Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 314

Chapter 310: Cradle Of Life Technology

Next door to the three of Oaks is Dr. Zhao Hailun’s “Cradle of Life” laboratory.

Now, the authoritative scientist in the field of nanotechnology is working on Xu Yingli’s body building.

Although she once complained that Ox’s healing magic almost made her unemployed, when Ox told her what to do this time, Dr. Zhao was still excited.

To a certain extent, what Oaks is about to create with the “cradle of life technology” is indeed a “vegetative person”.

However, this low-cost solution is more suitable for ordinary people than the body of Zhenjin created by Ultron.

But strictly speaking, the plant cells used by Oaks are not really some kind of plant cells, but a kind of plant nanomaterials extracted by natural magic.

It is conceivable that Dr. Zhao Hailun looked incredible when he discovered the magical properties of this material.

Compared with the nanomaterials that she originally used, which Tony complained about as “plastic” to simulate human tissue, this plant nanomaterials containing vitality are more adaptable to the human body and can almost be faked.

After all, Oak Environmental Technology can even make plant-based meat look real.

But the real key is the brain.

For human tissue repair, or even visceral tissue, the cradle of life technology can do well enough, but it is basically powerless in the brain part.

After all, the “wooden head” is not so easy to make, unless it is like Ultron, directly pressing a mind gem.

But how can Xu Yingli catch up with the good time?

The biological computer brain, coupled with Malorne’s soul transfer technology, can be perfectly applied to the human body with a little modification.

“So, I have already taken care of Xu Wenwu’s feelings. Otherwise, even if I give him a tree wife, he has to follow it honestly, right?”

Oaks recalled the “miracle of resurrection” that Dr. Zhao Hailun had marveled at before, that is, there is no mature method of using science and technology to preserve the soul, otherwise this can really be used as a means of resurrecting human beings.

Of course only technically.

“However, Dr. Zhao complained that your iron armor is outdated. What do you think?”

Oaks skipped the “vegetative wife” stalk and began to complain about Tony:

“Nanotechnology is the future. Although I also agree with this point, I think you have encountered a problem.”

“I’m Tony Stark, known as the ‘futurist’! Of course I see the future of nanomaterials very clearly!”

Tony folded his arms, first praised himself, and then frowned in distress:

“However, this does have a lot of problems. The smelting of Ulu metal is too difficult, and there is no way to act on nanomaterials for the time being. Otherwise, Hercules can also shrink into the size of a fist.”

“Perhaps you can consider Zhenjin.”

Banner immediately made suggestions:

“The molecular structure of Zhenjin is very special, it should be able to do this kind of thing, but…”

He touched his chin thoughtfully:

“Are we going to melt the captain’s shield?”

“Uh…that’s really all the vibranium we know, but vibranium isn’t appropriate.”

Tony shook his head and denied Banner’s proposal:

“The characteristics of vibrating gold molecules to absorb energy will make the nano-war armor made of it lose its good energy transmission performance. In my imagination, nano-materials are not only used for defense.”

“…It seems to be the case.”

Oaks suddenly realized that it is no wonder that Wakanda technology is so powerful, and the Panther’s armor is still mainly close combat.

Of course, Black Panther himself is good at melee combat, but other energy weapons in Wakanda have never seen a nanotechnology storage style like a battle armor.

This is also caused by the characteristics of vibration gold, which can be used as an armor coating and a key component, but a group of nanoparticles like Tony’s nano armor is ever-changing, and if it is composed of various energy weapons, a single vibration gold will not work.

“Continue to study Ulu metal, at least there are many materials for you to test.”

Oaks can only comfort Tony like this, after all, this is a wizard who wants to charge Ulu Metal.

“Is Malorne ready?”

A service robot drove over and served drinks for the three of them. Tony reached for a glass of wine and took a sip, not thinking about this more difficult issue for the time being.

Compared with the re-evolution of the battle armor, now he is more concerned about the upcoming mirror image of Gaia consciousness, which is the completed version of the global early warning system in his opinion.

“It’s ready, and the latest algorithms don’t even need to increase computing power further.

Xu Yingli’s body can be built tomorrow, and three days later, Gaia consciousness mirroring can begin! ”

Oaks took a sip of his coffee and gave Tony a positive answer:

“I’ve already sent an invitation letter to Dr. Pym, there…the reply was very fast, just the tone, or a arrogant look.”

“Ha! What an arrogant guy this time will recognize the reality in front of the three of us together!”

Tony waved his hand domineeringly:

“Consciousness of a world! Dedicated to Tsundere!”

