Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 663 Transferring to Hogwarts

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, Scrimgeour sat at the table with a dark face.

I thought it would be a costly but more rewarding annihilation battle, but in the end it turned into a unilateral defeat.

Yuri sat next to Scrimgeour, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Young man, don't be discouraged, you just lost a village, just come back later. We were all beaten to the city of Moscow back then. In the end, the flag was not planted over Berlin."

"Don't always think about the bad side, at least your decision made Hogsmeade's civilians evacuate here safely."

Scrimgeour nodded, but his expression still didn't improve.

After the line of defense was breached this morning, Scrimgeour immediately ordered everyone to gradually retreat to the resettlement point, and then transferred to Hogsmeade to cover the civilians.

The terrified civilians rushed to Hogwarts. Fortunately, Yuri made a big shot to calm them down, otherwise there would be a serious stampede in the crowd.

The Aurors supported their morale by covering the retreat of the civilians. When everyone arrived at Hogwarts, the sadness brought about by the failure appeared in their hearts.

Outside the castle, Zhang Xu and Rodney on patrol were talking softly.

"Are you sure it's e?" Zhang Xu asked in a low voice.

Rodney nodded: "Well, my grandfather told me just now that the warplane dropped a small e-bomb, and then all the stone men in Hogsmeade collapsed."

Zhang Xu rubbed his chin, looked at the gate of Hogwarts and said, "It seems that this technique really works. It can scare the Death Eaters into suspending their attack, and it has saved many lives."

"After all, all effects are mutual." Rodney thought of the cell phone that was scrapped the day he first came to Hogwarts.

"Fortunately, the radius of action is not large, otherwise it would be fun to blow up Hogwarts by the way." There was a hint of expectation in Zhang Xu's words.

This is the second time that electromagnetic pulse weapons have been used against wizards after the Majiazhuang was burned, and it seems that the effect is still strong.It's a pity that it has very little impact on the wizards themselves, otherwise they could try to come to a "magic-forbidden domain".

"The next battle should be fierce," Rodney asked.

"That's right." Zhang Xu sighed, "The next step is the decisive battle between the two sides. If we win this battle, life will be easier in the future."

"Maybe we will die too." Rodney's tone was a bit weird.

Then she continued: "Can I ask you a question while we're still alive?"

Zhang Xu almost replied, "Lan Xiang, I've loved you before, I don't have an appointment, I have something to do tomorrow, I don't have much money, Mr. Bao, save my mother, I don't know about Amway, I don't know why the pigeon is so big"

He finally said, "What's the problem?"

"You..." Rodney hesitated, and then asked determinedly, "over the years, have you ever hugged the headmaster like gingerfish cakes?"

Zhang Xu stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder lightly, and said earnestly, "I'm about to leave Hogwarts, and your life here has just begun, please don't seek death."

At this time, Professor McGonagall's patron saint ran over and called Zhang Xu back to the castle.

"Friendly army, we are friendly army." Faranell, who was tied up like a mummy, shouted among a group of students and Aurors, "Onyjus, Maskino, and I were ordered to work as undercover agents among the Death Eaters. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Dumbledore’s portrait and Zhang Xu, who is connected to me, can also prove it.”

"Then how can you prove that you are Faranell and not other Death Eaters pretending to be?" Moody pointed his wand at the other's forehead.

"If x, y satisfy the constraints




Then what is the maximum value of z3x2y"

This time it was Scarlet's turn to point her wand at the back of Faranell's head, and then she looked at Onidius and Maskino who were also bound aside, "You can't escape either."

Faranell finally said faintly: "Professor, can you give me a piece of draft paper and let me do the math?"

When Zhang Xu came back, Faranier and the three of them had already proven their integrity, and the ropes on their bodies were all loosened.After being confirmed by Zhang Xu who was in charge of connecting with them, Moody returned the wand to them.

"The mysterious man will attack Hogwarts later, and he let us sneak in and wait for an opportunity to create chaos." Faranell reported.

Now Scrimgeour and Professor McGonagall's brains began to ache, and now there were people who escaped from Hogsmeade in addition to students in the castle.In this case, if Voldemort launched an attack on Hogwarts, it would be a big mess.

