Dressed as A Full-level Boss’s Palm Pet

Chapter 129 - dead big brother

After Zuo Tianhua and Shi Yuxi left, An Qiu Li said to Tao Tao regularly, “Tao Tao, can we really only borrow two yuan per week per person in our department?”

Seeing Taotao looking at her, she blushed a little, and quickly explained, “I-I’m worried about Yicheng!”

Tao Tao’s heart is like a mirror.

——When Taotao was working on her old accounts, she found out that this Senior Sister An was also someone who had borrowed a lot of money. Of course she is holding an injustice for Chen Yicheng, but she is also worried about herself!

It happened that Taotao told Professor Fu about this two days ago.

What Professor Fu means is: Usually, we have to pay close attention, and then make more money and reduce expenditure in all aspects. At the end of the year, if there is a surplus in the allowance, it will be distributed to everyone as a benefit.

So Tao Tao conveyed Professor Fu’s meaning and asked everyone, “Brothers and sisters, do we have any way to increase income and reduce expenditure?”

This topic has aroused everyone’s interest.

Even the nerd Deng Gaoyun fell into contemplation.

The least talkative senior sister Qi Huan was the first to speak, “Then save all the stationery expenses! Don’t buy notebooks or anything else in the future, let’s use the ones from the Agricultural University, they are ready-made!”

An Qiu Li whispered: “This is indeed a way, but saving a few books… not much in a month.”

Qi Huan was silent.

Tao Tao said: “I have an idea, brothers and sisters, listen to it…”

Deng Gaoyun, “You said.”

Tao Tao said: “Our total allowance is fixed every year and can be calculated. The teacher will then fix it to the amount allocated to us every month, which includes everyone’s wages, as well as daily expenses such as stationery consumption and item damage… “

“I just thought, if we can control the reimbursement accounts, we can save a total of more than 30 yuan a month… I can think of ways to get soap, washing powder, and shampoo that are cheaper than market prices. Of course, things like toothpaste can also be converted into meal tickets… These can be used as benefits and distributed to everyone… What do you think?”

An Qiu Li whispered again: “Your method is good or not, so that everyone can benefit… But it’s just saving money. The money saved in a month is probably only three or five yuan, which is not enough for emergency. If you get sick, it’s like a dream to buy a thick cotton coat or something in winter.”

Chen Yicheng opened his mouth in a low voice, “Sister Qi and Junior Sister are thinking of throttling costs, so, then, let me suggest an open source method?”

The guys suddenly got excited–

“It’s you who waited, hurry up!”


“Speak now!”

“Brother Chen, say it!”

Chen Yicheng, “We… grow our own vegetables?”

An Qiuqi was the first to object, “What are you doing growing vegetables! Do you still want to cook in the laboratory? There’s no need for that! The food in our cafeteria is really bad, but it’s notoriously economical. Let’s cook by ourselves, maybe the cost is higher than going to the cafeteria! Besides, who will cook? You guys don’t think about letting our girls cook…”

“…Then we will sell the vegetables we grow to the cafeteria?” Chen Yicheng finished the second half in a low voice.

An Qiu Oriole:  …

All of a sudden the crowd is excited!

Deng Gaoyun nodded slowly, “I see it!”

An Qiuzhi worried, “Then we don’t have much land to plant! The experimental field was built according to the project’s planting plan.”

Taotao said: “We can build a shelf in the greenhouse to plant in flowerpots, and we don’t need too many pictures. Two or three wooden shelves, each with seven or eight layers, can improve our lives a little. Besides, We can get a rotten wood back, and let’s grow mushrooms. After drying that thing, we can save it and sell it at the end of the year…”

Qi Huan, who had been rejected by An Qiuqi, regained his vigour and said excitedly, “We can also grow winter melons and pumpkins, and a lot of melons will grow on a vine, and we can set up a shelf to let them climb the vine and not take up space. !”

Chen Yicheng, “Grow a little more leeks, and after cutting one crop, another crop will grow again, and you can reap the harvest several times!”

Deng Gao nodded, “Let’s increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and we have a two-pronged approach. Even if the open source is less than a few dollars a month, and the cost reduction is not too much, it is good to get five or six more dollars a month in total.”

Everyone chatted here and became more and more excited.

