Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 461

Chapter 457: God Must Die

Thor’s thunder and lightning power, Asgard’s top artifact Mjolnir, was guided by the new rules of the universe – the rules of life, and caused a miracle under the guidance of Ox.

Jane Foster was terminally ill, and only relied on Ox’s healing magic to maintain a superficially healthy body, and was transformed into an Asgardian physique of a lightning magic adaptor by the gem of life.

In the endless thunder, Jane retracted her hand subconsciously…

Then she saw the hammer in her hand.

That is the Miaolnir that has been restored to the whole even though it is covered with mottled cracks!

Thor’s Hammer is broken, but it still has Odin’s rune magic on it.

Whoever can lift it will have the power of Thor.

Therefore, Sol was pleasantly surprised to find that a brand-new thunder and lightning power similar to but different from him burst out from the light of thunder and life.


The light dissipated, and the heroic Jane Foster, wearing silver armor, red cloak, and holding Thor’s Hammer, appeared in front of the two of them!

“Jane! Mjolnir!”

Sol laughed:

“Success! Jane, I knew you could do it!”

The woman he was interested in could naturally be favored by his hammer… the former hammer, no problem!

“This feeling……”

Jane was shocked to feel her own strength, the original weakness was swept away, replaced by the surging thunder and lightning power, and the seemingly endless vitality that spewed out of the body.

“Is this the constitution of an Asgardian?”

Jane finally understood what kind of monster she was in love with before:

“I feel like… I can smash open a house with one blow?”

“Um…you can blow up the Empire State Building in one hit if you want.”

Oakes shrugged, and Saul and Jane remembered that their benefactor was still beside them, and quickly thanked them.

“Saul, now a few particles of the etheric particles will not affect Dr. Foster’s body at all.

Her physique has become Asgard, and she has the power of Thor, and the future will be left to you Asgard…”

“That’s natural. I’ll take Jane back to Asgard. I’m sure my mother will be very happy!”

Sol hurriedly agreed, so that the last obstacle to Jane’s relationship with him – lifespan, was no longer a problem.

“Hey! I haven’t agreed yet!”

Jane was about to protest, but was hugged by Sol, and then…


Sol, who was stunned, was blasted out by lightning.


“Ah sorry…I don’t seem to be able to control it well…”

A hint of slyness flashed under Jane’s seemingly panicked expression, she winked at Oaks, who covered his face.


Jane, who said no, but was very honest, finally set foot on the Rainbow Bridge with Thor and went to Asgard.

If the two Thors were to discuss the issue of domestic violence in the future, Oaks would have a headache.

However, Oaks suddenly sensed a powerful burst of energy!

“Rainbow bridge!”

The teleportation of the Rainbow Bridge is not directly accessible like the teleportation portal, but requires teleportation time.

Therefore, in theory, there may be accidents during the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge.

But the energy output of the Rainbow Bridge J-star makes this kind of thing basically impossible.

Hela had originally been able to blast Thor and Loki out of the Rainbow Bridge, but on the one hand, she was very familiar with the Rainbow Bridge, and on the other hand, her power came from Asgard.

Without these two points, it would be extremely difficult to interfere with the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge.

But an impossible thing happened today, still under the nose of Oaks!


Oaks looked gloomily as a deep darkness enveloped the light of the Rainbow Bridge that was about to disappear from sight, blasting the latter!

“That’s… what? The power of shadows?! How is that possible!”

It actually infiltrated the outer periphery of the earth, and has not been discovered by the early warning mechanism of the Emerald Dream, is this still worth it?

“The universe is really big, and there is such a character!”

The power of the Emerald Dream shrouded the entire earth, and Oaks protected the earth for the first time.

He was not very worried about Sol and Jane. With the strength of these two Thors, they would not be fatally injured if the Rainbow Bridge blew up.

Oaks has informed Malorne to go to Asgard to help find Thor and Jane.

The time and space of the Rainbow Bridge explosion was turbulent, and God knows where they would be thrown.

“Huh? That’s… a storm axe?”

After arranging the protection of the earth, Oaks summoned the light of the stars and slammed into the deep darkness.

But in the darkness that was blasted away, a rainbow color was revealed——

The Rainbow Bridge has exploded, and Miaolnir has not yet had the ability to summon the Rainbow Bridge. Only the Storm Tomahawk can burst out this energy on its own.

“This guy stole Sol’s Storm Tomahawk?!”

Oaks felt incredibly absurd.

The old hammer just went with his ex-girlfriend, and the new axe was robbed? !

“Since this is the case, I can’t let you go…”


The entire Norwegian coast has been emptied ahead of time by Orks, in case any trouble arises from the Quake experiment.

