Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 227: What Does it Feel Like 1

Charlotte followed behind with Landin, Kalik, and kind of Quetz. The avian had inched forward, trying to be as close as she could to Drake.


Sighing, Charlotte looked at the back of the man who had saved her. Conflicting feelings stirring in her chest.


She looked at the back of the other girl who had joined the small group of trainees Drake had picked up. Her long snow-white hair and flawless features only drugged up feelings of envy from Charlotte as she played with the ends of her own auburn hair with a small frown.


I wonder if he likes longer hair… Sah Ul’ has long hair too. She thought absentmindedly.


They had been walking for a while now on their way to the system center to finally finish getting their affiliation cards and quests. Drake had come back early, just after Landin, the last one to turn 16 had his birthday.


The group didn’t celebrate birthdays like before, the small party they had was with what they had on hand. Small bags of sweets Drake had given them and a single makeshift cupcake with a lit piece of wood as a candle.


Her mind snapped back to reality when she saw Drake smile, placing his hand on Atropos’s head and ruffling her hair.


Charlotte frowned, “Don’t get so close to him… I was here first…!” she mumbled under her breath.


“What was that?” Landin asked.


“I-i just said it was cold. I want to get this quest done already and get started, I’m ready to get stronger.”


“I hear you on that,” Landin replied, but Charlotte could see the hesitation on his face and hear it in his voice.


She wasn’t sure of Landin’s motivations for agreeing to join the group if she was being honest. And truth be told she hadn't really asked. He was a nice boy and funny but it seemed more like he was trying to convince himself every time he explained what his reasons were.


He wanted to help people like Drake. But Charlotte was sure it was for some other reason.


For herself, it was obvious to anyone with working eyes, that she had a crush on Drake. Even Astopos had called her out on it the first time they met, embarrassing her spectacularly in front of everyone.


I denied it, of course, my only reason for doing this is to protect Brodie and find my family! If he saw me in a different light…. Well, that would just be a bonus. She thought.


“Alright, we’re here, ready to get your adventurer cards?” Drake announced.


Charlotte frowned.


He didn’t really even ask us about anything, he’s only been talking to the twins!


Charlotte shook her head. She was going to become a warrior, she couldn’t keep thinking like a child. It was obvious Drake didn’t like children or immature women, Sah Ul’ was the perfect example. She stood strong and capable but still had the feminine wiles that Charlotte knew Drake couldn’t dismiss.


She looked at the quest once more that somehow gingerly bobbed in her periphery.


[Welcome to the System. Please navigate to your nearest System Center]


[Reward: Basic Class Quest of your choice. Introduction Booklet]


Charlotte was still unsure how it was even possible for something like this. A voice just announcing something in her head like she was hallucinating or going crazy and then a screen magically appeared that she could will around with her mind.


Her body twitched slightly as she felt eyes on her. After arriving at the Center she finally took a moment to look around.


People were staring. Everyone was staring.


Their little group had gathered the eyes of everyone in the Center as they walked through the lobby to the desks, some whispering to one another and even pointing. But they weren’t just looking at her, most of them were pointing at Drake.


Was this what he dealt with all the time? How does he get used to it… She wondered. I don’t think I could function if my every move was just being watched 24/7.


A shiver ran down her spine and she clutched herself. Charlotte had never been one to be affected by social anxiety but with this many people? She just couldn’t help it.


“Charlotte? What’s wrong?” Drake asked suddenly.


She didn’t want to worry him or seem like she was making a fuss over something so small.


“N-nothing. Just a little cold,” she winced, giving a wry smile.


Drake looked at her for an extended moment, his bright blue eyes scanning her face.


Charlotte could feel her cheeks burn as she tried to look down and away.


“Oh, the people?” Drake finally said, “Sorry, but you get used to it. And with how strong you six are going to be, it’s going to happen even more,” he grinned, “Just bathe in the glory of being the center of attention yeah? All the envy of people for miles and miles!”


Drake had shouted so loudly the entire Center could obviously hear it, the entire lobby turning their heads to look at him but not willing to say anything.


