Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 639 Hogsmeade's 3rd Counter-Siege (2)

"It's over"

Scrimgeour stared blankly at the old Rodney who brought him the news that all the zombies had been wiped out, looking a little unbelievable.In less than three hours, Voldemort's zombie plan was smashed by the iron fist of capitalism.He quickly made a decision, he said: "Then we will act according to the original plan, and the Auror in charge of the ambush will continue to ambush at the predetermined position."

Scrimgeour and others now agree that Voldemort's action is a typical diversion.

The previous two major Death Eaters attacks on Hogsmeade had been launched from the open fields to the south, so Scrimgeour had prepared a large number of surprises for the Death Eaters there in advance.At the same time, nearly [-]% of the Aurors left Hogsmeade. They seemed to be going to support the place where the zombies appeared, but they actually lay in ambush a little farther to the south, waiting for the Death Eaters to appear. Stab them in the back.


"It's not good. The Death Eaters are down."

A group of Death Eaters rushed down from the mountain north of Hogsmeade, bringing up billows of dust, and for a moment they appeared to be extraordinary.

Zhang Xu, who had already returned to Hogwarts to prepare for the battle, was blowing cold wind on the Astronomy Tower as an observation post. When he found out what was going on at Hogsmeade, the Death Eaters had already rushed halfway up the mountain.

Seeing the thick smoke billowing from the mountainside, Zhang felt like crying, and his villa was burned again.

Picking up the binoculars and looking, the Death Eaters dispatched a lot of troops this time, and they might be able to rush into Hogsmeade in one go.

After receiving the notification, Professor McGonagall appeared next to Zhang Xu immediately, took the binoculars handed over by Zhang Xu, observed the situation in Hogsmeade for a while, and left after saying "keep watching" up.

Zhang Xu continued to observe the movement in front of the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts gate, but it turned out that everything was quiet.There were no Death Eaters in the open space in front of the gate, and the Forbidden Forest was also quiet.

The communicator beside him was already buzzing. The students who wandered outside the castle because of the weekend were driven back to the castle at noon. Now the loudspeaker in the castle is playing to let all the students return to their common rest. room notice.

Look at the time, the students' dinner will be settled in the common room today.

Outside the castle, although the sun began to sink into the mountains to the west, Neville still led the students to pour coffee on the mushrooms planted in front of the campus.

On Hogsmeade's side, since the main force of the Aurors was located in the south, when the Aurors staying in the village rushed to the north, the Death Eaters had already cracked Hogsmeade's first protective magic.

Since the Death Eaters had a deep understanding of Hogsmeade's protective magic in the first two attacks, after full preparation, they let the first protective magic attack in a short time. Ineffective, and the effect of the second protective magic is halved.

The function of Hogsmeade's first protective magic is to detect and prohibit the entry of black wizards on the white list, such as Zhang, and the second protective magic is to suppress the power of black magic.Now that the first protective magic has failed, it has allowed the Death Eaters to break into the outer perimeter of Hogsmeade.

If the Death Eaters were allowed to destroy the anti-apparition magic of the third protective magic, then the Death Eaters would almost be able to come and go freely in Hogsmeade.

When the Aurors rushed to the north of the village, the northernmost row of houses had already caught fire, and the wizards living here had already fled to the side of Central Street.The air smelled of burning wood and even a hint of burnt meat.

The Death Eaters had crossed the northernmost street and were attacking the second.At this time, Hogsmeade's second protective magic was already in jeopardy.

Frank Barton led the Aurors to immediately counterattack the Death Eaters who broke into the village.

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For a moment, the curse flew over the street between the Auror and the Death Eater, and people on both sides were constantly hit by the opponent's curse and fell down.When an Auror fell down, the volunteers who had already prepared in the back immediately put the injured on a stretcher and sent them to the back for treatment.

After Frank knocked down another Death Eater with a spell, he noticed that the two sides were deadlocked on both sides of the street. Everyone was using the cover of the house to attack each other, and no one could take another step forward.He cheered up the Aurors loudly: "Everyone hold on, the reinforcements will arrive soon."

It turned out that the Aurors who were ambushing in the south came quickly after receiving Scrimgeour's order. The reinforcements did not join Frank's battle line, but went around behind the Death Eaters in an attempt to surround those who had already broken into Hogsmeade. Enemies of Two Streets.

