Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 664 Wand, Steel, and Blood

Peeves was the first to fight the Death Eaters.

Due to the EP bombs dropped by the British Air Force, the protective magic of the secret passage under the Pig's Head Bar was also greatly affected.

A group of Death Eaters walked into the secret passage, while deciphering the protective magic, they walked towards Hogwarts.

When they reached the approximate location of the secret passage, Peeves, who had been notified by other ghosts, had been waiting here for a long time.

In the newly built secret room next to the secret passage, Peeves opened the valves on the jars, and the gas in the jars entered the secret passage through copper pipes.

After the last grain of sand fell from the hourglass on the wall in the secret room, Peeves forcefully closed a switch knife, and then went underground without looking back.

There was another party of Death Eaters waiting for him in the secret passage of the Honeydukes Candy Store.

The Death Eaters in the two secret passages were first heated to an unprecedented high temperature for a while, and then completely cooled down.

At the exit of Hogsmeade Railway Station, a group of Death Eaters came to the place where freshmen boarded the ship in previous years.

Rough wooden boats were put into the water by the Death Eaters, and these wooden boats would transport the Death Eaters to the lakeside ice and snow garden in Hogwarts on the other side of the lake.

In the ice and snow garden on the side of Hogwarts where the Death Eaters were about to land, Yuri finished the vodka in the bottle in one gulp.

Not long after, a huge tentacle suddenly rose from the water.Before the Death Eaters could react, a wooden boat and the Death Eaters on board were trapped into the bottom of the lake by the tentacles.

Immediately afterwards, several tentacles repeated the previous action at the same time, and the sinking wooden boat quickly turned into pieces of wood floating on the water surface, but none of the Death Eaters who sank with them came up again.

Under Yuri's control, the squid in the lake kept launching sneak attacks on the wooden boat on the lake, either dragging the wooden boat into the bottom of the water or capsizing the boat.

In the end, the Death Eaters on the lake had to gather the boats together, and then use various methods to connect the wooden boats together.

After reaching the goal, Yuri asked the squid to rest at the bottom of the water first, and then made an offensive gesture to the wizards around him.

Natasha and several wizards from the British government army on the side are ready.

The Death Eaters on the water discovered that the range of the wizard's spell on the shore was much farther than their own.There is no way for my own spell to hit the wizards on the shore, but those wizards can easily use the spell to shoot themselves in a ball on the water.

In a dilemma, the Death Eaters could only turn around and land at another place.

When several Death Eaters tried to land from the junction of the Forbidden Forest and the lawn, they were wiped out in the blue wall of fire that suddenly appeared.

A bald wizard stood on the bank, looking coldly at the Death Eaters on the water.

Not far away, on a small wooden boat, an elderly French Death Eater burst into tears after seeing the other party's appearance clearly.

"Lord Grindelwald"


Grindelwald's voice full of killing intent and anger exploded in the Death Eaters' ears.

The Death Eaters who didn't dare to offend the previous generation of Dark Lords could only look for another place to log in.

Yuri, who saw all this from a distance, couldn't help touching his bare head, and then shivered.

But Death Eaters on the lake will soon no longer have to worry about where to land.

Ron took a few Hogwarts students and flew over their heads on a broomstick, and at the same time threw a few doom mushrooms that had just been poured with coffee at them.

Before the Death Eaters recovered from the explosion, Hood and others wearing the single-person upright water walking system provided by Zhang Xu surrounded them from behind.

The Death Eaters on the lake were strangled by the three forces of water, land and air, and they had already entered the countdown to annihilation.

At the back door of Hogwarts Castle, a large group of Death Eaters from Hogsmeade attacked here.

It's just that a thick fog suddenly appeared here, and no one here would think that this white fog covering the entire passage is formed normally.

August Lukewood, who was in charge of commanding this team of Death Eaters, frowned and looked at the fog that couldn't be blown away by the strong wind created by magic, thinking about a way to break through.

