Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 460

Chapter 456: Storm Axe And Thor’S Hammer

Mr. Oaks, the ‘savior of love” who forced Geqigao, told Thor about the reality gem, and the latter immediately understood the seriousness of the matter.

But who is in front of him?

The Great Druyin Oaks Lin who created the Gem of Life!

Sol was so anxious that he wanted to fly right in front of Jane, but he still didn’t lose his mind:

“Ox! You can solve it, right? How to do it?”

“Three ways.”

Oaks nodded with satisfaction. Sol, like this, obviously couldn’t let Jane go.

So Jane went to the Norwegian coast to see the hammer (fragment) that Thor might have forgotten about with the help of the sick body. This is really a love worth saving!

Tsk, Meow Meow Hammer is too pitiful, it’s all emotional, the idiot Sol doesn’t know yet.


Sol was overjoyed, as expected of Oaks, there are actually three ways!

This is obviously a newcomer who has not experienced the mysterious “three strategies of upper, middle and lower” in the East.

The other two are just nurses that force you to choose the third.

“Cough, um… The first method is to strip Jane’s soul, put it into the Emerald Dream, then copy her body, completely isolate it from the real gem particles in her original body, and then resurrect her——

The Avengers all have such a resurrection plan, and with my current abilities, it won’t take long. ”

Completely solve the problem, but not original.

“Uh…that sounds weird, always reminds me of Valhalla.”

Sol frowned and rubbed his bushy beard on his chin. Although he was neither a vegetable nor a plastic person, most people would be extremely satisfied, but is Sol a normal person?

“What about the second way?”

“The second method is to use powerful magic power, which is what you call divine power, to be infused into Simplified, to suppress the damage of the Reality Gem at all times, so that she can recover her health and also have a strong fighting power.

But this method will damage her body structure, which was originally a mortal. In simple terms, it is to exchange her life for health and combat power, abbreviated as krypton life——

It’s enough to suppress the Reality Gem, at least an artifact of Mjolnir’s level, but her life will be quickly consumed.

My healing magic can indeed solve this problem, but just like the situation of your father Odin, I have to do it myself.

Odin Heavenly King is the body of a god-king, and Jane is just a mortal person, and even the Potion of Vitality Fountain can’t help her. ”

Oaks’ explanation made Thor’s excited eyes darken again.


This guy has only now remembered that his hammer seems to be still piled up on the coast:

“Mjolnir now…”


Thor was startled by the loud hum of the Storm Axe.


Oakes looked strangely at the axe.

“You… your relationship is very good, the Storm Tomahawk actually has a simple consciousness now?”

Gungnir also has this simple consciousness, because one of its materials is the branches of the world tree.

And the storm axe of this universe, there is no self-sacrifice of Groot, so its axe handle is not Groot’s arm.

But because of this, it uses the same material as the handle of Gungnir’s gun, the handle of Mjolnir’s hammer, and the handle of Baldur’s Bright Excalibur –

Much stronger than Groot’s arm, the branches of the World Tree serve as the handle of the axe.

But even so, Oaks was amazed that he could develop self-awareness so quickly.

“Ah…hahaha, of course Dad loves you more~”

Thor looked embarrassed and scratched the shoulder of the Storm Tomahawk (under the back of the axe) like a kitten. He never dreamed that his front hammer would make the current axe react so badly.

So he wisely changed the subject quickly:

“Well, let’s talk about Jane’s problem. This method obviously won’t work. Jane doesn’t need such a powerful combat power. I will protect her… Is there a way to let the lightning power suppress the ether particles under this premise?”

“That’s the third way I would say.”

Oaks glanced at the Storm Tomahawk and coughed lightly:

“Solve the problem at the root – thoroughly fuse an artifact with Jane, making her Asgardian, but…”

“Becoming an Asgardian?! Can it really be done?”

Thor was about to jump up, Odin thought about this when he used the last force to change Loki’s bloodline to Asgardian.

But until now, even Balder can’t do such a thing, can Oaks do it?

Even if you sacrifice an artifact, even if… sacrifice… an artifact…

Thor’s face stiffened.

He looked at the Storm Tomahawk, which was slowly floating up on its own, and the axe was aimed at the stunned Oaks.

Diaomin wants to harm me? Believe it or not, I hacked you to death!

“Wait! Dad will never sacrifice you…”

As soon as Thor grasped the storm axe, he was not worried that the axe chopped Oaks, but worried that Oaks accidentally crushed the axe——

The current Storm Tomahawk is much stronger than the Meow Hammer, but not to an exaggerated level.

But Oaks is infinitely stronger than Hela, who just got out of the cage!

