Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 82: Siege P. 2 – Going Nuclear


Hello again everyone! Just wanted to pop this in here and give a shout out to someone I know who has an amazing LitRPG series that's recently come to scribblehub! If you like time loops and epic battles that include monsters that I would even be too squeamish to describe myself.... Then look no further than 100th Run! It has been a hit series on RoyalRoad and I expect it to gain traction here on SH quickly! I would be grateful if you gave it a look and checked it out! And with that I hope you enjoy the chapter, and please do not hate me for it being somewhat short today!


Another blink of the eye passed for Drake, he was then abruptly woken again. The itch of being hit by Jacqueline’s cudgel forced him to rub the side of his arm. But what irritated him more was the sound of banging against wood, and the feeling of many monsters around the wall.

“Did I oversleep or something? Why are they so close already?” Drake asked, looking upward at the dark sky, glancing at his status as he did so.

His mana was still low but not overly so, sitting at about half, but it was still not enough for a spell to wipe out the remaining Goblin Horde at their gate. At least not normally.

“It was bloody hard to wake you up! Sleep less like a thick rock won’t ya?” Jacqueline complained, as she ran to the other side towards Hudson, Theodore and Tom.

Drake looked for a moment, noticing the build up of the sentry guns on the wall, bringing a grin to his face.

Kinda cool how sci-fi fantasy that is.. We definitely need more of those, like a lot more. Drake thought.

You have quite bigger problems to deal with currently than you gushing over your nerdy passions,” Natto interjected.

Drake coughed, but turned to the gate. The loud banging continued as the Goblins rammed the gate with large pieces of timber. The Lieutenants covering the ones holding the ram with their large tower shields.

“Yes, that does seem to be a problem…”

Drake looked over to the guard tower, glad to see that Harley and Chelsea were doing fine, and still bombarding the Goblins below where they could.

Unfortunately it did not seem that the peppering of gunfire or their imbued arrows could penetrate the Lieutenants’ Shields right now.

“Oh is it time to be the hero? I like where this is going…” Drake smiled behind his mask.

Oh lord, please no…” Natto sighed.

“You know, I’d like to tell you about a story,” Drake started, his brows shimmying up and down.

“Please do not.”

“This man trained all his life to be strong.”

Please I do not care! Make it stop!”

Drake smiled widely behind his mask.

“But this man could not overcome a nuclear bomb! So there was only one option!” Drake shouted, spreading his arms.

“Claire! Are you ready for your first taste of vengeance!” Drake yelled his head turning to look over his shoulder, the woman scampering up next to him.

For all her fury and ire she seemed fragile and timid when the time came.

“I-i, I’m ready!” she finally shouted back, her hands pressed against her chest.

“Then let us make it rain pain upon them,” Drake said, doing his best to stay firm against his giddiness for the spell he was about to unleash.

She nodded and began chanting her own spell.

The heavens shine brightly down upon the land, but the world will not be protected from the rumbling of my heart! I call down the rain, I call down the thunder! Be blessed in your fury my people!” she chanted, a large yellow magic circle forming below her that shifted to blue, then back, “We are the wind of change! We are the storm that crashes upon the world! Storm Caller’s Rising!”

A thunderous crash sounded as Clair finished the spell. Her body enveloped in a blinding white lightning as it struck her from above. She stood unharmed as she gasped from the power of the spell. Then began to fall from her exhaustion, only to have Drake catch her in a princess carry.

Bringing her to Amir and resting her down gently on the floor.

“You did well, I will make sure to kill every last one of them,” Drake said softly, but Clair had passed out from the exhaustion of the spell, “Make sure she’s safe till she wakes up Amir. Counting on you,” Drake said, winking.

Do you know what that last option was, Natto? Drake asked internally.

She stayed silent, but Drake knew she had the answer.

It was to become nuclear himself. Drake smiled widely underneath his mask.


[You have been affected by beneficial magic from a party member.]


Storm Caller’s Rising is in effect for 30 seconds.

  • All lightning affiliated magic has reduced cost of 50%
  • All lighting affiliated magic is increased in damage by 150%
  • All lighting affiliated magic takedowns replenish resources by 1%


Drake leapt to the edge of the Outpost’s wall, and began his swift chanting of his defensive skills.

I am the shield, I am the rampart! Bulwark! I am the wall on which my enemies billow, Unbreakable! On blessed wings! Guardians Reprieve!”

In quick succession three flashes of green covered Drake. A fourth flash of green snapped to life at his fingertips as he crushed it to gain speed with his Wind Endowment, his hair and tattoo cascading to green as they flared to life.

Drake shot forward into the crowd of Goblins like a missile, crushing the piece of wood he had leapt from beneath his feet and speeding to the center of the horde.

Drake threw his feet forward crushing the skull of a Goblin as he landed, forming a crater around him. Every Goblin surrounding him turned and threw whatever they had at him.

