Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 288: Kangaroo Court 2

Please check out my fellow MQ author's book releasing soon on Amazon. If you've followed my story for some time I'm sure you recognize it and won't be disappointed!

Kyle Hawthorn never bows to anyone, not even in death.

And he certainly isn't going to after being reincarnated into the vice city of Raktor. Most would rather spend eternity in purgatory than be reborn into this living hell—but not Kyle. Hell is exactly where he wants to rule.

There's only one problem. Rival gangs have set their sights on his territory, and his few followers are no better than glorified meat shields. Kyle must find a way to salvage his struggling crew, evade authorities, and annihilate his enemies with the help of a mysterious system from a bygone era.

Follow Kyle's rise to power in this LitRPG Isekai Fantasy packed with turf wars, magic, and an endless greed for money and power.

“Shall we begin?”


The man at the head of the group of undead spoke up and came forward from his side of the sphere.


Drake had his own thoughts on what to do, but he kept to himself, leaving the talking and negotiation to Shigure and Aralleen like he had agreed.


“Yes, I believe we all have places we wish to get back to. There is no telling what is going on outside while we are being held here,” Valor agreed.


“You make that sound as if you know exactly what is going on outside of this place. Valor,” Aralleen said evenly.


“My, little Princess Silverwood. I did not see you there. Have you found another poor naive supporter of your vicious agenda?” Valor sneered back.


“Calling negotiation based on tradition and fact, vicious? It would seem an old dog will call anything that threatens its position violence.”


“Violence? Hardly. As you say, such a thing would have to pose a threat in the first place.”


“I think that is enough back and forth for now,” the man interrupted, “If we wish to have this done in any sort of timely fashion, we should agree on how we are to discuss this voting, yes?”


Aralleen and Shigure nodded, the others behind them agreeing as well in turn. Atticus held the same subtle smirk he wore since Drake first saw him, the people behind him using their silence under white hooded cloaks as agreement.


“I believe that is best for now as well. How should we proceed, introductions first?” Valor offered.


“That sounds like a wonderful suggestion. My name is Ferdinand Smith, the current leader of the New United Colonies.”


This is already off to a bad start. They have the momentum in the conversation and it looks like they will be piggy backing off each other to keep it… Drake thought. And that’s the Count huh… If it wasn’t for Atticus, I’d be far more angry at meeting this prick. All the people he’s killed…


“My name is Valor Alvea. The one and only leader of the grand Elven race,” Valor recited oh so condescending.


Aralleen and Shigure did not want to lose any more ground than they already had, Aralleen talking first.


“I am Aralleen Silverwood, representing Lord Drake Wallen of ReUnite,” then she quickly added anything she could recall to make Drake seem more grandiose, “Known as the Slayer of the West, The last Asuran, and the Tyrant Asuran.”


Shigure gave Aralleen a sidelong glance, apparently feeling her introduction was a bit over the top.


“Shigure Kenzo, leader of Shinchoku.”


After Shigure’s short and to the point introduction the rest of the city lords began a long round robin of introducing themselves. Some giving far more information than needed and others simply giving their name and nothing else.


Until it came to Atticus.


“Atticus Wallen. The Grand Sun Mage, defender of humanity, advocate of a pure and just world free of monsters.”


Cheers went up behind him, his cronies raising their voices loud in chants.


Drake bit back a growl of distaste, not wanting to jeopardize the summit any more than he had.


“You call yourself a defender of humanity, yet are you not the same person who gathers, hunts and corrals people into cages,” Aralleen spat, “Selling not only elves, beastkin and others, but your own race to the undead. To be used in unspeakable experiments?”


“Miss Aralleen, there is hardly a need for that type of disparagement. Especially such gross accusations without evidence,” Ferdinand countered.


“She is simply trying to smear others to make herself look more just. A common tactic for someone like her. A line of Elf not even we would claim. Look at her, she has no support of even her own people, forced to run to a monster lover,” Valor sneered.