He made several people form a pathfinding team, and then the team walked cautiously into the mist.

The Pathfinder Death Eaters lost their way immediately after walking into the fog. They walked in it for 5 minutes, but turned around and came out from the place they entered.

At this time, Graham Montague, the former captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team who graduated two years ago, said to August Rookwood: "I saw such a fog in the Triwizard Tournament that year. , it was set up in the maze to interfere with the warriors' sense of direction, and to a certain extent, it can also isolate the sound from inside and outside. Later, when the maze was opened, we also tried to challenge it, but we didn't have much way to do it."

Luke Wood looked at the young man with well-developed limbs in front of him, and said, "You mean there is still a way."

"That's right." Montague nodded, "This fog can confuse people's sense of direction, and can interfere with positioning spells and items, but it can't affect existing things."

"Then take your people to crack it." Rookwood ordered Montague.

Among the Death Eaters, there are many young people who have graduated from Hogwarts in recent years, and most of them are from Slytherin House.Because he once served as the captain of the college's Quidditch, Montague's subordinates also gathered a group of young Death Eaters.

Montague then divided his men into two groups, and each group of Death Eaters lined up side by side in a horizontal line, and then the two groups of people lined up in two lines of soldiers that were very close to each other and pressed up horizontally.

As long as you can determine your own direction through the people on the left and right, then it is not easy to go wrong in the fog.

It's just that the white mist gave the patron saints an excellent cover. After a group of Hogwarts students cast "Chu Shen Guardian" on the other side of the mist, their patron saints, led by three giant pandas, killed the The formation of gangsters collided to pieces.

Rookwood waited on the other side of the fog for more than ten minutes. Just when he became impatient, the fog ahead suddenly began to fade.

First, the sound of curses and shouts came out of the mist, and then the Death Eaters gradually saw a group of black shadows fighting.

In less than a minute, the mist dissipated into a thin layer of green smoke.From Lukewood's side, Monty and the others were struggling to resist the attack of the Hogwarts students who had an advantage in numbers, and a third of them were already lying down at their feet.

So Rookwood immediately ordered the entire attack, and the Death Eaters behind him immediately rushed towards the back door of Hogwarts with him.

Just when they were about to arrive at the battle position, the thick fog suddenly appeared again, and at the same time Montague and the others also turned around.

"Cease fire, it's a friendly army"

"His uncle is a friendly army"

"Cease fire, allies"

"It's a friendly army, silly"

"You're blind, ally"

For a moment, there were shouts in the fog.

After more than ten minutes, the battle ended. Zhang Xu and a group of people came out from the mist, dragging a comatose guy with a bruised nose and face in his hand.

"Our people are all here" Zhang Xu asked Montague whose left eye circle was swollen from the beating.

While applying medicine to his eye circles, Montague pointed to a team that was one-third smaller than when he entered the mist at the beginning, and said: "Basically, they are all here, that is, Faranell, Onijus and Ma. Skino and the three of them were sent out in the early hours of the morning, and we have no news of them."

"They have come back first." Zhang Xu said, "You have worked hard these days."

The undercover agents among the Death Eaters were not the only ones like Snape, the Malfoys, Faranell, Onijus, and Maskino.A well-established intelligence organization needs to penetrate into all aspects of the grassroots in addition to entering the top.

Before this operation, it was Montague's ingenious sabotage to delay the time of Voldemort's attack for several days.

Now that the final battle was fought, there was no longer any need for them to remain among the Death Eaters.So under the manipulation of Faranell and Montague, their group of undercover agents assembled into a team under the pretext of being familiar with the internal situation of Hogwarts.

Just now they "volunteered" into the mist to investigate, and after they teamed up with Zhang Xu and the others to deal with the real Death Eaters in the mist, they played a play with Zhang Xu and the others.As a result, Luke Wood was fooled.