Everyone who had been here since the start and shortly after knew who Drake was. And Charlotte had seen firsthand how strong he was. Not to mention it seemed that all of these ‘system constructs’ or guards that waited at the entrances of this place, seemed to know who he was as well. They all bowed slightly as he passed.


That’s what having power like he has is like I guess. I wonder what it’s like. He said we’re going to be strong, but are we going to even get close to him? Charlotte pondered, as they waited to be seen.


Eventually, they reached the counter after a few minutes and instead of being helped there, a construct guided them into a small room with fine-looking seats and tables.


“Whoa, nice diggs!” Landin chuckled.


“Crazy I didn’t even know this was here,” Drake said looking around, “Hey, why didn’t you ever take me here before?” he asked the construct next to him.


“Y-you never had more than two people with you…” the woman construct frowned nervously, “The quests for the introduction won’t take long but there is information I’m sure you would not wish to have public about them, so I had the room reserved.”


Does he know this construct? Charlotte thought, looking at the model-like woman. And why is it always women… and extremely beautiful women… 


Charlotte frowned as she went to find her seat. She wanted to sit next to either Landin or Drake, but Drake had decided to stand in the corner as the Construct directed them, forcing her to sit next to Atropos.


She sat down shimming a bit to get some space next to her and her brother Clotho, which quickly turned into a small fight for more room.


Drake snickered with Natto behind them, making both Charlotte and Atropos’s ears burn beat red.


“If you two are finished….?” the construct said condescendingly.


Charlotte’s face flushed deeper as she nodded.


“Good,” she coughed lightly getting everyone’s attention, “The other child Kalik, has already been through this process and it would seem the two wolf children are already level 10. But in a moment you will all receive confirmation of your quest being completed, and receive a new quest to select your starting class. Please be sure to choose the correct one as you will not be able to change it.”


Just like the construct explained, Charlotte heard a bell ring in her head more loudly than she expected, forcing her to wince.


“Tip, you can turn off the general notifications sound by thinking of it like a volume button, just switch it off,” Drake said from behind them.


Landin, Charlotte, and Quetz nodded, doing as he instructed.


“I’ll just remind you all, Charlotte, you will be starting as a warrior. Quetz, you are a Ranger. And Landin, you are going to be going cleric, got it?” Drake said, bringing their attention to him once more.


“Man, why do I have to be the healer? I don’t want to get yelled at!” Landin complained.


“It will only be for 9 levels and don’t worry you won’t have to heal everyone,” Drake said sternly.


Charlotte grinned slightly then turned back, looking at the screen that held her quest previously but was now replaced with a congratulations instead.


[Congratulations. Quest Complete]


[Accept Rewards?]




[Introduction Handbook has been awarded]


[New Quest! Select a starting class!]


[Reward: Starting Class]


Charlotte somewhat blanched at the rewards. For some reason, she somehow expected, she wasn’t sure. More pizzazz?


She looked around, seeing Landin and Quetz doing the same. The handbook was nowhere to be found. Charlotte had seen how items dropped in motes of light several times while following Drake but it hadn’t shown up after several seconds.


“It’s probably in your inventory,” Drake said, scowling at the construct, “You still don’t tell people everything? I thought I told you no more nonsense?”


“It is in their handbooks…” the construct muttered.


“And that’s in their inventory, so how would they know if you didn’t tell them? Get your act together. Your tiny acts of being a rebellious teenager are going beyond being just annoying quickly…” Drake said with a bit of force.


The aura that Drake had used made it seem like the warm room had just had a cold breeze go through it. Forcing all the teens to shiver slightly at the chill. But the construct was far worse off. She had fallen to the floor, her face pale and sweaty.


“I-it won’t happen again…” she croaked.


Drake didn’t acknowledge her again, instead speaking to Charlotte, Landin, and Quetz.


“Say Inventory while thinking of a space in your mind. You should be able to access it that way. You can also do it without saying it but it might help at first. Remember,” Drake added, “There is a combat restriction on your inventory. That includes any items, armor, or weapons you might have or want to use. Keep that in mind.”