Shigure looked to Drake for a moment before speaking, “I would caution you from throwing stones from glass houses. Even on the other side of the world we have heard exactly of what is happening on the western continent. Undead run rampant, growing in number and strength by the day. Aided and subsidized by your very city!”


“I’ve never! What proof do you have of such claims!”


Shigure motioned to Aralleen who stepped forward a crystal in hand. A recording device that Natto had prepared beforehand.


Playing the crystal it showed accounts of the elves saved from Sandal, including her very own sister. The images projected from the small device brought gasps from people, but only those not in the major groups.


It appears that they had prepared for something like this.


“A very convincing display,” Ferdinand said, pulling his own crystal from his pocket, “However non-verifiable one off accounts can hardly be called reliable. That is to say we have our own recordings of just how unjust your leader is.”


Ferdinand played his device. This one showing Drake’s fight in Sandal. However, the video only displayed highly manicured clips of the most brutal fights. Drake’s fight with Adam and its conclusion. As well as Drake’s execution of Xavier, conveniently leaving the audio out naming Ferdinand as the undead count.


“These have been taken out of context,” Aralleen said, frustratedly gripping her hand around her own crystal, “Lord Wallen in fighting those people saved tens of thousands!”


“Then you should be able to provide support of your claim if you were present, should you not?” Ferdinand countered, “Unless you are saying you were not?”


He has us… Drake frowned, I didn’t have the presence of mind to record the entire assault on Sandal. But even if we did…


“That is not all,” Ferdinand continued, “It is in fact, Mr. Atticus Wallen that has been bringing peace to the Western Continent, Mr. Kenzo. I would appreciate you having your facts correct in the future.”


“And we are just to take your word for this?” Shigure questioned.


“Of course not, we have many witness accounts,” Ferdinand explained, waving on for several people to display crystals.


Tens of people both behind Ferdinand, Valor, and Atticus stepped forward. The crystals showing Atticus giving helping hands to people with gracious and relieved faces. Handing out food and supplies to many.


That seems to be the nail in the coffin. Drake sighed, moving next to Aralleen and Shigure.


Aralleen began to speak but Drake placed a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head. There would be no convincing the Summit with reason. They had simply not prepared enough and the opposition had.


While might made right outside, here in this small room where Drake’s power was only a detriment not a benefit. He had underestimated just how much preparation was placed into the summit by the undead and his brother.


“I think we can stop this here, unless there is anyone else who wishes to plead a case for themselves,” Drake said evenly.


“I’m sorry, Lord Wallen, I couldn’t…”


“No, I didn’t prepare properly. It’s my fault, you did nothing wrong.”


“Sorry Drake, I couldn’t do much here. We will just have to hope our votes are enough,” Shigure whispered.


“So he finally speaks? Monster of the Asurans!” Atticus shouted, spreading his arms wide.


“I believe we’ve heard enough from you bickering siblings for one day,” a man said over them.


Drake turned his gaze from Atticus to the new man, the same man he was unable to identify earlier.


“Apologies but we do not know your name, sir…?” Ferdinand asked leadingly.


“And you will not know it still,” the man scoffed, “I have heard enough from both sides of your mouth today, Vampire.”




The man placed a crystal on the ground, an image lighting up clear and bright. Ferdinand leaning over a woman on his desk, his and the woman’s face obscured by the angle of the camera. That was until Ferdinand rose and turned, his mouth covered in red liquid.


“How did you!?” Ferdinand scowled, looking behind him trying to find a culprit.


The man smiled, “You should pay your people better. Fear will only control the weak for so long, mongrel. You three,” the man addressed, looking at Ferdinand, Atticus, and Valor, “Have obviously tailored the Summit in your favor, so words are worthless here. However… You still require a majority vote. And by my count.”


The man looked around the area, counting in silence as he pointed to each person present, tallying up the numbers in his head until he pointed to himself smiling.


“You are several votes short of a majority.”


“Are you really willing to go against all of us?” Valor stepped in with a frown.


“I have weathered storms far worse than the small warm breeze that is a pathetic Elf who would kill his own people. And since time ephemeral I have known many men like you. You will fall like they have, by my hand or anothers.”


