Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 77: A Team, Meet Sherry!


Happy Monday everyone! Hope you are starting out the week on a good note! A friend of mine has a story here on scribblehub, and if you are interested in a story with a little more risque flair than Dual Class at the moment. You might want to check out their Goblin's Glory to fill your tank! Or ya know, empty it i guess? Either way here is the link! And I very much hope you enjoy the chapters released this week as it's going to start ramping up for a magnificent conclusion!


Drake took a moment to meditate now that the immediate threat was dealt with. Making sure to have Harley and Theodore keep a watchful eye on the treeline as he recovered his status.

What felt like the blink of an eye for Drake seemed to have been 30 minutes as he was finally broken from his meditation. Theodore lighting rousing him with a shake of his shoulder.

“Sire, they are gathering further catapults,” Theodore said, bending down to get within eye level of Drake.

“More? I thought we just broke like 20 of them,” Drake replied.

“Yes, tis unfortunate to say, but tis commendable that they have such a quantity of resources to throw hitherward. This one hast concerns for the rest of the participants in the tutorial,” Theodore reluctantly conceded as he stood straight looking at the gathering of catapults.

Drake pursed his lips looking out at the gathering as well.

“Ehh, I wouldn’t be too worried, there is Bear at Shigure’s, not to mention Shigure himself, though I don’t really know his strength. I’m more worried about what is happening with the rest of the captives… Theo, could you get the people I gathered earlier? I want to get them to work right away. Especially that girl Claire, if she isn’t at the gathering go find her please,” Drake ordered.

“With all due haste,” Theodore replied, running to the guard tower to make his way down the staircase to the floor.

Drake watched and considered for a moment that he should have made stairs to the rampart. Making sure Theodore had left his view, he snapped his fingers quickly dropping an earthen staircase behind him for later.

Imbecile…” Natto laughed.

Drake didn’t reply. Only coughing briefly before sticking his tongue out.

“Mr. Shot, what are you doing?” Harley asked, her arms hugging her bow.

“Just um. Tasting the wind.. Bit salty I think,” he chuckled, earning him a mental kick from Natto.

“I think they're about to try again..” Tom said sheepishly.

“Then you best put that shield up. If anything happens to Harley, you won't be just dealing with me, but another mage that can go completely invisible,” Drake teased.

Tom began to sweat as he pushed the large tower shield closer to Harley.

Stop teasing the poor boy. Can you not see he is about to have a heart attack,” Natto chided but couldn’t hide her light giggling.

It will be good for him, bit of bullying might get his ass into gear. Drake chuckled inwardly.

Drake quickly refocused as he saw the boulders fly into the air again, after the sounding of another Goblin Horn. Returning his mask back into place, he again snapped his fingers this time opting for burning red magic circles to save on his resources for his spell.

Sagitta Magica,” he began again in a low voice, the circles flaring to life as fires pooled into balls in front of them, “Convergentia Ignis,” Drake continued, changing the chant slightly, the fires turning to blue as they condensed, “Infinitus!” he shouted as the spells screeched into the air colliding with their earthen counterparts, then quickly outpacing the amount the catapults were able to fire.

“I love that I don’t actually know Latin and can use that, Negi you really are one hell of a teacher!” Drake said jubilant.

Is he not 10? How does that work?” Natto asked.

Not sure but you know. Anime. Drake thought dismissively.

“Negi?” both Harley and Tom asked.

“Ah, it’s just from a show I know… Don’t worry about it,” Drake said, his ears turning a slight shade of red. Thankfully his mask covered up his reddening face for the most part.

Natto giggled. “Finally, I say again. People who do not understand your idiotic references.”

That’s harsh.. Anime is my lifeblood you know! Drake protested.

Yes but that doesn’t change that you are cringe beyond belief!” Natto replied.

Drake sighed, not able to argue. Instead dropping down once again, beginning to meditate.

This time Drake wasn’t roused by Theodore, but instead the conversing of multiple people that slowly came into focus as he came out of his meditation.

“- is he going to wake up?”

“He’s just sitting there…”

“I can hear you, you know,” Drake said, cracking an eye open to see a few more people than he was expecting. Nine in total.

Looking at the group he could see Amir, Claire, Hudson, Theodore, Tom, Harley and the last of the people he had decided to bring in, Sherry.

Sherry was a special individual that Drake was looking forward to seeing grow. She stood at about 5 foot 2 and had a short side bob cut wearing glasses that were cracked on the left lens.

In addition to all of them, two more had appeared that he wasn’t expecting to see for some more time, but better now than never.

“Miss Chelsea and Miss Jacqueline… How wonderful of you to barge in and decide to join us..” Drake said sarcastically, stealing a glance at Theodore.

“This one apologizes, my Lord, but thy insisted that thee wished to make amends,” Theodore said, bowing.

“For what? Trying to entrap me? Trying to guilt trip me into helping them? Insulting my morals or insulting my intelligence?” Drake said, smiling at the two.

Both winced as they heard the list.

“We plead guilty to everything but the entrapment,” Chelsea said.

“Yeah, I didn’t even get to speak long enough to try to do that one,” Jacqueline added, earning a glare from Chelsea, “My bad… guess I’m still shook up from the cannon fire earlier.”

Drake wanted to snap at them but couldn’t waste time.

“I’m very busy, what do you want? If it’s an apology I don’t want or need it. There are far too many things going on around the oupost right now for me to care enough,” Drake said, standing up.

Chelsea looked like she wanted to say something, but held herself back, taking a moment to think before speaking.