Charlotte nodded, only glancing at the construct woman with a bit of pity.


You get what you ask for… Charlotte grimaced.


Charlotte knew it wasn’t the first time this specific construct had gotten this treatment. Even not being part of the system yet, she had heard from the townspeople and adventurers that she was a particularly nasty construct for some reason.


Natto had been called to deal with her several times already even after she had been warned by Drake personally already.


Charlotte wondered why Drake allowed her to stay. Charlotte knew how Drake was ruthless on the outside sometimes, making his scary face. But she also knew how kind he was. And she could only guess it was one of those moments.


She shook her head getting back on track. Charlotte quickly said “Inventory” aloud thinking of a small box where she could grab things from inside her mind. And after a moment, a small window popped up in front of her similar to the quest screens.


The window had information on it she wasn’t used to seeing. A person grayed out with small black boxes to its right, one containing a small book icon.


With a mental pull at the item, it popped into existence on the small coffee table in front of her, hitting the table with a small thud.


“Oh!” she yelped surprised, her face flushing red at the noise she had just made.


The room gave a small laugh making her redden even more before she flipped it open.


“You can identify items by focusing on them. The system provides a bare minimum inspection skill, but you can get a more advanced one through the skill stones, which we will try for. The system provided skill can only work on non-living things and objects,” Drake explained from behind.


Charlotte nodded her head to his explanation, leafing through the book. It talked about common monsters found on new planets. Best practices for new Mana Vessels. Even going into what skill stones to look out for while leveling. It also had half the book filled with the history of the multiverse, but that made Charlotte’s eyes cross just reading the first few lines.


Next, she looked at the new quest.


Once she focused on it for a moment, a new window popped up prompting her with a few selections of classes.


[Please choose your starting class from the following classes]


  • Warrior
  • Ranger
  • Mage
  • Cleric



Without hesitation, Charlotte highlighted the Warrior class and hit confirm.


[You wish to choose Warrior: Basic?]




[Congratulations! You are now a Level 1 Warrior]


[Initial Stat Bonuses have been applied]


[New Quest! Reach level 10 Warrior for Class Upgrade]


[Reward: Class Specific Stone, Random F-Grade Item, Choice of Uncommon F-Grade Weapon]


Charlotte braced herself after pressing confirm for her class, assuming that she would be inundated with power as the stats flowed into her. Closing her eyes tightly in anticipation, but the power never surged into her.


She slowly creaked her eyes open, the sound of someone snickering lightly behind her.


“What are you doing?” Drake asked with a grin, Natto snickering with her sleeve over her mouth.


“I-i… I thought gaining the class would be like…” Charlotte chuckled wryly.


Drake pumped his arms, yelling loudly, “Ohhhh!! The power! The power! It’s overflowing!!!!” he roared, “Something like that?”


Charlotte’s face went beat red for the umpteenth time like a ripened tomato as she nodded embarrassedly.


“Sorry, not just yet. The basic classes don’t have enough juice in them to do that. Once you get to the first advancement that's when we will have to start to worry. Natto has told me something interesting. Most of you have epic classes, which means most of the skills that you will gain are going to be of higher quality as well. Which explains why Bjorn is such a monster…”


Charlotte turned her head back up at the mention of Drake’s friend Bjorn, whom she had heard of a few times. Putting her head on a swivel she saw Landin with a worried expression, and Quetz with a chirpy smile still.


“Now that we’ve finished up, I need you all to wait outside for a moment,” Drake instructed, “I need to talk to the very nice construct.”


The construct’s face paled again as she stood stock still by the door, the teens walking out one by one.


“Charlotte,” Drake said before she walked out, “You're in charge while I’m not there.”


Her eyes lit up while she beamed, nodding her head. Charlotte glanced at Atropos, her expression frowning slightly before she turned the corner out of sight.




The group had exited the building and found a bench to meander around off the beaten roads leading to the main buildings in the town. The town had begun construction on roads, residences, and smaller buildings since the anchoring of the crystal. But as Natto continually mentioned at every chance she got, they simply didn’t have enough talented people at the moment or manpower to get the projects done.