“Well, it is indeed a tyranny of arrogant monsters…”

Banner pushed his glasses and glanced at Tony, his face became weird:,

“Speaking of which, is Colonel Rhodes coming to this rally?”

He gestured his hands:

“I mean, although Colonel Rhodes is also on the Avengers mission now, he’s always been with the U.S. military.”

“I understand, Bruce…”

Tony was silent for a moment, then drank the wine in the glass:

“The matter this time is about the whole world, Rhodes, I won’t inform him for the time being.

Although there are plans to join, he is not yet an official Avengers member, which makes sense and will not make it difficult for him to do it in front of the US military. ”

In fact, Tony understands this, which is why the upgrade steps for War Machine’s armor are so slow.

Originally, after the Ultron incident, Rhodes officially joined the Avengers, but now under the influence of Oaks, Ultron was not born at all, and Rhodes is now only a quasi-Avengers.

“Understood,” Banner nodded slowly:

“Then I’ll notify the others first and gather in three days.”

The next day, according to Xu Yingli’s DNA information, the nanomaterial body that had been made was sent to Tarot, and Oaks personally cast a spell to place her soul on the body and resurrected her.

Reuniting with Xu Wenwu and even her children will take some time for her to get used to.

Sean needed a little time to deal with the newly established security company, so Xu Xialing left Oaks and stayed in Tarot to accompany his parents through this period.

The Tarot matter was completely resolved, and two days later, all the Avengers gathered under the Holy Oak in Avalon.

Many members, such as Carter, Bucky, Sam, Clint, and even Natasha and other non-rende members, came to Avalon for the first time.

Although they were all familiar with Malorne’s image, when they actually saw his body, they couldn’t help but be surprised.

However, compared to the old Tsundere Dr. Pym family, everyone was a lot calmer.

“Captain America…it’s an honor to meet you, I’m a huge fan of you!”

Scott Lang, the successor of Dr. Pym, the second generation of Ant-Man, is shaking Steve’s hand desperately:

“Ah sorry…I’ve been holding it for too long, wow that’s awesome!”

He finally let go and waved exaggeratedly to Pym and Hope:

“See? Captain America! I know everyone else too…”

“But they don’t all know you, idiot… stand by me!”

Dr. Pym coughed lightly and pulled Scott behind him with a serious face, while Hope rolled his eyes and dragged him behind him again.

This will make Dad, a face-loving guy, look very shameless.

“Is this your achievement? Although it is remarkable, it is far from the level of a ‘miracle’.”

Although Dr. Pym was already shocked by the fact that he was in a different dimension, he still looked up and down the scene in front of him with a critical eye.

A huge holographic projection was cast on a huge pedestal in front of the Holy Oak.

It was a slowly spinning hologram of the Earth.

Now, with the help of powerful computing power, more than 60% of the global natural environment can be completely simulated on this holographic image.

But for Dr. Pym, this really doesn’t matter much, even adding Malorne, it just makes this old Tsundere show a little surprise:

“Carter, you are bringing so many people together, isn’t it just to see a model of the earth?”

Peggy Carter spread her hands and looked at Oaks who was closing his eyes, who opened his eyes, nodded with a smile, and looked at Dr. Pym:

“I’m ready… Dr. Pym, everyone, of course what you’re going to see today is much more than that. Right now, it’s time to witness a miracle!”

Oaks stepped out of the crowd, stood in front of the holy oak tree, his hands filled with a thick emerald green light, and pressed heavily on the tree trunk, his spirit had entered a special state——

Get close to Gaia consciousness!

Since Ox’s current location is in Avalon, his consciousness is actually between Avalon and the earth, forming a “channel”.

The infinite power of nature poured down from the “channel”, and the terrifying momentum made all the Avengers suddenly change color.

“This is… the power of Gaia’s consciousness?”

Tony, Banner, and Steve glanced at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile~www.readwn.com~ The three of them still had a perception of the upper limit of what magic could achieve, at the level of Thor.

In terms of power, Sol’s thunder and lightning magic, which can also be called divine power, is naturally well-deserved.

In terms of magic, Wanda’s magic to manipulate matter and mind is also a part of it.

When it comes to weirdness, Agatha is an expert in the endless variety of spells and incantations.

But even those who don’t know anything about magic can see that in the face of the power that Oaks is showing now, these are not worth mentioning.

This is the power before the world consciousness comes.

------off topic-----

PS: After receiving the review news, it turns out that SQ can’t be written… It’s okay to write it before, or it can’t be written in a specific area… and it can’t be directly cut off, so I can only change a letter to test it out, let me know (? _?)

Yawen Library

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