Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 128 - new job

The lively Spring Festival has passed, and the Bai family returned to Songshi again.

Tang Liren stayed at Taotao’s house. She cooked five meals a day. Song zhi and Taotao had breakfast at home before leaving. At noon, Song Zhi came to the house and brought Tang Liren’s packaged meals to the Nongda dining hall and Taotao. In the afternoon, Tang Liren delivered lunch to Taotao, then went home to cook dinner, cooked dinner and sent it to Songzhi’s unit, and cooked a late-night snack for Taotao at night…

Under the careful care of her mother, Taotao was quickly raised to become plump.

Every other day, Tang Liren rides a bicycle to Lili’s house to take care of her third pregnant daughter.

At Tang Liren’s request, Lili specially packed a room for confinement, and prepared all kinds of things to be used during confinement: food, gadgets to relieve boredom, and There are small clothes for children, diapers, basins for washing diapers and so on…

And when Tang Liren usually stayed at Tao Tao’s house, she was not idle. In Tao Tao’s house, he also packed a room and came out, and later used it exclusively for Tao Tao’s confinement.

White pear pears are expected to be born on March 10th.

The results were delayed for a few days, and it was not until March 17 that she had a seizure.

Bai Lili successfully gave birth to a delicate and soft little girl.

Tang Liren only glanced at the granddaughter, then smiled, and said, “Oh my little darling, it’s exactly the same as when Taotao was born!”

Peach is also there.

She tilted her head and leaned over to take a look – the little baby girl was sleeping peacefully, her facial features were a little swollen and her skin was dark, but she could still see her delicate appearance. His temperament, even crying, is gentle.

“Mom, was I so thin before?” Tao Tao asked.

Tang Liren remembered the past and sighed, “When I was pregnant with you, it was the poorest and most difficult time in the family. The family owed a lot of debt, and worked every day from morning to night, but there was still a long way to go before paying off the debt. To the extent that it is far away… Your dad and I are blocked every day, and we often eat one meal but not the next. When you were in my belly, you starved with me. “

“When you were born, the family was also blocked by a group of debt collectors. Your second aunt supported me and hid behind the Tudi Gonggong Temple. She waited on me and gave birth to you… The day you were born, I was hungry for two days. You haven’t eaten for two days and nights, and you really have no energy… As a result, you didn’t cry when you were born, and you didn’t cry at all!”

“Your second aunt was frightened and went to your father with you. Your father hugged you in a few tattered clothes, begging grandpa to tell grandma all the way to the town’s health center. Doctor Du rescued you, but Later, it’s still said that you have been in the mother’s womb for a long time, lack of oxygen or something, hey, you have become a little fool who knows everything but can’t say anything!”

Taotao pouted, “I’m not stupid!”

Tang Liren hugged her granddaughter and said with a smile, “Alright, alright, you’re not stupid! You’re smart now!”

Howard crept out of the delivery room.

Tang Liren asked him, “Is Lili asleep?”

Howard nodded, looked down at the thin baby girl in the swaddle, and said with pity, “Mom, let me hug the baby…”

Tang Liren handed the child over.


As soon as Howard took it over, he was shocked, “Mom! Mom, mom, mom… help, help!”

——The head and neck of a newborn baby are very soft. As soon as Howard hugged the child, he found that the child’s head drooped softly!

Tang Liren was startled by Howard, and quickly snatched the child back from him.

Rao is so, the little baby girl is also aware of it, she closed her eyes and pursed her mouth and whimpered a few times…

After being coaxed softly by Tang Liren, she fell asleep again.

Howard was so frightened that his legs were weak, his face was pale, and he was sweating all over his body. He asked Tang Liren with a trembling voice, “Mom, is the child okay?”

“Why are you all right?” Tang Liren stared at him.

Howard almost lost his footing, “This, this…”

“…I was almost woken up by you!” Tang Liren muttered.

Howard breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter how Tang Liren didn’t like seeing him, she patiently taught him to hold the child at this moment.

Standing by the side, Song Zhi quickly took out his notebook and pen, and quickly wrote down the experience taught by his mother-in-law to make notes.

But Howard had been frightened, dodged aside, and no longer dared to hold his daughter.

