Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 256: What a Town 2

Tanya closed the door behind her, just finishing sneaking out and delivering extra food to the workers in the town.


She held a frown on her face, seeing people she had grown to know and care for being treated worse than animals day in and out. Expected to perform and produce without real rest and sufficient food.


Looking around she saw the shoddy wooden houses littering the area with smoke coming out of the stacks protruding from the roofs.


Tanya was currently in the metal ward, where the dwarves and various other slaves who created weapons, armors, and items for the lord of this forsaken town.


Her hand turned pale as it gripped the hem of her skirt that she had been forced to wear in service of the disgusting man.


“I know my family is coming… I’ll do what I can until they do,” she muttered to herself.


Changing from her dour frown to a forced smile. One she used often before coming here.


She walked down the depressed dirt road, the smell of forges, burnt wood, and coal-heavy in the air. Tanya turned her head, the loud echoing crack of picks sounding through the ends of the streets.


There she saw the mountain that this town was stationed next to. Where other slaves worked tirelessly to mine and gather ore for the forges the dwarves manned.


Yula, her closest friend in this town, was the best smith she had ever seen. Creating and forging weapons and armor that went well beyond the status quo. Even her unkeen eye could tell at just a glance.


But the dwarves were not the only ones kept captive here. There were fishmen, beastkin, elves, and even humans. Each one was used until they expired regardless of age. Even worse were the Dredges.


Tanya left the ward entering the main town through two steel doors manned by men in full plate armor holding spears with a nod.


No one would stop her. She was the lord’s special little doll after all. Never touched, only seen as the man said. Until she had ripened.


Tanya’s shoulders quivered in abject disgust at the thought as she passed a line of slaves chained together.


The group was human, all severely injured and wearing rags. Tanya looked on coldly, not out of lack of sympathy but numbed and jaded to the scene.


They were the new Dredges. The to be Abominations made from the poor people who could not work further. Very rarely would they be other races. As the lord mentions time and time again, anything other than humans is a waste. The stock too precious and valuable to waste on making mindless work puppets.


She pulled her gaze away, unwilling to think on the fate of those poor people any longer.


Tanya made her way through the city proper on the way to that man’s residence. On her way she passed countless elves, some she even knew personally before they were dragged to this desolate place. All with a single feature that made her weep every time she saw it.


Each elf, whether dark elf, plains, or wood had their ears cropped forcibly.


It filled her with unbridled rage to see such a barbaric act happen to them. Only to show just how far the lord of this city would go to disrespect their race and lineage as a whole.


But she could only grit and bear it, each passing elf breaking her heart bit by bit as she walked with an ever heavier passing step. Her forced cheery demeanor melted before she even stepped foot into her most hated situation.


Arriving at the lord's estate, Tanya was greeted by guards once again, this time they wore cloaks and of course, had skin pale as dull wax.


They eyed her as she passed the gate, neither one greeting her. Traveling through the yard on the paved walkway, you would never have guessed that the atrocities of the city were happening just a few blocks away. The trimmed and pruned bushes, trees, and flowers gave a high-class atmosphere.


The groundskeepers, all elven and human women due to the orders of the lord.


Entering the main house Tanya was greeted by the other maids of the residence. Only the most beautiful and untarnished were allowed to personally attend to the lord.


“Lady Silverwood,” they greeted her, bowing.


“Navdia, please. I’m just another servant here…” Tanya reminded her, “I’m sorry that I stepped out again. Is everything still… Tolerable?” she asked.


“Regardless I, and the rest of the guards are still your loyal ladies,” she said bowing at the waist, “However, Lord… Xavier Thornsworth,” Navdia said, her voice dripping with disgust, “Has been in his study for the entire day.”


Tanya recoiled with a grimace, “May the Blessed World Tree watch over those poor women…” she said with sorrow, her arms wrapping around herself.


The study as the maids called it, was anything but. A room of depravity and horror for any woman who stepped inside.


As Tanya was lost in thought the sound of doors creaking open filled the cold silence that had fallen on the entryway.


“TANYA!!!!!!!!!!!!”  a man bellowed from above, sending a shiver down everyone present.


Hearing the booming voice filling the building, Tanya jerked but quickly ran up the winding staircase to attend to the man. Fear of angering him forcing her quickly numbing legs to move.


“Y-yes Lord Thornsworth….” Tanya asked at the door’s entrance.


“Tanya… My dear, dear Tanya. You know to call me Xavier. I can not have my most wonderful girl be so formal with me!” Xavier chuckled from inside the room, a disgusting smell emanating from the crack in the door.


