Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 78: Building Trust in a Murder Tutorial

Drake looked around gauging the facial expressions of the nine people. Each one giving a different screwed up face in one way or another, save for Sherry who pushed up her glasses lazily and rubbed her stomach that growled loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Susmaryosep, what kind of monster do you keep in there?” Drake asked.

“I haven’t eaten since last night…” Sherry pouted.

Drake laughed and produced a bag that quickly got him yelled at.

Hey! Those are fucking mine!” Natto screamed.

Drake willfully ignored the screaming construct and handed it to Sherry.

“Here, these will hold you over for now,” he said, offering the roasted nuts.

Sherry’s eyes shone like shining stars as she quickly became enamored, grabbing the bag from Drake’s hands.

“Alright now that the hungry beast is satiated, we can talk about the contracts!” Drake said, turning to the rest of the wary group, clapping his hands together.

“I already don’t like governments, pup, what makes you think I’m going to sign some contract with you?” Hudson said, crossing his arms.

“Sire thou knows this one wouldeth follow thee to hell and back, but a contract does seem rather dubious,” Theodore added, looking at Harley who now also had a pensive look on her face.

Drake raised his hands in a pacifying manner and spoke, “I understand what you are thinking but, no. This is not going to be a contract from me to you. On the contrary I will be going under contract for you.”

This forced everyone to wear an even more confused look.

“What do you mean?” Chelsea asked, stepping forward a bit.

Drake took a glance at the forest, beginning to see more catapults being moved and made note that he had only a few more minutes before the next volley.

“Look I’ll get straight to the point. I have a history of betrayal, well being betrayed. Which makes me very bad at trusting new people. I don’t want to have to keep looking over my shoulder and having to run numbers on whether or not someone needs to be put in their place or not,” Drake stated flatly glancing at Chelsea, Jacqueline and Hudson, “And I know some of you have good intentions in mind,” he continued, turning his focus to Amir, Theodore and Harley.

“And I also know some of you just plain want revenge,” Drake took a final look at Claire who was behind the group of people, staring into the forest with a murderous gaze.

“What does that have to do with the contract Sir?” Amir questioned, finally speaking up.

“Everything!” Drake shouted with some enthusiasm, “I told you all to get to know each other right?”

Everyone nodded, even Claire who was mildly paying attention.

“So you all must have had a question or two you all asked each other about me, yeah?”

Each nodded again, except Theodore who began twirling his mustache.

“So here is the deal,” Drake began holding up two fingers, “Sherry can hold a contract per level, her level is 10, and we have 7 people here I can’t yet trust explicitly.”

Theodore looked around and counted, then frowned.

“Sorry Theo, Harley may be your wife but I’ve only just met her,” Drake said consolingly.

Theodore merely bowed lightly but kept a slight frown on his face, but there was no helping that.

“Back on topic. I will answer one question from all of you collectively, and I will help each of you in filling out your class slots, sub-trees and skills. Under the condition you take a contract to not speak of what information I give you until after the tutorial. And in exchange, I will go under a condition for the contract to not harm you in any way, even if you were to try to harm me,” Drake said, closing his fist.

Now it’s just a matter of who wants it more. Drake thought looking over the group.

What do you mean? It sounds like a very good deal for them, does it not?” Natto asked, confused.

And that’s the problem. If a deal is too one sided, the other party is going to be suspicious. I’m basically offering them the promise of being able to kill me after they get what they want without repercussion. So the natural reaction would be to look for the angle on my side or turn it down outright. Drake explained.

“I’ll take it,” Claire said from her spot behind the group, “Don’t care about anything, just want to kill those little green cock suckers.”

“Well then…” Drake said, his eyes widening a bit at the language, “Anyone else?”

Sherry raised her hand next, “Long as I get food, it's chill.”

“Alright that makes two,” Drake counted off.

Next Harley took a step forward at a nudge from Theodore. “I-I’m fine with going under contract as well Mr. Shot.


Amir seemed to be thinking something over himself then spoke up as well, “I have one question Sir.”

“Shoot.” Drake said quickly, his attention again turning to the line of catapults momentarily.

“What exactly is in it for you?” Amir asked.

“Outside of gaining the use of your skill sets, and building a team that is going to protect the rest of the people here so I can go kill the Big Dumb Green Monstie King?’ Drake offered.

Amir nodded, with the others looking over intently for the answer.

“Hmm.. Nothing honestly. If we’re being transparent. I’m the one losing out here. But that isn’t the point. I’m trying to build relationships that will outlast the tutorial and have you each help yourself so that when we are finally outside of it, you can stand on your own feet. Well, and eventually come find me so we can continue working together. So I guess depending on how you look at it I am getting something out of it, but let's just agree to call it, I don’t know 70 30?” Drake mused.

“Fuck that,” Jacqueline said, next to Chelsea.

“80 20? 90 10? Ok, 99.99 0.01, final offer, but only because you’ve pressed me,” Drake amended, earning him a roll of her eyes.

“Look, honestly it doesn't matter, it’s your choice, I’ve laid my cards on the table. You get skills, levels and I get to benefit from your skills. I’d say that's pretty fair,” Drake offered.

“I agree, I will undergo the contract as well then,” Amir nodded.