On the other hand, Song Zhi, after putting away the notebook and pen, took a deep breath—

“Mom, let me try.”

Saying that, Song Zhi stretched out his arm tremblingly.

Tang Liren then handed the child to Song Zhi again.

Song Zhi was stabilized.

And, as Tang Liren taught, hold the child with arms in a straight line, so that the child’s head can also be supported.

Howard looked at it with envy and jealousy on his face.

However, Song Zhi was only bright on the face.

In fact, he was also very nervous, holding the child stiff all over…

Tang Liren asked him to carry the child to the bench and sit down?

Song Zhi was dumbfounded.

Holding such a soft little baby girl, he can’t even walk at all!

Finally, like a crab, he stiffened his body and walked slowly sideways…

Everyone present was stunned!

Howard also understood – it turned out that someone was only calm on the surface, but in fact he was panicked!

Everyone wanted to laugh, but they were afraid of disturbing the newborn child, so they had to hold back, watching Song zhi move slowly to the bench with a very strange movement.

It wasn’t until Tang Liren took the child from his arms that Song Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief, and felt a cold sweat.

He immediately took out his notebook and added another sentence to his parenting experience: It is very soft to practice how to hold a newborn baby.

Later, Song Zhi used water-filled balloons, tied together as an experiment, trying to learn how to hold a newborn baby.

The water-filled balloon was unbelievably soft, and after practicing for a long time, he still gained something.

In order to take better care of Taotao, when Lili went home for confinement, Song Zhi went to Howard’s house to hold the little girl in the name of visiting Xiaomingchan every now and then.

After going back and forth, Song Zhi hugged Xiao Mingchan easily.

Yes, Howard named his little daughter Huo Mingchan.

As Tang Liren said, Xiao Mingchan looks a lot like Taotao. When she was still in confinement, the little girl lost her edema, her facial features were delicate and beautiful, and she became more and more fair. She was simply a miniature version of Tao Tao.

As long as Song Zhi hugs Xiao Mingchan, he looks like he is looking at Tao Tao when he was a child.

Howard still didn’t dare to hug his daughter.

The daughter is too delicate, her whole body is soft and small…

He only dared to lie in front of the little girl’s bed with Xiao Mingyong for a while when his daughter was fed, burped out, and lay quietly on the bed, gently pulled Xiao Mingchan’s hand and touched it. Touch her head.

Xiao Mingchan has a good temper, no matter how her father and brother tease her, as long as she has enough to eat, drink, sleep, and…

He always babbles a few times to save face, and the corner of his mouth purses lightly, as if he is smiling.

Howard and Xiao Mingyong will be excited “Wow”…

“Li Li, Xiao Mingchan smiled at me just now.”

“It’s not, Dad, my sister is smiling at me!”

Then father and son would always get into endless arguments…

Until Xiao Mingchan was sleepy and yawned.

The father and son will stop arguing immediately, keep quiet obediently, and let Xiao Mingchan sleep.

After Li Li gave birth to a child, Tang Liren was the busiest.

On the one hand, she has to take care of Lili herself in order to feel at ease; on the other hand, she can’t worry about Taotao, who is more than seven months pregnant…

Finally, Howard gave Tang Liren an idea——

“Tao Tao is going to school now, and what she needs most is nutritious food. It just so happens that Li Li is also confinement. You might as well stay at our house. Take it and eat it with Taotao. Let Song Zhi make do with it for breakfast… that kills two birds with one stone.”

Saying that, Howard whispered again: “Otherwise, there are actually people here who take care of Lili. You just go there to take care of Taotao… It doesn’t matter.”

Tang Liren thought that the first half of what Howard said was reasonable, but when she heard the second half, she got angry and glared at him.

Howard hurried to see the wind, “but, no matter whether there is anyone to take care of Lili, what she needs most is your company. With you, our whole family will not panic…”

Tang Liren felt at ease.

“Then I’ll tell Song Zhi, I will arrange lunch and dinner with Taotao in the future, and let him come over to deliver the meal… Well, this brother also has to settle the account, so I asked him to give it to him. You pay the living expenses!” Tang Liren said.

Howard, “No need to…”

Tang Liren said: “Must have!”

Howard smiled bitterly: “You have the final say!”