Deng Gaoyun and Chen Yicheng said that they could build a wooden frame during the break; Qi Huan and An Qiuli said that they could look around to see if anyone had thrown away the broken washbasin… Most washbasins are made of enamel , or tin, are more expensive, and most students are reluctant to throw them away, but after all, this is the five-school alliance, and you should be able to find some…

Tao Tao also said: “Then we will use this week to prepare. When I come next week, I will bring some rapeseeds. Let’s plant them as soon as possible! Plant them earlier, and harvest them earlier.”

After this chat, Tao Tao and the brothers and sisters became familiar with each other.

When it was almost time to meet, she took out a handwritten list from her satchel and asked everyone to circulate it.

Except for Zuo Tianhua and Shi Yuxi, who were not present, everyone else watched it and nodded – this is a list. The above lists which expenses can be reimbursed and which expenses cannot be reimbursed, written clearly, and the autograph of the master Qingyan.

Tao Tao did this because when she was sorting out old accounts, she found that Zuo Tianhua’s accounts were the most messy.

——The accounts he asked for reimbursement from the department, including but not limited to: collar shirts, leather shoes, biscuits, milk powder, fruits, etc…

Tao Tao asked Professor Fu why even these very personal things were reimbursed.

Professor Fu sighed, “I used to think that he and Yuxi were married. Although they didn’t have children, they both had elderly people and the family burden was heavy, so I turned a blind eye. It has become more and more Bengali… In fact, as early as a year ago, I already told him that in the future, personal expenses should not be reported by the department, and the impact will not be good! But he still goes his own way!”

“Tao Tao, I’m afraid that he will use this old way of doing things after he arrives at the new unit… Not only will he lose face at that time, but it will also be bad for him! But his stubborn nature… Eh, even my words. Don’t listen anymore!” Professor Fu was angry and helpless.

So Taotao discussed with Professor Fu about the content of reimbursement from the department in the future, which can be reported and which cannot be reported.

Now that everyone has read this list, they know that the reimbursement principle is that only things bought for the public can be reported to the public account, and personal items and expenses cannot be reported to the public account…

Of course, this is what it should be.

No one objected.

So Taotao posted the list on the most conspicuous place on the blackboard in the department.

After posting this “Financial Reimbursement Notice”, Tao Tao left.

It’s been a week.

It was Thursday afternoon again. As soon as Taotao finished her class at Agricultural University, she hurried to the Research Institute of Agricultural University without delay.

Look at the time, it’s only half past three.

Tao Tao went to the laboratory.

——The laboratory is just behind the department. It is actually a greenhouse covering an area of ​​about 200 square meters. Because the department is too poor, it was originally supposed to be a greenhouse in a glass room. Glass only accounts for about one-fifth of the total, and the rest is made of plastic film.

Deng Gaoyun and his younger brothers and sisters are squatting inside and writing notes…

Zuo Tianhua and Shi Yuxi were nowhere to be seen.

Tao Tao greeted them loudly.

Everyone saw her and greeted her with a smile.

During this week, of course, Tao Tao also came to see everyone at noon or on days when there was no class, and was already familiar with everyone.

Taotao leaned on the glass window and looked at it, and she found that in the corner of the laboratory, there were four simple wooden racks, each with five layers, and each rack was placed with two dilapidated washbasins. Soil in the basin…

Each washbasin is different in color, style, and degree of tatters. They are piled up in a mess, and it looks like a waste collection station.

However, Taotao had brought some vegetable seeds before, presumably the brothers and sisters also went to find some vegetable seeds, which should have been planted in those broken washbasins by now.

Tao Tao likes to see the lovely appearance of plants breaking out of the ground and swaying their buds against the sun and rain.

She just stared at the dozens of broken pots carefully, and carefully wrote down the appearance of nothing but soil in the pots… In the future, she will be able to witness the slow growth of these plants.

Peach is looking forward to it.

After a while, several brothers and sisters finished their work, washed their hands, took off their blue uniforms, changed their shoes, left the laboratory, and returned to the department. Peach.

The amount is not large.

After all, all the things related to the experiment are allocated from special funds, and they are added at one time at the end of the year. People who come to pay for reimbursement are nothing more than stationery that is gone and bought from outside; desks and chairs are broken, they go to buy nails and come back to repair; a piece of glass window is cracked, and a piece is cut from outside and replaced…

Small amounts like that.