Zhang Xu kicked the person he dragged back on the ground, and asked Montague: "What's the matter with this guy?"

"I don't know." Montague shook his head, "If you didn't find him among the Death Eaters, I thought he was in America."

Now is not the time to deal with Draco Malfoy on the ground. He asked the two giant panda patron saints to carry the pony to the auditorium and hand it over to Professor McGonagall. He still has important things to do next.

"Can you continue to fight?" Zhang Xu asked Montague and the others.

After getting an affirmative answer, Zhang Xu said to the people around him: "Let's go and meet our next batch of guests."

In the Forbidden Forest, countless animals are running towards Hogwarts.

It's just that the terrain in the woodland is very complicated, and many animals will trip over if they are not careful.Before the fallen animals had time to get up, they were eaten by eight-eyed spiders swarming behind them.

The eight-eyed spiders that had been driven out of the Forbidden Forest for several years did not die out. They rested outside the sphere of influence of the centaur tribe for a while, and now their population is slowly increasing.

Only this time the eight-eyed spiders were driven out of their habitat by the Death Eaters as cannon fodder to attack Hogwarts from the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

Behind the spiders came a troop of striding giants and running werewolves.If these spiders run too slowly, they will be trampled to a pulp by giants.

The horse people have all shrunk into their own villages.

Now a circle of fortifications has been built around the centaur village, which makes the painting style collapse.

After the centaur representatives saw the tragic situation in Hogsmeade, under the pressure of survival, they had to temporarily abandon their traditions and let humans help them build a defense line surrounding the village.

A wide and deep ditch encloses the entire village. The bottom of the ditch is filled with spikes cut obliquely from steel pipes. Only a winding road that can accommodate three centaur walking side by side can lead to the outside.On the periphery of the trench and on the top of the original wooden wall, there are several layers of barbed wire firmly fixed.On the outer layer, the ground is covered with caltrops coated with a special poison made by the centaur.


Such fortifications are powerless for wizards, but they are insurmountable obstacles for eight-eyed spiders and werewolves. Even giants can stop them and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Coupled with the fact that a large amount of food has been stored in the village, what the horse people have to do now is to use the tortoise flow to survive the war.

Fortunately, until the end of this war, only a few eight-eyed spiders and werewolves could reach the centaurs tribe, and the giants that made the centaurs worry did not even get close to the village.

Because the British military deployed a steel line of defense in the Forbidden Forest.

As early as when the British government began to contact Dumbledore, Bear Grylls and the others obtained permission to enter the Forbidden Forest, and then Bell led people to carry out surveying and mapping of topography in the Forbidden Forest.

When Zhang Xu, Slughorn, and Harry went to the Forbidden Forest to find native sheep, they met Bell and the three of them who were doing this work.See Chapter 402 for details

Through aerial remote sensing and field surveys, the detailed terrain around Hogwarts has long been in the hands of the British military.

With the support of terrain intelligence, and the staff agreeing with Zhang's judgment that this is the attacking direction of giants and werewolves, the British military finally set up ambush circles at suitable positions on several possible enemy routes.

As early as more than a week ago, all three regiments of the special air service regiment and the special boat regiment, which are the backbone, have already been deployed by helicopter landing.

At the same time, a large number of British engineers pulled out of the reconstruction work in Hogsmeade, cleared the shooting range in the Forbidden Forest, and built a simple road network and temporary logistics camps.

After studying the terrain restrictions in the Forbidden Forest and the characteristics of the enemy, the British military used a Chinook transport helicopter that can carry almost ten tons of cargo to transport a large number of "scimitars" weighing about eight tons and equipped with 30 cannons. "Type armored reconnaissance vehicle.In the end, they even imitated what the Death Eaters did when they attacked Hogsmeade in the air, and brought in a platoon of "samurai" infantry fighting vehicles as an assault force on the improvised road network.

