Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 281: Countdown To The Summits And A Girl Worth Fighting For

“So you’re saying I should go and take care of this Valor guy and destroy this World Tree?” Drake asked, leaning against one hand, the other, his fingers tapping against the desk he sat at.


“Lord Wallen, you make it sound so simple. After the extensive explanation we just gave…” Tanya grimaced.


“Well that’s basically what you’re asking right? You want me to go take care of your problem,” Drake pointed at them, “I’ll have you know, this whole thing with Sandal forced us to cancel the auction. Now I owe that Fox two favors…”


The two girls looked somewhat crestfallen at his statement as if they were about to give up.


Drake sighed.


Do I really need to play this hard to get Natto? We planned on having that guy on the list regardless of what they asked. He did send his people to slavery and helped the undead. Drake thought.


Because we need to make sure they are worth the risk! We can not keep running around for charity and your bleeding heart! These two are also the Last of their Bloodline, making one of them most likely a holder of a World Tree Sapling,” Natto explained.


What makes you say that? Drake asked.


They already told us that the man who sold of the smaller one has control of a World Tree. A World Tree must always produce a sapling. In all instances I know of, the royal family is responsible for protecting it. A World Tree of any caliber would be of certain benefit to us. It will increase in rank in tandem with the world it is attached to, giving absurd benefits to the area it surrounds and the Priestess it is attached to.”


Is it really that great…? Drake wondered.


Natto screamed in his ear, “You imbecile! I have told you when we saw the Sapling in the tutorial shop! The benefits wrought from a World Tree are immeasurable! The boosts to farming, livestock, experience gains, regeneration of citizens, and resistances from sickness alone! Not to mention how it will boost my ability to defend this place!”


Drake scratched at his earlobe wincing slightly, “Okay, I get it,” he said aloud.


“Get what, Lord Wallen?” Tanya asked.


“I-I understand the situation… You want me to risk my life and the life of my army? Can I call the teens an army? My fighting force. To take Valor’s city and dispose of his World Tree. But what are you willing to offer for that? I’ll say now, but there are no amount of skill stones, or Monster Cores you could offer that I would take. Your sister Tanya has already seen a small portion of what I am capable of and collecting stones and cores wouldn’t be a problem if I needed to,” Drake laced his fingers together eyeing them both, “I’ll be blunt, you are at a severe disadvantage negotiation wise.”


Aralleen looked troubled and exchanged a look with her sister. Teresa from the side looked pleased with Drake’s forwardness, as if she expected nothing less.


“T-Then what would you have us do…? What do you require of us?” Aralleen asked, but her eyes hardened, “I will say so now, but I refuse to allow my sister to wed someone simply for political gain. If anyone should-”


“Whoa whoa whoa. Stop right there,” Drake said, waving his hands, “I’m not marrying anyone alright. Especially some brat. Besides, I think your sister is smitten over my Mini Me.”


Tanya’s ears bounced and reddened slightly, “L-Lord Landin is amenable and admirable. He defended us valiantly until you arrived…”


She quickly shook her head clapping her hands together, “That is perfect then! As I am not desirable for Lord Wallen, it is only sensible that you take my sister as your bride!”


“W-w-what?!” Aralleen exclaimed.


“What did I just say?!” Drake shouted, “No one is marrying anyone. Especially against their will! I have no intention of furthering the amount of marriage partners I have regardless!”


“Is that so…?” Tanya said, putting a finger to her lips in a thoughtful gesture, “From my perspective you are sorely lacking in someone with experience in dealing with politics and royal etiquette. Have you not mentioned yourself that you will be needing someone with experience in overseeing a larger nation as well? My sister,” she smiled, “Has many of these qualities… As first Princess she was born and raised to marry a strong man and rule the throne. She has years of experience in administration already before The Great Tree saw fit to take us from our home and present us with this challenge.”


Drake, she does have a point,” Natto agreed.


I’m not taking wives just because it's convenient! Drake spat.


Was Sah Ul’ not the same at first?”


That’s different, it was a necessity for a quest! And besides Sarah was my type!


“Oh? Does not conquering this Elven city not align with your quest for making a world capital? And I can certainly see that this snooty elf woman is a sight to behold.”


Drake’s eyes thinned but he sighed and looked at Aralleen more purposefully for the first time.


The elf woman was a beauty, Drake couldn’t deny it even if he wanted to. A lie detector test would out him as needing to do ten hell marys for perishing the thought.


She wore form fitting leather armor for now that only accentuated her body, if compared to Sarah’s armor that showed more skin, the leather Aralleen wore covered everything but stuck to her body. One could say it was even more revealing than if she was just in her birthdaysuit. On either side of her waist were daggers, and she also had, for one reason or another, high heeled leather boots. Which honestly made Drake gulp as he felt his body heating up.


Caramel sun kissed skin, white hair that looked like it had been groomed perfectly into curls that went down to her waist. And gem-like purple-jasmin eyes that glittered in the morning sunlight passing through the window.


Drake took in a deep breath.


I’m a bad man aren’t I…. He thought sighing.


Was this ever a question to begin with?” Natto scoffed, “She is pretty and now that we have that out of the way. We must get down to the crux of the situation. Her sister has given us a small glimpse into what the woman can do for us, but the real question is. Does she have the sapling?”


As if reading their minds, Tanya spoke up again.


“Might I also mention that we have every intention of staying here, even if you do not wish to wed my sister.”


