Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 315

Chapter 311: Gaia Consciousness, Come!

The heroes on the technology side and mutation side only saw the great power of Oaks, but could not deeply understand what this power represented.

The magic side hero Wanda and her mentor Agatha understand it very well.

Unexpectedly, their eyes burst into unbelievable brilliance.

“Teacher…Is this the true power of President Oaks?”

In Wanda’s eyes, the magic of the entire world has been mobilized, and there seems to be an incredible magic channel above Ox’s head, connecting an endless source of magic.

It was a natural magic power that was completely different from her own magic power.

“Compared to this mighty power, our magic is ridiculously fragile… Is this the power of Gaia’s consciousness?

The power of nature can be so powerful that we humans fight like ants on it…”

“Wanda, you have unlimited potential, don’t belittle yourself.”

Although Agatha is also convinced by this huge natural magic, she sees the potential of Wanda quite clearly:

“Anyone’s ability has its place. Your power can be used to help others, and it will definitely surpass most wizards and mages, but you are right…”

Naturally, she could see the unbelievably powerful natural magic power, and she couldn’t help but look a little blank:

“So black magic or something…that’s ridiculous…”


The power of the power of nature is getting bigger and bigger, and Avalon’s natural environment has been impacted by huge magical power, and the situation has changed.

In front of Oaks, the area with the strongest natural magic, even if he tried his best to control it, there were still storms.

Malorne’s soul projection gently shook the huge antlers, and a shallow magical barrier was erected in front of everyone, isolating the storm.

In Oaks’ consciousness, Gaia’s consciousness, which was too large to be seen before, was now extremely close to his consciousness.

After all, if worship is considered to be the son of nature, and the peak is considered to be my heart instead of heaven, then reverence is at least the true messenger of nature, the kind of minister of humiliation.

Therefore, when he, the “minister of the humerus”, submitted his advice, it was the first time since the birth of human beings that Gaia’s consciousness gave a positive feedback to a human’s opinion.

If the image of Gaia’s consciousness is a bright light group comparable to the sun in Ox’s consciousness, then part of its light is now being transferred to the Holy Oak through the channel established by Ox’s magic!

as they planned.

On the trunk of the holy oak tree, there were first strands of thread, then densely like a net, and finally poured down like water waves. The rich emerald green light was continuously poured into the huge root system through the powerful magic power transmission ability of the trunk.

Malorne had displayed the holographic projection of the root of the holy oak tree that no one could see in mid-air, and everyone saw the rich green light pouring into a huge spherical tissue in the center of the root of the tree.

That is the core of the “mirror” of Gaia’s consciousness, the natural demigod-level central biological computing center.

Next to the holographic projection, a progress bar is intimately displayed.

Gaia Consciousness Mirror Progress: 10%, 30%, 50%…

Everyone held their breaths, and when the progress bar exceeded 50%, they had already discovered that the huge earth projection on the pedestal next to it had changed!

The details on the projection are becoming more and more realistic and richer. Many areas that originally seemed to be empty have gradually appeared complete topography, and even the distribution of plants and human buildings on it are clearly visible!

“This is……”

Hank Pym, who had not shown any special emotion even with the mighty power of natural magic before, gradually widened his eyes.

It can be said just now that he does not understand magic and does not know what Oaks is doing.

But now, he fully understands what the details of this earth projection represent!

The holographic projection changes rapidly. After the surface details are perfected, the underwater and the underground are perfected next!

The vast ocean part is like real water on the projection model, and you can even see the marked ocean currents moving forward and the fish migrating!

Pym even saw that some parts were marked with “abnormal temperature” and “contamination alert” etc.!

And finally, the atmosphere.

Wind, cloud, rain, snow, temperature, humidity, light, air quality…

With each square as a unit, all kinds of data were brushed out like a waterfall, and then disappeared one by one – Malorne is closing his eyes, trying to process these almost innumerable huge data.

60%, 90%… 100%!

As the progress of Gaia’s consciousness mirror image reached 100%, Oaks fell to his knees with a “pop”.


Everyone rushed forward, and Steve was the first to help him up:

“Are you OK?”

“It’s okay… huh… it’s really exciting!”

Oakes shook his swollen and tingling head, and forced a few laughs:

“Even if it is only used as a channel for magic power, and there is also the protection of the power of nature, it is still almost unstoppable–

Fortunately, it has been done! ”

“This… is definitely the history of science, um, even the greatest miracle in the history of magic!”

Tony muttered to himself, looking at the projection of the earth that was already exquisite like a work of art, the projection gave him the feeling…

As if watching them!

