Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 83: Cooking, Cleaning and no rest

[You have defeated Goblin Butcher [F Rank] Level 17] [Experience Earned and 500 TP]

[You have defeated Goblin Butcher [F Rank] Level 18] [Experience Earned and 700 TP]

[You have defeated Goblin Forester [F Rank] Level 12] [Experience Earned and 300 TP]


[New Quest! Subjugate 200 Goblin Forester [F Rank]

[Reward: Experience. Random Piece of F-Grade Equipment]


Drake pulled his shaped earthen spike for an arm out of the chest of the Goblin he held the throat above the ground. He turned looking over the small clearing further into the forest that he had ventured into. Scowling as he panned over more cages filled with people, some chained to trees.

After his flashy spell in the plains, Drake had recovered fully thanks to the replenishing effects of the buff Clair had given. This let him clean up the rest of the monsters around the wall of the outposts.

He was also pleased to find out that everyone in the party had gained a level from the fight, Sherry gaining two going from level 10 to 12 all in the same fight.

Drake after making sure that there were not any stealthed monsters near the Outpost, chased to finish off the retreating Goblins wanting to take the fight to them for the first time, giving them some real rest hopefully once he cleared them out in the immediate vicinity.

What awaited Drake instead was small camps set up in a semi-circle around the Outpost further into the first, Each one set up with logging operations to build the catapults, and vast amounts of supplies to keep the fight coming to them.

Drake had made quick work of the camps so far, not having trouble with any of the monsters that defended them.

What troubled Drake was the number of cages and people they kept with them. Drake had finished raising two camps to the ground and out of the two there was a total of 100 people at least scattered throughout them.

The people, not all being in the cages made the fight somewhat difficult as well. As he couldn’t use larger spells to dispense of the monsters, having to use more precise measures and take the fight hand to hand.

Once Drake had cleared out the camp, making sure that the captives were ok then placed anyone not in a cage inside one momentarily as he went to the next.

Drake looked around the third camp he had arrived at, scanning the surroundings for any lingering Goblins. Satisfied he had killed everyone, he took to the trees where the captives were chained to.

On the way, he picked the key from a Jailer’s neck, hoping the key matched the locks.

Thankfully, they did and he unlocked every person’s chains.

“Alright, get in the cages until I return, I still have some more of the forest to clear,” Drake said stony, his gaze hazed from the prolonged battle and having to witness the atrocities the Goblins were performing.

“W-who are you..?” a man said, rubbing his wrists.

“I’m no one,” Drake looked around at some of the people that he was unable to save fast enough, his mind going to the tables the Butcher Goblin had that he would rather not think of, “Someone who’s been a little too late recently… Now get in the cage I don’t have time to argue.”

“But what if they come back?!” he shouted.

“Then you will be safe in the cage until I get back. I won’t leave you here to rot, but I have other people who need to be freed. Now move or I will make you move,” Drake said firmly, walking to the cage.

The now-freed captives looked around at the carnage following Drake until he opened the cage and helped them in.

Drake left as much food and water as he could fit inside the cage as he had done for the rest, and quickly closed the cage and locked it, ignoring the complaints of the ones inside.

Drake shot forward his hair changing from his red crimson, to a brilliant yellow, his speed increasing to a level most people would not be able to follow with their eyes.

Drake I understand you being cold, but do not forget that they are victims, not the perpetrators. Also do not forget that you are not responsible for what has happened here. The Goblins are the ones who did this to them, it is not your fault that you could not save some of them,” Natto said, trying to console him.

“It isn’t that… I’m not egotistical enough to think I can save everyone. But I can’t help but think if I tried a little harder I could have maybe saved at least some. I’ve never been one to expect or calculate for loss, that just isn't something I want to accept. I know now that it’s something that happens but I want to struggle and fight so that it's as small and little as possible. I want to get strong enough to make it zero,” Drake said looking forward as he transverse the forest.

That is.. admirable but please do not hold it all on your shoulders you are just one person.”

Drake didn’t answer. He knew she was right, and it was pure hubris to think that he could stop all the losses in the tutorial. But that was not what went through Drake’s mind.

The more Drake saw how much power he was accumulating he couldn't help but think that he might have no choice but to stand up not just for himself, not just for his family, or his friends. But now for his own ideals at large, the people that were under him, the people who needed him, maybe even his entire race.

Was he kidding himself? He couldn’t possibly know. There were billions of people before the tutorial, it would be a fallacy to think he was the strongest and it was up to him, but that didn’t stop him from feeling responsible.

In the midst of his internal dialogue, Drake came to the next camp, a shriek sounding.

