Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 335

Chapter 331: Ancient 1 Fall

The battle in the mirror space is really full of fantasy and legend.

The folded earth, the twisted tall buildings, the upside-down road, and Casillas, who possessed the endless dark magic power from Dormammu, did have the ability to wrestle with Gu Yi.

What’s more, Strange is a half-hearted, and Mordo, who is good at frontal combat but not good at many strange secret spells.

Finally, in the eyes of the two, the buildings of the entire city were floating in the air, controlled by Casillas’ powerful dark magic.

Space and matter are still constantly changing, as if Strange and Mordo, who are enemies of the whole world, are completely suppressed.

However, when Casillas took Strange’s ring and was about to end him completely, another powerful magic saved him—

The Supreme Mage Gu Yi finally returned from Kama Taj and confronted Casillas and his followers alone.

A new battle platform was created, and Gu Yi, dressed in a yellow robe, stood proudly on the platform.

“Ancient One!”

Casillas in smoky makeup and his followers gathered together, looking at the former mentor with complex eyes:

“You’ve been drawing power from the dark dimension to maintain your life, haven’t you?

The so-called Druid legend is the blindfold you released…

Strength will not be faked, let’s go! ”

A red rune representing the dark dimension appeared on his forehead, and he roared:

“If you don’t do your best, you will be killed by me, mentor!”

“…as you wish.”

Gu Yi sighed secretly, and unfolded two fan-shaped magic shields in his hand with a ‘swoosh”.

And on her forehead, a mysterious emerald green symbol appeared.

It was no longer the mark of the dark dimension representing Dormammu, but the “trinity knot” of the Celtic ancestors.

In ancient Celtic culture, the Trinity Knot reflects the Celtic belief in immortality, symbolizing the unity of consciousness, spirit, and soul, as well as the complex relationship of humans to nature and the gods.

Therefore, this symbol is used by Oaks as a symbol of communication between Avalon’s power and the outside world—

Avalon’s continuous power of nature is poured into Gu Yi through this symbol, making her a bit of the legendary elf clan’s aloof demeanor!

Although Avalon’s power is far less than that of the Dark Dimension, Gu Yi only drew a trace of dark magic from the Dark Dimension to prolong his life.

And now, the power of Avalon is blessing her unreservedly because of the agreement between Gu Yi and Ox—

Far more than she needs to maintain her lifespan when she is at full strength.

“The rumors are true…”

Mordo and Strange landed on the platform, their eyes fixed on the dark rune on Casillas’ forehead, and at the trinity knot on Gu Yi’s forehead, or it could be called “natural rune”. Color speaks for itself:

“This is truly the Druid’s power of nature!”

What kind of power of Oaks is, they are naturally very clear.

Although the power of nature displayed by Gu Yi is far less powerful than Casillas’ power of darkness, the power of the Supreme Mage has always been because of herself!

“Casillas, Dormammu is deceiving you, you don’t know his true colors.

His so-called eternal life is not heaven, but endless suffering! ”

“It’s too late to say that now!”

Casillas was silent for a moment, then shook his head gently—

He has already achieved this point, no matter what, he will not let go!

Casillas is even more talented than his senior brother Mordo, and once he has identified something, he will never look back.

The powerful, talented, and extremely stubborn lunatics are even more terrifying!

Thus, the battle between the Dark Believers and the Supreme Mage began.

The supreme mage, Gu Yi, has been on the earth for more than 600 years, and has made a great name in many dimensions.

With her, even Odin wanted to come to Earth for a vacation, and he had to get her approval, and Midgard didn’t admit that he was a vassal of Asgard.

The lords of various dimensions who have long coveted the special world of Earth, Dormammu, Mephisto, Nightmare and even other **** lords, etc…

They have a lot of power, but they can only make some incarnations and do some petty tricks, and they don’t dare to come in and make trouble.

They imagined countless times when the Supreme Mage would die, how he would die, and at the hands of which of them would he die.

But they never imagined that the Supreme Mage would choose to be stabbed by a small dark believer in the posture of paddling in the trial battle of his heir, and fell from a height to his death.

She gave up all magical protection, and even took the initiative to cut off the power transmission of the natural rune to prevent the force of nature from repairing her fatal injury, so she was sent to the hospital by Strange.

“Modu! You go to President Oaks, hurry up!”

Strange woke up Mordo, who was in incredible sadness, and the latter reacted immediately, nodded sharply, and opened the portal directly to the Guardian of Nature.