Tao Tao carefully read all the lists, reimbursed everyone, and went through the loan procedures for Chen Yicheng and An Qiu Li.

During the period, Zuo Tianhua came over and walked around, but he stood at the door of the office and looked around, but he didn’t come in, just left like a normal person.

As the fourth senior brother Deng Gaoyun said, there are not many people in the department and there are few things to do. Tao Tao spent 20 minutes to deal with all the things.

But why didn’t Zuo Tianhua and Shi Yuxi come?

They don’t want to be reimbursed?

Of course Tao Tao doesn’t think so.

You know, just now Zuo Tianhua came over and walked around, and then left without saying anything.

Tao Tao could probably guess Zuo Tianhua’s routine and couldn’t help laughing.

She easily chatted with the brothers and sisters present for a while, and asked what vegetables were planted in the broken pots on the shelves, when they were planted… Then she calculated, about two months later You can harvest the first batch, and then you can improve everyone’s life!

At four fifty-nine, Tao Tao was about to leave.

——As a result, Zuo Tianhua stepped into the department with a large pile of documents, his nostrils turned to the sky, and directly threw the pile of documents on the desk in front of Tao Tao, making a loud “bang”.

The room was suddenly silent.

Tao Tao calmly looked up at the wall clock.

The wall clock showed that it was five o’clock in the afternoon.

“Who is that, give me all these accounts immediately.”

Zuo Tianhua’s thunder-like tone was full of contempt and disdain. He directly replaced Taotao with “who” without even looking directly at Taotao.

Except for Deng Gaoyun, An Qiuli, Qi Huan and Chen Yicheng all had pale faces.

They all started later than Zuo Tianhua. When they first came, almost everyone was isolated by Zuo Tianhua’s terrifying suppression.

Since then, they have been afraid of Zuo Tianhua.

Even if he is dissatisfied with Zuo Tianhua, he does not dare to make a sound.

Now seeing Zuo Tianhua treating the pregnant Taotao in the same way… and even the attitude is even worse, everyone can’t help but sweat, fearing that something will happen to Taotao.

Taotao ignored Wei Tianhua and straightened up the clutter in the drawer, then stood up, passed Zuo Tianhua without looking sideways, and walked out of the department.

When the others saw it, they also left. Some returned to the laboratory, and some left the department.

Except for Deng Gaoyun.

The hot scene that we were talking about just now suddenly became cold.

Zuo Tianhua was stunned for a while, still not believing that Tao Tao had left…

After all, he is the teacher’s most capable disciple, and he has been here for the longest time. Who dares not to respect him, and who dare not to treat him as the second-in-command?

So he stared blankly at Bai Taotao’s back, always feeling that she would come back again.

Never thought, she really left.

Farther? ? ?

Zuo Tianhua got angry and said with a beating of his chest: “Hey, what’s going on with this person? What’s going on here! Ah, why does she have such an attitude? No, I have to go to the teacher!”

Just at this moment, Professor Fu took this material and walked over to this side while flipping through it.

Zuo Tianhua quickly stopped her, “Teacher!”

Professor Fu looked up at him, “What are you doing here? In the fourth phase of the Sweet Potato Project, all the data components have been analyzed?”

Zuo Tianhua:  …

“Uh, that, that… I, I’ll let them show you the log later.”

Then he said again: “Teacher, do you know? Today is Thursday, the newcomer didn’t set the rules for us by himself, saying that he would come over every Thursday afternoon to reimburse us? Look, I’ll pinch. I’m here, she’s gone before it’s time!” Zuo Tianhua complained directly.

Professor Fu frowned and accurately grasped the point: “Did you come here with a pinch?”

Saying that, she looked at her watch.

– Is it ten past five in the afternoon? ? ?

“Tianhua, Taotao reported to me. She comes over every Thursday afternoon and stays for an hour, from four to five… But it’s already past five, so you came to see her?” Professor Fu asked.

Zuo Tianhua roared excitedly: “No, it wasn’t five o’clock when I came to find her!”

Professor Fu frowned, “I don’t believe it.”

Zuo Tianhua was very excited, “If you don’t believe me, get her back! I’ll confront her face to face!”

Professor Fu tried his best to comfort him: “Tianhua, Taotao is a pregnant woman. It’s not good to go back and forth like this!”

