Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 287: Kangaroo Court

[The Summit will now begin. All participants will be released from their designated areas to converse. There is no time limit for discussion and the Summit will conclude once all participants have voted.]


[All participants may vote through designated system windows]


[If a majority vote of 75% or 75 individual votes is not reached at conclusion, the Summit will end and be reconvened in 365 Days]


[While conversing, no participant will be allowed to harm another while the Summit is in session]


The announcements finished and the glass-like sphere surrounding them melted away into nothing. The moment it had the entire area burst into discussions and the bustling of people moving to what Drake assumed were predetermined alliances.


Both Drake and Aralleen remained where they were, their sphere’s platform slightly above the ground.


Drake didn’t fail to notice Shigure casually making his way over with Sato, but also that some of the more powerful people he had noticed refrained from moving as well.


Once the shuffling of people ended, there seemed to be four large factions present with many small groups littered around the area.


There was Atticus’s group, men and women wearing white robes with golden suns emblazoned on their chests.


A man Drake had never seen before, but was surrounded by pale looking constituents who Drake could tell at a glance were undead from his past experiences.


Valor’s group, containing a large portion of the Elves present.


And finally to his own surprise, Shigure’s.


“Wow, Shigure, you’ve been busy,” Drake pointed out.


Shigure sighed, shaking his head, “And I see you have not gained a single ally since we left the tutorial… Just what have you been doing?”


“I’m hurt. I have allies. Just not other… cities…”


“That was the whole goal leading up to the summits was it not?” Shigure chastised, “Thankfully I planned for this and did enough for both our parts…”


“Who might I ask is this Lord Wallen? He speaks to you with such informality. Is he a friend?” Aralleen asked.


“Oh, Shigure? Yeah, we were in the same tutorial. Shigure, this is Princess Aralleen.”


Shigure bowed his head slightly, “A pleasure to meet you. But a Princess? Was there royalty on your planet before the integration?”


“An Elf Princess… Shishou! You have already begun the prophecy haven’t you!?” Sato exclaimed, nodding up and down.


“I have literally no idea what you’re talking about,” Drake grimaced.


“THEE PROPHECY! THE MAIN CHARACTER’S HAREM PLOTLINE!” Sato said louder this time, throwing his hands into the air.


Aralleen frowned and Drake leaned in next to Shigure.


“Is your friend alright? I liked him in the tutorial but even that one was out of left field for me,” Drake whispered.


Shigure sighed, “Sadly yes… Sato has become more engrossed since coming back. Binging the stores of his shows and being reunited with his…figurines… Please just ignore his idiocy.”


“I was going more along the lines of he’s spot on…”


Drake sighed, crossing his arms, “Sorry to burst your bubble but the Princess is only a mutual partner I suppose. Her plans line up with mine for the moment so I’m helping her with some things.”


“Yes, Lord Wallen has been kind enough to lend me and my people his strength. He has saved countless lives from servitude and worse. Including my sister. I hope to continue a favorable relationship with him,” she explained, giving a picturesque smile.


Sato nudged Drake with his elbow, “You dog…” he muttered.


Drake pushed him away, “Right, enough fantasizing about my love life, we have real problems to deal with here.”


He looked to the other groups that had formed, the larger three and smaller factions made up of dwarves, humans, beastkin, and pairs of other races he did not recognize.


“Do you have any information on them? We’ve been preoccupied with fighting for the most part on my side. I’ve hardly even been to other cities as it stands,” Drake explained.


“My city is on the other side of the world, Drake. Our information is just as lacking. However we have gathered some information on your brother, but I must admit who hasn’t. His influence is quite expansive. And from our understanding the world is at least 7 times bigger than before, even larger than we assumed in the tutorial.”


Shigure grimaced as he shook his head.


“We have attempted to reach out past the immediate islands surrounding Japan; however it has bore no fruit.”


“What do you mean?” Drake asked.


“Currently there are several problems. The monsters in the oceans are far stronger than the ones on land. And we are simply not equipped to fight them properly. We have strong fighters, of that there is no question. But sadly they are not specialized for aquatic warfare. We are waiting on a new batch of fighters to take on the seas but finding skill stones and class stones tailored to fighting on water is difficult.”


Shigure clicked his tongue.


“And these are the simple problems we are encountering. It would seem that our tutorial was particularly hard, leading to higher levels for those involved. But this has backfired.”


Drake somewhat understood what Shigure was saying. He had encountered the same problem on his end. Starting in the F-Rank World limited which monsters he could use for experience.


“This limits ones such as us on pushing forward. But has not impeded those of the world who…” Shigure continued.


“You mean people willing to kill others for experience,” Drake finished.


“Yes, precisely,” Shigure spat, “Our surrounding allies see this as not only barbaric, but idiotic. We have a war to win against both monsters and the other planet we will be forced to face in ten years. It is foolish to lower our chances against both by culling the world of potential fighters and allies.”


“Well we better come out on top here then,” Drake agreed, looking past Shigure at his brother Atticus, “Because if we don’t I’ll have to claim it by force.”


“Let us hope for all our sake, that does not happen…” Shigure scoffed, “I have seen how you handle such things first hand and it would seem you have grown much stronger since then. We’ve all seen the notifications.”