“How dare you!”


“I am the keeper of the golden key, King of Heros, and the Ruler of the greatest city known to man and beast. I do not need dare. I do as I please and take what I will. This false court you insignificant mongrels have put on display will not turn the tables for you. There is only one King here and it is not you.”


The man walked past the area, standing next to Drake and placing a hand on his shoulder.


Hello, Shot. It’s been a few years… Still mad you can’t beat the RNG God? Even in this place?”


Drake’s head snapped to the man’s face. It was unrecognizable from his friend.


P-Phoon?” Drake muttered, only to have the man place a finger to his lips.


“We have much to discuss, but you have more to do first. After you have dealt with things, come find me. I am where Egypt used to stand. I have an old acquaintance from your tutorial in my employ. You haven’t forgotten young Amir have you?”


“Amir, huh?” Drake repeated, blinking a few times, “No I haven’t, but-”


“Later, as I said. I have set the stage for them to lose. But I will not be able to help you outside. Though, I don’t believe you will need it…”


Drake nodded, a torrent of emotions and questions flooding his mind. He couldn’t believe he would meet another person from his past here, let alone a friend who was apparently so strong or had a skill so powerful that his own skill would fail.


However, Drake moved past it, addressing the room.


“We should get on with the voting, but regardless of the results,” Drake pointed at Valor, “You are the first person I am coming for. I’m giving you three days to remove yourself from your city and surrender the World Tree to me.”


Valor laughed, “Surrender? To you? A mere human wishes to test himself against me? Ha! I do not fear mortal men such as you Drake Wallen.”


Then you will simply die braver than most,” Drake stated evenly and moved to Ferdinand, “And you will pay for what you’ve done. Selling out your own people to the undead, turning them into abominations! I’ll wring from you the very pain and suffering you’ve inflicted onto thousands.”


Ferdinand’s brows rose and then his eyes flashed from hazel browns to dull red, “Hundreds of thousands, boy. And survival has a price. It always has, don’t think you’re any better after you gave up your humanity for power.”


Drake turned finally addressing his brother. Frustration welling up as he stood in front of him. Frustration at not being able to convince him during the summit to see reason. The desprate pleas Drake used to hopefully not have to follow through on his word to put a stop to him.


It may have been years since they last met face to face, but they were still family. And he owed it to him to offer one last olive branch. It wasn’t that Drake hadn’t steeled himself to kill Atticus. It was that he was the thought of going through with it left him forlorn.


Where would Drake draw the line on his once thought concrete morals. He was supposed to protect family, not end it. But Drake could not turn a blind eye to Atticus, not anymore.


Regardless he wanted to put faith into his brother. One last ditch hope. Drake steadied his feet and breathe.


“And Atticus…I just want to help you. Let me help you, don’t make me… For our family-”


“I am not your family!” Atticus cut off, “I am neither broken nor confused, you filthy animal! And I do not need your help! I will wrench those sickening beasts you call wives from their beds and string them up in front of you. You will know the same empty pain you’ve caused me several folds over! Prepare! For my God will descend upon this world and clean it of the muck and grime that you and monsters like you spread across it. You will be cleansed, just like the rest!”


Drake fought back the urge to argue, knowing there was no more he could say without going in circles.


Atticus had thrown his last offering of a peace back in Drake’s face.


Pulling up the system interface for voting. Drake selected his own name and confirmed the vote.


Seeing the people within the area making similar gestures, they all soon heard the announcement of the system.


[All votes have now been submitted]


[All votes are now being tallied]


[Votes have failed to reach a majority. Highest vote has been tallied as: Atticus Wallen - Purity at 74% of total votes]


[Due to the Summit failing to reach a consensus the next Summit will be held in one year’s time]


[You will now be transported back to your original locations]


Drake started back at Atticus as light began to envelop his surroundings.


“How… How did I… Just where did we go wrong…?” Drake muttered to himself as the system took them, the last image burned into his mind, his brother’s sneering face.

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