According to Suhebalu, who had visited the defense line secretly, told Zhang Xu that the layout of this defense line can resist the enemies attacking Hogwarts, and can also turn the guns around and use it as a forward base for attacking Hogwarts.

Looking at the white figure that appeared in his scope, Brock Rumlow couldn't help exclaiming: "This is the legendary unicorn."

"It's beautiful." Grant Ward's attention was also focused on the unicorns in the herd. "It would be great if I could raise one in the backyard."

"Calm down, don't shoot." The team's captain, Alexander Pierce, conveyed the order of his superiors to several of them, "Let these go first, our opponents are behind them."

Not long after, John Garrett's panicked voice came from everyone's headphones: "What the hell are they eating?"

"Wow, that's awesome," Rumlow exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Does any of you have insecticide?"

Pierce was nervously holding the detonator in his hand, waiting for the countdown in the earphone to end.

When the eight-eyed spider's forward rushed to a place not far from them, countless explosions sounded at the same time, and a "broad sword" directional minefield nearly 20 meters wide was detonated, creating a trail in the group of eight-eyed spiders. A dead zone of [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.

After the explosion, some of the surviving eight-eyed spiders fled in all directions, while others continued to rush forward on the wreckage of the same kind.

Then there was loud gunfire in the Forbidden Forest. The giant eight-eyed spiders were certainly frightening, but shooting them with guns was another feeling.

The 5.56 bullet penetrated the shell of the spider, and then the unstable bullet rolled continuously in the soft muscles and internal organs, leaving permanent tunnels of flesh and blood in the spider's body.

The worst thing was those spiders who were being targeted by Laoganma. The 12.7 warheads directly blasted clouds of blood on their bodies.At such a short distance, it is not uncommon for a shuttle bullet to kill two spiders that are close together at the same time.

"I think we are playing a game." John Garriott, who was startled by the spiders just now, shouted while changing the clips, "I think I can kill a hundred of them by myself."

"Then I'll help you raise one under your bed." Bell said, who had been silent all this time, "Pay attention to those big guys behind them, I think you don't want to be hit a second time by them with a big tree."

Garriott shrank his neck involuntarily. That night he was almost hit by a big tree thrown by the giant, which made him have nightmares for several nights after he came back.

"Thank you." Garriott said, "I think it's best to raise them in Ward's backyard. I think it's best to raise a couple there. I have already thought of the names, and they are called Fitz and Simmons. "

"I'm going to kick you off the plane with Fitz and Simmons next time I'm on a plane," Ward replied.

Eight-eyed spiders did not have good countermeasures against long-range units with strong attack power. Back then, they had nothing to do with Zhang Xu who was throwing fireballs everywhere. After losing their numerical advantage, they were chased away by the horseman's bow and arrow.Now, they are so vulnerable to fire that soldiers still have time to laugh.

"Those big guys are coming, be careful." Pierce did not participate in the bickering among the players, he has been carefully observing the situation on the battlefield.

A giant emerged from the woods, holding a large tree in his hand to use as a club.

"dong dong dong"

Two "Warrior" infantry fighting vehicles came from a short distance through the simple road in the forest, and at the same time used the 30 cannons on the vehicles to shoot at the giants.

None of the giants could withstand two bursts of two machine guns with flesh and blood, and each giant fell under the chariot.

The biggest trouble for the infantry fighting vehicles now is the huge trees that have not been cleared in a short time in front of the defense line. They hinder the sight and shooting range of the infantry fighting vehicles.Therefore, these infantry fighting vehicles can only constantly maneuver on simple roads, looking for shooting windows.

The simple roads in the Forbidden Forest are not limited to the one behind the line of defense. In the area a few kilometers in front of the line of defense, the engineers of the British army have built a road network consisting of several simple roads intertwined horizontally and vertically.

After determining the enemy's attack direction, the infantry defenders in other places quickly outflanked the opponent's two wings through the road network in a light "scimitar" armored reconnaissance vehicle.

Unlike the single-minded giants, the werewolves behind have better brains.

