Drinking black tea calmly at Hogwarts

Chapter 81 There is only one protagonist in today's school-opening banquet

After the train arrived at the station, the students got off the train amidst all the chaos.

The dementors just now scared the students quite badly. Draco Malfoy's legs were still shaking when he got off the car. Now they are helping their girlfriends, and the single dogs are looking for targets among the first-year students .

When we were on the train just now, Zhang Xu summoned a group of familiar single dogs, and each gave them a few large pieces of chocolate, and then asked them to comfort the panicked school girls, making Zhang Xu feel so lonely among the group of single dogs. Prestige immediately turned into admiration.

Even single dogs said that Zhang Xu is worthy of being a wizard from China. He first found his girlfriend and then found his girlfriend. In the end, everyone found a girlfriend.

The Hogwarts dining hall is still full of laughter today, thousands of candles suspended in mid-air above the tables illuminate the faces of the students.

There were no special surprises in this year's sorting ceremony.

When Astoria Greengrass came out, Zhang Xu paid special attention to it. The wife of the future Draco Malfoy is still very beautiful, and it is no problem to rank among the top ten girls in Hogwarts. .

Zhang Xu turned his head to look at Pansy Parkinson next to Draco Malfoy. This girl seemed to be genuinely moved by Draco Malfoy. Sang "It's a pity it's not you, stay with me to the end".

After the sorting ceremony, Dumbledore stood up and began to speak.

To the point: "Dementors don't understand pleas or excuses by nature. So I warn each and every one of you: don't give them any excuses to hurt you. I'm counting on the prefects, and our new Head Boys And the President of the Girls' Student Council, you must ensure that no student will have a conflict with a dementor."

Then Dumbledore continued: "What is more pleasing is that this year, I am delighted to welcome three new professors to our team."

Many students voiced doubts.

"Xiao Xu, aren't there only two new faces on the professor's seat? How could there be three new professors? Could it be that one of the new professors didn't arrive?" Zhang Qiu, who was sitting next to Zhang Xu, asked.

"You'll know later," Zhang Xu replied calmly, "Just don't be too surprised then."

"The first is Professor Lupine, who graciously agreed to fill the vacancy in Defense Against the Dark Arts," said Dumbledore.

There was some sporadic, less enthusiastic applause.Only those students who had been in the same compartment as him on the train applauded vigorously, and Zhang Xu was one of them.

Driven by Zhang Xu, the students of Eagle Academy and students from other schools who are familiar with Zhang Xu and who recognize Zhang Xu's strength also began to applaud, and then the students of the whole school followed suit, making the awkward applause just now become heated.

Students who are familiar with Zhang Xu know that Zhang Xu's knowledge, strength and vision are first-rate.

It was Zhang Xu who was the first to see Neville Longbottom's talent in herbal medicine, who was still a fool at the time, and the first to say that Hermione Granger's grades from a Muggle family would crush students of the same level , the first student to discover Harry Potter's Seeker talent and so on.

And the people Zhang Xu didn't like to see, such as the professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the past two years, it turned out that they all had problems.

Many people even think that Zhang Xu is a hidden master of divination.

Therefore, the students began to pay attention to the professor Zhang Xu recognized.

"Is this professor very good?" Seeing that Zhang Xu was so optimistic about Professor Lu Ping, Zhang Qiu asked a question that many students were concerned with.

"It can be said that," Zhang Xu organized the language, "If Professor Dumbledore retires, then the person who will take over as the principal will be Professor McGonagall. If Professor McGonagall becomes the principal, the best candidate for the dean of Gryffindor College , this is Professor Lupine."

Zhang Xu didn't deliberately lower his voice, his words were quickly spread through word of mouth among the students in the cafeteria, and there was a burst of exclamation from the long table in the Lion Court.

When Zhang Xu saw Snape staring at Professor Lupine along the teacher's long table, the expression on his face was distorted. This kind of treatment was only enjoyed by Harry Potter.

Zhang Xu admired Lu Ping very much. After going through hardships, he still maintained an optimistic attitude. He was wise, calm, and powerful.It's a pity that he and his wife both died in battle after suffering all the hardships and enjoying the short-term happiness.

In "The Story", his son later hooks up with Bill and Fleur's daughter.So maybe he will become his in-laws in this life? Zhang Xu couldn't help thinking.


It is to help him.Zhang Xu secretly made up his mind.

