Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 280: The Tree, The Crown, The Flail, The Hammer.

This was. Overwhelming. To say the least for Drake. One monumental occasion marked by another and then another, and then another.


He realized he needed to be more organized. And it was painfully obvious he didn’t have enough administration for his city or its growing size.


Drake could feel a dull pain slowly filling his stomach. Not from the hecticness of the situation but the realization that most of what he was doing at this moment. Rvul had taken care of and wonderfully so.


He once again too late came to the conclusion he was outsourcing the most important parts of being a leader. He had the big stick, sure. But what it took to make a city run, the politics. Were completely beyond him.


Drake tried to delude himself into thinking that his years of running guilds in games and dealing with hundreds of clansmen and guildmates equated to real world experience where the stakes were immeasurably higher.


He summoned a block of ice to his hand pressing it to his forehead.


“So let me get this straight. You and Damian are also Primordials? And that means that you killed one of the Guardian Cardinal Beasts?” Drake asked.


“Did I do that?” Leon asked, turning to Ari for confirmation.


Ari nodded, “Indeed, sir. You dispatched it during our trek across the thundering desert. The big glass monster.”


“Ohh! Yeah, I did do that. That was me,” Leon nodded, “That one was disappointing. It had such a level advantage I thought it would put up a fight, but it ended up just running away,” he shrugged, sighing deeply.


Drake gave a wry chuckle, remembering his fight with his own Cardinal Beast. Honestly feeling similar.


“Then why didn’t both of you start a city? You both have Territory Assistants.”


Damian waved him off, “Ain’t my bag, dawg. You know me, I’ve always just been a point me in the right direction kinda guy.”


“What, to get lost and then ask one of us to escort you five minutes later?” Leon laughed.


“That only happened-”


“All the time,” Drake chuckled.


Damian threw his hands up, “A guy puts on the auto run one time! And ya’ll just never let that shit go!”


“Right,” Drake began, calming himself down, “So you both thought it was a hassle and let me guess, saw my notification that had the old Guild Tag in it?”




“Dat’s right.”


Drake let out a long deep sigh.


“For this reason, we wished to seek you out,” Tatsuki interrupted, “Our primary goal as Territory Assistants is to cultivate and nurture our Master’s Cities and eventual planets, with some luck. But,” one of her slitted eyes opened up slightly showing a ruby red iris, “Master Leon has proved to lack such ambition.”


“Ah, that’s right,” Leon said, his face carefree as if it was a conversation they’d had many times.


“Therefore I wish to complete my duties instead as a branch Assistant to Lady Natto, until the time another planet is under Lord Drake’s control and needs Administration.”


“Ekko, been bugging me about the same, but she been pretty relaxed about it. I throw on some Biggie and she just veg’s out,” Damian added.


“A Branch Assistant. Is that a real thing?” Drake asked Natto.


“It is. Certainly we can arrange something of the sort. You do have two towns currently that are wasting away. Unfortunately, we do not have the personnel nor the need to expand into the towns.”


A lightbulb turned on in Drake’s head, “Wait, I think the town formerly known as Sandal, has a mine. Give me a minute.”


Drake looked around over the group of people, trying to find someone. And in a few seconds he spotted a shorter woman helping an elderly man.


“Ah, there she is. Yula!” Drake called out, running up to her.


Yula stopped and spun her head around in each direction as if she couldn’t believe Drake was addressing her even after calling out her name.


“Y-Yes…?” she croaked.


“Sorry, I know you both are still getting processed but you said something about Mines when we first met. Can you tell me more?”


Yula had two dirty purple colored side ponytails and they bobbed slightly as she lowered her head, to not meet Drake’s eyes.


“Y-Yes… L-Lord Drake..”


“Just Drake is fine.”


“D-Drake, then. The mines… that are at S-Sandal… are mostly Mana Iron and other infused… Mana Minerals,” Yula paused, and Drake saw her eyes look at his arms.


He looked at himself, seeing nothing because he was not infusing mana into his tattoos. Was she interested in it? Drake looked up seeing her eyes now looking at his chest, or better his armor.


“They are good for general tools and equipment but can be better,” Yula continued, seeming to grow more confident while talking about the topic of arms, “If we had better processes of refining the materials and higher ranked monster cores. I would be able to do a lot more…”


Yula looked up from Drake’s equipment seeing that he was looking directly at her with a raised eyebrow and her mouth snapped shut. She began bowing her head repeatedly, obviously distressed.


“I’m sorry! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t… didn’t mean to ramble…”


Drake smirked, “Do you like making equipment?” he asked.