Tanya forced her nose from wrinkling, knowing full well what the smell was by now.


She opened the door more, enough to enter the study, a small gust of the elixirs, and potent aphrodisiacs venting from the room.


Strown about the floor and devices the man had placed inside were half naked and naked women. Marks and scars across their bodies, more than Tanya could count. Their eyes dull and distant, drool dripping from their open mouths.


Her heart sank at the sight, even more did it quiver as she knew one day it would be her own fate should help not come.


“Forgive me, Lord Xavier,” she finally answered, bowing.


Raising her head she looked at the hulking man. A grave scar across his left eye going down to his chin, greying blond crewcut hair, and bulky muscles holding far gone women in each arm as he smiled back at her.


“See you can do it if you try,” he guffawed, licking his lips, “Not much longer until you’ve ripened… I can hardly hold myself back! Fresh royalty must have a delectable taste…”


Tanya shivered from the doorway, her thoughts drifting to the darkest of places as the fear of her approaching 16th anniversary season loomed over her.


Her breathing began to stall, then came in ragged gasps as the effects of the potions and tonics started to take hold of her, but a cold hand on her shoulder snapped her back.


“Lord Xavier. Surely you would enjoy a more seasoned meal this evening?”


Tanya turned, seeing Navdia with cold eyes, but the face of a practiced courtesan. However, Tanya knew she was just as panicked as her. The hand on her arm trembling with sheer terror.


Xavier pushed the doll-like women aside, standing up to reveal his large frame as he lumbered towards them, each step rocking the foundation of the room.


He looked down as he loomed over Navdia and Tanya, a large intentful grin splitting his face.


“I am hungry for a more filling meal tonight…” he laughed, then shooed Tanya out the door, “Ah. No more sneaking out. We have a guest arriving any day now from the count’s manor. He has a taste for beautiful women and I can’t have him taking a liking to any of my collection. If you disobey this time, it may be a loss, but I will kill that entire section of the metal ward.”


Tanya froze. She knew the Lord would have known about her activities. She had to pass guards regularly throughout the city to do so. But she had still continued her benevolent outings, only wanting to help her friend and others suffering under this deranged man.


“I-i understand… my Lord…” she stammered, the door behind her creaking shut.




Hudson sat down outside the store, amazed at the structures present in the city after only several weeks.


“Sir, is this really the time to be staying here drinking cocoa?” one of his soldiers asked wearily from next to him.


“Huh? Oh, put your tail out Private. Didn’t you hear the lil Miss? Those men were vampires,” Hudson said calmly, trying to placate the soldier.


But a shiver ran down his spine as the images and sounds of the men screaming flashed in his mind. He had seen brutality in the Tutorial and during the many missions he had been sent undercover on. But for some reason the sight of a small girl who could have passed as a six-year-old, tearing and mercilessly killing grown men and women brought on a sense of dread he was not aware he could feel.


He brought the cup to his lips, taking a deep sip. Exhaling a relieving breath his eyes went to the display sign on the black building.


Dazzling Tyrant’s Comic Hangout


“Pretty amazing they are doing well enough that shops like this are popping up…” Hudson said, not able to help a small grin.


“May I speak freely sir?” the soldier asked.


“Why the hell not, have at it pup.”


“Sir, this place is unsettling. More than half the citizens are non-human and look…” the soldier lowered his voice, “Like monsters sir.”


Before Hudson could answer, the sound of a light pop came from across the table, a pink-haired girl looking playfully back at him, her hand inside a bag of chips.


“Yes, well. You must make do with what is available,” Natto laughed.


“You sound mighty cold there little lady,” Hudson said, putting down his cup.


“Certainly. I am an administrator. It is better if I see numbers rather than people. But,” she said pausing from eating to look at Hudson, “they are still my responsibility. Anything that comes to interfere with that is subject to my judgment within these walls.”


Hudson hesitated for a moment, not sure if he should push the issue. But his inquisitive nature overcame his fear and knowing that at the very least they had some history. That and hopefully her not killing him outright earlier meant that he had some ground to stand on.


“Like the soldiers you killed?” he said, standoffish.


Vampires and Undead,” Natto corrected then added, “I suppose a few humans died as well, but do you know why?” she asked, placing her snacks away and replacing it with a vial of coagulated red liquid.


Hudson raised a brow taking the offered vial and inspecting it.


“Count’s Blood? What in the hell is this? Are you saying my company had these?”


