Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 282: What Regret Feels Like

I am regretfully announcing that the story will be taking an extended break due to me being unable to fulfill the current release schedule. As it stands this is unfortunately not my full time job and my current job is taking up most of my time. Due to this I will be pausing the releases for likely 4 weeks as I build up the backlog again.

I am sorry that it is breaking right at the beginning of the 4th book but it is what it is and I can not keep up with the current time I have to write atm. I am hoping with the release of the book to amazon sometime this year it will allow me to take on writing as my fulltime but until then I will likely have to break for several weeks between books to write ahead.

Thank you as always for reading and I hope you have enjoyed the story so far.


“Uhhhhh….” Sah Ul’ groaned, feeling as if her entire world was spinning and perhaps a boar was twisting her insides.


“Shh… It will be alright, your nausea will pass but please try to drink,” A voice said to her gently.




Sah Ul could barely make out the voice, her head spinning and body feeling worse than she had ever experienced before. She tried to grab for the voice but couldn’t muster any strength at the moment.


The voice giggled slightly, “Sorry no, I’m not Drake. He’s busy getting into more mischief I’m sure. I’m Claire. I don’t know if you remember me when Drake introduced us, but you threw up on my good shoes.”


Sah Ul’s eyes thinned, trying to make out the figure, “I-I apologize. Yes, I do know the name. The Patriarch has told me much about you…”


“Oh, it’s Patriarch now? You were calling him by his first name the entire way here,” Claire snickered, “Feeling guilty?”


Sah Ul’s face blushed and she turned away, rolling over in the bed she found herself in.


“I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I can tell from everyone around that you and Drake are very close… I hope you treated him well while I was away from him. He never lets it show, but he goes through a lot…As his wives we have to support him”


Sah Ul’ turned around.


Others? She thought, looking around and finding that the children were in the room as well excluding Kalik, Mordred, and Landin.


For some reason she felt her face flush more knowing there were other people in the room listening to their conversation and a sudden bout of nausea hit her.


She felt someone grab her hair, pulling it backward as they gave her a bucket.


“I’ve never seen someone go through pregnancy but the church had some classes explaining it. You might be dealing with this for a little longer.”


“Where is the Patriar-”


Claire gave her an even look.


“Where is Drake…?” Sah Ul’ corrected.


“He’s speaking with the elven princesses and the twin’s Aunt, I’m told. Mr. Leon and Mr. Damian left to explore the town. But more importantly when you are feeling better, we should talk. I can tell from walking the streets how the city respects him…” Claire said, her face turning slightly dour, “But it’s like in the tutorial, people respect him but they also fear him. They only see the face of the man we love, that is hard and cold, and must do what is necessary.”


Sah Ul’ looked into Claire’s eyes and saw the sympathy she had for Drake.


They must have gone through a lot in the trials of the Gods… I can see how much she cares for him. She thought, a slight tug on her heart.


“You care for Drake much, Claire…” she eked out, “But I will not give him or this child up. He and I are bonded and I will not forget the words of my Father to make this tribe great.”


Claire raised her brows but smiled, “Unfortunately for both of us, I don’t think we will have a choice in not sharing. Miss Natto didn’t speak to you about it? Great powers of the Multiverse often have many lovers and wives. I know Drake wouldn’t do that unless he cared for the person deeply,” she giggled, “I remember it took me getting kidnapped before he even thought of me in that way.”


Sah Ul’s face turned soft, “Indeed. He took a very long time to court me as well…” her face reddened, “I had to…” she couldn’t say more.


Claire giggled again, “For someone who looks so fierce, you are surprisingly girlish…” she placed her hand on Sah Ul’s, “I think we can be friends Sah Ul’ or at least together make a home for the man we love to come back to.”


“I…” Sah Ul’ laid back down on the bed, heaving a breath, “You are stronger than I imagined Claire. I do not think I could be so welcoming of another to my bonded, should our positions be exchanged,” she closed her eyes to rest, “I would like that, to be friends, very much.”



Drake kicked the door open, struggling to keep everything he had gathered in his arms steady.


“Sarah! I’m sorry I’m so late, how are you feeling? Are you still nauseous? I went to the Doc and got all the pills I could find. She tried to tell me she didn’t know anything about prenatal care so I threatened her and she gave me a list of stuff to get. I went and rounded them up and went to Janey for the rest that I couldn’t find. Honestly Janey was more help than the Doc! I brought warm towels, my old foot massager, snacks I’ve been hiding from Harley and Natto, The Notebook on DVD BlueRay for you, and,” Drake pulled some headphones from his pile of stuff, “Death Note on the laptop for the baby.”


Drake stuck his head out from the pile, half smiling from being pleased with himself only to see Claire scowling at him.




“She’s resting!” Claire whispered angrily, “And why are you trying to make her stomach listen to cartoons?!”


Drake frowned, “You know I forgave you in the tutorial, but that’s twice you’ve called anime cartoons. You’re pushing your luck.”


Claire’s eyes thinned, “And isn’t it usually Mozart or Beethoven they have kids listen to?”