Drake's brows raised, “Oh, I should also mention that the person who killed the other Cardinal Beast is with me. Turns out he's a close friend,” Drake smirked, “Don’t know if that will help with negotiations or not.”


Shigure’s face took a brief flash of surprise only to shake his head, “I thought it was becoming hard to surprise me, but I suppose I should give up on such.”


Drake clapped Shigure on the shoulder sympathetically when someone walked up from the group behind them.


“Sir Shigure, if I may?” the woman asked.


“Ah how could I forget. Drake, this is Suisei Yuki. She is surprisingly a Japanese citizen who found herself in Russia during the transportation to the tutorial. She is one of the only people outside the islands we have contacted. One of her requirements for her vote was to speak with you,” Shigure explained.


“Me? Why?” Drake asked curiously.


“Sir Wallen, I have a request that I believe would benefit us both,” Seisei prefaced.


Drake held up a hand, his brows scrunched in thought, “One second. Do…I know you…?”


“I would think not. Please-”


“Hold on. I know your voice...from somewhere…” Drake said, cutting her off.


“Sir Wallen, please. We have limited time and I implore you to hear me out.”


Drake couldn’t locate in his foggy memory where he had heard her voice before, but he did remember her name from the town notifications.


“Fine. So you’re Suisei Yuki, the Witch of the North was it? Let’s hear it then.”


Suisie bowed her head slightly, “Yes, thank you. There is currently one of the two remaining Cardinal Beasts in the vicinity of our city. It is my hope you will defeat it.”


Drake waved his hand, “Oh is that all? Sure, we’ll deal with it soon enough.”


We?” Shigure asked this time.


“Yeah, I told you. I met up with some of my friends, we all need to have the world advance so I’m sure one of them will head that way soon. It’s good that we know where one of the two are, speeds it up,” Drake explained.


“Just who are your friends?” Shigure asked incredulously.


“I told you, one already beat a Cardinal beast and the other, let’s just say… They’re just as strong as I am. Okay maybe not as strong, probably a little weaker, but don’t tell them I said that.”


“That won’t do!” Suiesei pleaded, “I know this is selfish to ask but we are barely able to survive as it is and with the beast so close we can’t last much longer. Please, you are our only hope!”


Drake scratched the back of his head only to be cut off by Aralleen.


She stood firm next to him, her back straight and a firm air about her.


“We understand your plight, however there is a hierarchy to these things. Our own city is in peril. Danger lurks around the corner for all of us. And we must deal with such matters before we can look outward further. Please understand we wish to help, but would you have the means of a secure and timely way for us to reach you? It is my understanding that we have yet to map out our new world let alone find reliable transport to one another's cities.”


Drake was taken aback. He hadn’t heard something put so eloquently before. And her small explanation hit the nail on the head while putting the image of Natto’s smug face in his mind. Natto’s urging for him to take Aralleen for his third wife ringing true for a proper facing negotiator if nothing else.


“Then what would you have us do? Die as we wait?!” Suisei countered desperately.


Aralleen shook her head, “Absolutely not. If you wish for us to reach you soon, we must simply do better here for all our sakes. If ReUnite is to become the capital city, Lord Wallen will be allowed to designate three sub-capital cities. While we do not yet know what that entails I can only assume they will come with such benefits that will only help you survive until help does come,” she smiled grabbing Suesei’s hands in her own, “So let us do our best to convince this Summit to vote for Lord Wallen shall we?”


“That is easier said than done, Princess Aralleen,” Shigure interjected, “With how Drake acted earlier, I don’t believe it will be such a simple task. And I have a feeling there is something going on here that is heavily against us succeeding.”


“What makes you say that?” Drake wondered, his eyes going to the human man surrounded by undead, “But I have to admit, I have a feeling you're right.”


“Yes, you suspect that man as well then?” Shigure nodded, “From what I can see those other city Lords are undead.”


“If that’s how this goes we’re in trouble. My brother has an alliance with the undead, which means they have almost 50% of the Summit on their side.”


Aralleen jumped in, turning around, “There is also Valor. We should expect him to stand with the undead if what you spoke of from Sandal was true.”


Drake clicked his tongue, “So we're looking at almost two thirds of the Summit against us huh…”


Shigure nodded, “It would seem we must forfeit the win this round. Our goal must be to keep them from being victorious.”


“That can’t be…” Suisei muttered, losing hope.


“It’s our only option for now,” Drake agreed, “But now we have to convince the rest of the Summit.”


We?” Aralleen and Shigure said together.


“Yeah, us right?” Drake repeated.


“I apologize Lord Wallen, but you have done enough,” Aralleen said wearily, “Please entrust this to me. I have faith that you will be able to win any fight you come across, however this is a battle of words.”


“I would have to agree,” Shigure smiled.


“Hey, I can use words,” Drake frowned.


“Please Lord Wallen,” Aralleen pleaded, “Allow me to take the lead here. I wish to convince the other Elven Leaders to at least hear reason, even if Valor has poured venom into their ears. I beseech you to put your trust in me.”


Drake looked Aralleen in her violet eyes, seeing the determination. He sighed and relented.


“Sure. I’ll stay out of this one. I’ve probably put us on the backfoot so do your best, Princess.”


Aralleen nodded, her ears bobbing slightly.


“I shall convince my people as if my life depends on it!”

Drake shook his head, “No, not your life. Theirs.

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