Tang Liren is full of comfort.

In the blink of an eye, Lili gave birth to her confinement.

Both mother and daughter were raised by Tang Liren to be fat and healthy…

Lili has gained at least 20 pounds since she was pregnant, and she is very distressed. She wanted to control her diet, but Tang Liren forced her to eat five meals a day.

Tang Liren is strong, but Lili has a docile personality. She can only listen to her mother and eat to death until she can’t eat anymore.

Tang Liren, however, felt that her daughter loved beauty and was afraid of getting fat, and she vaguely revealed that she didn’t want to eat and drink like this every day, so she kept nagging: This woman lives longer than men, why? Just because women want to confinement! If you eat well and full during the confinement period, even the milk is nutritious, then the baby will grow strong and not easy to get sick! It’s good for you too…

Anyway, just don’t eat it.

Just eating and drinking like this…

After the confinement period in mid-April, Lili can’t wear all her previous clothes, so she can only wear those knitted skirts!

At this time, the family Bai Zhenggan sent a few telegrams over, urging Tang Liren to go back to work, saying that the unit had come to the house to ask several times…

There is no way, Tang Liren can also carry all kinds of gifts prepared by Howard and Song Zhi with the guilt of Taotao, the resentment of Lili’s refusal to eat, and the deep resentment of Xiaomingchan. On the train home.

Tao Tao goes to school every day with a big belly.

She was slender and no one found out she was pregnant at first. It wasn’t until the spring, when the bloated cotton-padded coat was changed, and a sweater was put on, and then a single coat was put on, and everyone was surprised to find her big belly.

However, nearly half of the students of Agricultural University are over 30 years old, and more than 70% of the students are married and have children. No one will look at Tao Tao with tinted glasses.

Recently, Qingyan, Taotao’s mentor, came to find her.

——Fu Qingyan is a female scholar in her fifties. She is devoted to academic research and does not like to take care of too many chores.

She asked Taotao for two things: one was to bring some foreign language publications and let Taotao translate them; the other was to hope that Taotao could help her manage the lab’s accounts.

There is no problem in translating foreign journals, but the accounting is…

Tao Tao didn’t want to go into this muddy water, so she evaded: “Teacher, I don’t understand the accounting aspect!”

But Professor Fu didn’t hide it from her and said, “Tao Tao, I’ll tell you the truth… I know your situation is special, and I’m not too distracted by these bits and pieces. But I still want to tell you. , As for the main account, your senior brother and I will straighten it out, mainly the petty cash account in our laboratory, I want to take it for you to manage.”

Professor Fu explained another big pass.

Tao Tao finally understood.

——Professor Fu brought a total of seven students (including Tao Tao), all of whom have no salary and can only live on the subsidy of the project fund. Zuo Tianhua, the eldest senior brother, can receive a monthly allowance of about 334 yuan, and the sixth senior brother Chen Yicheng, who has just arrived under the teacher, only has 7 yuan a month!

For Professor Fu, the most annoying thing is that students always come to her to ask for money. It’s not that she refuses to borrow, but each of the six students talks to her two or three times a month… This makes her feel that a lot of time is occupied by “borrowing money”.

Taotao is a pregnant woman, and everyone takes care of her consciously and doesn’t dare to bother her too much…

So what Professor Fu meant was that he hoped that Taotao would take over the distribution of petty cash, and take this opportunity to make a rule and formulate the financial system in the department.

Professor Fu spoke so frankly that Tao Tao would not refuse.

“Then I’ll ask you financial questions, don’t worry about me!” Tao Tao said.

Professor Fu smiled and said, “Even if you tell me once a week, it’s only four times a month, it’s better than six students telling me twenty or thirty times a month! Thank you Taotao, you are willing to take this one. Well, I thank you so much! But you also need to pay attention to your own body!”

Taotao nodded and asked Professor Fu how much the petty cash was in a year and how to approve it.

Professor Fu told Taotao that after a batch of national research projects are completed, the funds will be paid in batches according to the plan. One of them is called research grants. Most of Professor Fu’s students are postgraduates without professional titles, and there is not a single person who has actually entered the research institute. So everyone lives on allowances.

But the allowance is very limited.

