Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 345

Chapter 341: Mephisto’S Revenge

The earth has lost the protection of the supreme mage, the ancient one, and the news will soon spread between dimensions.

Oaks knew this.

The dimensional demon gods will not miss this opportunity to come to earth to test, and he can imagine it.

But he didn’t expect it to be so fast.

After all, Kama Taj still has the new Supreme Mage Strange, as well as powerful mages like Mordo and Lao Wang, and the Time Stone.

To deal with the early temptations of the dimension lords, they should be able to withstand it.

Just wait until Strange’s situation stabilizes.

But Mephisto did not go to Kama Taj to test it out as expected.

Because he and Oxburn have some intersections.

“Hehehe…Meet again, Mr. Druid…”

Agatha regained the somewhat crazy image when Oaks first saw her:

“I just said, there are good things here… I lost the “Dark God Book”, but I didn’t expect the legendary “Book of Emperor Weishan” to be here. Are you the descendant of the Supreme Master?”

“Mephisto, it’s just a clone coming. I can peel you off Agatha’s soul once, and I can peel it off a second time!”

Oaks snorted coldly, kept his hands, and continued to urge the “Book of Weishan Emperor”, but “Agatha” poured magic power directly into the ritual——

That is not only the power of Agatha, but also the power of the **** dimension of Mephisto, the lord of hell!

“Yes, yes, so I have to give you some trouble first!”

Mephisto’s soul phantom appeared behind Agatha, who was casting spells. This time, it was not the disguise of the white-haired old gentleman, but the appearance of his body!

“You divided your avatar into two?!”

Oaks immediately understood what Mephisto wanted to do, and the dazzling starlight gathered in his palm and slapped the void in front of him!


The space was shattered like a mirror, and in an instant, the entire ritual and Wanda in it, along with Agatha and Mephisto, were dragged into the mirror space by Oaks!

“Ahahaha…it’s too late!”

The light of “Book of Weishandi” dimmed, and Mephisto’s new avatar drilled into Wanda’s body in the center of the ritual in one fell swoop!


With her eyes tightly closed, Wanda showed a painful look, and the magic doll behind her became more and more crazy, and gradually got rid of the control of the magic instrument!

“Damn! The effect of the ritual was reduced by Mephisto’s magic!”

Oaks snorted angrily, and bright starlight flashed in his eyes:

“But I’m different from other mages, Mephisto!”

Yes, Ox is different from other mages who need to draw power, he has powerful magic power himself!

The power of Avalon and Gaia’s mirror image came down, and Ox’s hands were dazzling, and he forced the “Book of Weishan Emperor”, so that under the double suppression of the inside and outside, the light gradually lit up!

Afterwards, Oaks maintained the ritual of “Book of Emperor Weishan” in one hand, and the other hand flashed blue light, and grabbed “Agatha” who increased the mana output again!


Agatha’s magic output was interrupted, and her soul was grabbed by Oaks!

On Agatha’s soul, a black and red mark is very eye-catching!

“Mephisto, the power of half a clone, you underestimate me too!”

Oaks concentrated the magic in his right hand, and a pillar of soul magic light hit the black and red mark!


Mephisto’s soul imprint screamed, and Agatha’s soul also resisted violently at the right time——

She has had enough of being controlled by Mephisto for three hundred years!

Now, she was hit again, almost killing the disciple who she regarded as her daughter, Mephisto is simply unforgivable!

“From my soul… get out!!”

Agatha’s frantic counterattack finally made Mephisto’s soul imprint unable to support it any longer, and was torn off again by Oaks’ soul magic!

“Mere humans!”

Mephisto’s soul imprint is about to become the body. He withdrew the **** magic that contained the “Book of Emperor Weishan”, and instead wanted to condense his body and play in person!

“You think too much!”

Oaks suddenly increased the magic power output. In Avalon, which was already able to guide the energy of the astral world, the sky suddenly became dark, and among the twinkling stars, a huge magic power came down!

“What happened?”

Gu Yi, who was meditating in Avalon, suddenly opened his eyes. Avalon’s abnormality almost represented that Oaks was doing his best.

“Master Gu Yi, my brother encountered a formidable enemy, and he dragged them into the mirror space…”

Malorne’s phantom appeared beside Gu Yi, his face was serious, and he subconsciously scratched his front hoof:

“I can’t know the information inside the mirror space, but he should be sure.”

“Mirror space… It turns out that he succeeded.”

Gu Yi smiled. After Oaks got the “Book of Weishandi”, he went directly to the Avengers base, but only brought her a message through Malorne.

But Gu Yi did not expect that he could already control the mirror space, which means that the current Oaks is several times more difficult to deal with than just a few days ago!