At this time, Zhang Xu said from the side: "I suggest starting the Hogwarts evacuation plan immediately, and evacuate the civilians and low-grade students first."

Hogwarts has a plan to evacuate through the unscientific but magical Dumbledore plane in case of emergency, but there are too many people in the castle now, and it takes several batches to evacuate.

Scrimgeour, Professor McGonagall, and old Rodney discussed the evacuation plan, while Zhang Xu walked over to Faranell.

At this time Faranell was telling the story of Snape's murder.

"I later took Snape's body to a grove near his house and buried it."

Zhang Xu squeezed to Faranell's side at this time, and he asked, "Are you sure Snape was killed by Nagini?"

Faranell nodded, "Yes, I saw the wounds on his body bitten by poisonous fangs."

"Then how deep did you dig the hole?" Zhang Xu continued to ask.

Faraniel gestured, showing that the pit was more than one meter deep. "At the end I stamped the soil down and put some water on it after planting it back into sod so it wouldn't be noticed."

"Are you planning to harvest a dozen Snapes in the fall?" Zhang Xu patted Faranell on the shoulder, "Snape is immune to all snake venom, he is just pretending to be dead. So killing Snape really Nepe's people are actually you who buried him in the ground."

"Really" Faranell jumped up from the chair, "Then I'll dig him out."

"I'll go with you" was joined by Blake.

What happened with Snape didn't cause any disturbance in Hogwarts, and the Aurors who were resting around looked dejected.When Zhang Xu passed by them, he frowned and said in a low voice, "It's hard to lead the team when people lose their hearts."

"Why don't you put on nice clothes to cheer everyone up." At this moment, Fred Weasley came out from nowhere.

"I have a huge cheongsam, super elastic, can you wear it?" George Weasley will naturally not be absent.

"Get lost." Zhang Xu kicked each of them.Although his surname is also Zhang, he is not a doctoral student in immunology, so let's forget about a black red-edged cheongsam.

"Why are you two here?" Zhang Xu asked.

The twins replied: "Mom has been helping at the resettlement site for the past few days."

"That's why we're staying here."

"Otherwise, there will be nothing to eat at home."

"It's good that people are fine." Zhang Xu sighed, "Where are you going now?"

Fred replied: "The people in the castle must be transferred now, and we will notify them now."

George went on to say: "We will transfer the children to the Muggle military base in Edinburgh first, and then come back to pick up the next batch of people."

However, at this time, the latest news came that the Death Eaters on Hogsmeade had a new movement, and they were gathering now.

"Zhang, you must ensure the safety of the transferred personnel when you go to that big plane." Professor McGonagall ordered Zhang Xu, which was also included in the Hogwarts evacuation plan.

It's just that Zhang Xu felt that he couldn't walk away at this time. If something happened later and he wasn't there, he would be in trouble.After some deliberation, he said to Professor McGonagall: "I must stay, and I can arrange for reliable and strong enough people to complete the safety of the personnel over there."

"Are the personnel really reliable?" Professor McGonagall asked, a wizard of this level is not a Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

After receiving repeated assurances from Zhang Xu, Professor McGonagall finally agreed to Zhang Xu's suggestion.

"So you came to us to be a coolie." A photographer who entered Hogwarts among the refugees looked at Zhang Xu with a bitter face.

"You're exploiting," protested the blond Veela reporter beside him.

It's just that the protest of the two of them failed in the end because a certain veela had to succumb to Zhang's knife.

Now the asylum personnel in Hogwarts have been organized, and those parents followed the Hogwarts prefects with their children to the Dumbledore hidden in the northern mountainous area through the secret passage in the foyer. Park the field and move forward.

"That guy with no nose is such a nuisance," said the guy who was still walking around taking pictures with his camera.

"You didn't have a nose before, too." Someone beside him immediately answered.

Zhang Xu, who was walking in front, turned his head and looked at the guy in surprise, "What's wrong with your nose?"

"Oh," the man said while changing the film, "The story of my nose is too long to tell, and I can't tell it in a hundred thousand words."

Soon the group arrived at the airport.

"I said, who came up with this thing?" The cameraman in the photographer's hand didn't stop.

