Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 346

Chapter 342: It’S None Of My Business!

Oaks was about to laugh angrily.

What kind of big devil is this, the lord of hell, playing self-destruction at every turn? !


But when you think about it, isn’t shamelessness one of Mephisto’s most characteristic traits?

When entering the ritual, Oaks had already taken defensive measures.

In addition to the nature heart battle robe, he himself put on a layer of starlight energy armor—

This is a defense built in reference to Gilgamesh and Tina’s “creative” use of cosmic energy.

Gilgamesh is just a boxing glove, and Tina is only a weapon, but in Oaks, of course, defense is the priority.

In this way, he himself does not need additional defense at all, so he can defend Wanda in time.

But Mephisto exploded too fast, and Ox only had time to put up a magic shield in front of Wanda to block it.

Under the explosion of mixing Wanda’s own chaotic magic and scarlet witch mark, plus the magic of **** dimension and the power of Mephisto’s avatar, the magic shield that Oaks hastily cast only blocked it.

At the moment when the magic shield shattered, Oaks was already pinching it naturally and quickly.

Wanda fell into a coma before he had time to hum, and even if the ritual of “The Book of Weishan Emperor” was guarded by Ox’s clone, it still failed to resist the explosion and was completely blasted away.

Fortunately, this is in the mirror space, and no matter how violent the explosion is, it does not interfere with the real world.

But even if Oaks himself has two defenses, he still doesn’t feel well—

This is the worst injury he has suffered in so many years.

The instant healing touch instantly healed Wanda’s injury, and Oaks slowly put the rejuvenation healing life bloom on himself, took back the “Book of Weishan Emperor” that was blown aside, and closed his eyes for a while. .

“This guy Mephisto… neither killed me, nor Wanda, nor did he blow up The Book of Weishandi. What did he do this for?”

Putting away the “Book of Emperor Weishan”, Oaks, whose vitality has almost recovered, came to Wanda who was still in a coma with a solemn expression.

Mephisto must have a purpose, and it is impossible to sacrifice his avatar for nothing just to vent his anger!

“What the **** is he going to do…”

Because the vitality that Wanda accepted in an instant was too strong, although his face was ruddy after the injury, he still did not wake up for a while.

Oaks casts soul magic and carefully perceives her situation.

“This is…”

His complexion gradually became ugly.

“This guy, Mephisto, really has a conspiracy!”

Just now, Mephisto used his two clones to detonate the aggregate of the will of the Scarlet Witch condensed by Wanda’s chaotic magic.

And now, under the perception of Oaks, Mephisto’s soul fragment has replaced the mark of the Scarlet Witch and is completely integrated into Wanda’s soul!

It’s just that the soul fragment was still two pieces because it was split by Oaks’ soul sword before.

“Can Mephisto do such a thing…”

Oaks frowned, the big demon obviously used the power of detonating magic power and the power of the destruction of the “Book of Weishan Emperor” to completely replace the still weak Scarlet Witch’s mark with his own soul fragment and merged with Wanda’s soul. .

The Scarlet Witch’s mark was destroyed by the power of the ritual explosion, but Mephisto’s soul fragment could “take away” Wanda’s soul at any time!

And this fusion is different from the previous one on Agatha, it is only possessed at best.

The current soul fusion, like the mark of the Scarlet Witch, seems to be innate to Wanda.

But this is no longer a mark that must be awakened by countless powerful stimuli, but the soul fragment of a **** lord!

As long as Mephisto’s body, or even just another powerful clone of him appears, Wanda may become his clone at any time!

A clone with chaotic magic, for Mephisto, the value is far more than the “Book of Weishandi” that he can’t use at all!

And Mephisto’s Soul Fragment is different from the Scarlet Witch’s mark, even if Ox uses the “Book of Weishandi”, it is impossible to disperse them in a short time.

“President Oaks…”

Oaks looked up, Agatha had woken up, she looked at the mirror space and the ritual beyond recognition, and quickly ran to Wanda, looking nervous:

“President Oaks, Wanda her… how is she?”

“It’s hard to do…”

Oaks told Agatha the situation again, and squeezed his eyebrows:

“I didn’t expect that Mephisto would suddenly appear. If the magic ritual was performed in the mirror space or even Avalon from the beginning, there would not be so many things…

I still underestimate how attractive the Book of Weishandi is to these dimensional demons.

Wanda can wake up at any time, but it’s hard to say when she’s no longer herself…”

“Can’t you peel off Mephisto’s soul fragments?”

