Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 255: Everyone Is Tough Until Sah Ul’ Trains You. 2

Drake walked casually hearing the sounds of weapons clashing, guns being shot, and spells being cast as he watched Sah Ul’ ‘train’ the teens, as if she were playing with new puppies in the snow-covered streets.


He had to admit that there might have been a discrepancy in power between the teens and Sarah but she was doing a good job of holding back. The teens were no slouches, however, as they learned quickly to play to their strengths.


Charlotte, Atropos, and Quetz each played to their speed and agility. Dodging Sarah’s blows while trying their best to counter and attack from range where they could.


Sarah even gave them a generous handicap by telling them to use their skills to the fullest, which unsurprisingly didn’t help them. If anything it impeded their progress due to having to constantly keep track of new cooldowns and effects, all while still controlling their auras.


Landin and Clotho did their best to support against the mountain that was the female orc warrior. Landin had Anima heal where she could and Ifrit barking flames of ice while being held back from getting in close because of his low level. Clotho also did his best to land blows where he could to increase his debuffs on Sarah, but unfortunately for him, Sarah only allowed a sparse few to hit and only when the previous debuff fell off with its timer.


Drake had found out that Sah Ul’ also had a skill to cleanse a certain amount of debuffs but it either had a long cooldown or she refused to use it again after the first time he witnessed it, after Clotho had stacked one too many.


The only teen who seemed to have an unusually difficult time adjusting to their new fighting style was Kalik. He refused to steer away from the mostly upfront and straightforward fighting style he had used with his axes. This wasn’t to say that being straightforward with his stats was necessarily wrong, but the boy refused to learn how to dodge and parry, only facing Sah Ul’, a warrior both more experienced and stronger physically than him, with sheer strength.


Once again he rushed in, using his speed to move past the others and throw a choreographed punch at Sarah. Only to be swatted away comically to slide across the ground right in front of Drake’s feet.


Drake looked down with a smile, “Having some trouble there buddy?”


Kalik growled, rubbing the side of his face and wiping away his loosened hair. He got up, ready to charge right back into the fray when Drake stopped him, grabbing him on the shoulder.


“Up bup bup bup! Not so fast, I didn’t get to see everyone’s aura descriptions before. Let me take a look so I know which stones to gather to compliment them,” Drake explained.


Kalik gave a glance at the fight that was continuing but complied, a blue screen appearing before Drake.


Smoldering Bear Aura P1(4%) [F-Rank]


  • Fierce rage that forever deepens and burns, a fire lit that can never be smothered. A sense of peace can be found in an ever-present reservoir of anger.
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-foot sphere around themselves (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura may suppress anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura momentarily gives a boost of Tranquil Rage when will is flexed.
  • Buff: Tranquil Rage - The user is given a temporary buff increasing their Strength and Dexterity by 100%. This buff decreases over 20 seconds until it has reached 0%. (Can only be used every 5 Minutes.) (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Hateful Lake - Gives a temporary 5% boost to Attack Haste in a 15-foot sphere around the user to all party members. (Increased based on Proficiency)



Drake nodded at the description, releasing the teen like letting an attack dog off their leash as Kalik shot forward the moment his hand left Kalik’s shoulder.


He gave a wry smile, “At least he’s still enthusiastic,” Drake chuckled.


And not even a second later another teen slid to his feet. This time it was Atropos with a smile on her face despite blood running down her nose.


“Ah, Lord Drake. A wondrous encounter,” she beamed.


“I’ve been here the whole time, Atropos…”


“Yes, but you were outside of arm's reach. Now I must but simply stretch out my arm and I could… Ah! Excuse me!” she corrected herself covering her mouth and wiping off the trail of blood.


“As flattering as that is, hold on. I need to see your new aura skill.”


“Why of course,” she replied, instantly bowing her head slightly.


