Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 226: Kid Status No More

“No objections then?” Drake asked the group.


None of the teens replied back, holding his gaze with varying expressions.


Atropos and Clotho had stood back up at this point, and the rest of the teens had lined up.


“Alright then, let's get going,” Drake instructed, beginning to walk over the bridge, the line of people following close behind, “Atropos, Clotho. I need to know your classes and how many skills you have.”


Atropos looked over to her brother with her eyes still closed, garnering an understanding nod from her brother before she spoke.


“We both had only received our Main Class Upgrades from the Great Wolf God as our hunt had ended and did not have a chance to use any stones. Shortly after the hunt, we were separated from our clan. Being captured by those people quickly after…” she said solemnly.


Drake felt nothing but sympathy for the twins, unfortunately, he had to quickly remind himself that he had to limit how much he acted on the feeling for now since they would be training soon enough.


It does get me thinking though, did the system use Earth as the template for the merge? It seems like most of the earthen topography was kept intact. While the other worlds were split and fractured. I’ll have to ask around about that more and investigate it while we travel. He thought in passing.


“Then what are the names of your classes? The dirtbag said you had an Epic and Rare class?” he asked, his face twisting with a sliver of disgust remembering the man.


Atropos flinched slightly at the mention of the pile of trash but kept her step over the ice bridge with the others.


“My class is called Night Oracle, my brother’s is called a Thread Manipulator. Shall we display them to you?” she offered candidly.


“Natto, heard of them?” Drake asked.


“Yes. Quite the interesting classes… Her class will be troublesome to nurture, but thankfully you have one given by the she fox,” Natto answered, “The boy’s is particularly difficult. It will depend on whether or not you wish to push him into a specific elemental augmentation. Thread Manipulators are very rare despite being just a Rare Class. I would venture that there is only a handful of them anywhere in the vast multiverse even, which does not bode well for examples of where to take the class,” she explained further, looking at Clotho with some sympathy.


“I see. And if we don’t go with an augmentation?”


“I do not advise it. From my understanding of the class, it relies on two variations, strength and dexterity, or dexterity and intelligence. The latter is the most common as it allows the user to manipulate the weapon of choice and the element at length. Whereas the former is raw technique of the weapon. As I have said he will run into a ceiling quite quickly. There is also the option of layering him with debilitating skills to have him turn into a more supportive class. That option is certainly less expensive.”


Drake looked over his shoulder, gauging Clotho’s expression. The boy’s face dimmed slightly at Natto’s explanation and Drake did not miss it.


I’ll have to think about this more carefully. I can see his reasons for tagging along painted on his face. If he is unable to at least stand next to his sister I’m sure his growth will be stunted regardless… Drake thought.


“Clotho, Atropos show me your classes and the class skills they come with. We will go from there,” Drake said.


Both nodded and Atropos trotted up next to him first, turning a blue screen in his direction.


[Night Oracle] [Epic][F-Rank]0/5


  • A shrouded seer of the past, present, and future.
  • The user wields the ability to briefly see into the future through the shroud of the night.
  • Passives: +10% to Intelligence and out-of-combat mana regeneration. (+10% Wisdom)
  • Actives: School of Darkness P1(0%), Tempt Fate P1(0%)



[School of Darkness] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • The ability to manipulate Dark Magic. As a novice your proficiency over the shadow is still early, giving you only the basics of spells.
  • Spell: Shadow Flame - “The night is all-consuming, Shadow Flame.”
  • Basic single target spell. Deals shadow damage in a 1 to 1 ratio to Intelligence. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Mana Burn: Stacking damage over time, 0.2 shadow damage to every 1 point of mana burned. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Small Mana Cost
  • Spell: Scythe of Shadows - “The shadows come for all, Scythe of Shadows.”
  • Weapon formation spell. Forms physical manifestation of shadows around target weapon. Deals +15 shadow damage per hit.(Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Moderate Mana Cost. Small Mana Maintenance Cost.



[Tempt Fate] P1(0%)


  • The ability to see into the future and perfect recollection of the past for a limited time. To tempt fate is but a fool's errand, but you are the maker of fate itself.
  • Spell: Foresight - “Your fate has already been decided. I have foreseen it.”
  • The caster is able to see into the target’s future for 1 second. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Must maintain eye contact with the target.
  • Small Mana Maintenance Cost.
  • Spell: Recall - “Through the looking glass, I see all. Recall.”
  • The caster is able to recall up to 30 minutes into the target’s past. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Must maintain eye contact with the target.
  • Large Mana Cost.