“I-We want to help. We’re willing to do anything we can to help,” Chelsea began, resulting in a raised eyebrow from Drake.

“And in exchange?” Drake probed.

Chelsea bit her lip, “Only when you think the Outpost is safe enough. Then I’ll ask.”

Drake put his arm to his chin and mulled over whether he should allow them in on his plan or not.

Natto, how much will two more people burden my experience? Drake asked.

It is negligible with the amount you kill, also with the addition of Amir they should counteract each other even with a party of ten,” she explained.

What exactly is the distribution for the experience then? It doesn’t make sense that that many people wouldn’t be a detriment to the experience gain. Drake asked.

Experience is not quantifiable in the sense you are imagining. Each individual will receive a different amount depending on a number of factors. Whether that be the amount they contribute to defeating said monster, or their class orientation, rarity, skills affecting their gains or individual Rank and Race. There are many things that are put into it, but for the cut and dry it very much so will be about even. Monster or defeated persons experience is not a whole being split but an individual's gain of their own pool of experience from the interaction and conclusion,” Natto explained.

That’s very helpful. So what you meant by negligible is that it won’t affect me as much because I am the one doing all the heavy lifting, huh… Drake thought.

Somehow Drake could hear a very faint clapping inside his head that ended the conversation.

“Hmm,” Drake hummed, “What about my arm?” Drake asked evenly, looking at Jacqueline.

She squirmed slightly under Drake’s gaze but turned to Chelsea for guidance before answering. But Drake didn’t miss the look. And after a seemingly quick exchange Jacqueline answered.

“I’m thankful for what you’ve done for us. All of us, yeah?” she said.

“But?” Drake added, beginning to become annoyed by the roundabout answers once again.

“But, Chelsea and I. We had a previous group, and they are being held against their will, even some poor bastards not even knowing the mad shit happening right under their snot filled noses,” she continued, “And we want to help them before it’s too late. So… even, yeah? You save them and I’ll heal your arm, square?”

Drake bit the inside of his lip, and then moved his mask to reveal his face.

Giving Jacqueline an even stare, he looked deeply into her eyes, making sure to glean any subtle changes in her expression as he asked his question, “Are you sure that’s it? I have a sinking feeling there is more to that story that you are not telling me.”

Jacqueline gazed back at Drake for a few breaths before she turned to Chelsea, Drake’s eyes following.

“Well?” he asked again, this time directing it at Chelsea.

Chelsea shivered slightly under his eyes, her body remembering their last interaction by the gravesite.

“Th-there is more… but please let me explain it in more detail once this place is safe! I know it was selfish to ask in the way I did earlier… I was desperate an-and I’m in a rush to just get there quic-!” she began pleading before Drake raised his hand stopping her.

Drake broke his gaze and looked back towards the forest, sure of the Goblins regrouping being imminent. Nevertheless he mulled over the offer, taking into account how likely it was to find someone other than Jacqueline to heal his arm within the tutorial, where priests were rare commodity already.

I’m going to go with it. I need my arm healed and they seem to be reflecting on their earlier behavior finally. Drake thought, internally shaking his head. It really does feel almost like having children. Drake thought, sighing.

It is not like I can stop you, do as you wish, even if I do find it idiotic,” Natto said also sighing

“That's enough, I'll accept, but only because you asked so nicely. And I’m a sucker for people crawling back when they know they've done something wrong,” Drake said sarcastically, a grin creasing his face, as both women’s faces turned to scowls but stayed silent not wanting to argue, “Then all of you. Welcome to the A Team! First order of business,” Drake shouted his hand up in the air, then feeling awkward with not having two hands to emote, snapped another earthen arm into existence, then continued, “Is for a little exercise in trust! Let me introduce, Sherry!”

Drake moved next to the woman, placing a gentle pat on her shoulder as she gazed back at the group of people now looking at her, with little interest.

“I just want more food, bro,” Sherry said looking up to Drake.

Bringing his hand to his head Drake sighed, “God damn it, I have another Natto…” he whispered, but received a mental jab from Natto.

I do not act like that!” she shouted.

Drake rolled his eyes, then quickly addressed Sherry.

“Yes, yes. I will prepare you some more food once the massive fucking armies are dealt with ok?” Drake grumbled.

“Cool beans bro,” Sherry replied, giving two thumbs up, her expressionless face slowly curling only the edges of her mouth slightly.

If Drake had not been watching her he would have missed it.

“Isn’t she just a bundle of energy gov’” Jacqueline said, her hand going to rest on her hip.

“Her lack of sunlight, cortisol and B12 intake is of no concern. What matters here, is Sherry’s class and what we are going to be doing with such a unique, wonderful, caring, totally not life threatening skill!” Drake said, quickly deflecting.

“My Lord what class wouldeth that be?” Theodore chimed in.

“Sherry,” Drake said, giving the woman another pat, her glasses sliding down her nose, “Is a Pactmaker! And you're all going under magical contract!” Drake shouted, grinning.


Thank you for reading as always and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter! Apologies for the slightly short chapter today, but I hope you enjoyed it all the same!



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Alex, Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, Shaunna H.,  Brayan R. Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Queen Snake, Tyler, M van D., Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, TheGreenKraken, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., Wild Wolf Pack, George M.

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James F., BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Amar M., Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Nemiea T., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, Jakub T., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Mikael S., Nathan V. M., Phntm, Lost1nCarcosa, Jame I., Adrian B., Edwin C., Roberta K.,  Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Guppy, Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Quietfuzzball 8, tirily19, Lister of Smeg, Tanner, CHoobler

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Cameron M.

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Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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