Evanescent Veil Aura P1(6%) [F-Rank]


  • All falls to darkness sooner or later. Fate fades into shadow yet remains. Just like you, an all-seeing, all-consuming, and inevitable night. 
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-foot sphere around themselves (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura may suppress anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower.  (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura consumes up to 5 of the most recent debuffs turning them into stacks of Night Veil when will is flexed. Debuffs must be of equal or lower Rank. (Can only be used once every 5 Minutes) (Increased based on Proficiency.)
  • Effect: Night Veil - Gives the user a 10% increased movement speed per stack when used. Effect from aura can only be used once per 30 minutes. Effects last 10 minutes.
  • Additional Effect: Shadow Vault - Allows the user to consume 5 stacks of Night Veil to teleport to nearby shadow. (No Cooldown)



Drake raised a brow.


“That is a very interesting aura. Quite the trump card,” he said approvingly.


Atropos smiled and clasped her hands together around her scythe, her tails wagging rapidly.


“I am very happy to hear that you approve!”


“Alright back you go,” Drake said, waving her away.


Atropos skipped forward waving over her shoulder for a few steps, then lunged forward with incredible speed back to the fight, unsurprisingly another person flying right back out with a fresh wound across his left cheek.


“Hey there Clotho, nice of you to make your appointment on time,” Drake smirked.


Clotho grumbled something rubbing his face, his canines poking out of his thinned closed thin lips.


“Ah ah ah, not so fast there bud, new skill description,” Drake said, kneeling down next to the teen.


Clotho nodded the sound of metal wire being reeled in at high speed coming from his hands. Drake looked over seeing wire extended from the black nails Clotho was wearing being rolled back into each fingertip.


“That’s pretty cool. It’s like you’re Walter. Kill any vampires lately?”


Clotho’s head tilted to the side in confusion, Drake’s reference falling flat.


“I swear you bunch are severely deprived…” Drake grumbled, a blue screen appearing before him.


Medusa’s Debilitating Aura P1(3%) [F-Rank]


  • The world comes to a sickly and venomous halt around you. Desolation as the ever-encroaching poison infects them to a just and timely death of fate. 
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-feet sphere around themselves (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura suppresses anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower, giving a movement, attack haste, and casting haste debuff of 10% for 2 minutes. Target’s will also be inflicted by Creeping Inevitability once per hour, once Creeping Inevitability has fully fallen off or has been dispelled it can not be reapplied until the cooldown has finished. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Creeping Inevitability - Any target inside your sphere of influence has a currently possessed debuff stack increased by 1 every 30 seconds and is inflicted with Medusa’s Venom.
  • Effect: Medusa’s Venom - Target is dealt 1% of total health over 30 seconds per stack. Max 5 stacks. Increasing debuff refreshes effect. (Increased based on Proficiency.)



“Well, aren’t you just the little annoying snake in the back…” Drake muttered, wincing from the description, “Good thing I have such strong resistances,” he smiled warily.


Clotho scoffed, motioning with his head back to the fight.


Drake waved him off, standing up, “Yup, off you go.”


Clotho stood himself shooting off toward the fight, the sound of wire being pulled as they flew from his hands towards Sah Ul’.


Drake crossed his arms looking at the teens fighting as a group as they made their way back. The trip didn’t take long until they were in sight of the rest of the previous group and the fighting died down, the teens taking a well-needed break.


Holding out his hands, Drake caught an exhausted Quetz falling from the sky in his arms with a chuckle.


“All tuckered out?”


Quetz cooed, her head sweat-drenched and bent backward, unable to meet Drake’s mocking face.


Atropos and Charlotte both leaned shakily against their weapons, raising a finger in protest.


“That is not… fair… that she gets to be carried…!” they grumbled in unison.


“Yeah, where’s my princess carry,” Landin complained from the ground, sticking a hand up as Ifrit jumped on his chest yipping, Anima patting his head lightly a green glow from her branch-like hand.


“Life is cruel and unfair, get used to it,” Drake scoffed, walking to the rest of the group.


His brother Dillon had woken up from his nap, climbing back up on Drake’s back without preamble, the sound of his rhythmic breaths continuing a moment later.


“What am I, a bed now?” Drake frowned, only to have several more teens slump against him.


“Now that you mention it, you are pretty comfy,” Landin laughed.


“Such bliss… I could go to the great hunt at any moment,” Atropos mused, rubbing a cheek against his leg.