Drake blanched at the spells. Feeling like he had just peered into a chuunibyou’s secret diary.


“These are some really powerful spells already… but the chants are kind of…” he said, chuckling wryly as Natto snickered on his shoulder.


“Ah, the irony!” Natto guffawed.


Drake gave a weary smile, “Natto do you know what stats she should use? It sounds like she’s given a weapon augmentation, but she seems like a mage class with an elemental spell?”


Natto righted herself after almost falling from Drake’s shoulder in laughter. Giving a terse cough before she explained.


“Yes well, she is similar to the Lightning Spearman class, but she leans heavily in spell casting and speed. Instead of the minor specialization in strength that Charlotte will have, she will instead use mainly Intelligence, Wisdom, and Dexterity.”


“Is it normal for classes to use that many stats? I thought they were usually specialized?” Drake asked, tapping on his chin.


“She is an Epic Class, which gives her 25 free points per level, as well as 18 to her main stat of intelligence and 9 to wisdom. She could certainly keep pumping her core stats but that would leave her incredibly vulnerable while alone. In her case she would also be neglecting one of her core class skills entirely. The shadow scythe seems to need physical contact to be efficient, therefore I would assume she would need dexterity. She can forgo stamina however as there will be mage skills that can compensate for it. The higher one’s Main Class Rarity the more options they have, while there are certainly those who wish to continue specializing with the larger number of free points making them extremely niche powerhouses, there are those who would lean more towards rounding out like you have. Admittedly with far less success but more people lean towards the later wishing to survive rather than push themselves forward.”


“She has a very high skill ceiling then it would seem… Atropos you really pulled a high-teq class huh,” Drake smiled.


“A high-teq class?” Atropos parroted, her eyes furrowing adorably.


“It means it's a high difficulty to master. I can already tell it might take you a while if you have to utilize both close combat and magic. But that’s good! That means that I can help you there,” Drake said, giving a thumbs up.


Next it was Clotho’s turn and he begrudgingly walked up to Drake, turning his screen over for him to look as he turned his own head away from Drake’s gaze.


[Thread Manipulator] [Rare] [F-Rank] 0/5


  • The weaver and judicator of the threads of fates. The cogs of fate begin to turn slowly as you begin your journey.
  • Passives: +5% to Dexterity and out of combat mana regeneration. (+5% Wisdom)
  • Actives: Thread Manipulation P1(0%), Cat’s Cradle P1(0%)



[Thread Manipulation] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • A skill that enhances the use of twined material and allows the user to freely manipulate it.
  • Allows manipulation of twined material at a small maintenance cost of mana.
  • +50% to Durability and tensile strength of twined material. (Increased based on Proficiency)



[Cat’s Cradle] Proficiency 1(0%)


  • Skill: Cat’s Cradle - “Losing yourself in the strings of fate, leads to a mortal end. Cat’s Cradle.”
  • Execution Skill. Damage based on stacking strikes made to target. 2 damage for every 1 Dexterity based on damage stacks to target. Stacks diminish over every 10 seconds. Maximum Stacks 100.
  • Additional Effect: Maximum Damage Stacks increase execution damage by 2x.
  • Medium cost of Mana and Stamina



What exactly is with these two twins… Are they the Fates or something? These skills are more weebish than the ones I come up with on my own… Drake thought internally with a bit of jealousy.


“These are some really good skills, but what exactly do they use for weapons? There’s nothing in the descriptions and the Class names are sorta ambiguous aren’t they?” Drake asked, mulling over Clotho’s class, “It says something about twined material. Can that be anything? Or does it have to be a recognized weapon?”


Natto also paused taking in the screen and the information for a moment.


“As I have said there are not many people who possess this class, so information is limited on top of the already limited information I am allowed to divulge… The problem with the weapon is the material used is far more important. There are very few materials that synergise well going into the higher ranks. The class is overall… difficult,” Natto said frankly, “There are limits to its strength if the skills gained are not strong enough or they do not mesh well enough. Then the specific equipment becomes more and more limited at the higher the rank. He will most likely be the most expensive individual to train in the bunch.”