A few meters ahead of him was a Butcher dragging a woman across the ground to a table dyed in red, the monster only noticed Drake for a second before Drake’s hand gripped its head, pulling it off of its body with such force, it stood stock still before it slumped to the floor.

Drake landed then quickly doubled back picking up the woman in his arms, then stopping next to a tree, the sound of horns and drums behind him.

“Stay here and out of sight, I’ll be right back,” Drake said, before he snapped his fingers, his hair shimmering white.

Converging on Drake was the mass of the Goblin Camp. Footsoldiers, shamans, butchers, and jailers. Every monster holding some form of weapon or spell in its hands.

But Drake was in no mood. With deadly precision, he moved through the flood of monsters, at the tip of his right earthen hand, an orange magic circle quickly moved and changed his forearm to a molten goop. In his left, his Tattoo flared to life with increased mana.

His right hand pierced through anything it touched with a sizzling of flesh and scorching of innards as he pushed it into one Goblin’s head to the next, using each body he put down as a foothold to shoot forward to repeat the process.

His left arm did the same as it pulled and threw Goblins in every direction.

Within seconds he had taken down the camp, a trail of havoc and smoldering bodies behind him. Then he felt another figure enter his aura’s field.

Looking over his shoulder Drake wasn’t sure if he should be happy or irritated.


[Obitk’ Fuv Crukz Level 25 [F Rank]


[New Quest! Subjugate 10 Goblin Knights [F Rank]

[Reward: Experience. Tutorial Points. Random Piece of F-Grade Equipment]


Walking in from the tree line was a mass of gray iron, with only small gaps showing green, its white teeth clenched underneath its metal visor. In its hand was a broadsword, in the other a large kite shield, that had blood smeared across it.

Drake snapped his fingers, his arm eroding as his hair and Tattoo shimmered to orange, his arm replaced by an icy crystalline prosthetic.

The two stared at each other momentarily, locked in the tension.

Drake grinned behind his mask, “I hope you last more than one punch. I need to let off some steam. Marked!”



“Staring out into the forest isn’t going to make him come back any faster Theo…” Chelsea said, but she too looked out making sure to keep her identification skill up for any Red-Cap Goblins that wanted to get too close.

“I’m sure Mr. Shot is just fine, Theodore,” Harley said consoling him, her arm pulling him in close around the shoulder, “I don’t think there's a single monster out there that can even hurt the man.”

Theodore continued to look out but placed a gloved hand on Harley’s, “Tis not the vile monsters that lurk those woods that this one fears. Tis thy monsters that walk falsely in human flesh that haunt me,” he said softly, as his free hand moved to his thigh.


“What do you mean by that love?” Harley asked concerned.


“Let us just venture, that there art just as worse beings in the tutorial that doeth unspeakable acts. Barbarism and cruelty tis not exclusive to monsters,” Theodore finished.


Chelsea grimaced next to him, hearing his words. She knew well what he was alluding to.


Behind them, a grunt sounded, as Amir spoke up.


“Claire is waking up!” he shouted from beside the woman in the earthen box Drake had made earlier.


“W-where am I?” Claire mumbled hazily, her eyes snapping to attention, “The Goblins! Did he kill them?!” she shouted, gripping Amir's shoulders.


“Y-yes Shot, Sir Shot, managed to kill them all thanks to your spell. You should check your stats and levels, we all gained at least one from the fight thanks to it,” Amir explained, a weary grin on his face.


Everyone’s attention turned again as Hudson spoke up from his fiddling with another sentry.


“Looks like the crazy pup is coming back. And he brought a whole mess of lost sheep.”


Out of the treeline came Drake, following behind him a line of well over one hundred people. Each no worse for wear than they had been when he had rescued them not long ago.


The line of people passed Drake as a few began to sprint for the Outpost over the battered and ruined field in front of it.


Drake followed up the rear making sure everyone made it out of the forest.


“Looks like we best get down there and help out, yeah?” Jacqueline said, as she turned for the earthen stairs, the rest of the group following behind her.


Claire was the last to follow as she slowly recovered herself and looked out over the destruction she had not witnessed.


“I helped him do all that..?” Claire murmured under her breath, her eyes turning to the line of people slowly coming through the gates.


She moved from the wall to overlook the mass of people coming, spotting Drake as he came through the gate last. He patted Theodore on the arm and gave a shake to Amir and Hudson. Only giving nods to the rest that met him.


Apparently, he felt Claire’s eyes on him as he raised his head and grinned giving her a goofy thumbs up, then tossed her a crystalline stone.