Yula nodded, “I-It’s the only thing… I’m good for…”


Drake waved his hand in front of his face, “Exceeding at one thing you love is a great thing. Don’t demean it by saying it is all you amount to. How would you like to craft equipment for me? Of course with proper pay, housing, and rest.”


Yula’s eyes shot up and glistened, jostling her father in her arms.


“What the blasted!” he grumbled, “Yula what are ya doin’ to yer father?!”


“D-dad… S-sorry… I just got e-excited to talk about crafting…”


Yula’s father, Horrib, tried to focus his eyes, tired and weary from the trip to the city.


“Who the hell are you?” he asked, looking at Drake.


“Drake Wallen,” Drake smiled, “Leader and owner of the city you're in, well almost in. Which reminds me,” he looked at Natto, “Are they all cleared to enter? Do we even have enough temporary housing made yet?”


Natto waved a hand, a few screens appearing. She took a minute to look them over and sighed, “A moment please.”


Suddenly she vanished and a few screams rang out from the massive crowd outside the walls. A few moments later she reappeared on Drake’s shoulder.


“The undead have been dispatched, they are at bare minimum not containing anything harmful or illegal. As for if they are agents for your brother, I can not say for certain. It is appreciated that your friends have brought other Assistants, I will be needing their abilities to watch over this many individuals at my current Rank…”


Drake raised a brow, “Just how many are here now?”


“With the addition of the brutish and distasteful silver wolf’s-”


“Leon,” Drake corrected.


“That is what I said,” Natto sneered, “It will place the current influx of citizens to 12,894. The current populace is now closing in on twenty thousand. We are quite close to max capacity and I should mention that we will need to put them to work quickly. We simply do not have enough food and will certainly exhaust the number of monsters in the vicinity lowering our Monster Core stores. Now more than ever we will need to expedite a proper staple food as well as goods.”


“Ah… I feel another headache coming on…” Drake groaned, scratching at his ear with a finger.


“Did that little lass just…” Horrib asked, his face grimacing.


“She did,” Drake answered, “And you should be glad she did. She is the one who is going to protect you all while I go out to take care of some long overdue problems.”


Yula wasn’t paying attention, still stealing glances at Drake’s armor.


“We have a small crafting area. Go find a stick in the mud named Lamar, he’s most likely the best crafter here. I’m sure you two will have loads to talk about. Thanks for the info on the mines.”


Yula’s eyes focused and it looked like her mind was registering what Drake had said. When she finally processed it her mouth hung half open and she nodded vigorously.


“I-I shall find the stick…” she repeated, and began hurrying her father away.


Shaking his head, Drake prayed that she understood his joke and wasn’t actually looking for a stick in the mud. Turning he walked back to the group that was waiting for him.


“So, looks like Sandal does have a mine and it has exactly what we need. The problem is I don’t know how I would feel about sending people back there at the moment. I don’t think I destroyed the Anchoring Crystal, which means it’s probably in the Mines rather than in the city I flattened. Either one of you want to take charge of that?” Drake asked, looking at Leon and Damian.


“Pass…” Leon yawned.


“Hell no,” Damian scoffed.


“I thought so… It will just have to wait then. So? What are you two planning on doing? Are you going to stay here for a bit or move on?”


“I’ll be staying to cause some trouble for a while. We came from the south up and it seems like most of the monsters cap out around mid-30’s level wise. At least naturally,” Leon waved.


“Naturally? Do you mean the undead?”


“That’s some of it. From what Tatsuki keeps yelling in my ear, they will naturally grow stronger until the world assimilates and finds its Mana Baseline Capacity. Killing those Guardian’s only speeds up the process, bumping us up to E-Rank.”


Drake looked at Natto.


Natto mimed a book and pointed to it, then scoffed.


“I have to really read that book…” Drake whispered.


“I’m just chillaxin here. I got a mighty itch to make some new toys and beats, tell me you got a place I can set up in G?” Daimian asked.


“How are we looking on space Natto?”


“We are near full capacity as I stated. But your influx of Nobility Points has expanded the influence quite a bit. If you are willing, we may take more of the surrounding area. We will certainly need it for food and cattle production sooner than later,” she answered.


“I’ll just pick a spot and set up shop,” Damian shrugged, walking the outskirts of the wall, his large mecha rumbling behind him, “I’ll be waiting for ya call. I already know it’s comin’ when ya need me.”