“Ok, weird,” Drake chuckled, then singled out Mr. Hogue with a scowl changing the mood.


“You, have you finished your contract?” Drake asked seriously.


The man nodded quickly, beginning to sweat.




“Then, were you lying to me earlier? We just came from the system center, and there wasn’t a soul in there or around it,” Drake said pointedly.


“What? That can’t be right. We had several hundred Adventurers coming and going just until recently! I swear!”


Drake chewed on the side of his mouth for a moment, thinking.


He can’t lie to me now that he’s under contract. Did the undead do something? Or is there something else going on? Drake thought.




Bjorn looked over at Drake raising a brow, “Yeah?”


“Has anything happened or you noticed anything?” Drake asked.


Bjorn shook his head, “Nope, why, what’s up?”


“Just a bad feeling… Alright, is this everyone?” Drake said, looking over the group of around 50 or so people.


“How do you plan on traveling, Drake,” his mother asked, “We have children here.”


“I have a plan for that. There’s a man who was selling tamed monsters that we could use for now until we reach the bus we left further out. Don’t worry Mom, I have my best students on it,” Drake smiled, motioning to the teens laying on the ground in exhaustion.


“Inspires confidence doesn’t it…” Chelsea muttered from the side.


“They’ll do fine! Everyone hit level 11 from the quest turn-ins and they have new weapons, skills, and a good baseline of stats and combat experience. Speaking of which, Quetz, Landin, and Charlotte. Let’s see those aura skill descriptions.”


Quetz raised her head with a bit of struggle from Drake’s arms, a blue screen popping up in front of her face, and turning to him.


Wind Cutter Aura P1(6%) [F-Rank]


  • Bristled by the updraft, the torrential winds will not be hampered. The sharpness to rival blades of steel. The winds cut a path of woeful regret through your enemies. 
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-foot sphere around themselves (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura suppresses anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower, dealing 50% of current Dexterity as Wind Affiliate damage. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura momentarily increases movement speed and attack haste by 10% when will is flexed for 2 minutes every 30 minutes.
  • Additional Effect: Updraft - Gives a permanent boost to Wind Aura control.



Simultaneously, Landin sent his screen up from his seat next to Drake below, Charlotte doing the same from his other side.


Summoner’s Embracing Aura P1(4%) [F-Rank]


  • A summoner never deprives their companion of the light. Uplifting and bountiful is the welfare given to those who follow in his wake.
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-foot sphere around themselves (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura suppresses anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower. And will boost Overall Combat Efficiency of Summons by 20% for 5 minutes once per hour when flexed. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Additional Effect: Regenerative Light - Any summon within your aura is given 5 stacks of Regenerative Light once per 5 hours. Each stack diminishes over 30 seconds.
  • Effect: Regenerative Light - Stacks of Regenerative Light grant summons stamina, health, and mana 5% regeneration per stack. (Increased based on Proficiency)



Pale Lightning Aura P1(10%) [F-Rank]


  • The rolling thunder is but a preamble to your awe-inspiring strikes. The calm before the storm a held breath to be released in reverence of the final strike. 
  • This skill gives access to Aura.
  • The passive ability to inflict your will upon the world within a certain distance.
  • Allows the user to perceive their surroundings within a 15-foot sphere around themselves. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura suppresses anyone inside your sphere that is of your rank or lower, dealing 50% of current Dexterity as Lightning Affiliate damage. (Increased based on Proficiency)
  • Aura momentarily increases attack haste and parry chance by 10% when will is flexed for 2 minutes every 30 minutes.
  • Additional Effect: Electrify - Gives a permanent boost to Lightning Aura control.



“Three physical manifestation auras, I didn’t even know that was possible,” Drake said impressed, “These are going to be very scary later on.”


He turned to Bjorn and Chelsea, “Do your auras do stuff like this?” Drake asked.


Bjorn shook his head, “My aura is pretty normal, suppresses the same rank or lower based on proficiency and my level. Gets pretty scary though, so I think it might be influenced by the person's class rarity or maybe their battle experience? Not sure bro.”


