Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 80 Hogwarts' painting style almost fell into the ditch again

Dementors are one of the ugliest things in the world.They haunt the darkest and foulest places, they live in decay and despair, they suck peace, hope and joy out of the air around them.

The most effective way to ward off dementors is to use the Patronus Charm.

The Patronus Charm This ancient and mysterious spell conjures a magical Patronus who is the reflection of all the most positive emotions of the caster.

According to the theory of yin and yang, dementors are creatures of the yin attribute, and Patronus is a curse of the yang attribute, and the two sides are completely opposite.When the dementors are strong, the wizard will be affected by the dementors and cannot cast the patron saint spell unless the wizard is strong enough.And when the power of the Patronus Charm is strong enough, this spell can drive out a large group of Dementors.

To expand it further, in the world of magic, the opposition between yin and yang, darkness and light, evil and justice exists, and the two sides can eliminate each other, it depends on which side's fist is bigger.

Theoretically, pure yang and light magic can destroy dementors.

It's just that in Europe, this kind of pure light magic is very rare. The only known ones so far are the Patronus Charm and the magic that saved Harry's life under Voldemort.

According to the commonly used settings in novels, the church that should light up the magic skill tree of the light attribute has never embarked on the path of magic in this world.

Zhang Xu asked the fat monk about this point, and the fat monk said that there has always been no place for magic in the church. Only for a while, Potions, which can be used to treat believers, can be said to be related to magic.

In the spirit of research, Zhang Xu tinkered with the collection of dementors in his treasure bag.

Offensive props such as the exorcism charms used to clean up Peeves back then are not suitable for use on the train.

Although in the many Harry Potter fan novels I read in my previous life, it is a standard plot for the protagonist to be angry at the dementor on the train, but I am ashamed to say that I am writing a Harry Potter fanfic if this plot does not include a chapter on the water.

But Zhang Xu can't guarantee that after he beats the dementor, the dementor will immediately cower like the one in the novel.If the dementor chooses to confront him, it will be a disaster for the students on the train.

Dementors are also violent institutions under the Ministry of Magic. They usually serve as prison guards, and they can be pulled out to serve as the army when necessary.It is similar to the combination of the armed police and the army in China.In China, the armed police guard the prisons, and the armed police hunt down dangerous prisoners.This is the same as the dementors usually guard Azkaban, and they are responsible for hunting down Sirius after he escapes from prison.

Aurors, by comparison, are more like cops.

If one or two dementors are really going to be killed and an attack on the armed forces of a regime is not a joke, they will be shot to death in the United States.

Zhang Xu fiddled with the treasure bag, which really made him discover a theoretically usable defensive item.

The door god, the god who guards the door, is a kind of painting posted on the door during the Lunar New Year.As the guardian god of folk beliefs, people put their statues on the door to drive away evil spirits, guard the house, keep safe, help utilitarianism, and bring good luck, etc. It is a popular patron saint among the Chinese people.Du Niang Encyclopedia

Next, let's focus on "exorcising evil spirits and avoiding ghosts, guarding the house, and keeping safe".

In ancient China, magical animals of filthy origin often appeared in the wells. They would run into ordinary people's houses, affecting the normal life of the house owner at the least, and causing the owner to get sick or even die.

This type of magical animal naturally belongs to the Yin attribute.

Therefore, the alchemists at that time made various magic items to protect the safety of ordinary people's homes.

At the beginning, runes were carved on the peach wood, so that the peach wood exudes mana of yang attribute, so that those magic creatures of yin attribute cannot enter the house.

It is this kind of peach charm that is mentioned in Wang Anshi's "Yuan Ri" "Thousands of households and thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old charms."

Later, some skilled alchemists used runes in their paintings, and then new year pictures with the themes of Shen Tu and Yu Lei, Qin Shubao, Yu Chigong and Zhong Kui appeared.

Soon after, town house stone beasts such as stone lions with the same function were also listed.

In ancient China, the families and sects of various scholars almost monopolized the markets of peach charms, New Year pictures and town house stone beasts in the surrounding towns.

In other places, selling peach charms and New Year pictures is an important income for wandering alchemists.

input source.