“Oh! There you are Luke. Don’t think you're sneaking off!” Leon suddenly shouted, grabbing a man by the back of neck, “Don’t you want to meet the guy you’ve been trash talking the entire way here? Go on, say hi there Aussie.”


“Oi! Let me go there, ya god damn bogan!” Luke yelped, throwing his arms up.


Drake looked curiously at the man, he wore surprisingly modern urban gear. Making Drake wonder if it was actually armor or just clothes from before the system. He had short yellow hair, blue eyes and skin that looked like it hadn’t seen the sun in years.


“Who’s this?” Drake asked.


This, is your problem now,” Leon smiled, “I’m dropping him and the rest of them here,” he saluted sarcastically, “All in a day’s work Race Leader.”


Drake frowned, “I wanted to be in charge one time! That doesn’t mean you should force everything and anything onto me!”


“Yes it does, have fun. We’re going to tour the city, find me when ya need me bro,” Leon laughed waving as he walked toward the city gate.


Ari bowed slightly and followed him without a word.


Drake looked down at Luke, “Well?”


“Well what, cunt?” Luke spat, then quickly corrected himself, “I mean yea! Good cunt ya are! Everything Leon said wasn’t true, never said a darn thing bad bout ya. Even if ya do look like a eshay, I got nothin’ but respect for a man that can kill a Cardinal Beast, runs a city, and looks like he could snap me like a dry bit a wood.”


“Right… Natto? What should we do with him?”


Natto looked at him scornfully, “He seems like a worthless clump of dirt. Are you sure he would not fit in right at home?”


Drake laughed sarcastically, “Ha…ha…”


“Oi, who’s the little ankle biter?” Luke let slip, then Natto dropped from Drake’s shoulder to the floor.


She walked over casually as Luke watched her, a moment later actually biting his ankle and throwing him around like a dog with a chew toy, tossing him across the area.


She spat to the side, “I assume you will be more respectful next time!”


Drake couldn’t help but laugh.


“What do you plan to do with the other annoyance?” Natto asked, hopping back up on his shoulder.




“The one who seems to be making googly eyes at one of your women.”


“Oh? That Charles guy? He seems harmless and no, I won’t kill a dude just because he has the hots for my wife. But… I won’t stop you from tormenting him a bit.”


Fun,” Natto smiled, tapping her fingers together, “Then, I shall keep a watch on him for the time being. Is there anything else?”


Drake looked at the remaining people in the group, Tanya, her sister, Aralleen. And the Ice Wolf Clan Leader, Teresa, who was eyeing him with great interest. Her two tails swaying back and forth, a catish smile on her face despite being a wolf.


“Alright, I guess we should take the rest of this talk somewhere private. Have anywhere we can do that Natto?”


“I do indeed,” she answered.




Aralleen looked to the side, her sister walking with her as they followed the man who saved Tanya. The leader of the city and perhaps the strongest person on the planet according to Tanya.


She had only seen the aftermath of the fight that leveled the entire city she was so desperate to arrive at. The only thought in her mind was saving her sister, but by the time she arrived, the fight was already long over.


Aralleen looked up. The man’s back was broad and muscular yet lean enough to not be bulky. His hair was as long as her own, going down to his waist and tied at the end with a single band. The man’s armor was unfamiliar and unconventional, she had never seen armor that did not cover every inch of a person’s body. Was it made for fighting in the desert?


And he had a small girl on his shoulder in clothes she had never seen before either. But she knew for sure this Assistant as the girl referred to herself as was strong. Unlike the man, the small girl, Natto’s Level was not being concealed.


[Natto, Territorial Assistant Level 29]


Tanya leaned over, whispering, “Sister, remember what we spoke about.”


Aralleen grimaced but nodded, “I know… If it is for our people, I’m willing to do anything,” she gazed at Drake's back, “Even if it means making a deal with a devil…”


“How much longer are you going to make us walk for, Boss?”


Aralleen looked to the side, the third person following Drake, a brutish looking beastkin. Blue hair, an eyepatch over one eye and a mixture of chain mail and leather armor. But it didn’t cover all of her body much like Drake’s.


Shameless… Aralleen thought, seeing such skin exposed.


It reminded her of the brute of a woman who had somehow snuck up behind her earlier.


She wore so little she might have been naked! She thought, her face reddening.


Was that what this man, Drake Wallen preferred? Women who showed their bare skin? Would he force her to do the same? Shameless!


Her face flushed again, thinking about the possibility as they walked.


“Who’s your boss?! Don’t think just because you’re the twin’s aunt I’ll let you do whatever you want…” Drake grumbled.