Agatha asked unwillingly:

“Just like when I was…”

“No, Mephisto’s soul fragment is about to be completely fused with Wanda’s soul. Forcibly stripping it off will inevitably damage her own soul… Huh?”

Oaks was stunned for a moment, and Agatha opened her mouth wide.

A magnificent red light gradually rose from Wanda, who was still unconscious.

That is more than one grade of chaotic magic power stronger than before, and it is continuously pouring out of Wanda’s body!

“This is…”

Agatha was stunned at first, and then gradually revealed joy:

“Is this Wanda’s own will?”

“That’s right… It was Wanda’s own strong will that stimulated the chaotic magic in his body to grow again!”

Oaks’ soul perception determined the current situation, and he had a schadenfreude smile on his face:

“That old thing Mephisto is probably going to lose everything this time!”

Chaos magic is based on the ‘strong will” of the user, idealism within idealism.

Basically, the more the user is stimulated, the stronger the magic.

So is being taken by the devil, and the excitement between life and death?

Therefore, Wanda’s will to “not be taken away” and ‘survive” will stimulate the explosive growth of Chaos Magic to rewrite reality and achieve what she expects.

Although the two soul fragments of Mephisto have been fused with Wanda’s soul, even Oaks can still distinguish them after all.

Therefore, they are still “foreign objects”.

Under the strong idea of “not being taken away”, these two soul fragments were quickly expelled from Wanda’s soul by the more powerful Chaos Magic!

“But… what’s the situation?!”

Oaks was still smiling at first, but gradually his expression became strange.

Agatha’s mouth also opened again, but this time it didn’t close.

Beside Wanda, the magnificent red chaotic magic formed two bright magic lights.

The two orange-red soul fragments were gradually expelled from her body and entered into the two magic light groups.

And Wanda’s breath of life seems to be declining…

“No way!”

Oaks widened his eyes:

“The vitality I treated her was also expelled as alien energy?!”

However, this obviously only expelled the excess, the part of the vitality that Wanda could not wake up temporarily.

After Wanda’s breath stabilized, it stopped falling.

What really left Oakes and Wanda in disbelief was…

The excess vitality combined with Mephisto’s soul fragment and Wanda’s chaotic magic power, something extraordinary faintly appeared in the magic light group…

“President Oaks…”

Agatha pointed at the two light groups with trembling fingers, and stammered in disbelief:

“So…that’s two babies?!”

“It seems… yes…”

Oaks felt his head buzzing.

what’s the situation? Why are there two babies?

Even if chaos magic can modify reality, it would be too much to directly create two babies!

and many more…

Magic Shaper, Mephisto’s Soul Fragment, plus Life Force…

“Oh… Shet, that’s just a few key elements in creating life…”

Oaks covered his forehead.

What Chaos Magic does is essentially no different from the body creation of the cradle of life.

As for consciousness, isn’t this a baby, obviously Chaos Magic used Mephisto’s soul fragment as a carrier of new consciousness—

Just like when Orx created Malorne!

Mephisto’s residual consciousness is gone, but as babies, as they grow up, they will gradually develop their own consciousness like real babies!

But the big question now is…

“Agatha, you are a witness.”

Oaks watched bitterly as two white and fat bare-ass babies appeared on both sides of Wanda’s body, and rubbed his face:

“This matter has nothing to do with me!”


Agatha gave Oaks a strange look:

“…It’s still related…isn’t it?”

“No, Mephisto did it, it has nothing to do with me!”

“That vitality…”

“That’s the vitality of healing magic, not mine!”


Agatha twitched the corners of her mouth and couldn’t help but wanted to laugh, but she didn’t dare.

The red light dissipated, and she waved her hand into two swaddling clothes, and went up to carefully wrap the two sleeping babies:

“Yeah, it’s two boys! Wanda is really enviable…”

Agatha, who is more than 300 years old, looked at these two little cuties with joy, and had the subtle feeling of an old grandmother looking at her grandson, and sighed kindly:

“Oh~ little guys, you guys are so cute~”


With a faint moan, Wanda gradually opened his eyes, sat up slowly, and held his head with one hand:

“I’m… what happened just now…”


The baby’s soft voice brought Wanda back to his senses quickly. UU reading www.uukanshu.com saw the two little guys in Agatha’s arms, and she instantly recalled the subconscious magic operation when she was in a coma just now.

“This is… my children?!”

“Wanda, these are your children…”

Agatha whispered what Oakes had judged to Wanda, and Wanda raised her eyes and looked at Oaks who was far away, with her back to this side, her face turning red.

“It’s…that’s how it is…”

After staying in the mirror space with the president for a while, I brought back two babies…

How to explain this!


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