“We do…?” Aralleen asked, slightly shocked and dumbstruck from the conversation, only to be pinched by her sister, “I mean, of course we do. I apologize, Lord Wallen, I have been distant from the conversation. But we owe you a great debt for saving our people. And I understand that there is a heavy burden on your heart as a ruler to push your troops into action at the behest of another. But I implore you to do so. Valor is a clever man and I can not imagine he would not be scheming to take your city for himself at some point. He has always had ambition but I was blind to see that such ambition would put our people in such horrible circumstances… I’ve made a grave mistake in allowing him to take hold in our nation in absence of my parents.”


Aralleen looked as if she came to a decision, bringing her hand to her chest and pulling an item from her inventory.


“Should you go to war for us once more… I will offer you everything that I am. Be it my body, my mind, my life. If you can promise my people the same protection and prosperity I have witnessed in my short time in this city. I am more than willing. From your earlier questions I suspect you know of the Sapling.”


She held out a small glass case. It held a small sprouting plant with only two leaves in a pile of dirt, but Drake could feel a fluctuation of mana around the case when it exited her inventory.


“I do not know how much to one’s liking I am, but if you also desire the World Tree there are several requirements that must be met.”


Drake…” Natto said, raising her voice slightly.


“And what exactly are they?” Drake asked, already able to guess.


Aralleen looked to the side at Teresa who was currently looking outside one of the windows bored.


“First, there may only be one World Tree on a planet at any given time,” she explained.


Drake nodded, he already knew that from Natto’s explanation.


“This means that the current World Tree… or in a way an extension of our God must be destroyed to plant another.”


Drake waved his hand, “That’s easy enough. Breaking things is my middle name.”


Aralleen failed to see the joke, forcing Drake to cough and wave her to continue on.


“Second, the Sapling must be nurtured and planted by a Priestess who is trained since birth to do so.”


“Is that a class? With what you did in Sandal I expected you to be an assassin type class.”


She shook her head, “It is simply a non system profession, passed down the royal line. And Third… The Priestess must be wed or betrothed at the time of the planting…”


Tanya frowned, “Sister…”


Aralleen coughed rubbing her hands together as her ears became rose colored.


“The Priestess must be with child…” she muttered.


“What?!” Drake spat, “What kind of Hollywood bullshit is this?! Please, someone tell me I’m being pranked. Ashton! Hey, Ashton?!” he huffed, “In what world does it make sense that you have to have a kid to plant a tree?”


“It is tradition…” Aralleen said, tapping her pointer fingers together, her ears growing deeper shade of red, “Traditionally the priestess is a royal. To ensure that the Tree is cared for and remains in the hands of the royal bloodline, it is required for there to be a proper partnership. You may think of it as a Queen and her Knight…”


“And the kid..?” Drake asked.


“It is to ensure the future. Insurance in case the worst should happen… The Tree at the time of maturity produces a single sapling for the next generation, and each priestess hands down the sapling until it is needed.”


Drake held up a hand, his other rubbing his temples.


“So wait. You’re telling me that you need to be in a relationship and have a child to control and grow this World Tree right?”


Aralleen nodded.


“Then does that mean Valor is your dad?”


Tanya and Aralleen scowled, “No!” they said immediately.


“The control of the tree can be temporarily relieved to an advisor in case of emergencies, but should they continue to have control when the Priestess is killed…”


Drake gave a knowing look.


“I’ve heard enough.”


“The hell you have! Drake you will take that woman and get me that Tree, you hear me! This lines up perfectly with everything you need! She is a Royal and she will be able to maneuver through the more annoying political negotiations you will have to one day deal with. She will also give us control over an item that will give us untold benefits in the future! And need I remind you, the population on this planet of Elves is immense! Having a populace of that magnitude will only help in the long run. You have fought now alone, but the further you climb in Rank the more you will need a standing army.” Natto implored.


Drake looked at a Quest. The timer counting down.


[The Fight for the Top!]


  • Time Remaining Until First Round of Voting: 10 Days, 12 Hours, and 54 Minutes.



“How far away is your city from here?” Drake asked.


“It is roughly a week’s travel on foot, perhaps shorter if you left with a small group,” Arallen answered.


“Remain in the city for now, make yourself familiar and see if you truly wish to live here. You will be able to find Natto whenever you need her if you call her. We will leave in three days. As far as everything else, we will have to see what happens at the World Summit. I assume Valor will be present. I want to gauge the man myself. Now you three are free to leave, I have my own business I want to take care of and people I have to attend to.”


“Thank you, Lord Wallen. If it pleases you I wish to also state my intention to become your personal assistant. Cleaning, errand running, and cooking. Please think of me as yours to command,” Tanya said, bowing her head.


“She wishes to stay close to you for information, huh? Smart girl,” Natto giggled.


“I’d rather you go check up on Landin for now. He’s still in rough shape.”


Aralleen, gave her sister a look as if a royal shouldn’t be lowering herself to running errands but apparently she knew better than to bring it up at the moment. Instead, she bowed her head as well, leaving with her sister.


“Didn’t you hear me? You can leave,” Drake repeated to Teresa.


“I heard you loud and clear, Boss,” she smirked, “But I’m not going anywhere until we settle what we started.”


Drake frowned, “I’m not fighting you in here.”


Teresa began undressing, “Who said anything about fighting? You won remember? You can do anything you want- Yahh!” she yelped.


Drake had thrown her out of the room half-naked.


Teresa pouted, puffing out her cheeks and crossing her arms, “Boss is shy huh… No matter, I’ll simply find out which room is his from Atropos and sneak in- Yahhh!!” she yelped again, electricity putting all her tail’s fur on end and singing it.

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