Natto nodded, “I am able to scan whatever is in a person’s inventory. Bringing such vile items inside knowingly and in such large quantities,” she paused, her eyes flashing a deeper hue of pink, “will not be tolerated.”


She popped another item out of her sleeve sliding it across the table.


“A steroid…?” Hudson questioned, further reading the description of the item then frowned, “What does this have to do with anything?”


“These have been used in conjunction with the blood to convert the unwilling. You would do well to pay attention to it, pup.”


“Are you trying to say that the New Colonies have something to do with these undead shenanigans? That’s damn dirty and outrageous!”


Natto scoffed at Hudson, “Now it has been a day since you have arrived and had the opportunity to scout out the city. Certainly we can cut to the chase on why you have arrived with a variable army?” she asked.


Hudson grimaced.


“Do you think I’m such a small man, little miss?” he asked.


“You flatter yourself. Labling you a man in any capacity would go beyond your capabilities I’m sure,” she sneered.


The Private next to Hudson winced for him, unsure if he should act to defend his superior after witnessing what Natto had done just the day before.


“Still don’t pull any punches there do ya? I came here to check up on the pup, the army is just an unfortunate ball and chain of the job,” he explained, then sighed as he considered himself, “I don’t want to lie. I was ordered to touch base with the pup in hopes of forming a connection for the New Colonies. But with the cat, I didn’t know was in the bag, out of it, I’m not sure if I should.”


Natto grinned, “Slightly more brain power than I expected. How much do you know of the current undead situation? You have also seen how fast the city has grown, as well as how strong those who inhabit are I am sure. Confirming that you are much higher up in the human food chain than I gave you credit, I am curious as to how your leader will vote in the coming summit.”


“I’m not privy to that kind of info, little miss. Above my pay grade,” Hudson shrugged.


“Then you are useless.”


“After what you call the pup, useless might as well be a compliment coming from you,” Hudson said flatly.


“You misunderstand,” Natto leered, “The relationship between the imbecile and myself is unique to how assistants are made. I am a part of him as well as made to conform to his… likes. Do not delude yourself into thinking that we have the same such familiarity or connection,” she said icily, “I am every bit the tyrant that man pretends to be. Even before he subsumed the stones. The only thing keeping me from ending you and your little pissant annoyances is his bleeding heart. As I have said, you take me, this city, and more importantly him far too lightly and you will change that for your own further existence, if nothing else.”


This time Hudson shuttered, feeling a deep chill run through his body as he listened to the little construct. She wasn’t pulling punches anymore and somehow felt more monstrous than even Drake.


“I never took the pup as a squirrel hanging on a wire,” he coughed at his own wording, “But that is beside the point ain’t it? I might not know how the new President will vote at this summit, but I do have an understanding with him as my former boss. I could bring it up when I return. On that too, I do know a certain number of our affiliated cities. A few came in for talks just before I left.”


Natto raised a brow, waiting.


“There's a few human cities we do trade with and one or two elf and dwarven towns. We’ve had beastkin refugees from… Well, Drake’s brother’s rampage through the central part of this continent,” Hudson explained.


“Oh? You have mapped the current land mass we are on? Perhaps you are not so useless. And certainly, you can provide me with the names of these towns?” Natto prodded, giving a steely glare at the Private next to Hudson, forcing his mouth to snap shut.


“It’s not secure information as far as I’m aware, so sure,” Hudson said, honestly eager to please at this point now that he was grasping at straws it seemed, “There's Laluga, one of the elf towns. Firebeard Mine, a dwarf town. Then the list of Human towns are a little bit more lengthy. North of the capital there's what, Jovic, Treetop, Horror Lane, and what’s that one I always forget. Slipper? Shoe? No, Flipflop? Private help me out here.”


Sandal, sir,” the soldier corrected.


The air suddenly turned cold. Both their heads snapped to the small girl at the other end of the table.


The small cafe cleared out, and people ran off from the veranda that held the tables, leaving any food or drink in a rush to distance themselves.


The table they sat at turned frigid to the touch, Hudson recoiling his hands quickly from the black stone it was made from, only for it to begin to redden in heat as pink fire began to melt the opposite end.


“The sam hell is going on?!” Hudson stammered, standing from his seat.


Natto eyed him carefully, then relaxed, waving for him to follow her as she hopped off the melted chair walking to the street.


“Come. It seems a most annoying and somewhat useful person has returned to the north gate. You and he will have much to talk about…”


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