Druid’s Marvel Travels

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Man And Beast

“Damn…in a place like this again!”

This is a white man with messy curly hair. He is naked, with a pair of ragged pants that are surprisingly fat, and he has no shoes.

If this embarrassed appearance appeared in the slums of this country, it would be reasonable.

But this is in the depths of the Amazon rainforest, a “forbidden place for human beings”. Although he is fairly robust, he is obviously a bookish ordinary person who appears here, which is simply boring.

“The first thing to do is to find the source of water…”

The man took a deep breath. Although his expression was decadent, he was not too anxious. It seemed that this was not the first time he had encountered such a situation.

He exhaled slowly, carefully discerning the sound of running water. Although there were terrifying piranhas, caimans, and anacondas lurking in the Amazon River, he didn’t seem worried.

On the unshaven face, after the decadence, there was a dull and somewhat indifferent expression.

He didn’t care if he could get out of the rainforest alive.

No, it doesn’t mean to die.

It is the danger of the rainforest, which in his opinion is not worth mentioning at all.

Strong confidence and great frustration seem to be intertwined in his staggering back.


Bruce Banner stopped.

He was holding his trousers in one hand, and a thick branch for path-finding in the other. Hearing the sound, he smiled wryly and shook his head.

“It’s so fast this time… It’s obviously not far from the river.”

The thick old tree in front of Banner dropped fine vines, and the thickest of them were slowly swimming here…

It was a giant anaconda thicker than his thigh!

It is already very close to the river bank, and this environment is what the anaconda, known as the “King of the Swamp”, likes it.

However, it was the first time for Banner to encounter such a thick line.


The low roar sounded, and Banner frowned. There was a anaconda in front, and a jaguar appeared in the back?

The existences at the top of the two major food chains in the Amazon rainforest have all met at one time, and this time, I am afraid that there will be a lot of trouble.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The heart rate was gradually increasing, Banner grabbed his chest tightly and took a deep breath:

“No… wait, you have to go to the river to find human settlements along the river…”

It was not the first time that Banner had encountered such a situation. He pursed his lips, and was about to ignore the threat behind him and continue to move toward the river—but he obviously underestimated how delicious he was.

The jaguar seemed to be irritated by his ignorance. Wouldn’t it be bad if the guy in front of him who didn’t even bother to tear his fur was preempted by the long bug?

So it launched an attack decisively!

The next moment, in the roar of the sky, the king of the Amazon rainforest, the predator at the top of the food chain, the jaguar, flew out like a rag doll.

Before he could even scream miserably, the poor little one was hit in the chest by a thick green fist, and his ribs were all broken.

So it sprayed blood from its mouth and simply fainted.


Hulk beat the jaguar away with one punch, and then grabbed the anaconda who was hurriedly trying to escape.


The anaconda wailed in pain. When has it seen this kind of bipedal animal that uses a rainforest king as a whip? ? !


Hulk used the anaconda whip to frantically beat the vines and tree trunks in front of him. The huge snake, which was more than six meters long, was under the terrifying force, and its spine fell apart.

But suddenly, the madly whipping Hulk stopped.

He threw the moribund anaconda aside like a garbage, and turned to look vigilantly at the open space beside the bushes.

There was nothing there, but Hulk’s wild intuition told him that there was something there!

And…you can pose a threat to yourself!

After a few seconds, Hulk became impatient, he stepped forward sharply, and slapped his hands hard!


The violent wind pressure ploughed the clearing hard, and the invisible thing finally revealed its true face…

“Sheet! This trick is too rogue!”

Oaks was almost blown away by the wind pressure of Hulk’s slap, and it was only after a few entangled roots that entangled his limbs that he was fixed in place.

But stealth can’t be done, and they all go into battle.

Seeing that it was another leopard, Hulk snorted coldly and stepped forward with a punch!

Maybe Banner wonders why there are cheetahs that should live in the grasslands in the rainforest, but the Hulk doesn’t care about that.

But in the next instant, his green eyes glared at the boss.


A huge bear paw slammed into his fist fiercely, and the aroused wind pressure directly cleared an empty space!


An eager look flashed in his eyes. Oaks has been dormant for all these years, and he wants to see how strong he can be in this Amazon rainforest, which can be called his home game!

And the power legend in front of him, the Hulk, is the best touchstone!

Oaks’ bear form is the largest bear on earth – the Kodiak brown bear.

However, unlike the real Kodiak brown bear, which can only reach a maximum length of more than three meters and a weight of one ton, Oaks, blessed with the power of nature, has an astonishing four-meter form and weighs two tons!

In this state, Oaks and Hulk are simply a pattern.

The same super defense, the same super strength, the same wild intuition, the same growth—

The more you get beaten, the more angry you get.

The higher the anger, the stronger the combat power.

As a result, the two behemoths launched a primitive and wild power contest in the heart of the Amazon rainforest!

Hulk’s fists are as powerful as cannonballs, and he also uses tree trunks and rocks as weapons from time to time.

And although Oaks’ bear form can’t use weapons, his pair of claws enhanced by the power of nature is the strongest weapon!

With the fur as hard as steel under the blessing of the force of nature, Hulk even felt like he was hit on a nail plate!

Hulk can quickly leave and cut into the battlefield with extremely strong jumping power, and Oaks can also launch a charge at any time to interrupt Hulk’s great move at the first time!

In terms of attack power, Oaks is obviously inferior to the Hulk, but in terms of defense and dodge, it is beyond.

Coupled with the application of natural magic, various vines entangle, stun, strengthen defense in a short time, shake the opponent’s spirit and weaken the opponent’s attack power…

The green human-shaped beast and the brown beast-shaped human pour out their fiery anger towards each other.

Hulk’s physical strength is infinite, and Oaks can also use anger to restore his physical strength. This battle is hearty!

Day passed, night fell, and the sun was rising. In the blink of an eye, this wild and unparalleled battle lasted for nearly a day and a night!

The rainforest with a radius of one kilometer has been completely destroyed. Looking down from a high altitude, you can see the place where they fought, almost as if they were plowed by the artillery fire of the main battle tank!

Without the shelter of the rainforest, the rays of the rising sun awakened two monsters with almost infinite physical endurance – they had already lost their minds.

Since ancient times, the kings of the rainforest, the dominant predators at the top of the food chain, have long since escaped.

For many years to come, this woodland will become their lingering shadow.

Two figures full of wild power bathed in the rising sun, quietly confronting each other, for a while, the air seemed to freeze.

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