Chelsea also shook her head, “I have access to it, but mine is even worse off. You wouldn’t even be able to notice it if I didn’t tell you it was there. Mostly keeps my presence lower, handy for a ranger, piss poor for intimidation.”


Drake placed his hand to his chin, dropping Quetz on top of Landin with a thud.




Travis spoke up at this point, “Drake, are we leaving now? You’ve had us out here for nearly an hour and not everyone is so great against the cold.”


His brother pointed to some of the younger children and lower-level people in the group that had been crashing at his mother’s house. Some wore multiple layers to stave off the cold.


“Sorry, got a bit sidetracked I guess, and lost track. Yeah, we should go,” Drake agreed, snapping his fingers and summoning a large jet-black earthen cart, “I didn’t see any school buses around so we can use this for now until we get to the one I mentioned before. All aboard!”


In a matter of a few minutes, the group loaded up, the teens surrounding the cart after resting up while the cart situation was sorted. In front, there was Drake, Sah Ul’, and Bjorn. In the rear, there was his brother Travis, Tom, and Chelsea. The group of teens had spaced out in a circle around the cart on the outer edge. Landin and Charlotte doubling up due to Landin’s lack of combat prowess currently.


Landin could use his new skill to embody his summon but it simply wasn’t strong enough with Ifrit and Anima’s current levels, hence Charlotte there.


For now, Drake hauled the massive cart with ease as they moved through the city streets to the exit they had entered from. And just like Drake had hoped, he found the old man they had greeted a few hours earlier.


“Leavin already lad?” the man greeted, “And with quite a few new people.”


Drake gave a wave and smiled, “Yup, you should come with us if you’ve got nowhere else. I hear there’s a city in need of tamers soon.”


The old man shook his head, “No thanks, I’m fine where I is. You change your mind on those wolves?”


“Actually yes, I could use some to help pull some baggage.”


There were some complaints from the cart at Drake’s turn of phrase but he shrugged it off.


“Sure thing. Only two critters left, 10 coins a piece. But on account of Mrs. Wallen, I’ll give ya both for 15 total,” the man said, dipping his head slightly.


“Thanks, Frank,” his mother smiled, waving to the man.


Drake shivered, “Gross… Right well, thanks.”


He quickly ponied up the coins, thankfully not being strapped for cash anymore since the undead had sent so many people to him recently to hand deliver resources.


A few moments later, the man disappeared behind a building, reappearing a few seconds later pulling two Mana Wolves like he was leading horses.


“I’ll be damned, it is a thing, huh?” Drake said in surprise.


“These two don’t have names and honestly I wouldn’t give them none. These low-level monsters usually don’t last but they’ll fill their job just fine.”


It was a bit morbid of a farewell pitch but Drake could appreciate the man’s honesty.


“Catch you on the flipside Frank,” Drake waved, pulling some rope to tie the wolves to the cart.


While tying the wolves down, Bjorn nudged Drake in the back.


“Got company,” Bjorn said in a low voice.


Drake could sense people as well entering his aura sphere, a large number of them outside the city limits.


“No time like the present to test the kids out I suppose,” he whispered back, “I told the bunch we wouldn’t help but can you take care of the cart?”


Bjorn frowned, “Times like these I really wish I never used those Legendary stones. It's pretty boring just watching, not to mention frustrating... But yeah, don’t sweat it.”


Drake finished tying off the wolves, slapping Bjorn on the arm, “Don’t worry, we’ll figure something out when things settle down. Trust me,” he smiled.


The group began again leaving the city’s limits and as expected, once they were a bit further away that was when the people Bjorn and Drake had noticed appeared.


Stepping out from behind trees were pale shrouded figures, but from Drake’s senses, he knew there were many more trying to conceal themselves and position behind them as well.


Instantly the teens and the rest of the group readied themselves.


But one of the hooded figures stepped in front of the rest announcing herself.


“Hello. Mr. Wallen, I presume?” a shill female voice asked.


“No one calls me Mr. Wallen,” Drake scoffed back.