It's just that the burning house behind the team of Death Eaters blocked the progress of the Aurors. Just when the Aurors were about to pass through the burning house, they were attacked by Death Eaters coming down from the mountain behind.

There was a cloud of dust as the first Death Eaters rushed down the hill.However, as the sky gradually darkened and the battle was fierce, the Aurors did not notice that the dust had not dispersed for a long time, and it continued to spread.

Therefore, the reinforcement Death Eaters quietly used the dust to shield the sight of the Aurors, and stabbed the reinforcement Auror in the back with a knife.

For a moment, the main force of the Auror team fell into a situation of fighting with their backs.

Although wizards can use magic spells to make themselves not afraid of the burning of the flames, a small mistake in a life-and-death struggle is enough to kill a person. Facing the pressing Death Eaters, they don't have time to put fire resistance on themselves. buff, with that time, it would be better to add an Iron Armor Curse to yourself.

Kingsley Shacklebolt, who was in command of this team of Aurors, received an order from the communicator Ricklinger himself. As soon as the fire support arrived, he immediately led all the Aurors through the burning house to kick into the village. The asses of the Death Eaters, they can't stay where they stand now.

Kingsley Shacklebolt was stunned for a moment when he received the order, and then immediately realized that the minister might have found support from Muggles again.

When the war first started last year, because the strength of the Northern Ministry of Magic was not dominant, in order to win the support of the pure-blood families, an agreement was made with them not to use too much Muggle power.

Today, with the full involvement of the Muggle government and the participation of volunteers from the International Wizarding Union, the strength of the Northern Ministry of Magic has soared. At this time, it doesn't matter whether it has the support of those pure-blood families.

So, Scrimgeour could now ask the Muggle army for tactical guidance.

Following Scrimgeour's instructions, Shacklebolt directed the Aurors to use Polymorph to build a wall of earth as high and thick as possible on the ground in front of them.

Faced with such a sudden move by the opponent, the Death Eaters just froze for a moment and didn't care.For them, such a trick can be solved in minutes, and the Aurors basically have no effect except for a moment of lingering.

After the earth wall was erected, the Aurors put a fire resistance spell on themselves according to Shaker's order, and then used the spell to dig a deep pit around the house that they could put themselves in and then jumped into it. Hide yourself and walk through the burning house until the fire support is over.

Just when they hid themselves, a loud sound came from the air from far to near.A moment later, under the light of the burning house, they saw two huge black figures passing through the night sky at extremely high speed.

Immediately afterwards, the original position of the Death Eaters on the other side of the earth wall was covered by walls of fire hundreds of feet high.

The burning temperature of wood in the air is generally around 700C, and the upper limit of general fire protection is slightly higher than this temperature.No matter how high the temperature of the flame is, such as the breath of the fire dragon and the flame of the Fierce Fire Curse, it cannot be resisted by such a spell.

Therefore, the Death Eaters who were caught off guard by the napalm bomb dropped by the Jaguar attack plane that came from the Luchars Air Force Base two hundred kilometers away quickly fell under the flames of more than 1000c .

At the same time as the wall of fire rose, the SNEB 68mm unguided rockets launched by another Jaguar attack aircraft accurately hit the heads of the Death Eaters who had entered Hogsmeade.

In the violent explosion, the unsuspecting Death Eaters and the house they took shelter were engulfed in flames, shrapnel and shock waves.The wooden houses were as fragile as pieces of paper in the face of the violent explosion, and they were evenly scattered on the street together with the Death Eaters.

Frank, who had already been notified, had already ordered the Aurors to use magic spells to dig a deep hole in the ground and jump down when he saw a little bit of fire in the sky.

Except for one unlucky Auror who happened to be hit on the head when a cauldron fell from the blast, none of the Aurors were accidentally injured by friendly forces.

After the fire support ended, all the Death Eaters in Hogsmeade were killed or injured. Except for a few who escaped early in the morning, the remaining Death Eaters were either killed or captured.

So far, when Voldemort's carefully planned third attack on Hogsmeade was about to make major progress, it was completely smashed by four Jaguar attack planes representing the iron fist of capitalism in less than a minute.

However, Voldemort was in no mood to be angry about this at this time, because a group of wizards had quietly touched the vicinity of his hiding place.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the flames of napalm and the house lit up the sky above Hogsmeade together, billowing black smoke straight into the night, and then drifted away with the light wind in the end of winter .

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