Anyway, it doesn't matter to Zhang Xu whether the "plot" plays or not. He doesn't rely on the foresight of the "plot" to make a living, he relies on the country behind him.As long as the interests are sufficient, it is not impossible for the country to send a bunch of people to help Dumbledore kill Voldemort.For the matter of borrowing troops from foreigners to "assist in the suppression", the Qing Dynasty approached Britain in the past, and now the reverse is no problem.Come on, gentlemen of the Ministry of Magic, as long as you sign this treaty, not to mention the suppression of Voldemort, it is not impossible to discuss the suppression of Dumbledore by the way.

Dumbledore raised his hands and pressed them down, and the students' discussion stopped.

"The second professor we have appointed," continued Dumbledore, "well, I regret to inform you that Professor Kettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, retired at the end of last year in order to spend more time with him. The rest of the rascals stayed together. I am happy to say, however, that it was none other than Rubeus Hagrid to fill his place, and Hagrid has agreed to be a professor in addition to his job as gamekeeper."

There was applause, especially on the Gryffindor table.

But many students stopped applauding when they saw that Zhang Xu didn't applaud, but had a "hehe" expression on his face.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Zhang Qiu looked at Zhang Xu suspiciously, but Zhang Xu shook his head lightly and said nothing.

After seeing this scene, the hearts of the students who had chosen the Protection of Magical Creatures class thumped, and they all felt like they had taken a pill.

First-year freshmen feel bewildered.The first professor's welcome applause was not warm, but the surrounding seniors and seniors clapped after seeing a Ravenclaw student applauding enthusiastically.The second professor's applause was originally quite enthusiastic, but when everyone discovered that the Ravenclaw student was not applauding, the applause stopped abruptly.So the newcomers asked the surrounding seniors and sisters about the student's situation.

Soon, Dumbledore's voice broke the awkward scene.

"As for the third professor we appointed," said Dumbledore, "Professor Kerry Dibbaji of Muggle Studies submitted an application to me last year. Then she will live in Muggle society for a few years, and after a few years, she will return to Hogwarts as a professor of Muggle studies. According to the basic law of Hogwarts, current students can be The teaching assistant of a professor of a certain course, when the professor is unable to attend the class due to something, the assistant will serve as an acting professor to teach the students. Therefore, we decided to appoint an outstanding student to be the acting professor of the Muggle Studies class."

Having said that, Dumbledore paused for a while, and the students in the cafeteria started talking.

Only the seventh year students remembered that Hogwarts had appointed a student to be a teaching assistant for History of Magic long ago.As a result, that student became the saddest teaching assistant in Hogwarts history.

The students who had purchased the textbooks of the Muggle Studies class seemed to realize something and looked at the long table in the Eagle Academy.

Dumbledore saw that the students initially digested the news, and then said: "I am happy to tell you that Mr. Zhang Xu from Ravenclaw College will serve as the acting professor of the Muggle Studies class. He has agreed to complete his course. In addition, he also serves as the acting professor of Muggle Studies."

After Dumbledore announced the news, there was an instant silence in the cafeteria.Then, warm applause and cheers exploded in an instant.

Zhang Xu stood up, smiled and nodded to the applauding and cheering students.

The banquet began amidst heated discussions, and the fear caused by the dementors had disappeared.

"When you entered the castle, you saw the basilisk in front of the castle gate. You must know whoever the basilisk stares at directly will die immediately. It was Professor Zhang who asked Peeves to destroy one of the basilisk's eyes. Afterwards, he personally destroyed the other eye of the basilisk. When fighting the basilisk, Professor Zhang stood at the front all the time. I went to the back to rest twice, but Professor Zhang did not rest once. Once, the basilisk pounced on me, and its mouth could swallow a whole person in one gulp. When the basilisk's mouth was less than two feet away from me, it was Professor Zhang who was beside me who beat the basilisk's head with a spell. It's off, or the one sitting next to you is a ghost. Then the ugly liar Lockhart who was caught earlier woke up and knocked out two students a little in front of our position. At this time Professor Zhang rushed in, covered the evacuation of the students in the auditorium, and finally defeated the ugly liar by himself."

The students who had fought side by side with Zhang Xu spared no effort to introduce Zhang Xu's great achievements to the new students, and by the way, blow themselves out.

After returning to the common room, Zhang Xu ushered in the warmest celebration from the students of Eagle Academy.

The students threw Zhang Xu high over and over again, until one time they threw it too hard and hit Zhang Xu to the ceiling with a "snap".

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