“Then why do you have to let a pregnant woman who may be in trouble at any time do this job?” Zuo Tianhua was aggressive, “…I told you how many times before that Yuxi would do this kind of trivial thing. That’s it, but you insisted on letting the newcomer do this, why do you think you are doing this?”

Professor Fu took a deep breath—

She was about to speak.

A sweet and melodious voice sounded, “Hello, teacher!”

Professor Fu and Zuo Tianhua turned their heads at the same time and saw the smiling white Taotao.

Professor Fu breathed a sigh of relief, put on a smile, and said softly, “Tao Tao, why haven’t you left yet?”

Tao Tao found a random reason, “Forgot to take something.”

In fact, An Qiuli ran over to find her, saying that Zuo Tianhua and Professor Fu had quarreled and begged Taotao to come back.

Tao Tao came back with An Qiu Ori.

Zuo Tianhua sneered, “Since you’re back, let’s go to work!”

As he said that, he pointed at the pile of papers on the desk with a very arrogant expression, and said, “You, hurry up! All must be clear to me, when will you finish the work, what will you be able to do? Ready to go… I’m still waiting for the reimbursement to get the money!”

Tao Tao walked over without saying a word.

She bent down, opened the drawer and took a piece of unwritten paper, then closed the drawer, stuffed the white paper into her satchel, and turned to leave.

Walking to the door, Taotao said to Professor Fu, “Teacher, I’m leaving, see you tomorrow!”

From the beginning to the end, he still ignored Zuo Tianhua.

Zuo Tianhua was stunned again.

He has always enjoyed the respect and obedience of his juniors and juniors, but he never expected that this new girl, who looked so delicate and soft, would be so rebellious and do her own way?

Zuo Tianhua’s anger, which he managed to suppress, rushed to his forehead again, and he yelled at Professor Fu, “You saw it with your own eyes, right? Ah? I’m not lying! Today…you asked her to hand over to Yuxi! We’ll take care of it.”

Professor Fu was also furious, “Who do you want to hand over to Yuxi? What is the handover?”

Zuo Tianhua pointed at Bai Taotao’s back, his face was not very good-looking, “You won’t come to me too, will you? Okay, if you hide it like this, then I can open the skylight and speak up! Let her, Let that newcomer! Go through the financial handover procedures with Yuxi! Now, immediately!”

“Are you ordering me?” Professor Fu stared at Zuo Tianhua, his chest heaving violently.

Zuo Tianhua was stunned for a moment, his tone softened, “Of course not… I’m sorry, teacher, I-I was just **** off by that newcomer. Mainly, I’ve never seen such irresponsible work. I, I am also temporarily angry, but I am also for the good of this team… Teacher, I believe you understand me. “

Professor Fu raised his voice and shouted, “Tao Tao, if it doesn’t delay you, please wait!”

Tao Tao walked slowly, waiting for this sentence.

She came back immediately, “Teacher, if you have something to say, please say it.”

Professor Fu asked her, “Zuo Tianhua said that he asked you to pay the bill, but you ignored him, right?”

Tao Tao, “No!”

Zuo Tianhua widened his eyes, pointed at Taotao’s nose and said, “You are still talking nonsense with your eyes open?! Our team does not welcome dishonest people like you!”

Unlike Zuo Tianhua, who was furious, Tao Tao said in a presence: “Senior Brother Zuo, you can eat your rice, but you can’t talk nonsense! Why am I being dishonest?”

Zuo Tianhua was so angry that he pointed at An Qiu Li, Qi Huan and the others, and said to Tao Tao, “Do you dare to ask them if I have told you to settle the reimbursement immediately?”

“Then you ask!” Tao Tao said.

Zuo Tianhua was stunned again.

——He really did not expect that he has already made such a big fire, obviously even Professor Fu can’t stand it, Bai Taotao still looks unmoved?

However, he was not afraid.

These juniors and juniors have long since succumbed to his prestige, and he is not afraid to confront Bai Taotao at all.

Seeing that Zuo Tianhua was speechless for a while, Tao Tao said, “Since Senior Brother doesn’t want to speak, let me ask!”


When Tao Tao looked at An Qiu Ori, An Qiu Ori quickly glanced at Tao Tao, turned and left.

Tao Tao looked at Qi Huan again.

Qi Huan’s face was pale, but he stood there stubbornly, biting his lower lip tightly.