Drake waved her off, “I want my kids to grow up the right way,” then he looked around the room, seeing the teens standing guard in the corners, “You guys can leave now. Thanks for helping, I really appreciate it. But go and rest up now, I know everyone has been through a lot.”


Charlotte pushed off a wall she was leaning on, “Do you want us to go see to Kalik and Landin? And what about the Elves?”


“No, it’s fine. Tanya is looking after Landin and Mordred is watching Kalik. They were the only two who lost their fights, it’s expected they would be down in the dumps. I’ll be checking on them later but I want you all to take your rest and recuperation seriously. You all know even if your statuses have recovered doesn't mean you are at 100%.”


“And our Aunt…?” Atropos asked pensively.


“She’s annoying and in heat so I kicked her to the curb for now. Try to get her under control I guess if you can but don’t worry too much about it.”


Atropose gave a breath of relief for some reason and nodded.




Sah Ul’s head rose from the bed slightly, her voice weak.


Drake placed the things he brought down on a nearby table and moved next to the bed, kneeling down next to Sah Ul’, his hand on her forehead.


“Yeah, I’m here now Sarah. Sorry it took me so long to get back, how are you feeling?”


She gave a weak smile, “I would be much better if you would cease being so loud…”


Drake gave a look of surprise for a moment, then a wry grin overcame his expression.


“Haha… I guess I just wanted to keep things as normal as I could. After everything I just wanted things to go back to normal, for all of us.”


Claire gave a raise of her brows not sure of what Drake was talking about.


“It is not your fault Drake. My Father wished to help the tribe in any way he could. We have taken revenge on all those directly responsible, and your punishment for the woman I may not understand just yet, but I trust you. I’m sure it was more than enough… Taking their lives may not have given back my Father, but his spirit can now rest. If the Gods are just, he is with my Mother now and that is enough.”


She placed a hand on Drake’s arm and squeezed.


“You lost your Father, Sarah?” Claire asked, her face a twisted mess of concern, “W-when did this happen?”


“It was yesterday. We’ve already killed the people who did it, but… My brother has a lot to answer for,” Drake said, answering for her.


“Why must you make such a face Drake? I do not blame you,” Sah Ul’ said gently, “My Father died fighting for the tribe, it was a good death-”


“That’s not the point!” Drake snapped, “You should be angry! If not with them, with me! I let him go when I should have just gotten rid of that rotten woman. I knew she was trouble the moment she tried to weasel her way into the city. I was too soft, too weak, to just do what needed to be done because I didn’t want to become the tyrannical monster I know that I am! I could have wiped her and that disgusting group of people with a wave of my hands but I didn’t! If I just… If I just did what a proper leader should have done, maybe Rvul would still be here.”


Claire came over putting her arms around his shoulders and Sah Ul’ gripped his arm tighter, a long silence passing over the room.


Drake took in a deep breath, “In three days we are going to move on the Elven City of Avalon. You, Claire and the kids are going to stay here in the city.”


“What?! You can’t just-”


“No, Lord Drake-”


“But we can fight-”


“There’s no way-”




Voices of protest began but Drake cut them all off.


“This isn’t negotiable!” he yelled, “I won’t put you all in needless danger again! Focus on protecting the city and training. I’m going with Princess Aralleen and her troop of guards. If you want to help, aid in getting the refugees accustomed to life here and helping Natto with anything you can. It’s a few day’s journey there and back so I need people here I can trust to keep Sarah safe while she’s like this.”


“Drake!” Claire shouted, her face twisted into a scowl, “Are you really intending to leave me behind again?!”


“I intend to keep you safe! All of you safe!”


She prodded his chest with an accusatory finger, “You can’t lock us up here in a tower and keep us from the world! I’m going!”




I’m going!” she repeated, staring him down as if challenging him to say different.


“I’m going as well, Drake. I know I can be of help, I leveled up quite a bit from the fight in Sandal and I won’t leave you to do this all alone,” Charlotte said firmly.


“I will be going as well, Lord Drake. I have no intention of allowing you out of my sight!” Atropos agreed, adding in a whisper, “There is no telling what how many more women you will bring back without proper supervision…”


“Quetz and CC want to go too! Helping out is always a good thing right?” Quetz chirped, raising both her hands and one of Clotho’s.


“Besides,” Claire huffed, “Natto is more than capable of protecting the city! And with Mr. Leon and Mr. Damian’s Assistants here as well I doubt even you would have an easy time breaking into the city.”


“You guys…” Drake muttered, a hand tightening around his arm.


“Claire is right, Patriarch,” Sah Ul’ grinned weakly, “You can not keep the world from us.”


Claire nodded, “If you’re going to be like that with us, how are you ever going to handle our kids! You better learn quickly and not make me and Sarah have to be the sensible ones!”


Drake shook his head, “I’m already being scolded? And our kids huh? When did you get so aggressive?”


His expression softened, but Drake’s mind remained cold. If he couldn’t keep them safe within the city, he would just have to eradicate anything that could harm them. It was time to stop pretending. There would be no more regret.


It was time to make his moniker a reality. The Tyrant Asuran would not see his family hurt again.

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