Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 279: There’s A Good Explanation For This!

“Claire!” Drake smiled, racing to her to throw his arms around her, “How did you get here? Did you come with the refugees? No, I would have seen you… You didn’t make it here alone did you?! You know how dangerous it is-”


“She came with us, sir,” another female voice said calmly.


A woman with black bob-cut hair and glasses, wearing office attire raised her glasses by the brim, and looked evenly back at Drake.


“Us? Who are you?” he asked, placing Claire down gently.


“My name is Ari, I am Sir Leon’s personal attendant.”


“Attendant?” Drake asked, looking at Claire for clarification.


She nodded, a smile creeping on her lips, “She and Mr. Leon helped me, us, reach the city. He’s so incredibly strong like you Drake. We wouldn’t have made it here without him. I can’t believe we've finally made it, it feels like a dream to see you again…” Claire giggled, tears beginning to pool on the edges of her eyes.


She grabbed at the necklace around her neck, gripping it tightly, “I knew I would get here somehow. I’ve missed you…”


Drake suddenly felt a flood of guilt. He of course missed Claire, but he hadn’t actively been able to go search for her and it had taken her coming here herself for them to be reunited. There was also the issue of Sah Ul’, how exactly was he supposed to tell them about one other?


“I missed you too… We should talk, I have so much to tell you about.”


But things never went to plan. Chelsea had already spotted Claire in the group of people moving towards the city and had run over.


“Claire! You're finally here!” Chelsea beamed, wrapping her arms around her, “We have so much to talk about!”


Claire gave an embarrassed laugh as Chelsea rubbed her cheeks against hers, bombarding her with information. Thankfully nothing detrimental for now.


But again, things never went to plan. This time Charlotte, Atropos, Quetz and Clotho had spotted him and moved to report.


“Lord Drake, I am pleased to see you are well,” Atropos said, bowing slightly, “Whom might these new visitors be?”


“I am curious as well, do you know them, Drake?” Charlotte asked.


“I do, this is Claire. She is my girlfriend,” Drake admitted, bracing for scathing glances and outbursts.


But surprisingly no one said anything. He received a few looks from Charlotte and Quetz. As well as one cold glare from Atropos that turned into an assessing gaze at Claire, but everyone remained silent.


“Claire is very special to me and I’ll be needing to talk to all of you about what is going to happen going forward. Take the next few days to rest up. After everything, I know you all need it. We’ll talk later.”


“Understood…” Charlotte replied, then added, “We all have an idea of what to do as well. Landin and Kalik are still in poor conditions so we will see to them. Will the house be available?”


Drake winced hearing the insinuation in her voice, but he collected himself quickly. It was his house, why should he feel embarrassed for what may or may not happen in it, now that his second girlfriend and possibly wife had arrived.


“Of course you all are always welcomed in my house,” he said firmly.


A new voice spoke up, one Drake had never heard before.


“So this is Drake?”


A man strode up out of the crowd of people exiting the forest, standing next to Claire and eyed Drake. Looking him up and down, then to the side where he saw Charlotte, Atropos, and Quetz.


The man frowned.


“I told you Claire. Don’t you see he’s already got more women? I doubt he cared about you at all, he never even went out of his way to find you!”


Drake scowled, “What?”


“Charles!” Claire snapped, “You have no idea what you’re talking about! What gives you the right to say something like that!”


“Just look at him! He has three beautiful women just hanging on him!”


Atropos growled deeply, “What is wrong with a man of Lord Drake’s stature having multiple females…? It is the alpha’s right to lead the pack!”


The man Charles flinched, but apparently wouldn’t back down feeling emboldened for some reason.


“Of his stature? What has he done that’s so great? Left his girlfriend to fend for herself for months while he’s off playing with any girl he can get his hands on?”


Charlotte’s aura began to prickle, “You better watch your tongue. Drake has been more than you can imagine and has done more than anyone!”


“Ha! He even has you all brainwashed enough to defend him! I told you Claire, he didn’t deserve you-” Charles tried to say and place his hand on Claire’s shoulder, but it was slapped away.


Claire’s hand quickly dismissed Charles, then another crack of her hand met the side of his face.


“Shut your mouth! I told you from the beginning that Drake saved me, how important he is to me! Do you think insulting him without him even being able to explain what is going on, is going to make me what? Run off with you?! I thought you were a friend, Charles!”


Drake’s shoulders relaxed slightly. He had been ready to take off the man’s head if he managed to touch Claire. In a world of skills and status increases, there was no telling what could have happened.


But the commotion had brought the eyes of a lot of people towards them. He saw the elven princesses look over from the refugee group and begin to walk over. His friends Grumps and Wow-fi listened quietly a little ways off, Ari, the girl that had introduced herself had moved to Grumps’s side. Bjorn was a little ways off listening in as well, Chelsea had moved back to stand next to him.