Tao Tao asked Qi Huan, “Senior Sister Qi, have you heard that Brother Zuo asked me to reimburse him by name?”

Qi Huan didn’t speak, but shook his head.

Zuo Tianhua narrowed his eyes and stared at Qi Huan, his eyes glowing with resentment.

Qi Huan’s face was pale, and he lowered his head and dared not look directly at him.

Tao Tao saw Deng Gaoyun standing at the door of the department with arms folded, and asked him again, “Senior Brother Deng, have you heard that Brother Zuo asked me to reimburse him by name?”

Deng Gaoyun said loudly: “No!”

Zuo Tianhua was not particularly surprised about Deng Gaoyun’s defection. After all, Deng Gaoyun was the only one who dared to fight against him.

But he has always been unable to take Deng Gaoyun. Although Deng Gaoyun has only been here for more than two years, his professional level is far higher than his, and he is highly valued by teachers. He is also the only person in the department who dares to confront him directly. Therefore, Zuo Tianhua would subconsciously avoid Deng Gaoyun and never dared to trouble him.

At this moment, Zuo Tianhua glared at Qi Huan angrily.

Qi Huan’s whole body was trembling slightly. She lowered her head and stood still, her hands clenched into fists… She couldn’t tell whether she was afraid or angry.

Tao Tao smiled, “Hey, Senior Brother Zuo heard that too? I stayed there until five past five before leaving the department. I didn’t hear you tell me that you want to ask me for reimbursement… I I only saw Senior Brother Zuo, your nostrils turned upside down and your arrogant words, I thought you were directing the air!”

Zuo Tianhua understood and said angrily, “You are exploiting a loophole! Isn’t it because I didn’t call your name? What I said at the time was ‘that who’ came over and reimbursed me… I didn’t call you, then Who is it? In this department, besides you, who else is in charge of accounting? Besides you, who else treats himself as the leader as soon as he arrives, and what rules are there… Have you asked me if I agree or not? You Make the rules!”

“Thank you Senior Brother Zuo for reminding me! So, I have to revise the reimbursement rules. In the future, from 4:00 to 4:30 in the afternoon of every Thursday, the reimbursement will be accepted. If it exceeds 4:30, it will be processed next week. Senior Brother Zuo , please listen carefully!” Tao Tao said word by word.

Taotao said to Deng Gaoyun and Qi Huan again, “I would like to trouble Senior Brother Deng and Senior Sister Qi to help me inform Senior Sister Shi, Senior Sister An and Senior Brother Chen.”

Deng Qi and the two nodded.

Zuo Tianhua was so irritated that he pointed at the pile of papers on the desk, “Those…you won’t deal with them?”

Tao Tao smiled, “Yes, this week is no longer accepted. Please hurry up next Thursday! Then I have to remind Senior Brother Zuo at three o’clock… First, if you don’t call my name next week, I will not accept it! Because I don’t know who you’re talking to! Also, if your attitude is too bad, I can’t understand what you’re saying… I’m colleagues with you, why do you have to act like a capitalist in the old society What about the proletariat?”

When it comes to the issue of class, Zuo Tian is slightly more sober.

Taotao continued: “This second point, even if Senior Brother Zuo kindly asks me to help you calculate the reimbursement details, I accepted it, but I haven’t finished the calculation, so it will be postponed to next week! Third, the chopping boards and kitchen knives that Senior Brother Zuo bought have nothing to do with the laboratory, right? Even if you apply for reimbursement, I will not agree to reimburse you.”

——She took a casual glance just now and found that in the pile of documents that Zuo Tianhua brought, there were reimbursements for cutting boards and kitchen knives, briquettes, vinegar, and insoles…


Zuo Tianhua, who finally regained his senses, widened his eyes again, “I used to be able to report it, why can’t I do it now?”

Tao Tao, “Because the previous financial system was not perfect! Now I have taken over it. I have made a list of all the reimbursements that can be reimbursed and those that cannot be reimbursed. I asked the teacher to sign it and put it on the wall of the department. Didn’t Senior Brother Zuo see it?”

Zuo Tianhua really didn’t see it.

He will defend in the second half of the year, end his postgraduate career, and then go to the scientific research institute soon.

So basically I don’t come to the department, but even if I do, I just slap the official tongue and train a few juniors and juniors and leave, but I didn’t find the piece of paper that Taotao had posted in the department at all.

