and gave a low “hmm”.

Gu Yun frowned, and laughed: “So, you don’t need to be jealous.”

The difficult days are occasionally mixed with some cheerful laughter, so that it does not seem too tormented.

Ever since Yixing left Beijing with the imperial decree, Jiang Libai and Gu Yun counted the days on their fingers.

Looking forward to General Zhao at the border can lead troops into Beijing as soon as possible to bring order out of chaos.

On this day, the two people in the mansion were teaching little Xingxing how to walk, and the wood outside the courtyard

Zhou bowed his head and walked in, “Princess, son-in-law, please see me, Mr. Fang.”

The Fang family?

Gu Yun raised his head, with an unclear glint in his eyes: “Fang Zhan?”

Mu Zhou nodded: “Back to the son-in-law, it’s Mr. Fang Zhan.”

Ever since Gu Yun was imprisoned in the dungeon, she had never seen this young master Fang who did not testify for her in the Ministry of Punishment.

Firstly, it was because she was not sure who Fang Zhan belonged to, and secondly, keeping him might be useful in the future.

So even though she knew that Fang Zhan was not a good person, she held back and didn’t do anything to him.

Then why is he begging to see him now?

“Where is he now?” Jiang Libai asked when she saw Gu Yun’s face thinking.

“In the living room in the front yard.”

Jiang Libai pulled Gu Yun’s sleeve, “You don’t want to see him?”

Gu Yun also wanted to ask Fang Zhan about some things, so he brushed off the corner of his clothes.

“No, I was just wondering what would happen to him.”

“I’ll meet him in the front yard, and you can take the stars back to the house.”

After leaving the wooden boat, wooden oars and more guards in the backyard to guard, Gu Yun walked towards the front yard.

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