Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 70 Banquet of Unity, Banquet of Victory, Banquet of Endeavor

By the end of May, the mandrakes used to make the potion in the greenhouse were all mature, and the students, ghosts, and cats that had been petrified by the basilisk before the potion were completed were all lifted from petrification.

On the first weekend night after the recovery of the two petrified death squads, the Guardians all gathered at the Shrieking Shack for a victory feast.

After getting the meat of the basilisk, Zhang Xu and some classmates studied how the basilisk should eat it.

At first they found that the meat that the basilisk had grown for thousands of years was as strong as rubber, and it was hard to chew until the cheeks were sour after being cooked.

After some research, it was found that after one day of marinating with the mandrake juice, the meat of the basilisk would become very soft without losing its original taste.

As for the bones of the basilisk, it was found to be unexpectedly delicious when used to make soup, and the aroma was overflowing, and the whole kitchen was filled with a delicious smell.

Since we retained a lot of basilisk meat, we decided to try various methods.

On the day of the celebration banquet, many students were busy in the kitchen of the Shrieking Shack.Since the kitchen was not big enough, an adjoining room was also converted into a kitchen.

The simplest is the bones of the basilisk. Put the bones in a large pot, add ginger and boil it into a clear soup.Soon the scent filled the Shrieking Shack.

Then came the meat of the basilisk.

There are salt and pepper basilisks that are made by frying sliced ​​basilisk meat until golden brown, then sautéing diced green onion and green and red pepper until fragrant, then adding the fried basilisk meat, stir frying with salt and pepper, and finally pouring sesame oil into it. .

Put oil in the frying pan, add spices and seasonings, add the chopped basilisk meat and stir-fry for a while, pour in the basilisk bone broth, simmer until [-]% rotten, take out and keep the original soup.Cut the red pepper into sections, put it in the pot for a while, add the simmered snake and stock to season properly, then thicken the sauce and drizzle with sesame oil.The taste basilisk is ready.

Also, shredded basilisk meat, barbecued pork, shiitake mushrooms, bamboo shoots, chives, etc. are fried together, and a pot of colorful basilisk shreds is out of the pan.

Put the basilisk meat, basilisk bone broth, chicken, shiitake mushrooms, jujubes, chestnuts, green onions, ginger, garlic, etc. into the pot, cook for an hour, and a pot of dragon and phoenix soup is ready.It turned out that Zhang Xu wanted to get some cat meat to make a dragon and tiger fight together, but he was afraid that if he died and Professor McGonagall jumped out of the pot, he would have to consider changing schools.

In addition to the Eastern approach, we also tried the Western approach.

Cut the basilisk meat into thick steaks and marinate them with black pepper and sea salt. Heat the oil and fry each side for 2 minutes on low heat.

The basilisk steak is marinated with salt and black pepper, rosemary, thyme, and red wine, and then poured with corn olive oil for later use.Then heat up a flat non-stick pan, add an appropriate amount of olive oil, and fry the basilisk steak until both sides are brown, pour about [-] ml of red wine, and fry until all the red wine evaporates, take it out of the pan and put it on a plate.A fried basilisk steak in red wine is complete.

Evenly coat spices, butter, and salt on both sides of the basilisk steak, marinate for 30 minutes, and then put it in the oven to cook until the grilled basilisk steak is freshly baked.

Roll the fermented dough into a pancake, spread tomato sauce on it, put marinated basilisk diced meat and vegetables on it, then sprinkle with cheese, and finally the basilisk pizza is taken out of the oven.

Among other things, various vegetables and herbs from the Hogwarts greenhouses turned into plates of salad and jugs of vegetable juice on the table.

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p;The living room of the Screaming Shack is not small, and the senior students have used space expansion spells. Dozens of "Hogwarts Defenders" are sitting in it. Although it is a bit crowded, everyone Still all can sit down.

When all the meals are ready, everyone sits at the table and prepares to eat.

At this time, Zhang Xu stood up holding a glass full of butter beer.

The students on both sides of the table quieted down and looked at Zhang Xu.

Since Zhang Xu came to Hogwarts, the changes he brought to Hogwarts are obvious to all.The entire Hogwarts became full of vitality because of him, and the barriers between the students of the four colleges were gradually eliminated under his efforts.Under his leadership, when facing the monsters in the secret room, everyone did not hide in fear and tremble, but united and rose up to resist, and finally won the victory.After experiencing a series of events, everyone admired Zhang Xu very much.

In Hogwarts now, the most prestigious is Harry Potter, the "savior" who defeated the Dark Lord, bravely guarded the Philosopher's Stone, and slashed the basilisk.The second place is Zhang Xu who brought changes to Hogwarts.

In the eyes of everyone, Harry Potter belongs to strength plus points, while Zhang Xu belongs to wisdom plus points.So at this time Zhang Xu stood up and made a toast to the celebration banquet, and everyone didn't have any opinions.

"Today, we gather here to celebrate our defeat of the Basilisk, and the destruction and debunkment of Gilderoy Lockhart's plot. This is our victory, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw Victory with Slytherin, but also a victory for Hogwarts. Last year, some of us came together to destroy Quirrell's plot. This year, we all came together to destroy Gilderoy Lockhart conspiracy. From now on, we will still be united, cut off the black hands reaching out to Hogwarts, and defend our Hogwarts glory for the hogwarts”

Amidst the sound of "glory for the hogwarts", everyone finished off the butterbeer in their hands.

The next step is to eat, drink and drink. The basilisk dishes of various flavors will make everyone a real treat.

Students who often eat hot pot use chopsticks without any pressure, while those who are stressed use forks to fork.

After the meat of the basilisk is properly marinated with mandrake, the taste is smooth and slightly crispy.The taste is very delicious, and it is different from other meats. It does not make people have the idea of ​​what kind of meat it tastes like, but the idea that this taste is the taste of a basilisk.

The soup made from the bones of the basilisk is also very popular. Whether it is dragon and phoenix soup or clear soup, it is very delicious.

Many people try this one first and think it is good, and then try that one, which tastes good. After trying all the dishes, choose the one they like the most to eat.

Some people feel that it is delicious after one round, so they eat another round, and then the third round.

The worst thing is that I thought the first one was delicious, and then I ate it non-stop. When I tried the next one and found it was better, my stomach was already full.

After a meal, everyone ate to their heart's content.

At the end of the meal, Zhang Xu was given a few glasses of beer, and he was only 13 years old when he was drunk.

Fortunately, when Zhang Xu was drunk, he didn't want to roll around, but stood up and sang while holding a wine glass.

"Today I drank wine to celebrate my victory, and my aspirations were not rewarded, and I vowed endlessly;

In the future, Fang Chang will show his talents and sprinkle his blood to write about the Spring and Autumn Period. "

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