“Playtime is over!” Drake shouted, the timer on the buff ticking down slowly, each second stretching out as his Adrenaline Acuity extended them to as long as possible in his mind.

The weapons and magic of the Goblins clashed against Drake’s defensive shields, shattering them quickly.


[Reprieval Charge Gained]


Drake grinned, snapping his fingers changing to his water endowment for the regeneration. Wanting to inch out every bit of regeneration for the spell.

Looking upwards he teleported before the weapons and spells of the Goblins could harm his flesh.

Now above the monster horde he looked down in glee.

Snapping his fingers, an enormous yellow magic circle formed above him, his left arm raised as the lighting sparked to life in his hand, growing and condensing rapidly in the fractions of seconds.

Drake’s ability to manipulate mana folds greater than before since losing his arm.

Snapping his finger again two smaller light green circles formed in front of his face and at the bottom of his boots.

Drake looked down and spoke, his voice changed to an ethereal pitch from the wind magic.

Let the true meaning of Almighty be carved into your Souls!” Drake roared, almost laughing the words, the lightning in his hand pulsing with every word as it condensed and expanded, sparks flicking outward looking for somewhere to escape, but Drake could pour more and more thanks to the Storm Caller’s Rising.


Drake softly uttered the word, the wind magic at his feet whispering to life underneath him, it orienting him downwards to the ground, right at the horde of Goblins.


The wind magic at his feet exploded shooting him downward like a falling star from the sky.

Throwing his hand forward, he lit up the sky with the condensed ball of Lightning mana. Drake screeching towards the ground.


The last word reverberated even though he had whispered it. The sound of the word cascading out over the horde just a breath before Drake’s impact with the ground, his fist embedding itself into the ground.

On the impact of Drake slamming his fist into the ground below, his magic exploded underneath the open plains floor that the Goblins stood on. In a beautiful cacophony of explosions and rubble being thrown upwards below the Goblins, the ground cracked and scattered, lightning bursting through the floor in every crack, every splitting of rock.

The explosion shot up and then outward. Growing exponentially larger with every beat of the explosion, the last of them forming a cascading effect as the world was illuminated by the spell.

The party on the wall looked on in amazement and awe as they lost count of the number of monster kill notifications, and completed quests they received as a result of being in the party.


[Shot has defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Zvic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP in compensation as a party member]

[Shot has defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Nomivic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP in compensation as a party member]

[Shot has defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Senuvic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP in compensation as a party member]

[Shot has defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Ocuvic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP in compensation as a party member]

[Shot has defeated Goblin Lieutenant: Enoic’ Fuv Jeric Level 20] [Experience Earned and 150,000 TP in compensation as a party member]

[Shot has defeated Goblin Footman Level 15] [Experience Earned and 1,000 TP in compensation as a party member]





And the kill notifications continued to roll in, as each person in the party found themselves level up from the well of experience they had received.

“Well, looks like I bet on the right horse after all..” Hudson said, looking up at the pillar of white lightning as it slowly began to wane.

Each person looked at the center of the impact, to see Drake standing there inside a massive crater that he had created.

Drake only stood still for a moment after the spell had dissipated. His hands then curling at his side as he gave a guttural roar of triumph, his head turning to the gate where many of the remaining Goblin’s and their Lieutenants stood flabbergasted at the spectacle they had just witnessed.

Surging forward Drake quickly dispatched them, adding to everyone’s experience and TP gain before he turned seeing the last remnants of the Goblin army that had assailed his outpost running desperately for the forest beyond the carnage.

Moving swiftly Drake sped after them, catching them in handfuls as he moved from group to group slowly making his way into the forest.

Only one person speaking up in the momentary silence in the lull of Drake’s rampage and spell.

“Hey, isn't that from an anime?” Tom asked, scratching the back of his head in confusion.


Apologies for the shorter chapter today, but I hope you enjoyed the chapter all the same. See you next week and please continue to enjoy the story!



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Alex, Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, Shaunna H., Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, M van D., Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, TheGreenKraken, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., Wild Wolf Pack, George M., Brother Grey

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James F., BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, Jakub T., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Phntm, Lost1nCarcosa, Jame I., Adrian B., Edwin C., Roberta K.,  Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Guppy, Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Quietfuzzball 8, tirily19, Lister of Smeg, Tanner, CHoobler, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, ItWasIDIO!!, Bryan R-B, Slanty

An overwhelming thanks to my T4 Patron:

Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

If you would like to also become a patron and read some of the advanced chapters, that are released once or twice daily or to the end of Volume 1, you can find the link at the bottom of the chapter or at Arthur_Inverse where you can read ahead from 1 chapter up to 30+ chapters as Draft Edits.


P.S. If I ever miss you in the shoutouts please just send me a message on patreon.

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