His wife Shi Yuxi seemed to have told him once, but he didn’t take it seriously. He felt that he had worked hard with the teacher for several years, and these reimbursements had been in place from the very beginning. How could it be only a few months before he left? What kind of moth?

However, Bai Taotao dared to say this in front of the teacher?

Presumably the teacher knows that too?

Zuo Tianhua stared at Professor Fu, “Teacher, what’s going on?”

Professor Fu frowned and said, “Tianhua, I told you as early as a year ago that your private expenses cannot be taken into public account…”

“Then why was it possible before?” Zuo Tianhua asked.

Professor Fu took a deep breath—

“Do you want me to make it clear? I don’t need to leave you with any affection?” Professor Fu asked.

Zuo Tianhua was inexplicable, “No, aren’t you talking about reimbursement now? Where are you going?”

Professor Fu looked at Zuo Tianhua with a look of disappointment, “I am answering your question now… However, I want to ask you first, Zuo Tianhua, you are following up on the four projects in my hand. ?”

“you still need to ask?”

Professor Fu asked again, “Are you really following up?”

Zuo Tianhua, “What do you mean?”

Professor Fu opened his mouth and asked Zuo Tianhua some questions about the project.

Zuo Tianhua:  …

He was stunned for a while before saying, “I, I’ll find out when I check the logs later.”

Professor Fu raised the information in his hand, “Don’t bother you, I have checked the log myself, and I know all the data. I don’t need you anymore.”

Zuo Tianhua’s face changed, “Teacher, what do you mean?”

Professor Fu, “Don’t you understand? Gao Yun took them to do the experiment, they recorded the data, they wrote the log, they wrote the report, and they reported the progress of the project to me in person… … Zuo Tianhua, what are you doing?”

Zuo Tianhua was stunned, “Are you… blaming me?”

Professor Fu nodded, “I’m just blaming you.”

Zuo Tianhua was anxious, “But, when each of them joined the department, I taught them hand-in-hand…”

Deng Gaoyun immediately said: “Wait! I don’t agree with this! All the professional knowledge I have learned is taught by lecturers in the university and Professor Fu personally, it’s nothing to do with you! Don’t put money on your face! “


Zuo Tianhua was furious, “You guys! You guys have hardened wings! Did you cross the river and demolish the bridge?”

Professor Fu asked Zuo Tianhua a few questions about another project.

Zuo Tianhua still couldn’t answer a word.

He panted heavily.

Professor Fu asked all the questions about all the projects in her hands in one breath.

Zuo Tianhua was speechless.

Professor Fu said: “Tianhua, it was not like this before. You used to be very concerned about the progress of the project, study hard, work hard… I am very relieved to have you here. Therefore, in order to make your work worry-free in the future, I use the allowance. The money will reimburse you for a lot of things you need in life.”

“What about now? You ask me, why did you get reimbursed for your personal supplies in the past, but not now? Tianhua, I also want to ask you, why you were able to work steadily in the past, but now you can’t?” Professor Fu asked.

Zuo Tianhua’s face was burning, he pointed at Deng Gaoyun, and said to Professor Fu, “Teacher, they are here now! There are so many people in the department, can’t those little things be done by them?”

“So you let go?” Professor Fu asked.

Zuo Tianhua, “I…”

Professor Fu said disappointedly: “I’m your mentor, and even I’m still at the grassroots level and going to the front line for practical exercises. Do you think you can stay in the laboratory with peace of mind?”

“No, you don’t even enter the laboratory at all, and you don’t even come to the department! I spent a whole week in the laboratory recently, and it was only today that I saw you once!”

“Zuo Tianhua, what are you doing?” Professor Fu asked word by word.

Zuo Tianhua took a deep breath desperately——


Professor Fu ignored him and continued: “You have been following me for four years. Strictly speaking, this year is already the fifth year… A master’s student who failed five defenses… What face do you have to be Gao Yun and the others? example?”

“Teacher, you…”

Professor Fu said, “Have you ever read your own thesis? It’s all written for you by Yuxi, right? Do you know that some of it is repeated with Yuxi’s thesis? I’m all for your sake, you are Are you fooling me like that?”

Zuo Tianhua’s face was pale, and he scolded his wife inwardly.

