Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 336

Chapter 332: Don’T Rush To Die

While Strange and Dormammu were playing the game of “negotiating conditions”, the figure of Oaks slowly appeared in the morgue where the body of Mage Ancient One was located.

“Tsk…it’s really cold.”

The morgue was lifeless, and Oaks looked at the corpse of the ancient one who was covered with white cloth, and the yellow mage robe was still stained with blood.

“Without the protection of the Supreme Mage on the earth, the news will soon spread among the endless dimensions and the world, and our burden is much heavier…”

He lifted the white cloth, and the doctor involved in the first aid had already closed his eyes for Gu Yi.

Oaks raised his eyebrows, reached out and wiped Gu Yi’s forehead, and the natural rune appeared again.

This time, though, the emerald green natural rune turned azure blue.

The color of soul magic.

“Master Gu Yi, it’s just the curtain call, don’t you think it’s too early?”

Oaks whispered to himself, and beside him, Gu Yi’s soul body reappeared with a helpless, wry smile.

“Really…I can’t rest in peace when I die. Your natural rune actually locks my soul on my body.”

“Well, the little spell I used a while ago was very useful.”

Oaks refers to the time when the Tarot was defending against Soul Eater’s Detention.

Gu Yi sighed and shook his head:

“How is the situation now?”

“Strange used the Time Stone to negotiate terms with Dormammu—

He has a very flexible mind and knows that a dimensional lord like Dormammu is beyond time. He… trapped Dormammu in an infinite loop of time and became his own prisoner. ”

Ox has the power of Avalon, although not as transcendental as Dormammu, but the mirror image of Avalon and Gaia can help him perceive something wrong.

What’s more, he already knew what Strange was going to do.

Although there is no time magic, soul magic can help him temporarily avoid the constant reset of time.

That’s right, Oaks, who is here now, is in the state of Soul Split Projection.

Just because his demigod-level soul is extraordinarily powerful, the divisions appear to be very solid.

The soul of the ancient one naturally also noticed the abnormality of time.

“Do you take the initiative to break the laws of nature to achieve great things… Strange did it.”

Gu Yi has never seen her fate after her death, so everything now is new to her who has spied on the future countless times.

“It won’t be long before Dormammu gets bored. In the entire time cage, only he can perceive the passage of time, and he will negotiate with Strange.”

Oaks turned to Gu Yi, who was clearly in a good mood, raised his eyebrows, and urged:

“Supreme Master, you have been protecting the earth for hundreds of years. I understand that you are tired and want to rest… But you don’t have to use such a decisive way, right?

Or… how about coming to my holy place of life to cultivate? ”

“I’m dead, Strange who saved this crisis is the new Supreme Mage.”

Gu Yi shook his head slightly, unmoved:

“Since it’s time for me to retire, I should retire—

Always give young people a chance, the future of the earth is guarded by new heroes.

When I am immortal, the mages will always feel uncomfortable when they see it. ”

“I think it’s just the discomfort in the eyes they look at me.”

Oaks snorted in a self-deprecating manner:

“But it also shows that the story I made up is very good.”

“Indeed, I do need to thank you for this, Oaks, at least Mordo won’t go too far.”

Gu Jian looked in the direction of the Hong Kong Temple and frowned slightly:

“But this time Strange used the Time Stone to break the laws of nature. Although he won against Dormammu, Mordo was destined to be unable to go with him.

He was too stubborn, which in many cases made him prone to extremes. ”

“Modu’s beliefs have not collapsed. He is still the mage of Kama Taj. Even if he does not agree with Strange’s philosophy, he will still do his best to protect the temple.”

Oaks and Mordo have also known each other for a long time. In fact, although Mordo is a little serious, he still has a good sense of humor:

“He is very stubborn, but this stubbornness also makes him a strong sense of responsibility, doesn’t it?”

“…you’re right, Oakes.”

Gu Yi turned around, tilted his head slightly and looked at Oaks, with a hint of curiosity on his face:

“I can’t see the present, nor the future, nor yours, just as I can’t see Strange’s future.

But I can at least see that his future has infinite possibilities, but your future… I can’t see any information. ”

For her, the emotion of “curiosity” hadn’t appeared to her for hundreds of years.

Even after meeting Oaks for the first time, she did not arouse any curiosity—

All you have to do is wait quietly until fate arrives.

But the current time is after fate, so she regained this emotion——

It feels pretty good.

“When the soul leaves the body in a dying state, I seem to finally understand–

You always seem to be preparing for more difficult and more dangerous challenges. Who is the enemy? ”

Although Oaks asked the ancient one about the Eternals, the ancient one did not think that the imaginary enemy of Oaks would be them.

