Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 640 Hogsmeade's 3rd Counter-Siege (3)

It is not the style of wizards to be beaten and not fight back, especially in the morning when zombies appeared on a large scale, which shocked the Prime Minister and angered the Queen.

Whoever makes Lafayette uncomfortable for a while, Lafayette will make him uncomfortable for a lifetime.

So Lafayette said to make the two-hole socket uncomfortable.

Although the British royal family has almost become a mascot, the British government sometimes has to consider Lafayette's words.In particular, Lafayette holds the direct command of the royal wizard.

It's just that now the wizards of the British government army have been assigned to prevent the reappearance of the deadly zombies. The Aurors of the Northern Ministry of Magic want to guard the lair of Hogsmeade, so this task falls on the International Wizarding Union to help Lafayette suppress the bandits. on the head of the friendly wizard.

However, the primary problem now is to find out where Voldemort is, and this problem stumps everyone in the coalition forces.Although there is intelligence support from the British side, but Voldemort is too good at hiding, and there are still no clues about him.

At this time, someone Zhang jumped out.

Zhang Xu, who was urgently summoned from the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower, said that he might be able to find the location of the mysterious man, but whether he can succeed in the end depends on luck.

"To be precise, I can find out the location of Bellatrix." Zhang Xu said to the big men in the meeting room, "Given that a lot of information shows that Bellatrix is ​​often with mysterious people, So if we can find her, there is a high chance of finding the mysterious person."

After a short discussion, all the bigwigs agreed that the plan with Bellatrix as a breakthrough was feasible.The goal of this operation was not to kill Voldemort, but to block him.If he can kill his right-hand man, then the purpose of the operation will be achieved.So, whether or not Bellatrix was with Voldemort became a secondary issue, and it was even more beneficial for the operation if they were separated.

"Then how can you find her?" Yuri, who was most familiar with Zhang Xu, asked.

Gong Chang A Meng took out a crutch about one meter long.

"Traveling stick" Someone recognized what Zhang Xu took out.

"That's right, I got it with great difficulty." Zhang Xu put the cane on the table, "Everyone knows that many families will prepare some similar magic items for their family members in case of emergencies." need."

"How did you get this?" someone in the conference room asked.


Mr. Zhang scratched the back of his head, and then said nonsense, "You know, I once sold Harry Potter for a good price back then."

This crutch has been kept in Zhang's vault, and he didn't pay attention when he was looking for Dumbledore's relics.It wasn't until the end of last year when he was about to kill Lord Gu Ling that he emptied his vault and found it out of a pile of things.

Next, after reporting to Scrimgeour, who was commanding the battle in the lobby on the first floor of the Pig's Head Bar, the coalition forces dispatched a team of elite personnel and left the burning Hogsmeade.

Scrimgeour, who was already in a state of desperation, now wished that they would go there earlier and give the mysterious man a hard time, so that the pressure on Hogsmeade would be lessened.

On a grassy field in eastern England, a huge map of Great Britain has been laid out on the ground.Two crossing thick lines were drawn on the map, one of which started from Hogsmeade, and the other from Cornwall in southwestern England.

"11°45'14" by NW. "

Reported by Zhang Xuhui, who finished measuring the pointing angle of the ground tracing crutches.

A third line appeared on the map, intersecting the two lines exactly at the point where the previous two lines intersected not far from the starting point.

The location is determined, so a group of people headed towards

Proceed in the direction indicated by the walking stick.

On a farm hidden in the night, Voldemort was sitting at a table in the dining room of the main building, listening to Snape's latest battle report with a dark face.

Now Voldemort is in a lot of pain, as soon as he makes a phone call, several trucks of people come over, but as a result, the other party only makes a phone call, and dozens of tanks come over.

"This can't go on like this," Voldemort thought to himself. "Hogsmeade and Hogwarts must be dealt with first, and then we must concentrate on dealing with Muggles."

Voldemort waved to Snape and said, "Go and collect more information about Hogsmeade and Hogwarts."

Snape left with a cold face, leaving only Voldemort and Bellatrix in the dining room.

Outside the house there were several teams of three-on-one Death Eaters patrolling the area in case anyone approached.

This farm is Voldemort's temporary headquarters. He only came here last night. He originally planned to evacuate after tonight's operation, so he didn't set too many protective spells.

When the two teams of Death Eaters patrolling the northern edge of the outskirts of the farm met face to face, they unknowingly lined up in a straight line.


When the six Death Eaters lined up, a curse suddenly shot from a distance, and then passed through the heads of the six Death Eaters at the same time.

Yuri smiled and gave a thumbs up to the night behind him, where a Russian girl with short hair smiled and said nothing.

To the south, a patrol of Death Eaters was also attacked.




A silver light flashed, the third brother Yuexia was wrong, it was the third panda panda who suddenly appeared in front of the Death Eaters.

But before the Death Eaters could raise their wands, the three pandas under the moon jumped at them respectively, and they were knocked down with the sound of "Ola Ola" and "Moo Da Mu Da".

The loud sound spread throughout the farm, and a few Death Eaters on broomsticks flew out from the house in the distance, flying towards this side, and the Patronus exuding a silver-white light became the most obvious target under the night. .

"The ones in the sky are up to you, Lily." Zhang Xu pointed to the Death Eaters in the air, and said to a girl with two ponytails in a sailor suit beside her.

Yuriko didn't speak, but just floated up out of thin air, facing the Death Eaters in the air.

Seeing those Death Eaters suddenly seemed to be pulled in front of Yuriko by a pair of invisible hands, the panicked Death Eaters realized that something was wrong, but no matter how they drove the broomsticks, they couldn't get rid of the pull of this force.

The Death Eaters also tried to use their spells on Yuriko, but their spells all bounced off just before they hit the target.

The next moment, a blast of magic power blasted those Death Eaters into the night, and it seemed that they couldn't survive.

Zhang Xu couldn't help but smacked his lips when he saw the girl with the magic enhanced double ponytails and sailor skirt fluttering in the night sky on the ground. It seems that Japan has cultivated a lot of incredible wizards in recent decades, and it's a bit tricky for him to deal with.

After cleaning up the Death Eaters in the sky, Yuriko landed beside Zhang Xu, and then gave him a provocative look.

Zhang Xu didn't care about her eyes, just stuck out his thumb and nodded.

Mr. Zhang didn't want to provoke her. Although she had a good figure, her masculine face was not in his strike zone.

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