Professor Fu said again: “Think about it again, what was your attitude towards me just now?! You are like this… Are you questioning me about trivial matters? Do you really take yourself as a character? Am I your leader or are you my leader? What right do you have to yell at me? I appoint Tao Tao to manage the account, what do you think? Why do you point fingers at me? foot?”

“It’s ridiculous that I still think about you everywhere and take care of your face, and that’s how you came to slap me in the face? Should Gao Yun and the others learn from you in the future, and everyone will climb on top of me?” Fu The more the professor talked, the more angry he became.

Zuo Tianhua finally knew that he was afraid, and also knew that he was afraid of being ugly, but now Professor Fu was angry, and he couldn’t be tough.

He had to lower his voice and said, “Teacher, I, I will go to your office to explain the problem…”

Professor Fu, “No need! Zuo Tianhua, I am utterly disappointed in you!”

Just at this moment, Song Zhi came over with his bicycle.

——He had made an appointment with Tao Tao to wait at the school gate, but after waiting for ten minutes, no one was there. I sneaked my bicycle in to look for someone, and finally found Tao Tao in the department.

Professor Fu forced a smile on his face, “Is Xiao Song here?”

Song Zhi looked at the expressions of the teachers and students, guessing that something unpleasant had happened, so he was ready to politely greet Professor Fu, and hurriedly left with Tao Tao.

Zuo Tianhua lowered his head and said nothing.

His social circle is not large, only within the Agricultural University. In the early years, he frequently went to the grass-roots experimental fields, and in the past two years, he only stayed in the Agricultural Research Institute… So he did not know Song Zhi at all, nor did he know that Song Zhi was Bai Taotao’s husband.

Just seeing that Song rank was about the same age as him, probably a little younger, and hearing Professor Fu calling “Little Song”… So he didn’t take Song rank seriously.

Now Zuo Tianhua is full of thoughts: what the **** is going on here? where is the problem? Hasn’t it always been like this? Why was he suddenly rejected by the teacher? He is about to defend again. If there is a problem at this juncture, what should I do? Can I still go to a research institute?

He has already boasted to the people in his hometown, if he can’t get into the scientific research institute…

That would be a shame!

Think again…

Zuo Tianhua looked at Bai Taotao and gritted his teeth in hatred.

He thought angrily: It was because of this woman that he was rejected by the teacher! It would be too embarrassing to not show her a little bit of power!

But how can I fix this girl?

After thinking about it, Zuo Tianhua was sure that while Xiao Song was an outsider, it was estimated that the teacher would be embarrassed to embarrass him in front of Xiao Song…

It’s better to take this opportunity to attack Bai Taotao.

As for the teacher, in the future, I will carry other people behind my back and beg her.

The teacher is a person who attaches great importance to friendship, and is soft-hearted. He will definitely look at his past feelings and will not embarrass him.

Thinking of this, Zuo Tianhua snorted towards the juniors and juniors, “Okay, okay, teacher has something to do, everyone should leave! What should we do!”

Then he looked at Taotao again, and said in a righteous manner: “Bai Taotao, hurry up and finish your work! Let me tell you, our department doesn’t support idlers! If you have real skills, you can stay. If not, get the **** out of me!”

“I warn you! Don’t rely on you being pregnant, you can’t do this, you can’t do that! Don’t you women always say that women can hold up half the sky? Then go to work! When What are you going to do after writing off those accounts! Otherwise, you won’t come here in the future!” Zuo Tianhua said sharply.

For a moment, the place was silent.

Everyone was stunned.

Except for Zuo Tianhua, everyone knew that Song zhi was the husband of the little junior sister Bai Taotao. They came… just to pick up the pregnant little junior sister, but Wei Tianhua didn’t know whether it was true or completely unaware of Song zhi. Is it the husband of the younger sister? Or do you not know Song Rank at all, and actually suppress the little junior sister in front of Song Rank?

I have to say that everyone in the department felt quite ashamed.

Professor Fu held his forehead: How could such a stupid person be my student?

Qi Huan: No one has such a low EQ.

Deng Gaoyun: Don’t look at Song Zhi’s youth, he belongs to a scientific research institute, and he is not low-level and qualified as an internal reference. Zuo Tianhua bullied the younger sister in front of Song Zhi, I just waited to see how Zuo Tianhua died!

And Song Zhi stared at Zuo Tianhua closely, frowning into a Sichuan character: ? ? ?

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