“Is it the **** group?”

“That’s one of them.”

Oaks sighed slightly, the **** group is still at a level that is difficult to even look up to.

“The Celestials haven’t shown hostility to Earth for at least billions of years. Let the Eternals have a headache first. After they find Arisam’s target, we can prescribe the right medicine.

But in front of us are the masterminds behind the Chitauri Legion, as well as the dimension lords represented by Mephisto, alien forces, such as the Kree Empire, and even the existence behind the “Book of Dark Gods”, which is also a threat. one. ”

He looked at Gu Yi seriously, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious:

“I know that the one who has always guarded the earth amid these threats is Odin in the real world, and you in the magical world, Supreme Mage.

But now that you are gone, word will spread soon.

And Odin’s lifespan is at most a year or two –

When the guardians of reality and magic have left, it is almost a certainty that the earth will suddenly encounter threats beyond its existing capabilities. ”

“Is Odin only one or two years old…”

Gu Yi nodded slightly, this news Oaks told Gu Yi as early as when Odin came to Earth for vacation:

“Time flies so fast… But Odin is gone, Asgard is still there, and the new god-king, whether it’s Thor or Balder, will continue to guard the earth.”

“So what if Asgard is gone?”

Oaks’ icy voice made Gu Yi narrow his eyes slightly:

“Twilight of the Gods?”

“Yes, Ragnarok in Asgard… Although Baldur has been resurrected, the threat of Ragnarok is still there.”

Oaks told the ancient one about the appearance of the dark **** Hodel during the Battle of Greenwich, and his last words:

“Be careful of Hela!”

“The goddess of death in Norse mythology…”

Old-fashioned and solemn:

“She really exists!”

“That’s right, so Asgard can’t be relied on anymore. I’m making preparations, and I’m trying my best to help Asgard survive Ragnarok.”

Oaks once again sent an invitation to Gu Yi:

“Supreme Mage, the threats to the earth will only increase. The more prepared I am, the more I feel that it is not enough…

Unknown, it is too easy to make people feel powerless. I have made plans for interstellar immigration, plans for the soul binding and resurrection of the Avengers, and even plans to capture the dream dimension…

I have made allies, Asgard, Inhumans, Ghost Rider, Witch, Wakanda, Tarot Rift.

But with the Avengers and my Benevolent Society, it’s unclear whether all of this will work when the real threat comes.

Therefore, Supreme Master, you are also one of my plans! ”

“Is even I included in the plan…”

Gu Yi stared blankly at Oaks’ serious face, and nodded slowly thoughtfully:

“Sure enough, no one is quite ready…”

She pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised her head:

“Then, I’ll give you another plan.”


Oaks was stunned for a moment, but Gu Yi had already stretched out his hand and wiped it in the air, and a mysterious image of a book exuding a strange light appeared in front of Oaks.

“This is……”

“The Book of Emperor Weishan, the Holy Book of White Magic, records all the white magic in the world, and it is opposite to the Book of Darkness, which is the Holy Book of Black Magic.”

Gu looked at the shocked Oaks:

“If the existence behind the Book of the Dark Gods is also one of the threats, the Book of Weishandi can fight against it.

But in this universe, it does not exist now. ”

“This… universe…”

Oakes murmured, “Multiverse?”

“That’s right…it’d be nice if you knew something.”

Gu Yi waved his hand, and a magic timeline appeared in front of Oaks.

“Time is constantly flowing forward, but at each key node, the key characters make different choices, which will generate different parallel universes——

Different parallel universes are similar but different, and many familiar people and things are likely to be unrecognizable.

I don’t know how many parallel universes are similar to our universe. When they are combined, they are called multiverses. ”

There are many tributaries on the timeline, and each tributary develops towards the endless void, but will not return to the main body.

“Because the time points of the branches are different and the experiences are also different, it is not certain whether there will be similar people and things in each universe-

For example, in some universes, there may be no me, no Strange, and no you.

In some universes, Strange may also be the Supreme Mage, and the Avengers will also exist.

But the Book of the Dark God and the Book of Weishandi~www.readwn.com~ exist in most universes. ”

As soon as Gu stopped, Oaks was also slightly taken aback.

The flow of time has returned to normal.

In other words, Strange and Dormammu have already negotiated the terms.

“It seems that we still have a lot of things to communicate, Supreme… Well, Master Gu Yi.”

Oaks’ soul body waved his hand to open the portal, his body stepped out of the portal, and made a “please” gesture to Gu Yi:

“Why don’t we talk while drinking tea?”


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