“This is… a mirror image of Gaia’s consciousness?”

“I feel…it’s alive!”

“I feel like I’m being stared at by something…”

“The data it shows are real-time? They’re constantly changing!”

“My God! Are there so many places in the world that appear to be polluted!”

“This cloud is drifting towards my house… is it going to rain?”

“Look! There’s an alarm here, the jungle is being logged…”

“There’s an alarm here too! There’s a shipwreck… I’m afraid we’re going to go to the rescue!”

“There’s a flash flood and mudslide warning here!”

“Storm and tsunami warning… So there are so many threats that we don’t know about!”

The Avengers found several alarms marked “high risk” in an instant, Tony gave a complicated “Sheet”, and immediately put on the battle armor that he had brought in a long time ago.

On the one hand, he was happy that the global early warning system was working as expected.

on the other hand……

“Jarvis, the number of Iron Legions needs to continue to increase, our manpower is far from enough–

Set up a production plan, and blast 50% of the troops in the first phase! ”

“Yes, sir.”

Jarvis’ signal is also here, Tony can command it without wearing a battle armor, and he is wearing a battle armor now…

“Captain, assign tasks. Except for Bruce who stayed to take care of Oaks, the other Avengers need to go back to work!”

“Indeed, it seems that our usual information is too closed.”

Steve immediately started arranging tasks for the high-risk alarm marked by Malorne, and then everyone quickly returned to the Avengers base, put on equipment, and set off separately.

“Sorry, Oaks, the details can only be explained after a while before I listen to your explanation. You should rest for a while…”

Tony was the last to walk through the portal, and only Oakes, Banner, and the Pym family were left.

“Rest assured, brother, I will send the alert to them in time.”

Malorne shook his head, and a large communication interface unfolded in front of him. It was the Avengers’:

“Everyone can keep in touch here. We are fully prepared. I still have a lot of spare capacity to remove the part of forwarding Gaia’s consciousness data.”

“That’s good……”

Oaks took a breath and stood up, took the big acorn that Banner handed over, and took a deep breath:

“Dr. Pym, sorry for not entertaining you… The Avengers are busier now.”


Pym was silent for a moment, looked away from the earth model, and sighed:

“Choose two more tasks for Hope and Scott, they are also very capable.”

Oaks and Banner looked at each other unexpectedly and nodded slowly:

“…Thank you so much.”

Hope in the Wasp suit and Scott in the Ant-Man suit are indeed two powerful forces. Pym allowed them to do tasks, apparently tacitly acquiescing to the Avengers.

“Malorne will transfer your identification information to Jarvis, who will arrange transportation for you.”

Oaks gave the two leaves to Hope and Scott, who were looking oddly:

“This is the leaf that communicates directly with Malorne. Just put it on your body. If you want to talk to Malorne, just think about it.”

“…It’s really environmentally friendly.”

Scott thought of his new phone, and the company said in its latest launch that it took three years to build a robot that automatically disassembles the phone for the sake of environmental protection.

After I just complained about whether they would not even send earphones and charging heads for environmental protection, I saw that it was even more ruthless.

If you don’t need this leaf, you can eat it directly!

So he asked in Hope’s helpless expression.

“Of course, it’s all natural. If you are in danger of serious injury, eating it can save your life.”

Hope: “…”

After sending off Ant-Man and the Wasp, Banner also took an acorn and gestured to the eccentric Dr. Pym:

“Want a drink?”

“…Let’s talk about business.”

Dr. Pym pushed his glasses, facing Banner and Oaks, he would not continue to be arrogant——

When Tony was there, there was also the matter of Howard. Now if there are only three of them, he can let go of his arrogant attributes and talk about topics he is interested in.

“I heard Carter say that you are going to build a quantum computer…but I think your biological computer is already exceedingly powerful.

The Will of the World… This thing actually exists~www.readwn.com~ and you actually copied it in! ”

“Well, it’s an exaggeration to say that replication is an exaggeration. Biological computers are far from such powerful performance, and it is impossible for two of the same wills of the world to exist at the same time.”

Oakes waved his hand and corrected Pym’s statement:

“Correctly speaking, this is a ‘mirror’, where only the will of the world is fed back in real time, that is, the global environmental monitoring and early warning data that the ‘Gaia Consciousness’ is willing to open to us.”

He scratched his head regretfully:

“I want some special permission, but she doesn’t want to give it.”

“What authority?”

“Like prospecting, so I can go buy undiscovered mines and oil or something…”

“Fairy Wood”


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