The big brother Zuo Tianhua has been following Professor Fu for four years. Zuo Tianhua is following up on the four projects in Professor Fu’s hands, so he can get four allowances, but in total, it is only three per month. Only ten bucks…

Chen Yicheng, who graduated a year earlier than Taotao and is also under Professor Fu’s mentor, only participated in one project, so he only has a monthly allowance of 7 yuan and 50 yuan.

A month’s living expenses are seven yuan and fifty cents, which is just enough to feed the cafeteria, and I can’t even make a meat dish!

The project fund is allocated in batches, and the allowance is paid out at one time, usually at the end of the year. This has caused the laboratory to always eat everything… For example, in one of the projects, Professor Fu lent students a total of 450 yuan last year, but when the allowance was paid out at the end of the year, he only paid 400 yuan!

The 50-dollar deficit had to be moved to the next year to fill the hole.

And when the students spoke to Professor Fu, Professor Fu was not bad.

Tao Tao probably understood where the problem was.

So, she asked Professor Fu for the account books of previous years, and then returned home with a thick stack of account books and foreign language periodicals.

The translation of foreign language publications is not a big problem. Taotao browsed and looked up information in her spare time, and it took about three or four days to complete it.

But the ledger is—

As Professor Fu said, the allowance account is in a mess.

Tao Tao is also stubborn, the ledger is messed up?

Then calm down and take it slow. There are more than ten accounts, page by page, item by item… She almost re-copied several of the accounts with problems, and finally settled on the books. account.

Check again…

Among the seven senior brothers and sisters, Tao Tao is not counted and has not yet started to receive allowances. The sixth senior brother Chen Yicheng has only been in for less than a year, and the accounts are also clear.

——The one with the most messy accounts is the senior brother Zuo Tianhua; the second senior sister Shi Yuxi is the one who owes the most, with a total of more than 60 yuan; the second most owed is the fourth senior sister An Qiuli, with a total of more than 40 yuan!

——The remaining third senior brother Deng Gaoyun and fifth senior sister Qi Huan, although they also owed some money, but not much, each owed a few dollars.

After sorting out the accounts, Taotao couldn’t help but complain to Song Zhi, “The people who do scientific research are too poor! They are much poorer than the workers in the factory, so if it goes on like this… Who wants to join the scientific research world!”

Song Zhi also sighed, “In the final analysis, it’s because the country is so poor that it really can’t allocate extra money.”

The conversation turned–

“Otherwise, why do I have to ask you to become a lecturer first, and then take the postgraduate entrance examination! It’s not because after you become a lecturer, although you haven’t established yet, you still have income! When you get a master’s degree, it will come naturally. I’ve been turned into a regular, I have an organization, and I can take the title test!” Song Zhi said.

Tao Tao asked him, “Then when did you turn right?”

Song Zhi fell into memory, “I, I met Professor Huang in college at the age of 17. With his help, I was directly transferred to the master and doctoral program in my freshman year. It took five years in total, and I entered the graduate school at the age of 23. .”

Tao Tao, “I’m 22…”

Song Zhi smiled, “What are you doing compared to me?”

He began to enumerate her advantages, “Look, I’m not as smart as you, after all, I started studying since I was a child, and you, you only started studying when you were 17 years old… Look at your Japanese level now. You’re not under me anymore, your Korean and French are much better than mine… You see you can make more money than me…”

Tao Tao was happy, hugged his neck and bit him, “I will be even better in the future!”

Song Zhi gave a heavy “um”, looked at her smug and cute appearance, and smiled: “I haven’t finished talking about your advantages!”

Tao Tao was even happier, “What what? What else!”

Wow, so she has so many advantages!

happy heart!

Song zhi held back his smile, “Look, I’m not as greedy as you… At least three different dishes should be eaten in one meal, and the dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner can’t be repeated! Look, I don’t have any trouble with you. , there must be blooming flowers at home all the time, and curtains of different colors must be changed throughout the year… Look, am I not as good as you?”

Tao Tao was stunned.

“Song Zhi!”

Hmph, the little fairy is very angry!

Song Zhi laughed and hugged the big white peach, “But…why do I like this white peach so much? What kind of life did I have before! Only after I met Taotao and married Taotao… … just lived a good life that was completely unimaginable before…”

Tao Tao was very unhappy, and put her palm against his chest, not allowing him to hug her.

