Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Target Amazon

Zhang didn’t understand what the so-called “more than one hundred dollars per liter of air” meant, but now he found that the air in the store was not as fresh as usual.

Breathing is very comfortable.

“This…is this the credit of these green plants?”

Zhang opened his mouth in disbelief:

“Green plants do have the effect of improving air quality, but this efficiency is too exaggerated!”

The window of the shop is open, that is to say, in a non-closed environment, the air purification effect of these green plants is comparable to that of an air purifier!

Most importantly, he didn’t feel the wind at all!

If green plants have this kind of efficiency, the air purifier manufacturers that have recently started to fry must not declare bankruptcy directly?

“This is a special variety I developed. It is still in the experimental stage and the output is limited, so it is only sold as a potted plant in the store.”

Oaks pointed to the rows of seemingly innocuous plant varieties on the shelf:

“Although the appearance looks no different from common indoor green plants, their air purification efficiency is dozens of times higher.

Not only the adsorption of particulate pollutants such as PM2.5, but also the efficiency of formaldehyde purification and oxygen regeneration. ”

“So, although I’m just a small green plant shop, I’ve been well-known in some small circles for more than a year.”

Zhang was already trembling – the guests who came to buy potted plants did not understand what kind of great scientific research they bought!

“Ah, it’s getting late…”

Touching his stomach, Oaks realized that it was already five o’clock. This incident happened and he hadn’t eaten lunch yet.

Moreover, Gugu moved in today, and had to buy canned food and freeze-dried food.

As for cat litter…

Are you insulting the IQ of the Primordial Eater?

“Let’s go, go to Eighth Avenue, which is the nearest Chinatown. Today is my birthday. I will treat you to Chinese food.”

“Your birthday…today?”



Zhang swallowed.

September 22, the last day of Virgo.

It is said that children born on this day will have particularly severe obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A week has passed, and Zhang’s study abroad life has opened a new chapter.

“Meeting Dr. Lin is the greatest luck in my study abroad life!

Dr. Lin is a real genius. He is not only powerful in scientific research, but also humorous and approachable. Well, he is much more handsome than me! ”

Leaving a group photo with Oaks in the space, Zhang unsurprisingly received crazy likes and comments from his parents, relatives, seniors, seniors, juniors, and even professors.

Hu started this day, envy, jealousy and hate!

“Zhang, then I’m going out, and I’ll ask you in the store.”

Oaks’ voice came from downstairs, Zhang hurriedly closed his laptop – it was bought at a discount through education channels. As a scientist, Oaks’ personal computer was obviously not something that Zhang could use casually.

The notebook can be used both for visiting the store and going to school. The configuration, appearance and price of this one are very suitable.

Two months’ salary advance for the new laptop and mobile phone.

Zhang laughed like a fool when he learned that he could still get a salary advance, and he was so beautiful that he was bubbling.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Oakes!”

Zhang went downstairs with his notebook in his arms. Oaks, dressed in a sweater and casual, was saying goodbye to Gugu.

“Mr. Oakes, don’t you bring a salute?”

“It’s just the preparatory work. I have already delivered the required instruments, tools and supplies in advance.”

Oaks raised his sunglasses, confessed to Gugu in a low voice, straightened up and nodded:

“See you in a week then.”

“Yes, Mr. Oakes, I wish you a smooth journey.”

Zhang picked up Gu Gu – now he is no longer afraid of Gu Gu, and has advanced to become a dedicated **** shoveling officer –

It’s just that Gugu’s high IQ makes him more proficient in using the toilet here than Zhang, which makes Zhang, the **** shovel officer, somewhat misnamed.

Oakes waved his hand, opened the door and walked out, glanced left and right, and walked towards a small alley with no people.

Moments later, a little bird soared into the sky and plunged straight into the sky.

The pointed-tailed swift, the fastest flying bird on earth, this is the flying form chosen by Oaks.

The average flight speed is 170 kilometers per hour, and the fastest can reach 352 kilometers, which is the speed of archery.

And it’s so small that even the most sophisticated military radar can’t detect it.

If it is just to transform into a pointed-tailed swift, the natural speed is limited to the upper limit that the animal can achieve.

But the pointed-tailed swift form of Oaks’ changes is obviously not so simple.

A burst of emerald-colored light enveloped the little bird, and the speed of Oakes’ wings suddenly increased sharply.

A small sonic boom sounded, and in the next instant, Oaks’ flight speed exceeded the speed of sound!

However, in this state, his defense is very weak, and if he hits something, heh heh.

“This is the unscientific side of magic…”

Oaks was already on the sea in an instant:

“Target, Amazon Rainforest!”

As a Druid, it can be said that there is no place on earth that can make Oaks yearn for more than the Amazon rainforest.

Although for humans, the deep Amazon rainforest is an extremely dangerous restricted area, but for Oaks, who has a wild heart and affinity with nature, it can be regarded as his home field.

In the past few years, when the flight speed could not reach supersonic speed, Oaks had been here several times, and some special tropical plants in the store were also brought back from here.

As the world’s largest tropical rainforest known as the “lungs of the earth”, the Amazon rainforest plays an important role in the earth’s ecosystem.

And if it is a training place for Druids…

Undoubtedly the most suitable place on earth. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The rainforest is perilous, with peculiar plants, ferocious beasts, odd insects, and a myriad of threats, making it impossible for even the most elite modern expeditions to explore safely.

So, if you do some big magic experiments here, you don’t have to worry about being discovered.

Landing at a high altitude, falling into a box… No, transforming into a cheetah form, although no jaguar is suitable for the rainforest environment, but it is not a big problem.

He toured this vast rainforest along the Amazon River, perceiving the endless natural atmosphere with natural magic.

In the past few days, Oaks will continue to deepen his connection with this vast rainforest and further enhance his natural magic cultivation.

In this rainforest, Oaks will get powerful natural bonuses, and this is also an extremely important factor for Oaks to pursue an environmental protection career.

The richer and more complete the ecosystem, the stronger the Oaks.

Taking advantage of the world’s willingness to protect the environment, when Oaks’ natural magic attainments can invoke the power of the earth’s ecosphere, they also have the capital to leapfrog to the cosmic powerhouse…


His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and Oaks was stunned and stopped.

The cheetah form has a special perception ability – detecting humanoids.

And the so-called “forest is my domain” is not an exaggeration for Druids.

Now in Ox’s enhanced perception hundreds of times, there is a human being in the distance!

“How can it be so deep?”

It’s already deep into the rainforest, who is so bold, or came alone?


The figure disappeared, Ox launched stealth and slowly approached the target.

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