[Skill Stone: Lightning] [Rare]


[Unlocks a random skill from the Lightning tree.]


[Requirement: Open Skill Slot. Have a Mage-Based Main Class-tree unlocked]


Claire held the stone in her hands for a moment then pressed it against her chest.

“Are you sure you don’t need it!” she hollered to him.

She saw Drake shake his head, holding up two stones.

“Nope, don’t worry I found some very helpful Goblins who happily gave me some.”

Clair couldn’t help but crease a grin, but quickly went back to her near-permanent scowl as she looked down at the stone again, reminded that she needed to get stronger herself so she could help wipe them all out.



“Alright, looks like we have a hefty new batch of people. And I need a bath like Mineta needs a girlfriend,” Drake chuckled, walking past the new group of people towards the grouping of tents in the outpost.

Behind him, the gate closed and he began getting everyone settled once again.

“Ok!” Drake shouted, this time using his wind magic to amplify his voice, “Clothes and weapons you can use are here! Tents here! Put them up yourself, if you need help, find someone. If they say no, you tell me and then they get no dinner! No one likes going hungry so let's all be friends yeah? Food will be prepared by yours truly in an hour on the other side of the already-made tents! I’ll be setting up tubs of warm water near the Mines in that direction,” Drake pointed, “Take what you need to clean yourselves inside your tents. No one get any fresh ideas or I'll kick the shit out of you! Everyone good? No? Don’t care, you got three rules to follow in this Outpost, ask one of the nice people who have been here for a day already what they are! You break them, I break you! Have a lovely evening!”

Drake finished his tiresome speech, an insurmountable amount of confused faces looking back at him, but he picked out one with his finger and curled it to have her come over.

“Yeah?” Chelsea asked her brow raised, “Nice introduction, almost as good as the intro constructs..”

Drake wasn’t pleased with what he found out in the forest and ignored her jab.

“After I’ve finished making dinner, you, Jacqueline, and I need to have a talk,” Drake said evenly, “Find me by the graves once you’ve grabbed some food and are done eating, I’ll be there the rest of the night anyway.”

Drake walked off to the area he had indicated for dinner, not waiting for a response. Theodore appeared next to him for only a moment before Drake said something inaudible to him and Theodore ran back to Harley, they both moving to the top of the Outpost wall.

Jacqueline walked up next to Chelsea, her hands crossed.

“He doesn’t look to be in a fine mood, bloody bastard looked like he had seen war crimes,” she said.

“Jacky, If I’m being honest. I think he might have,” Chelsea replied.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please continue to enjoy the story!



I would like to thank all the wonderful people that have become patrons.

I would like to give an extra thank you to my T1 Patrons :

BelligerentGnu, Scott F.  Fletcher D. Yang A. Aaron R., Liam B., Wolfram K., Alex, Naoggeddon, Matthew G., Abdulaziz A., Pratish S.

A bigger thanks to my T2 Patrons: Shadowpulse, Fallacha, Gavin T. Mike, Melanie S. Sphinxes, Shaunna H., Gabriel, Benji, Isaac H., M. R., Tyler, M van D., Nic, Blacklark57, Aksam, Benji, M.R., Braincase, Shakekiller, TheGreenKraken, Regan B., Jonathan G. Jr., Wild Wolf Pack, George M., Brother Grey

And a massive thanks to my T3 Patrons: Jesse M.  C Alex G. Bum Bumbo, Paul F. Liam B., Eb, dmf, Richard M., Richard R., Pergamon, Gavin T, Carolyne, Zane, Thomas B W., Zachary G., Patrick W., Michael W., skeri123, Leon O. Alfredo S. James F., BobpleTheGreat, Richard B., DontLook@Me, Sye, Talen D., Parker H., Radion, Coco-Jin, Issa C., Zu'ul, eroth, Logan M., Adrian D., Chris M., Rd Zg, Jan T., Nathan V.M., Olivier M., Ugly Bastard Tag da Best, Jakub T., al, David E., Green S., Greenboy676, Mark T, Nathan V. M., Phntm, Lost1nCarcosa, Jame I., Adrian B., Edwin C., Roberta K.,  Firinen, Raymond N., UnknownS0n, Romain V., Guppy, Daniel R., xerxes, Aran K., Mr. Book-Stash, Jetforce, Quietfuzzball 8, tirily19, Lister of Smeg, Tanner, CHoobler, Swampfox, SupremeTempest, ItWasIDIO!!, Bryan R-B, Slanty, Josh

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Cameron M.

And a special thanks to my very first two patreons:

Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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