“Cough… what are you thinking, the fragments of Miaolnir are still there, isn’t that a ready-made divine weapon?”

Oaks slapped the side of the storm axe with a slap, and the terrifying magic made the storm axe tremble and quieted down.

Forget that this is a big old man, can’t be offended, can’t be offended.

Sol checked distressedly and found no strange things such as slap prints, so he looked at Oaks with a strange expression:

“Mjolnir’s shard… can it still work?”

“What do you think? Miao Ernier has self-consciousness thousands of years ago, and he only needs to wake up and recover.”

Oaks spread his hands:

“In fact, I mentioned this to Aitri when I went to find him last time, after all, it’s not a problem that Mjolnir’s shards are always on the coast.

Originally I thought it was going to be recast, but Aitri said that he could try to wake it up, and Jane seemed to have a lot of fate with that hammer… ”

He gave the stunned Sol a “please ask for your own blessings” expression:

“In order to experiment with the second idea, my clone took Jane to the shard and tried it with thunderbolt—

Mjolnir had a reaction in front of Jane, but there was still a long way to go before he really woke up. ”

“That’s it!”

Sol held the Storm Tomahawk tightly, preventing it from expressing any more opinions, and resolutely chose this perfect plan:

“Where’s Jane? When are we going?”


Oaks opened the portal, and the other end was the coast of Norway:

“However, the **** name Thor may not be your exclusive in the future.”

“What does that matter.”

Sol cross-border portal without hesitation:

“I’m Saul Odinson, Thor is just telling outsiders!”

“Well… the most human-like god? Oh, Loki still cares about his status as a ‘god’.”

After passing through the portal, Thor, who was holding a storm axe, saw Jane Foster who was waiting on the opposite side.

One of the hottest astrophysicists in the world right now, dressed in casual clothes, doesn’t seem to be suffering much from her illness.

Sol gratefully glanced at Ox’s clone standing behind her, the latter smiled slightly and opened the portal to leave.

Ox’s body followed Thor through the portal:

“Long wait, Dr. Foster.”

“President Oaks…Thank you.”

Jane Foster understood that without the help of the Oaks clone, she could only lie in a hospital bed now, unable to do anything.

“Jane, why didn’t you contact me…”

Sol felt distressed and hugged Jane, who was a little panicked. The latter took a breath and rolled her eyes:

“I dumped you back then.”

“…We dumped each other.”

“Okay, but I think it is more useful to contact President Oaks, at least he is better at healing than you.”

“…I can’t refute this point, but in the end I have to make a move.”

Sol hugged Jane a little smugly, and kept winking at Oaks.

Shaking his head helplessly, Oaks could only help:

“That’s right, Dr. Foster, Thor’s power is an important part of the plan—

Without further ado, let’s get started? ”

“Ah! Ah… well, well, can this begin?”

Jane then remembered that there was a large light bulb nearby, and quickly struggled out of Sol’s arms.

“Okay, come on, come here.”

Oaks has already made contact and closed the area around the altar, otherwise this is a tourist attraction.

They came to the shard of Mauernier, as if sensing something, a large string of blue lightning flashed from the shard, and a faint thunder sounded in the air.


Sol couldn’t help but wanted to reach out. Oaks stopped his mouth and tried hard. Sol’s eyes turned to the storm axe, which also lit up with electric light, and his expression became wonderful.

“Cough, don’t touch it directly.”

Oaks held back his laughter and motioned the inexplicable Jane to hold the hammer handle:

“Don’t worry, just hold it… it’ll be fine.”

Jane glanced at Sol, nodded firmly, and reached for the handle of the hammer.

Electric light flashes on the hammer shard, but enough external stimulation is needed to wake it up completely.

“Come on, guide the power of thunder and lightning, the divine power of your original master, is the best energy to ensure the fusion of Miaolnir fragments and Dr. Foster!”

“it is good!”

Without hesitation, Thor raised the Storm Axe high:

“Good boy, help Dad this favor!”


Infinite thunder and lightning power is wrapped around the storm battle axe.

This guy also seems to understand that as long as the hammer is given to the woman opposite, it will not compete with him, so he works extra hard~www.readwn.com~Boom!

The violent thunder and lightning power slammed into Miaolnir’s fragments, and Jane, who was holding the handle of the hammer, was instantly enveloped in blue-white electric light!


At the same time, a pure white light of life lit up, and on the back of Oaks’ right glove, the gem of life (child) burst into a bright light.

One of the life gem abilities: transform life.

The matter of changing races, of course, can be achieved.

Just need to pay.

With Sol, a guy who is willing to pay to provide a template of divine power, Oaks is of course willing to contribute.

In the light that enveloped everything, Jane gradually felt that she had become… completely different.

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