Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 69 The Celebration Banquet Is Here

The Screaming Shack is an abandoned house in Hogsmeade village.

For years, villagers thought the house was haunted because of the screams coming from inside.

However, recently, the villagers discovered that the house, which had been silent for more than ten years, had started to be haunted again.

This matter starts from last winter.

It was a cold weekend night, and many wizards were drinking and chatting in the warm Three Broomsticks bar.

That day, three wizards who drank too much were bragging about their courage. Under the stimulation of alcohol, their cowhide went from not being afraid of their wives to daring to fight a fire-breathing dragon for three hundred rounds.

One of the wizards boasted too much because he boasted that he had fought the fire-breathing dragon and then boasted that he had met werewolves, and then he beat ten of them one by one and beat the werewolves to the ground, and was booed by the whole bar.

The dude decided to prove his bravery by spending the night at the haunted Shrieking Shack right now.

His two drinking buddies decided to go together, and whoever loves him first will buy a month's worth of wine.

While the guests in the bar were drinking and talking about the "feat" of the three guys just now, the door of the bar was suddenly knocked open, and the guests saw that they had just threatened to go to the screaming shack The three guys who had spent the night rushed into the bar with a scramble.

After drinking a cup of warm butterbeer, the three brothers managed to calm down.

Under the curious eyes of other guests in the bar, the guy who took the lead told about their experience just now.

"The three of us just walked out of the bar not far away. After being blown by the cold wind for a while, we were all sober from our drinks."

"We then continued walking towards the Shrieking Shack and pretty soon we were near the house."

"Before we got close to the house, we heard voices coming from the house."

"I swear it wasn't anyone in the village who spoke. I grew up in the village, and I can remember everyone's voice in the village. So we went to the house and eavesdropped on the inside of the window. speak alive."

"There is a voice in the room, tell me, can the three of them eat?"

"Another voice said, it's edible, it's delicious."

"Then the third voice said, how to eat then"

"Then the second voice said, cut the first one into pieces, put the meat in a pot, add water, black tea leaves and other spices, and put it on the fire for an hour."

"The second one is also cut into pieces. First, fry the meat and spices in a pot, and then boil it in water."

"The third one is roasted slowly with the skin on the charcoal fire, and then cut into small pieces, and then fried twice in the oil pan, and then put into the soup pot to cook."

"Then there were several voices saying, let's eat all three of these and see which one of the three is delicious, and it must be better."

"Hearing this, the three of us were afraid that the ghosts in the house would come out and catch us and eat us, so we ran back."

After speaking, the old man ordered another glass of butter beer and drank it in one gulp.

The Three Broomsticks suddenly fell into silence, only the occasional sound from the fireplace.

Make a "crackling" sound.

The fire in the fireplace could not dispel the chill in the hearts of the guests in the bar, and each guest felt his hands and feet trembling.

Then a few bar patrons ventured to the Shrieking Shack to find out.

Soon they came back scrambling, and they said that a banquet was being held in the house, and a voice in the house said, I didn't expect this leg to be so delicious, can I find some more legs.

Since then, it has been spread in the village of Hogsmeade that the Screaming Shack is a place where devils hold banquets. Every night, a group of devils will gather to eat and drink. If anyone approaches the house at this time, they will be killed by the devils. Grab to make a main course.

Later, two wizards who had just graduated from Hogwarts volunteered to go to the Shrieking Shack to kill demons and demons. As a result, the villagers in Hogsmeade village never saw them again, except for them in the snow around the house. Except for the footprints of entering the house, no footprints of them leaving the house were found.

This brings Hogsmeade villagers' fear of the Shrieking Shack to a new level.

The latest legend of the Shrieking Shack spread to Hogwarts through the Hogwarts students who visited Hogsmeade village on weekends. The students who were tense by the Chamber of Secrets incident speculated that it was related to the Chamber of Secrets .

And some members of the "Defenders of Hogwarts" approached Zhang Xu quietly and asked when the next "Devil's Banquet" will be held.

As the instigator of this incident, Zhang Xu can't laugh or cry when the matter has developed to this point.

For Zhang Xu, eating dog meat in winter has been a common habit in his family for two lifetimes.

After coming to Hogwarts, Zhang Xu worried that cooking dog meat in the kitchen would cause trouble because of his different cultural background, so he decided to find a place where no one was around to eat it by himself.

After looking around, Zhang Xu found that the Screaming Shack was just the right place.No one around, not afraid of being discovered.The place is big enough, the environment is good, and the furniture is usable. It is a good place after cleaning.So he decided to treat this place as a secret base first, and let's talk about the next semester next semester.

As a result, Zhang Xu missed the power of the Marauder's Map.

After the domestic dog meat arrived, Zhang Xu walked into the secret passage under the Whomping Willow, and the twin brothers holding the Marauder's Map and several members of the "Defenders" followed behind.

When the three brothers from Hogsmeade village were eavesdropping outside the house, it happened that Zhang Xu was blocked by the twins in the house, and then explained to them the "how good" of dog meat.

As a result, a group of little wizards who seldom keep dogs as pets said that of course they should eat meat together.

As for the two wizards who volunteered to slay demons and eliminate demons, when they entered the door, they found that there were no ghosts and ghosts in the room, only a group of acquaintances were eating hot pot around the table, and they were stunned on the spot.

The people who were eating the hot pot were also stunned. It turned out that these two were comrades who brushed Quilo together at the end of last semester, so they added two sets of bowls and chopsticks.

After learning that a group of them ate hot pot here, which turned into a horror legend in Hogsmeade village, the twin brothers suggested that the two seniors should not go back to the village, but just apparated away and continued to scare the villagers.

It didn't take long for the Screaming Shack to develop from a dog meat canteen for a few people into a secret base for the "Defenders of Hogwarts".

So this time the "Hogwarts Defenders" celebrated the victory of the Chamber of Secrets and the basilisk dinner, which was held in the Shrieking Shack.

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