Instead of following the giant and crashing into the flesh mill-like defense line, they began to move to both sides, trying to bypass it from the side.

It's just that they soon encountered British soldiers who were outflanking them, and they were hit by a heavy rain of bullets.

Rao is that the werewolves are agile and powerful, and they can also launch assaults with the help of terrain and obstacles.But they can only become moths in front of the firepower net.

By this time the giants and werewolves had grown frightened, and retreat was their only option.

At this moment, four warplanes flew over the Forbidden Forest, and the napalm bombs they dropped created a wall of fire that blocked the retreat of the giants and werewolves.

So far, the overall situation of the battle in the Forbidden Forest has been decided.Some of the werewolves and eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest who did not follow the main force did not make a difference, and they all fell in front of the fortifications of the centaur tribe in the end.

From then on, only Hagrid's younger brother remained among the purebred giants in Europe, and the eight-eyed spider disappeared in England.

The place where the fighting is fiercest today is still the main entrance of Hogwarts.

When the battles in the other three directions have made significant progress, the gate of Hogwarts and the surrounding wall have disappeared, and the ground is scattered with broken walls of the original wall, the remains of various mushrooms and peas , there are still human corpses and puddles of blood that have turned black.

By this time the Hogwarts students and Aurors had retreated to the second line of defense.

None of the tall nuts here is intact, and most of the tall nuts are only half left.The peas are not much better, nearly [-]% of the peas have fallen to the ground.The watermelons and corn were better off because they were placed behind the tall nuts, and they didn't suffer much.

Probably because of the news that all the other three attack directions had failed, the Death Eaters were withdrawing from Hogwarts in batches.

In the Shrieking Shack, a table with a map of Hogwarts surroundings.Voldemort was sitting behind a table, and a group of Death Eaters stood across the table.

Yaxley was reporting to Voldemort about today's attack on Hogwarts: "The enemy has held the line."

"On the lake, our men failed to break through the defenses on the water."

"Back door to Hogwarts, Rookwood blocked by a fog and guards there."

"There was a huge explosion from the direction of the Forbidden Forest, and there was no news from the giants and werewolves."

"The battle at the front gate was tough and everyone was tired."

Voldemort, who was sitting on the chair, raised the Elder Wand and waved it around, and said at the same time: "As soon as Faranell and the others attack from the castle, everything will be better."

Yaxley hesitated for a moment, and he said, "Master Faraniel and the others." He couldn't go on talking, and could only glance at Selwyn who was on the side.

Selwyn also said hesitantly: "Falanier showed no signs of attacking in the castle, and we have lost contact with them."

Voldemort was silent for a moment, then put the Elder Wand on the table with slightly trembling hands.He said in a suppressed calm tone: "The following people remain in the room. Yaxley, Selwyn, Roll, Gagson, Goyle, and Crabbe."

After the others exited the room, the six made eye contact with each other, but they didn't dare to go too far.

Voldemort looked at the six people, and couldn't help but feel angry.After he regained his body that year, how talented his core team was.And now, there are only six unusable people in front of them who have been making soy sauce to make up the number.

"That was an order," roared Voldemort, standing up abruptly. "It was an order from me personally that Faranell attack the castle."

"Who does he think they are to risk disobeying my orders"

"Has it gotten to this point?"

"They lied to me. Everyone lied to me. Even Snape, who has been with me for years."

"All men are but a bunch of shamelessly disloyal cowards"

"I have been betrayed and deceived from the beginning but all traitors will pay back with their own blood they will drown in their own blood"

The Elder Wand was taken back by Voldemort at some point, and when he roared agitatedly, he slammed the Elder Wand onto the table.

Just as the Death Eaters were trembling with fright, a loud voice came from Hogwarts Discovery, shaking the windows of the Shrieking Shack so that dust kept falling.

"Tom Riddle, dare to fight to the death with me, Harry Potter"

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