So he doesn’t worry about accidentally hurting him now, he just opened the big move!

The sky is already setting, and the opponent’s strength attribute is obviously dark. At this time, he can also be less affected by the sun.

“Want darkness? Come on then!”

The sunset disappeared.

The whole sky of the Norwegian coast, under the power of Ox, became a night sky with stars shining!

The bright full moon hangs in the center of the stars, and the cold moonlight seems to tremble slightly like a flame, burning the soul!

“Treading the Stars”

After using the Luna brand power bank, Oaks has long been interested in trying this newly developed gorgeous spell!


The silver moonlight beam was even more powerful than the J-star Rainbow Bridge, and in the blink of an eye, it slammed into the darkness where he wanted to escape!

“Luna Railgun!”

Although the name is not very elegant, the effect is expected to be good…

The darkness that engulfed the tomahawk of the storm was scorched by the seemingly gentle but incomparably violent moonfire, and finally no longer passively defended, and chose to take the initiative to fight.


A dark beam of dark light rose into the sky, condensed into the appearance of a cross epee, and slashed towards the moonlight that was still outputting continuously!


Amidst the earth-shattering explosion, a large area of darkness spread out——

At the moment when the sword of darkness was slashed, Oaks pulled his hands down fiercely, and the stars in the sky seemed to be pulled down by him, and slammed towards the target like a torrential rain at the same time!


Is it time to talk about martial arts?


The emerald green mist lightly enveloped the falling darkness, and the emerald dream came.

“Who the **** are you, you didn’t call the earth to say hello, and you stole my friend’s stuff…”

Oaks frowned and looked at the darkness that quickly formed and became more and more dense:

“It’s hard for me to do it!”

“Druyin… I didn’t expect that you are also a god…”

The darkness surged wildly, and even within the Emerald Dream, Oaks could feel its power—

The former **** of darkness, Hodl, is a child in front of him!

This darkness is powerful. Before dying, it is still a question whether Odin, the most vulnerable but also the strongest, can do it!

“No wonder you can grab the Storm Axe from Thor, the sword in your hand…”

Oaks looked solemnly at the black-and-white silhouette slowly emerging in the darkness.

He was wearing a white cloth robe and was tall, holding a pitch-black cross epee that seemed to devour people’s hearts.

There is no doubt that, in terms of the weapon itself, this epee is of the same rank as the Storm War Axe.

However, high-level artifacts have self-awareness, and the power, will, and belief of the artifact owner can make the artifact exert a powerful power far beyond its own level.

The same eternal spear, in the hands of Odin and in the hands of Loki, are two concepts.

“And, you say I’m a god… god…”

The black and white figure slowly raised his head, and Oaks was stunned.

“Battman! Is that you?!”


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

“Cough…that, you look like someone I know.”

Oaks coughed, a little embarrassed, it really is this guy with this Batman face, how do you tell him to adapt!

From a banknote-powered hero to a super-powered hero, it’s a big span, isn’t it?

“Heh… There are many people who are similar to each other. As a god, it is not surprising that I have seen people similar to me…”

There are two deep eyeliners in the eyes of the black and white figure. His face is pale and vicissitudes, but when he speaks of “God”, he reveals unforgettable hatred:

“Just, since you are also a god, then you must die too!”



Oaks’ two-handed glove instantly grabbed the dark cross epee that had been cut straight to his head, and dazzling sparks erupted between his palms:

“Hey! I only heard the prayer a while ago, and I don’t even understand what’s going on. Why does God have to die?”

“Because God is a bunch of hypocritical villains!”

The power from the cross epee is getting stronger and stronger, “Batman” gritted his teeth and roared:

“I have killed many gods, my original goal was to summon the artifact of the Rainbow Bridge…

But since you stopped me as a god, I’ll be rude to kill you with me! ”

“Looks like you know me~www.readwn.com~ don’t you introduce yourself?”

Oaks frowned slightly, and his hands burst into a starlight, turning into a bear’s paw state, and in a blink of an eye, he slowly pressed the cross epee to the opposite side:

“You hated the gods so much, and you took the storm axe, what are you going to do!”


The black and white figure looked extremely painful, and let out a miserable laughter that did not resemble a human voice:

“Gods, they all deserve to die, so I want to destroy all gods!”

Infinite darkness erupted from the pitch-black cross epee, and even the power of the Emerald Dream could not be suppressed for a while!

Countless shadow monsters rose from the pitch-black ground, roaring towards Oaks.

“And the artifact that can summon the Rainbow Bridge is a key!”

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