Then Atropos and Clotho’s noses began to twitch as they raised them into the air. Their heads snapped to a large woman walking over, their mouths gaping in disbelief.


“Aunt Teresa?!” they both gasped.


Teresa finally regained consciousness, rubbing her stomach where Drake had hit her and grimaced.


“Oh Atropos, Clotho. I can barely recognise you! Look at how much you’ve grown!” she smirked, then focused on Drake, “You really put me out there. You’re even stronger than I expected. A deals a deal,” Teresa sighed, beginning to lower her fur coat from her shoulders, “Have you way with me as promised.”


“See!” Charles exclaimed, pointing to Teresa, “There’s even more of them!”


“I don’t know this chick!” Drake snapped, “She demanded I fight her literally less than 10 minutes ago!”


Atropos’s face turned into a deep scowl, “Aunt Teresa… You don’t think you can claim him… do you…?”


Teresa’s brows rose with interest and a smile filled with sharp canines offered a silent challenge.


“See! They’re literally fighting over him!” Charles shouted again as if proving his point.


“Lord Drake, I understand this might not be the best time, but we would like to speak with you.”


This time it was Tanya and her sister Aralleen. Tanya was in a half bow but Aralleen looked disgruntled, she put on a pleasant face, but her crossed arms and rigid posture spoke to how she really felt.


“And there’s more!” Charles yelled.


“Will you shut the fuck up already! I’m the leader of a city, of course people want to speak to me!” Drake snapped.


And finally the last nail in the coffin appeared.


“Drake…?” a voice softer than usual said.


Drake looked up. He saw Sah Ul’ her face confused and not its usual stoic self. She looked tired and was wearing a thicker cloak than normal.


He ran to her quickly, “What’s wrong? Sarah, are you feeling alright?”


“I am alright, slightly dizzy…”


Drake frowned, “You need to rest. You shouldn’t be walking around-”


“Who is that Drake?” Claire asked from behind him.


Drake turned around, it was time to face the piper.


“Claire, this is Sah Ul’ Rahk. She’s my wife.”


Drake looked into Claire’s eyes, doing his best to stay firm in what he said as well as gauge her reaction.


Realization passed over Claire’s face and Drake could see her mind working behind her eyes. He could see the pain and betrayal briefly. But it quickly changed to understanding then determination.


Drake opened his mouth to say something, but Claire beat him to it.


“I knew this would happen… Natto told me to be prepared for it,” Claire said, walking up to Drake, “I just didn’t think it would happen so soon. I knew because of who you were you would find others to protect and save. It was inevitable that I couldn't keep you to myself.”


Claire reached around Drake’s neck pulling him in and placing her lips on his.


“I won’t say it doesn’t hurt,” she continued, her eyes watering, “but I’m not willing to give you up for anything or to anyone. I love you too much for that…”


Drake was frozen for a moment, trying to search his scattered brain for something to say.


“I never intended to hurt you,” he said gently, squeezing her, “And I think we have a lot to work out for the future… because I never had any intention of letting you go either.”


He turned and cleared his throat, “Sarah, this is Claire. You remember the stories I told you about her?”


Sah Ul’ looked at Claire, her eyes squinting slightly. He’d never seen her do something like that before. She began swaying on her feet, before she expelled whatever food she ate the night before on Drake and Claire’s feet.


“Sah Ul’!” Drake moved to grab her before she fell, “What’s going on, is she sick?”


“No, she is pregnant you dolt! And certainly about time!” Natto screamed at him, popping into place on his shoulder.


“Where have you been and what do you mean, she can’t be. It just happened last night!”


Claire pinched his side, but stayed silent.


“She is an Orc you dullard… Orc’s, especially Lowland Orc’s are a warrior race. They required their pregnancy to be short to survive. It is about half the term of a human, roughly five months. This was all in the report I gave you… DID YOU NOT READ IT!?” she howled into his ear.


Drake’s face paled, stages of surprise, terror, bewilderment, guilt, terror again, then happiness, then horrible awful terror one last time, crossed his face. Until he finally settled into cold realization.


“I’m going to be a Father…?”


“Unfortunately for everyone, yes,” Natto smirked, “O-me-de-to,” Natto whispered sarcastically into his ear.


Drake scooped Sah Ul’ up into his arms, “I’m taking her to the house to rest.”


But Claire pulled on his shoulders, “No you are not!”


He looked back confused, “Of course I am?”


Claire pointed to the large group of people still waiting at the entrance of the gate to ReUnite, then the group of others waiting to speak to him.