Hudson was next in scratching the back of his head, seemingly fed up with worrying about thinking it over.

“Well, I don’t much like the bureaucracy of it, much prefer just a spit n shake but if it’s how you're going to do it, I don’t see a problem. You are giving us basically everything we need to survive for a little hush hush,” Hudson chuckled, offering his hand.

Drake smiled and shook it.

“I knew I liked you! Under that hard gruff facade is an emotionally understanding hillbilly and I love it,” Drake said.

“Damn right, and don’t you forge- Wait what?” Hudson trailed off confused.

Chelsea and Jacqueline were the last of the group, and exchanged looks but came to an understanding quickly.

“We’re in only because we don’t have a choice if we want your help,” Chelsea said flatly.

“Fair enough. Don’t care for the reason, long as you play by the rules, don’t try to honey trap me again,” he said looking at Jacqueline, earning him a scoff, “And are professional about it. And I do appreciate the honesty this time around, wins you both some brownie points. But only the regular brownie points. Not the double chocolate cookie ones.” Drake grinned.

“Now,” Drake said, snapping his fingers.

The next moment he conjured an enormous extension to the earthen rampart. A platform shot out from the wall, then turned upwards to form a small box covering, shielding the group from the rest of the people inside the camp.

“Here,” Drake began, his ears and tail receding, as a small pink haired construct emerged on his shoulders, “Is the secret you will all need to keep. Meet Natto.”

“Hello Apes! May you live long and prosper under the benevolent tutelage of the great and all knowing Natto!” she shouted puffing and sticking out her chest, her nose stuck high up in the air.

“Tis a pleasure to hast thou grace us once more Lady Natto,” Theodore said, giving a 90 degree bow.

Natto nodded at Theodore’s affirmation, but not everyone was in reverence of her entrance.

“Awe she’s so cute!” Harley purred, Chelsea and Jacqueline following behind her to swarm Natto.

Even Claire turned her eyes from the forest for a moment to look at her.

“Her outfit is so adorable!” she continued, stretching a hand out, but was stopped short.

“Do not fucking touch me you filth!” Natto shouted, pulling a dagger from her sleeve.

Harley recoiled her hand as Theodore chuckled slightly behind his raised hand. Drake also laughed loudly.

“Feisty isn't she?” Drake chucked, but placed Natto on the ground as he heard the sound of catapults loosening their payloads into the air, “Alright get your questions ready, and Natto already knows your classes. Accept the invites to the party and let's get this ball rolling shall we?” Drake finished, mentally sending invitations to all of the people present.


[Amir Fadel has joined your party]

[Hudson Lawrence has joined your party]

[Claire Osberg has joined your party]

[Chelsea Jackson has joined your party]

[Harley Mongrass has joined your party]

[Jacqueline Evans has joined your party]

[Sherry Turner has joined your party]

[Tom_The_King has joined your party]


“Who the fuck is Tom_The_King?” Drake asked, confused.

After being nearly invisible even with his large tower shield, Tom finally piped up raising his hand.

“Sorry! You guys were just all sorta talking and I didn’t want to interrupt so I’ve kinda just been staying here silent… I promise I won’t say anything to anyone! Please don’t kill me!” he cried, ducking behind the shield.

Drake face palmed amazed that he didn't notice the man, but waved him off, “Agree to the contract and you’re square. If not, Natto has her way with you.”

Natto’s ears perked up at the mention of her name as she turned to Tom.

“Certainly! Bow your head now in resignation to this great magnificent one! I am a merciful lord, you sad excuse for an ape! Follow me wholeheartedly, and I shall turn you into the slightly below average ape you are truly meant to be!” she shouted at him.

“Wait, only slightly below average? What’s average then…?” Tom asked.

Natto’s face went deadpan as she pointed her dagger at Drake.

“That one. He is the standard ape, gorilla, enemy of all constructs,” Natto said.

“I take that as a complement. Silverbacks are majestic creatures, and Bondo Apes scare the shit out of anyone. I heard on a podcast that they kill lions. Lions!” Drake exclaimed, before he had to focus up, snapping his mask back into place.

Drake turned to the incoming boulders, it becoming a regular occurrence to have multiple large boulders thrown at him.

“Well it’s almost like swatting flies if you think about it…” he said looking up at the masses of earth flying towards them, “Guess I don’t need to hide the casting when I’m with them now,” Drake smiled, conjuring the fire magic circles without snapping.

Drake lined up four bellows of flames in front of him, his arm disintegrating once again, as the fifth and final one crackled to life.

“Short and sweet this time!” Drake roared as he poured mana into the flames, each one turning to blue one after the other, “Big Seven! Sakura!”

Each of the five blue balls of fire shot outward colliding with the boulders and bombarding once again the treeline destroying the catapults.

“You are doing it again! You only have five spells going, and you shouted seven….” Natto yelled behind him giggling.

A soft mumble of snickers followed.

Drake turned quickly pointing at the small construct.

“Alright, no food for a week!” he shouted.

“Nooooooooooooooooo! You are a demon!” Natto wailed.


Susmaryosep - Jesus Christ or Oh my Lord.


Thank you for reading as always and I hope you've enjoyed the chapter!



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