And Strange could not do the surgery on Gu Yi himself, so he had to give it to others, and he chose to use the method of soul projection to help Gu Yi maintain his soul.

But Gu Yi’s soul obviously wants to leave this last time to her best heir.

She froze the time in her soul state, and told Strange the ins and outs of this moment and her prediction of this moment.

“I’ve seen countless futures that have brought me to this moment, but I can’t see the next moment.”

“So you think you’re going to die now?”

“I can’t see your future either…but I see endless possibilities.”

Gu Yi recalled when he and Oaks were talking about this moment, so the final fate still hasn’t changed?

“You have the ability to do great things, you are always outstanding, not because you desire success, but because you are afraid of failure.

Because of this, you are bound by arrogance and fear, unable to achieve a higher cause—

You can’t learn the easiest and most important lesson. ”

“What is it?”

Gu Yi smiled and looked at the new Supreme Mage:

“You, it’s not important.”

Yes, Gu Yi himself had such a great consciousness.

Therefore, she can decisively give up her life now to fulfill Strange.

Only then can she decisively give up her perseverance and draw on the dark magic to prolong her life, just to wait for this moment to come.

“Ox recommends you to come to me, the dimensional magic is injected into your body, and you can rely on your will to restore your hands—

Of course his natural magic can do it too. ”

She stared at the stagnant scene in front of her, with a relaxed smile on her face:

“Don’t blame him, I made him do it.”

“So… President Oaks can completely heal my hands?”

Strange smiled bitterly:

“You asked him to reject me, and then let me come here, just to train me to become a mage, and then protect the world on your behalf?”

“You can choose not to, you can choose to go back to your old life, but the world will be more dangerous because of it.”


Strange was silent.

Indeed, if you don’t stop Dormammu and the dark dimension comes, then even if you return to a normal life, won’t the ending be engulfed by darkness?

And also to lose the whole earth!

“Can President Oaks stop Dormammu? He is also a hero of the magic department!”

“If he could do it, I wouldn’t be looking for you.”

Gu Yi smiled:

“Everyone has his responsibilities and his responsibilities are not here.”

“But I’m not ready yet…”

“No one is ready all the time… The timing is up to us, and Oaks has been preparing for more difficult challenges, but even he dare not say that he is ready.”

Strange was taken aback by Gu Yi’s words, President Oaks…

“It is death that gives meaning to life, knowing that your life is limited and that life is too short.

It stands to reason that it has been so long, I should have been ready, but you look at me, extend this moment indefinitely, just to see this beauty…”

In the sky outside, the lightning that was originally stagnant, with the rapid weakening of Gu Yi’s magic power, could not maintain the stagnation.

Strange looked abruptly, and when he turned back, Gu Yi’s soul body had disappeared.


On the operating table, Gu Yi’s emerald green pupils lost their color, and the instruments could no longer detect her signs of life.

But what everyone couldn’t see was that on her forehead, an emerald green natural rune flashed slightly and disappeared without a sound.

On the deck forest of the Nature Guardian, as soon as Mordo stepped out of the portal, he saw Oaks standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky.

“President Oaks! Please…”

“Mage Mordo, I know your purpose.”

There was no one on the deck, only Oaks and Mordo in this quiet forest.

He turned around slowly, and on his forehead was a natural rune that was like Gu Yi’s retreat:

“I perceive that the natural rune of the Supreme Mage has disappeared, and she has no signs of life.”


Mordo was stunned.

“Why…why is this?!”

Moro clenched his fists tightly, is it just a little bit of time?

As a staunch defender of the laws of nature, although Modu is a bit complicated about Gu Yi’s violation of the laws of nature and prolonging his life, these are nothing to do with the constant threat of different dimensions.

What’s more, under the “reveal” of Oaks, this power is the inheritance of Gu Yi’s comrades-in-arms, which perfectly fits Mordo’s heroic complex of “die for battle” and “die for hope”.

But at this time, when Dormammu was about to invade, the Supreme Mage was lost, and the world was at stake!

“You’re out of time, Mordo.”

Oaks’ voice sounded, and he looked to the southwest with a serious expression—

Directions to the Hong Kong Temple.

“The power of the dark dimension has come, and the Hong Kong Temple has fallen… Strange has accepted the last teachings of the Supreme Master and is rushing there. What is your choice?”


Mo Du looked solemn, touched the magic knife behind him, and opened the portal.

“Naturally die for the war!”

He stepped through the portal, and Ox’s voice came from behind him:

“Good luck… The Supreme Mage has long foreseen this moment, and you will win!”


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