Charlotte stood next to the bench trying to figure out how to pull up her status while the rest of the group relaxed for now. Landin was staring out into space with a distant expression. Kalik Tu’ stood behind the rest, an irritated look on his face with his arms crossed. Quetz was swiveling her head back and forth looking around only to always have it rest on the entrance to the Center, obviously waiting for Drake to emerge. Clotho kept watch over his sister from a few steps away as usual and of course, Atropos kept alternating from the entrance of the Center and Charlotte.


Charlotte had never asked why Atropos never opened her eyes, or why Clotho never spoke. She assumed it was some sort of trauma from when the system was initiated like so many others had. She had seen how hesitant Quetz was when she first arrived, only able to vaguely imagine the horrors she had to go through being a slave.


She felt a gnawing anger filling the back of her mind. Charlotte may be at odds with them due to their interests, but she could empathize with them without question. She would have been in the same position most likely if Drake hadn’t been there in the alley that day and it frightened her beyond reason. Each time the memory surfaced, she shivered.


But soon, that would be a different story. Soon, she would have the strength to stop things like that from happening to her and others. She would be strong enough to protect Brodie in this bloodthirsty world. She had steeled herself that day and reminded herself of what she needed to do like a mantra.


Finally, after a few seconds, she was able to open her status. Charlotte grinned wryly at the fact it was as simple as saying or thinking of the word Status.


[Charlotte McClarin]


[Race: Human]

[Base Class: Warrior] Level 1


[Vitality] 20

[Strength] 20

[Dexterity] 15

[Intelligence] 15

[Wisdom] 15

[Endurance] 15


[Free Points] 0


[Skills] Basic Heavy Blow [Level N/A]


[Titles] N/A

Charlotte was amazed to see her strength quantified on the screen, but frowned slightly.


Was this low? Or is this high for starting stats? She wondered.


She wanted to ask the others, but she wasn’t sure if it would be bad etiquette. Her eyes shifted between the group as they continued to wait for Drake, the tension in the air starting to make her feel more and more uncomfortable.


But thankfully Drake came out and found them swiftly. He walked over with a wave and the same cheery smile he usually wore, his mask sitting on the side of his head tucked under his hood.


“Wait long?” he asked the group.


Kalik Tu’ grunted something from behind them, that made Drake scoff.


“Yes we are getting to it, don’t be so impatient. You’ll get your hunt soon enough,“ Drake said, “Now the rest of you need weapons. I don’t have ones for Clotho and Atropos, since I didn’t know what your classes were until just now. But everyone else? I had the warsmith whip up some decent no-grade items. Now be happy, these are way better than what I had starting out, and you even get armor.”


Drake walked up to each of them handing out weapons.


Quetz received a bow, quiver, arrows, and a small knife. Landin some kind of voodoo doll or cross, Charlotte couldn’t tell from her angle or the material it was made from, and a one-handed club with spikes. Kalik also received a single curved ax.


And finally, Drake walked up to her and materialized a long wooden spear with a metal point. The weapon fell into her hands and she braced for the weight. But surprisingly it was light in her grip. It felt almost, comfortable. Her eyes widened in surprise expecting it to weigh at least a couple lbs.


But the weapon felt more like an extension of her arm, nearly weightless.


“Don’t get used to it being that light,” Drake smiled, “From what I’ve heard the higher-graded ones have some heft to them unless you get specific material mixed into the crafting process to reduce the weight. Need something with some strength behind it to deal damage after all. But, feels comfortable?” he asked.


Charlotte nodded, taking a step away to give some practice swings. The sound of it cutting through the air gave her a weird sense of joy.


She turned back to Drake with excitement in her eyes, but his expression left her confused.


Drake looked at her solemnly, almost apologetic.


“What’s wrong?” she asked.


He raised a brow, his expression fixing itself instantly, “You’re all just growing up pretty fast,” he said, then turned, “Alright let’s get to the gate, Sah Ul’ should be there by now.”


Charlotte gripped her spear with both hands as she looked at Drake beginning to walk off unsure how to feel about his words and what they meant for her future.




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