However, the boss gradually became more emotional…

Feeling the surge of spiritual power, Tao Tao immediately got up.

In the end, Song Zhi’s lifeblood was tightly grasped by Da Bai Tao…

And Taotao received a rich spiritual return.

Peach is happy in her heart.

The next day, after class, Tao Tao went to Professor Fu with the translated manuscript and the sorted ledger.

Professor Fu was startled, “It’s only been two weeks, and you’ve already done both things?”

Tao Tao nodded, “Please read the accounts first, and let me know if you have any questions. However, before I take over, it is best for you to clear the accounts first.”

Professor Fu pondered, “I’ll take a look at these accounts first.”

A few days later, Professor Fu came to Taotao, “I have checked the ledger, you are really good… nimble, and very organized. I have compiled a few of them according to the summary on your ledger. All the money owed has been settled. It’s time to pay it back, it’s time to deduct it, in short, from now on, you will arrange the petty gold account of our laboratory.”

“By the way, Taotao, what do you think?” Professor Fu asked again.

Taotao smiled and said, “Since the front has been settled, there won’t be much work in the back. I calculated it, including all the salaries of several senior brothers, and some other public expenses. You will pay for one month. I’ll be fine with about 180 to 200 yuan.”

Professor Fu nodded again and again and asked, “What they care about more is when you will give them allowances.”

Taotao thought for a while, “I looked at the records in the ledger. Is it the last day of the month at the end of each month, when the allowance of the month will be issued? Then there is no need to change this, and it will be issued at the end of the month. Borrow money from me once, no more than two dollars at a time, and it must be deducted from the allowance at the end of the month.”

Professor Fu listened, nodded, but sighed again, “It’s okay for others, but Yi Cheng is really…even I feel a little ashamed of him.”

Taotao smiled and said, “I know Senior Brother Yicheng. He was selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the same time as me to learn a small language! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also arranged a subsidy for him. Not much, like a month. five yuan……”

——This allowance, Tao Tao is also receiving every month.

However, the treatment of scientific researchers is really bad. It would be nice if we could get more benefits for everyone.

Taotao continued to say to Professor Fu: “Besides, let him participate in more projects in the future, and give him more opportunities.”

Professor Fu said: “Tianhua will defend his defense this year. If there is no accident, he will be hired by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He will withdraw from my project at that time, and I will consider letting Yicheng join.”

Tao Tao nodded with a smile.

She said to Professor Fu: “Then go back and tell your brothers and sisters, I will go there every Thursday afternoon from now on. If there is any bill or want to borrow money, I will wait until every Thursday afternoon.

Professor Fu responded, and gave Taotao another 200 yuan, saying, “Then I will give you 200 yuan at the end of every month from now on. I’ll leave everything to you! If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to communicate with me directly. Just say it.”

After speaking, she left with a smile.

The next Thursday, Taotao went to Professor Fu’s place.

For the first time, she saw six of her classmates neatly:

The elder brother Zuo Tianhua was in his early thirties, and he and the second elder sister Shi Yuxi were husband and wife. The two worshipped under the guidance of Professor Fu. Two years later, they became in love with each other. They got married two years ago, but they did not have any children.

Zuo Tianhua likes to play an official tongue a bit, but Shi Yuxi is a good person.

The third senior brother, Deng Gaoyun, was about twenty-seven or eighty-years-old. He spoke very little, and seemed to be the same type of person as Song Zhi – he didn’t like to talk, and he usually didn’t show much expression. He was a typical nerd.

Fourth Senior Sister An Qiu Li is a great beauty.

——She looks about the same age as Taotao, about twenty-two or three years old, with a slender figure and a delicate voice.

Taotao’s first impression of An Qiuori was that when she was in the old account of the science department, An Qiuori owed a lot of money. It is said that her salary is more than 20 yuan a month, of course, it is not comparable to the workers in the factory. But among intellectuals, a monthly salary of twenty or thirty yuan is quite normal.

The second impression is that although An Qiu Li is a student of Agricultural University, he is the dream lover of a male university student. She was three years older than Taotao. She just graduated when Taotao was a freshman. Taotao didn’t officially know her, but she met her.