“Is that so? It matters not. I am here to offer you a deal with the Count. We have already overtaken several cities in the area and more will fall day by day, you can not win,” she explained, pulling back her hood, revealing pale skin and white hair with dull red eyes, “You are outnumbered. Even if you have beaten the Amalgamations, there will be more soon enough, until you are unable to count them.”


“If my math is right, you didn’t bring enough people. Might be outnumbered, but you’re clearly outmatched,” Drake sneered, raising his nose.


The woman’s face twisted as she hissed, “It was a mistake to think an idiot with lessers could see the potential of what is to come!”


“Wow, that’s pretty racist don’t you think? Right, Bjorn?” Drake said over his shoulder.


“Yeah, wouldn’t fly in the tech sector, believe me, bro,” Bjorn agreed, shaking his head.


“You dare mock me?!” she shrieked, her visage turning paler and more ethereal, “Our Lord will turn this planet into a haven of dusk and ash! No more will the undead suffer you lesser living to pass!”


Bjorn slapped his hand against his head, Landin doing the same from behind the cart.


Drake smiled, “Oh, but you will suffer me!”


He waved his hand in an arc before him, three bolts of lightning forming and cracking before vibrating to a violet hue as they shot forward.


Drake rushed forward with the bolts, snatching one out of the air and crushing it, his hair turning an electrifying yellow.


The moment his endowment changed his speed increased several fold as he covered the ground in an instant to the woman.


[Beretta Hanes Level 16]


Drake reached out his hand, ready to crush and kill her in a single blow, but his hand passed right through her, surprising him.


“Temporal?” Drake mused, changing course to ricochet off one of the hooded figures behind her, his two lightning bolts sounding the start of the battle as they impacted nearby with thunderous effect.


The woman shifted after Drake passed by her, another shriek ringing through the battlefield as she appeared in the air hovering a few feet above the ground.


Drake moved again, crushing the ground below his feet as he closed the distance, this time his hand glowing red from his skill as he attempted to grab the woman again.


But alas his hand passed through her once more.


He clicked his tongue as he fell to the ground skidding to a stop, placing his hand out palm out aiming at the woman as a white magic circle formed in front of it. But as Drake aimed a gunshot rang out a split second later blood and a wail of pain from the ghostly figure.


Quetz hovered behind the woman with a grin on her face, a smoking pair of pistols locked onto the woman.


Drake grinned letting his spell go, a shard of ice flying right into the woman's stomach.


“So elemental spells and attacks work just fine on ghost people,” he said, nodding to Quetz.


Heretical Attunement, Fire,” Drake chanted, his arms lighting up with white flames as he took a massive step forward, lurching as his wound-up fist struck to meet the falling woman.


In the blink of an eye, Drake made contact, the hissing of flames meeting ghostly flesh sounding out, the arc of the strike leaving a line of vibrant white in the aftermath as he pulled her mid-air down to the ground below.


[You have killed Beretta Hanes Level 16] [Experience Earned, 5 Nobility Points earned]


Drake raised a brow only for a moment at the added notification line after killing the undead woman. His surprise was unable to last as dozens that turned into hundreds of hooded figures streamed out of the forest ahead and around them.


Quetz moved from her position back to the cart with the rest of the group, who tightened up their encirclement.


“Does this still count as training?” Landin asked from the side.


“I think this might be a little much for a first outing,” Drake said with a shrug, but quickly smiled, “Unfortunately for you. It doesn’t look like Sarah thinks it’s a problem.”


Drake gave a sigh of resignation as he saw Sah Ul’ pointing eagerly at the groups forming around the cart, slapping Charlotte and Kalik on the back, encouraging them to fight.


“Guess I should help them a little bit. This is like 100 to 1.”


He sent out party invitations to the teens, slight jerks of their heads and shoulders announcing to him that they had received them.


“Accept the invites,” Drake shouted.


Without pause, but not without grumbling from a few, his new party was formed, the teens filling 7 of 8 slots.


“Now this is all you guys, I’m just helping a bit.”


My soldiers Rage! My soldiers scream! My soldiers fight!!”


Drake used his only supportive skill in his arsenal, his aura spreading out over the group enveloping them all in a golden light.


“Now get to work you little troublemakers!” Drake shouted, laughing the words.



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