Just when Zhang Xu was about to take out something from the treasure bag, all the lights went out suddenly, and the people in the carriage were plunged into complete darkness.

"What's wrong?" Ron yelled.

"Ouch," said Hermione breathlessly, "Ron, that's my foot"

Hearing Hermione's words, the Wuling Hongguang S in Zhang Xu's mind was activated.

Then the carriage door flew open and Neville fell painfully onto Harry's lap.

Then Crookshanks experienced Neville's top.

Next came Ginny who was looking for Ron. She bumped into Hermione who was about to go out and fell on Zhang Xu's lap.

Well, this little girl is more developed than last year.Zhang Xu thought.

"Quiet," said Lupine, as everyone in the car was jumping around.

Then the wand in Lupine's hand glowed like a torch.

At this time, several other people came to their senses and took out their wands to cast spells, and the light was restored in the carriage for a while.

Taking advantage of this time, Zhang Xu picked up Ginny who fell on his lap and pushed her to the seat next to her.

At this time, the carriage door was opened, and Zhang Xu suddenly found a lot of very unpleasant pictures popping up in his head.

September NO.30 at 04:30 p.m. I was told that I would have to work overtime for the next seven days. On the way home from get off work, a man rushed out and lay in front of his car. After spending more than 100 million yuan in various resources, he just couldn’t get the u47 out. Ximu Town killed a chicken casually

Scenes of images full of negative energy filled Zhang Xu's mind.

Startled, Zhang Xu immediately cast a spell called "Mechanized Mind" on himself.

In an instant, all emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy in Zhang Xu's heart disappeared, and his whole mind was running like a machine.At the same time, all the images in his mind disappeared.

Zhang Xu saw that Harry was shivering on the seat, and just when Harry was about to fall to the ground, he stepped forward to support Harry and pressed him on the seat.

Zhang Xu walked to the carriage door, looked at the dementor outside the door, then closed the carriage door, took out a picture of "Zhong Kui Catching Ghosts" and pasted it on the glass of the carriage door.

In "The Picture of Zhong Kui Catching Ghosts", the patterns on Zhong Kui's clothes suddenly flashed a golden light, and the dementors outside the carriage seemed to have seen something terrible, and quickly slid away.

At this moment, everyone in the carriage felt the warmth return to their bodies.

After a while, after realizing that there were no more dementors coming, Zhang Xu thoughtfully took down Zhong Kui's portrait, and at the same time released the mechanized mind from his body.

Zhang Xu turned around and saw Harry hugging the shivering Ginny, Lupine handed a large piece of chocolate to the two of them with a smile on his face, Ron was sulking, Hermione was snickering, and Neville was bewildered. force.

Then Zhang Xu walked out of the carriage and went to other carriages to see how other friends were doing.

Along the way, Zhang Xu thought about some problems while walking. After discovering that "Zhong Kui's Picture of Catching Ghosts" was effective for dementors, he had some ideas that needed to be verified, but he had to capture one or two dementors as material.

Thinking of Dumbledore's dislike of dementors wandering around Hogwarts, Zhang Xu thought about whether to take the opportunity to sell a pair of stone lions from the evil town house to Hogwarts, and place them on both sides of the castle gate. This picture is very beautiful. ah.

Think about the Goblet of Fire next year, when the students from the other two schools came to Hogwarts, they first passed the specimen of the basilisk, and then entered Hogwarts Castle from between the two stone lions. .

However, considering that the symbol of Gryffindor is a lion, if only putting stone lions would cause dissatisfaction among the other three colleges, Dumbledore probably would not do so.

How about selling two new year pictures of Shen Tu and Yu Lei, Qin Shubao and Yu Chigong, or Zhong Kui on the gate of Hogwarts Castle, or simply get a picture with Dumbledore as the theme?

No matter how you look at it, this will make Hogwarts' painting style even more weird.

In the end, Zhang Xu suddenly thought that if Hogwarts Castle really wanted to build something to ward off evil spirits, the ghosts of Professor Binns, Nick and Fat Friar in the castle would be cleared out of Hogwarts Castle.

Zhang Xu had no choice but to give up this idea.

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