“There are too many things you still need to do. It sounds like she is just having morning sickness. Let me take care of her, it will let me talk and get to know her too,” Claire’s expression went soft, “She’s important to you?”


Drake nodded.


“I won’t let anything happen to her. Do you have people you can trust to help me?”


“Kids!” Drake shouted.


Charlotte, Clotho, Quetz, and Atropos walked over.


“It has been weeks since you addressed us as children…” Atropos pouted.


“Is there something wrong with Sarah?” Charlotte said, her face cold but her hands moving hesitantly over to Sarah in concern.


“Quetz has shot many people… Quetz isn’t a kid anymore! Right CC?!” Quetz chirped.


Clotho just shook his head, waiting for Drake to explain whatever he was about to.


“I can’t do proper introductions so you’re all going to have to later. Claire, these are my kids. Kids, this is Claire, my girlfriend-”


First. Wife,” Claire corrected, pulling out and showing Drake’s old tattoo ring, shaking it for everyone to see.


“R-right. I need you all to look after her and Sarah until I can finish here. Please,” Drake directed.


Charlotte and Atropos looked displeased but nodded. They owed Sah Ul’ too much to say no regardless of the appearance of Claire.


“Thank you,” Drake smiled.


They began carefully taking Sah Ul’ into the city, her nauseated groans hurting Drake’s heart but Claire was right. He was still supposed to be the leader.


But Claire turned and ran back to him wrapping her arms one more time around his waist.


“I expect a real proposal. And soon… And a real ring! And a big wedding! With lots of cake…and sweets…”


Drake smiled and stroked the top of her head, “Yeah. I promise. It will be the biggest wedding you’ve ever seen.”


“And we are going to have a very. Long. Talk. Alone,” Claire said, enunciating each word pointedly.


“Don’t worry, there are plenty of rooms in the house Natto built for us. We’ll have plenty of privacy,” Drake chuckled lightly.


Claire’s face went scarlet and she threw a soft jab into his stomach, her forehead rubbing against his chest, “That’s… That’s not what I meant..!”


She sped back off after Sah Ul’ and the teens. Charlotte and Atropos followed exactly what happened with deadpan expressions and crossed arms.


“Finally all done?” Leon called.


“What do you want to fight again?” Drake answered, his eyes going into a squint.


“Oh! Got some more bite in ya? I’ll whoop your sorry ass again if that’s what ya want!” Leon laughed.


“Sir Leon…” Ari reprimanded.


“I know I know… Fine, Tatsuki, you can come out now,” Leon grumbled.


A small girl exited the side of Leon’s head. She wore a yukata not unlike Natto’s miko kimono but of deeper colors, and had a painted white face like a geisha.


Drake’s eyes went wide, but Natto spoke first.


“Another Territorial Assistant?!”


Tatsuki bowed, raising her crossed sleeves up, “I greet Lady Natto and her Master, Drake Wallen. I am Tatsuki, assistant of Leonardo Velcruze.”


“Hey! Why are you two always forgetting about me?” Wow-fi growled from below them.


Drake had almost forgotten about Wow-fi. After his dramatic entrance with his full blown Blue MAU Mecha, he had uncharastically stayed silent. Drake couldn’t remember him ever shutting up when they played. It was always one thing or another happening in the games. He was getting ganked by some rando’s, or was asking how something worked in the game, or just talking to everyone in general.


He inspected him.


[Damian Bellair Level 29]


“You’re both level 29?!” Drake exclaimed.


“Don’t be so surprised!” Damian said, puffing his chest out, “You two ain’t special! Come out and rock their world Ekko, drop them some bars.”


Out of the side of Damian’s head emerged a small girl with dark obsidian black skin like his own with neon lit punkish clothes, on her head bright neon headphones with two pink and green cat ears.


She threw a hand forward and blew out a bubble of gum, popping it.


“Yo, for once we ain’t skiddin’ n’ sippin’. Love it when we finally allowed to keep our land legs. Tired of shark stew. Fish n’ chips ain’t my bag, but nothin’ better ensued.”


Drake’s mouth hung open slightly. But Damian was bobbing his head.


“Got damn, it’s just another bomb!”


“There is another Territorial Assistant…?” Natto said in complete disbelief, “I expected there to be several in the world, but for three to be in the hands of Primordials…”


“Primordials?” Drake asked, then looked to his long time friends.


“Ah, yeah, about that. Turns out I changed into a Silver Wolf or something. Tatsuki says it’s important but I just like the stat increases,” Leon waved dismissively.


“Obsidian Dwarf, most hype and crazy crafter, slash, machinists in the, wait for it. Universe! And remember how I always said tall bitches love me? Well, now they all is tall bitches!” Damian yelled, smiling.


Drake pressed his hands to his head, “I feel a headache coming on.”

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