“Come on!~” Teresa mused, “Let’s ditch these scrawny little elves and have some fun, yeah? We can find somewhere quiet and fight to our heart’s content! I know you’d like that. Right, boss?”


“Enough acting like a dog in heat,” Drake growled back.


The surroundings chilled slightly and Aralleen unconsciously touched her nose, remembering when Drake struck her for nearly stabbing him.


It was a scene she never thought she would witness. Since before the system she was trained to protect the World Tree Sapling. How to remain silent and move with the shadows of the trees so as to never be caught. And it was only exacerbated by the improvements of the system and the skills it brought.


Yet, this man was able to stop her with ease and strike her without her being able to react. What her sister said about the man had merit, if not the outright truth.


Teresa backed down for now after being reprimanded by Drake and they continued their way through the town.


Aralleen had entrusted her guards to oversee the refugees of Sandal with the city’s administrators. If nothing else this city would allow them to get situated and figure out their next move.


No… That’s not all. She thought.


They would have to deal with Valor and the World Tree he had under his control. And Aralleen knew better than anyone they didn’t have the strength to take the city alone. Many soldiers and civilians had departed from the city when she rose to rescue their captured people. But even with those and the elite guard under her, they were up against a proper army that now had the strength of the system and the World Tree on their side.


She took another look at the back of Drake. They needed to convince this man somehow to help their cause and at any cost.


They walked through the streets of ReUnite on their way to the center. Aralleen, Tanya, and Teresa looked at sights they had never see before. Buildings as tall as trees, the bustling streets paved in black earth and people of all races mingling. Light skinned elves known as Spirit Kin to her people, beastkin of all kinds, Orcs, and humans. Talked to one another without discrimination.


She saw many of them even walking in pairs holding hands. How shameless.


“This place is wonderful isn’t it sister?” Tanya muttered looking on in amazement, “Everyone seems so free… No one is looking at each other with scorn. And the smells of delicious food,” she took a deep breath of the air, “I wonder what spices and food are making such a mysterious aroma…”


Drake looked over his shoulder, “We just upgraded our fields and found more livestock, so the food is top notch.”


The small girl smacked him on the back of the head.


“O-or so I’m told…” he laughed wryly.


Aralleen let her scowl deepen. Who was this person talking now? He was so different than the cold man that had struck her only a day earlier. She had seen so many sides of him already.


An elbow came to her side.


“Sister, your face, your face…” Tanya muttered in a whisper.


Aralleen touched her face, realizing she was scowling.


“Ah. Sorry… He’s just so… confusing.”


“Do you believe so? He seems very transparent to me,” Tanya smiled back.


They had come to the edge of a large pool of water, a wooden bridge spanning across to a center island.


“Is that so?” Aralleen asked.


Tanya nodded, “In the short time I’ve interacted with Lord Wallen, he has only shown concern for his people. He allowed his subordinates to fight their own battle to their limit and with respect, yet would not allow for them to fall. He even went so far as to protect strangers such as us during that battle. And made the men that captured us pay… None of them survived. Patient and protective of those close to him, yet a iron fist and little mercy for those who dare threaten to harm them. It is quite simple and somewhat out of a story book. Like the ones Father and Mother used to read to us.”


Aralleen was taken back by her sister’s heated explanation, pushed to silence as she thought on it herself and they walked to the island.


A few minutes later she was broken from her thoughts.


“Looks like we’re here. This building is apparently where we hold important meetings,” Drake said, holding a hand out for them to enter, “Or so I’m told. I’ve never been inside…”


Aralleen’s eyes thinned again. Now he was acting as if he was a court’s fool? Was he not the leader of this city? How did they survive so long with such a man?


“I can see your thoughts clear on your face, double drill girl.”


The small girl on Drake’s shoulder spoke.


“He may be new to ruling but he is a brute and his strength is certainly up to par. The city is my responsibility and has survived due to my expertise,” Natto said, sticking her nose up in a sneer, “Or are you trying to say the city you fled from is much better? I can hardly believe so with a leader who is willing to turn tail and leave her people behind.”


“Natto,” Drake said flatly, “We don’t know the whole story yet, keep that to yourself. In fact,” he thumbed to his head.


Natto raised her hands with a shake of her head, “Always so soft…”


The small girl seemed to meld and vanish into the side of Drake’s head, earning a gasp from Tanya and Aralleen. Teresa only gave a hum of interest.


“Now that she’s gone, we can finally talk,” Drake said with his face turning serious, “Let’s hear exactly what is going on, Princess Aralleen Silverwood.”

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