"Dumbledore made it. I want to complain once I see it." Zhang Xu said, "Okay, you stay here alone and follow the plane alone. The task of maintaining world peace will be entrusted to you."

"I went to play with my aunt." The blond Veela ran all the way into the Dumbledore after she finished speaking.

At this time, the guy who was staying at the airport said to Zhang Xu in a low voice: "Father-in-law, I heard that I have two sister-in-laws."

"Roll" ˉeˉ

At this time, the top of the airport cave opened like a lotus flower, revealing the blue sky.

"I'll keep watch outside." After Zhang's son-in-law finished speaking, he took off on the spot and flew out.

After making complaints about the Dumbledore that took off vertically, Zhang Xu returned to the castle the same way.

The Luchars Air Force Base, located [-] kilometers northeast of Edinburgh, was not far from Hogwarts, and the Dumbledore flew over it very quickly.

Under the ghostly eyes of the ground crew, a guy in the shape of a space shuttle landed vertically on the runway of the airport.

The British military personnel who had been notified quickly came to their senses, and they immediately arranged the refugees who disembarked from the plane into the hangar that had just been cleared next to the runway, and provided water and food.In a temporary emergency, only a huge hangar can shelter so many people from wind and rain.

When Zhang Xu returned to the auditorium of the castle, he got the news that the Death Eaters were coming towards Hogwarts from several directions.

"How long will it take for the transfer of personnel?" Professor McGonagall asked Professor Flitwick on the side.

Professor Flitwick, who was in charge of personnel transfer, said: "There are still at least four trips to transfer all the residents of Hogsmeade and all the students of the lower grades."

At this time Scrimgeour said: "Transfer the women, children and junior students first, then the elderly, and the adults of Hogsmeade last."

"Zhang, it's up to you to direct the students. I'll ask others to help you." Professor McGonagall said to Zhang Xu.

Scrimgeour went on: "Now our task is to buy time, waiting for the tsunami operation to start after three o'clock in the afternoon."

Zhang Xu nodded, and led the two student council chairmen, Neville and Daphne, around Snape, who was covered in mud on the ground, and left the auditorium.Neville accidentally stepped on his face.

Outside the gates of Hogwarts Castle, a group of students lined up on the lawn.Behind them is Hogwarts Castle, in front of them is the Basilisk Fountain, and Zhang Xu standing on the railing beside the fountain pool.

These people are the students in Hogwarts who voluntarily signed up to join the ranks of resisting the Death Eaters, as well as the "Battle of Hogwarts" over the years.

Yes, over the years.

After Hogsmeade was breached and the Ministry of Magic collectively transferred to Hogwarts, the news that "Hogwarts is in danger and Death Eaters are approaching the city" spread throughout the UK through the radio.

After receiving the news, they took advantage of the opportunity when the Death Eaters were frightened by the EP bomb to suspend their attack, and spontaneously came back here from all over the UK to stand with their former comrades-in-arms.

Zhang Xu looked around at those familiar faces, and then said loudly:

"Guys, I don't deny that we're facing a huge dilemma right now. Now, we're going to face it, and many of our brothers and sisters have given their lives to win. But as long as we're here, no one can beat us today, and we're going to Adding another victory to the history of Hogwarts will be our honor."

"Did you see those scumbags outside the gate? Did you, the bravest of us, take up the wand? Because in this way, we can teach those scumbags a hard lesson. Let people in a hundred years still understand this relish"

"How many of us who are looking at the dawn now can survive the night when I tell you: Hogwarts will see the dusk and will win"

"Tonight we'll feast and drink and tonight we'll tell each other about our valor but before that, we've got to beat our enemies and let them know that victory belongs to Hogwarts"

"glory for the hogwarts"

"glory for the hogwarts" x

At this moment, the students from Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Scrimgeour, and Hufflepuff rushed out of the gate, across the lake, and into the Forbidden Forest.

The singing voice full of indomitable momentum floated over Hogwarts.

We hit the enemy hard

The warrior strides forward

Behind us is a warm home

Hogwarts is more precious than everything

we are in battle

most tenacious and heroic

Because Hogwarts is in my heart

unbreakable defense

the castle stands still

vowed to wipe out the enemy

At this time, Yuri, who walked out of the castle, slipped and almost fell on the lawn.

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