In the mirror space, Mephisto was shocked to find that his communication with the **** dimension was cut off by the powerful cosmic energy!

“Damn… I’m too big, this is just a mere clone!”

Mephisto’s image gradually dimmed, and he couldn’t understand no matter what, how could the signature spell of the Supreme Mage Ancient One, the mirror space, appear in the hands of this Druid who was not even a mage before? !

“However, it’s not over yet!”

Mephisto’s phantom that was about to dissipate smirked:

“Druid, I admit that you are difficult to deal with, but since you offended me, it will never make you feel better!”

It’s just a mere clone, does he care about a big guy like Mephisto, the lord of hell?

You can afford to lose yourself, but the other side can’t afford to lose one!

That’s the villain’s advantage.


Oaks was startled suddenly, and his right hand quickly clenched fiercely, a starlight magic shield appeared, and then deformed into a ball, directly wrapping Mephisto’s phantom in it.

At this moment, the phantom exploded violently!


Although it is only a clone, it has accumulated a lot of **** dimension energy before. Mephisto’s explosion directly shattered the magic shield that Oaks hastily built.

But fortunately, there was a magic shield to stop it, plus the defense of the heart of nature shirt, Oaks himself resisted, but Agatha, whose soul had just returned to the body, was directly blown up and seriously injured, and fell to the ground in a coma.

Just after a rejuvenation technique was shot on Agatha, Oaks had to focus on the ritual—

At the moment of the explosion just now, Mephisto’s soul clone lurking in Wanda’s body also rioted, causing the scarlet humanoid to collide with the magic instrument at the same time, and the magic instrument was rushed out of a gap under the cooperation of the inside and the outside!

“Don’t think about it, Starsurge!”

With a wave of Oaks’ right hand, the violent starlight turned into devastating energy and slammed directly on the scarlet human figure, blasting it back into the ritual.

At the same time, Oaks mobilized his magic power to stimulate the “Book of Weishandi” again, and the bright white magic light was about to complete the repair of the ritual.


But at this moment, Wanda, who closed his eyes and insisted, suddenly let out a miserable scream, with a ferocious expression, and suddenly opened his eyes!

In those eyes, it is not scarlet, but the dark red of hellfire!

“Hahaha! Chaos magic? Wonderful, become my slave!”


Although Mephisto is not famous for his strength, he is the lord of hell, how could his strength be weak.

Wanda is not even comparable to Agatha now. Mephisto can easily control Agatha, but she has persisted for so long in Wanda, thanks to the help of the ritual and the special nature of Chaos Magic.

Two phantoms of Mephisto appeared behind Wanda, one on the left and the other on the right. They laughed wildly, one was absorbing the magic of the scarlet humanoid, and the other was merging with Wanda’s soul!

“In the explosion just now, he also sent the other half of the clone in!”


The two clones of Mephisto laughed in unison:

“How would you choose?”

The personalities of Wanda and the Scarlet Witch have not been separated, and the two clones of Mephisto are fused with them respectively. To destroy Mephisto, you can only destroy the three together.

Is it to directly urge the ritual to wipe out all three, or to let go of the ritual and let Mephisto ‘snatch the house” to save Wanda’s life?

“Nonsense, of course choose c!”

Mephisto’s avatar looked at Oaks in amazement, he let go of the control of the ritual with both hands, folded his arms, and made a strange gesture:

“Shape of Aiken!”

Oaks did not separate out a lot of the so-called “Thousand-hand Guanyin” and “Multiple Shadow Clone” spells.

He only separated a clone, to replace him and continue to control the ritual of “Book of Emperor Weishan”, and his body directly stepped into the ritual!

“How dare you come in!”

Mephisto immediately wanted to combine the two clones into one, completely controlling Wanda’s soul while resisting Ox.

But a azure blue soul sword fell from the sky, slicing the clone that he was about to fuse again!


Mephisto’s avatar trembled, and the pain of his soul being torn apart made his just-solid avatar looming:

“what is this!”

“Soul Magic Edition, ‘Vishanti’s Sacred Sword’…or can it be called the Soul Sword?”

Oaks sneered, the soul magic he inherited did not have Drust’s black magic incantation, the means were too scarce, and it was basically not offensive.

Even removing the imprint of the soul can only be torn by hand…

But now with the framework of the occult mages’ incantations ~www.readwn.com~ soul magic has again shown its edge.

And to deal with Mephisto, who is currently coming as a soul clone, soul magic is undoubtedly the first choice.

“This time, just stay, maybe we have other things to talk about!”

Hearing Ox’s words, Morpheus smiled strangely, and his two clones rushed to the scarlet human figure that he had absorbed a lot of magic power at the same time:

“Talk? Come to **** to talk!”


Mephisto detonated his two clones, plus the scarlet humanoid!


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