Because An Qiuzhi lived in the postgraduate dormitory of the Agricultural Research Institute, which was separated from the female dormitory of Agricultural University by a building.

A lot of boys from the Polytechnic University stay in the graduate dormitory every day… As soon as An Qiu Ori passes by, there are many boys who greet her and give her gadgets.

After going back and forth, Tao Tao also heard the rumor that An Qiu Oriole was the flower of the Agricultural University.

Looking at it from a close distance now, An Qiu Ori is indeed very beautiful.

The fifth senior sister Qi Huan looked about twenty-seven or eight-year-old, with an ordinary appearance, an ordinary temperament, and a pair of glasses. She was a very simple and taciturn person.

The sixth senior brother Chen Yicheng is an acquaintance of Tao Tao.

——When Taotao and Lin Yuerong were in conflict before, they met Chen Yicheng by accident. It is precisely because of this that Song Zhi gave Chen Yicheng a door to learn Japanese. Later, Chen Yicheng seized this opportunity. When the diplomacy came to select candidates, he was finally selected because of his outstanding performance. He also participated in several training sessions with Taotao. Now, he has taken the postgraduate entrance examination logically again, and is under the guidance of Professor Fu.

In the end, Taotao looked at the senior brother Zuo Tianhua.

Zuo Tianhua is probably the person Taotao dislikes the most in the team.

He is too pushy.

Tao Tao knew him as soon as she entered the school because he looked older and was often misunderstood as a teacher by freshmen. But instead of clarifying the misunderstanding, he always misleads freshmen, boasting that the work he is responsible for is heavy and the projects he is in charge of are so important…

Frightened the freshmen even thought he was a leader.

When Taotao was a freshman, several students in the class mistook Zuo Tianhua for a professor-level figure, and were convinced by his personal “charm”. When the person who can’t graduate from the annual research…

very embarrassing.

When Song Zhi and Tao Tao were choosing mentors and projects, their only concern was that Zuo Tianhua was not easy to get along with.

However, Song Zhi went to inquire and knew that Zuo Tianhua was going to defend in the second half of the year, and it was very likely that he would leave Professor Fu’s team, so he chose Professor Fu.

Now, Taotao inevitably meets Zuo Tianhua head-on.

Zuo Tianhua looked at Tao Tao with his nostrils.

“…You’re the new Xiaobai, right? You should already know who I am? If you don’t understand anything in the future, feel free to come to me. Ah yes, you are still pregnant with a child, it’s been a few months. ?”

“Eight months.” Tao Tao replied.

“It’s a joke!” Zuo Tianhua frowned, “…What are you doing, you’re going to have a baby soon? Then you can exchange the work of reimbursement and reimbursement with Yuxi! Otherwise, it will be very inconvenient!”

“What convenience do you want, eldest brother?” Tao Tao smiled slightly, “I have read the previous account books, and have a general understanding of the expenses of colleagues in the department… eldest brother, we are engaged in agricultural scientific research, not professional in finance. , once a week is enough for reimbursement… Could it be that the eldest brother has to borrow money every day? So I need to run back and forth every day to facilitate the eldest brother to borrow money?”

All the people were stunned.

Zuo Tianhua has been with Professor Fu for four years, and is basically the second-in-command in Professor Fu’s team.

No one has ever dared to refute him like this!

He stared at Tao Tao in disbelief.

Peach doesn’t care that much!

She is not stupid, how could she not know what Professor Fu meant by letting her manage the account books and petty cash.

——Zuo Tianhua will be leaving in the second half of the year, but Tao Tao will only return to the team in the second half of the year. At this juncture, Professor Fu didn’t have to drag Tao Tao, who was eight months pregnant, to the muddy waters, but Professor Fu did it anyway.

So Professor Fu’s intention is obvious: she just doesn’t want to be used to Zuo Tianhua anymore!

Zuo Tianhua’s wife Shi Yuxi hurried over to smooth things out, “Little Junior Sister, of course not… We Tianhua didn’t mean that… What he meant was… After all, we are people in the same department, we need to meet more, Communicate more hahahaha…”

Taotao said politely: “Second Senior Sister, it’s the end of April, even if I officially joined the department in early September, and I meet and spend with everyone every day, I still take an hour every Thursday afternoon to settle accounts. Spend two hours on the last day at the end of each month to settle accounts. Please keep these days firmly in mind, and don’t wait until they expire!”