Clotho’s face frowned deeply, his sister placing a hand on his shoulder.


“I will gladly pay for anything he needs, Lord Drake! Please do not leave him behind!” she cried, pleading with him.


“Who said he’s going anywhere?” Drake scoffed, “Money was meant to be used for the benefit of others. And I might be getting to the broke side for now. After a little monster genocide, I’ll be rolling in the dough. No, I think your brother is fine right where he is,” Drake smiled.


Clotho’s face continued to scowl but softened ever so slightly looking at his sister so elated.


“Thank you, Lord Drake! Thank you!” Atropos beamed.


Drake waved his hand, “Don’t worry about it and I’ve already said Drake is fine,” he sighed, “But this is interesting. You’ve both only gained main classes. In the tutorial I didn’t go through the Rank Upgrade until after I filled my subtree slots as well, I’m assuming its the same for them?” Drake asked, looking at Natto.


Natto nodded, “Yes, that is the case. They will not truly upgrade until they have received their subtrees.”


Drake began to walk again towards the system center house, his finger tapping on his chin as he thought aloud.


“That’s a neat trick… Let me see your titles as well, you two.”


“Of course,” Atropos bowed, walking in front of the others to present him a screen.


[Atropos Pagos]

[Race: Ice Wolf]


[Profession: Empty]


[Night Oracle][Epic] Level 10


[Vitality] 32

[Strength] 17 

[Dexterity] 42

[Intelligence] 234(+10%)

[Wisdom] 124(+10%)

[Endurance] 37

[Free Points] 0



First Hunt, Two vs One, Pack Hunt, Rabbit Slayer, Rabbit Hater

Drake looked at the status slightly disappointed. He knew that the girl had not leveled up since getting the class but her stats were abysmal compared to his own at the level. And he could see why.


Even after reaching level 10 she only had 5 titles. It seemed that her titles were slightly different but based on her stats they gave roughly the same bonuses. Her ‘First Blood’ title was replaced with a ‘First Hunt’ instead, but looked to give the same stat bonuses.


He inspected the other titles to make sure and they confirmed his assumption.


Well, at least she has the Pack Hunt Title right now, that's 10 to each stat, but she can easily get many more. And she only has two monster-slaying titles? Was she carried? Drake wondered.


“How much fighting did you do in your tutorial?” Drake asked quickly, the system center and the crowd of people coming into view.


Atropos’s closed eyes furrowed at the question, seemingly ashamed of the memory.


“At first we were allowed to participate in the hunt. But after the in-fighting and the monsters began to increase in strength… We were left to be protected. As part of the Ice Wolf clan, I am ashamed…” she muttered, her head tilting down slightly.


“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Drake said, patting her head, “You were still a kid,” but Drake’s expression hardened with a sigh, “Unfortunately, that is going to change.”


He looked to Clotho.


“Is yours roughly the same?” Drake asked.


The boy didn’t scowl this time and obediently walked up, turning a screen to him as well.


[Clotho Pagos]

[Race: Ice Wolf]


[Professions: Empty]


[Thread Manipulator][Rare] Level 10


[Vitality] 62

[Strength] 103 

[Dexterity] 41(+5%)

[Intelligence] 11

[Wisdom] 21(+5%)

[Endurance] 26

[Free Points] 126



First Hunt

Drake winced.


“This is…” he muttered, trying not to show the surprise on his face, “Going to be difficult. I’m going to be blunt Clotho, you started as a Warrior it seems, but your class that you rolled requires Dexterity and Wisdom and you seem to have fought even less than your sister. This will take some effort to fix, I hope you’re ready.”


Clotho’s eyes turned to daggers but he nodded, stifling determination oozing from his animal copper-colored irises.


Drake scoffed, “Looks like you have enough motivation at least. And let’s call it a blessing that you haven’t used your free points yet,” he nodded, “Keep them for now, once we start using skill stones we can distribute them properly. You’re in a very unique situation for both of you. Once we start since you haven’t upgraded your ranks, we can get a few titles that will help immensely. Some might be hard though depending on how the system sees it though… But will cross that bridge when we get to it. But for now, I think we have all the information we need. So, let’s get our cards!” Drake cheered, raising a hand into the air.




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