Everyone else fell silent.

Zuo Tianhua was annoyed, “Who, do you have a work attitude like yours?”

Tao Tao smiled and said, “Senior brother, please forgive me, I am not a professional financial officer. I keep accounts, reimbursement, and grant allowances for everyone… These are all obligations, and I don’t get a penny more. Besides, Yes, this is the teacher’s arrangement. If the senior brother feels that there is something wrong, you can report it to the teacher, and I will listen to the opinions and suggestions humbly.”

Zuo Tianhua stared at Tao Tao, holding back his anger but couldn’t let it out.

– This little sister is too beautiful. Not only is she beautiful, but she also has a strong mouth. She doesn’t suffer at all, she doesn’t give in at all, and she always smiles when she speaks, teaching him that he can’t make mistakes.

Just, heartbroken.

After chatting for a long time, Zuo Tianhua finally found a reason, suppressed his anger, and said, “Since you are afraid of trouble, you are thinking about settling accounts once a week, but we Yuxi are not afraid of trouble! In the future, this will be about keeping accounts and paying allowances. Son, leave it to Yuxi!”

As he said that, Zuo Tianhua played the official tone again, “You will hand over to Yuxi today, and I will tell the teacher when I have time.”

Tao Tao let out a smirk and asked Zuo Tianhua, “Senior brother, guess what, why did the teacher leave the accounting and reimbursement to me?”

Zuo Tianhua was stunned.

The whole place fell into a dead silence.

Shi Yuxi’s face flushed red, she pulled her husband’s sleeve, and said softly, “Tianhua, forget it…”

Zuo Tianhua gasped heavily, his mahjong face flushed red, staring at Tao Tao, his eyes almost bursting with fire, “Bai Tao Tao, you…”

“Tao Tao, I want to borrow money, can I?” Chen Yicheng interrupted Zuo Tianhua at the right time.

Tao Tao nodded and took the opportunity to announce the financial system she had formulated.

“Yes! But brothers and sisters, please listen carefully. From now on, each of us will only have the opportunity to borrow money from the department once a week, and we can only lend a maximum of two yuan each time…”

Before Tao Tao finished speaking, Zuo Tianhua exploded!

“What did you say? A person can only borrow two dollars a week from the department? You’re sending a beggar!” Zuo Tianhua couldn’t hold back his temper any longer, and became furious, “We were fine until you came, you After you come…you, you, you!”

He was so angry that he couldn’t find the right words to scold Taotao for a while, and finally held back for a long time, “Why don’t you take a good look at yourself and see if you don’t have the ability to take care of this!”

Tao Tao ignored Zuo Tianhua, but asked Chen Yicheng, “Brother Chen, you can only borrow two yuan at a time, do you agree?”

Chen Yicheng nodded, “I think it’s good to be able to borrow only two yuan a week at most. It helps rational consumption to the greatest extent, and neither retaliatory consumption nor worry about not being able to pay next month.”

An Qiuli couldn’t help but ask, “Yicheng, your monthly allowance is only a few dollars. If you really only have to borrow two dollars a week, is it enough for you?”

Chen Yicheng smiled and nodded, “Thank you Senior Sister An for your concern, but I still receive allowances from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for a month… I still have money for meals.”

At this time, Fourth Senior Brother Deng Gaoyun also said, “I agree with Junior Junior Sister’s proposal. Every Thursday from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm, I will spend an hour to settle accounts. It is time for reimbursement, and I want to borrow money to borrow money… We There are not many people in the department, and the accounts are not complicated, one hour a week is enough.”

Zuo Tianhua said angrily: “Gao Yun, you…”

Deng Gaoyun said: “It’s better to spend more time on the experimental data, and don’t do those bells and whistles.”

Fifth Senior Sister Qi Huan and An Qiu Li also nodded, “We think Senior Brother Deng is right.”

Zuo Tianhua was so angry that he was speechless, “You guys…”

He walked away.

Shi Yuxi looked at the crowd, bit her lip and chased out.

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