Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter 84: His name is Chris Springs

Drake retrieved as many barrels as he could from his inventory, placing them in rows of two alongside the outskirts of the tents. He then began to fill them with steaming hot water quickly.

Just as quickly was a line forming, every person who was inside the Outpost eager to wash the filth from themselves.

Some were more eager than others as pushing and shoving began to break out amongst the people waiting.

Drake sighed and quickly snapped his fingers, a loud boom sounding from the light green magic circle in his hand.

He had used wind magic to amplify his snap, getting everyone’s attention.

Using the same spell he made his voice heard.

“Everyone plays nice, or you ruin it for the rest of the class,” Drake said, his gaze going over the crowd, “Any more fighting, and no more free stuff.”

Those who had been fighting hastily moved back into line. With some sparse grumbling here and there, the lines began moving smoothly once again.

You have learned some very neat tricks recently,” Natto snickered.

I need them for some of the stuff I will be doing now…  And the better I can control the smaller stuff, the easier it will be for the larger destructive spells. He thought, replying.

It seems you have reached another poor state of mind… Do you care to speak on it?” Natto prodded.

I’ll be alright Natto. Thank you. If I had to say something it would be that I’m concerned… Drake thought, moving himself to the cauldrons he had set up before, and set up many more rows of them for the newcomers.


Drake moved his hands quickly, setting up the large pots, campfires, and spit roasts.

Yeah. I’ve started to notice it more and more with every fight I’m having… but I am becoming increasingly enthralled in the combat. I- I’m only feeling something when I’m on the edge. These fights are barely cutting it anymore. And that’s not all… Drake trailed off, skewering an already-skinned boar from his inventory, and placing it on a fire.

Drake began seasoning and filling the pots, and boars he had set up before he was interrupted by Natto.

That is not all? What else is changing Drake?” she asked, concern apparent in her voice.

Right… I can feel…. Well, I can feel my humanity fading each time I level up. It’s strange, it’s as if I’m performing a habit that I don’t understand anymore. The smiling, the interactions, the talking, and sympathy in general. When I saved those people… I didn’t feel sorry, I didn’t feel the same amount of empathy I know I should have. That I knew I used to have. It felt like I was just going through the motions because I knew I should. I only feel alive, feel something more when I fight now. Is that the effect of the skill stones? He asked.

It is one of the drawbacks of the higher rarity stones, you are also progressing impressively fast. Making me fear that your psyche may not be able to keep up to the trauma you are facing,” Natto explained.

Trauma? I don’t think I need that type of sympathy, you should save that sympathy for those who are actually being abused, Natto. If you haven’t noticed I’m the one shelling out the punishment for the accused lately. Drake scoffed, filling another pot with water, food, and seasoning.

That is trauma, Drake. You may not feel it because you have gone through it so much as of late, but you are killing thousands, snuffing out lives, even if they are monsters. But not weeks ago you were just a normal man watching tv shows and drawing on your tablet for a living. You are far too unforgiving of yourself,” Natto warned.

Forgiveness isn’t something one gives themself. It’s salvation given by the grace of others. Drake thought, a realization coming to him. I see, I know what I have to become then. I will do what I must to survive, I will become whatever this tutorial and system needs me to be in order to protect what’s important to me. Damned the consequences. I will let someone else judge me when the time is right and it’s all over.

Well that is rather dramatic, but if that is what you wish, I will help you do so. May we stand trial together, you dolt.”

 Drake smiled underneath his mask, finishing the last of the pots.

He looked up to see a line of people again forming near the food this time.

Drake quickly picked out a few people and gave them instructions for the food.

“You, you, you, you, and you. Turn the pig every five minutes. You, you, you, you, and yes you. Stir the pots every ten minutes. Pigs are done in two hours, the pots are done in an hour. Don’t burn my food,” Drake said, moving his mask to the side and grinning.

Unsurprisingly his joke did not go over well with the new people as they had witnessed an even harsher side of Drake than the previous saved. His grin visibly shaking some.

Well, aren’t they rude… Drake thought, snapping his mask back into place and walking over to the graves.

Yes, well. They did see you put your molten hand through quite a few Goblin faces… Not to mention what you did to the first Knight….” Natto chided but then winced after remembering the scene.

Hey. I wanted to try out how water magic could work if you put the water in the monster. And now I know. He snapped back.

Yes, you, the Goblin, the Goblin reinforcements, and everyone inside the Cage next to the Goblin now know. And I am sure they appreciate it greatly.”

That’s why I put out the hot water!” Drake said aloud, offended.

He felt Natto give a mental shake of her head, and he turned to the rows of the graves.

“At least I don’t feel as much now, so this sucks less I guess... Who am I kidding, it sucks even if I can’t feel the pit in my stomach,” he mumbled, beginning to dig the first hole in a new row.

Drake continued in silence for nearly an hour before he felt a pair of people draw closer, and he could only guess who they were as he would have heard Theodore calling him.

“Well, this is bleak….” Jacqueline said.

“Jacky…” Chelsea whispered.

“My bad, love. Never been good with these types of situations…” she replied.

“It’s alright,” Drake said, not bothering to turn, “Not knowing how to handle something like this means you haven’t had to deal with it. I envy you for that.”

“Mr. Shot…” Chelsea started but a raised hand from Drake cut her off.

“I’m not looking for sympathy. I’m not the one who died. Save it for them if you want to give it,” Drake said, unintentionally cold, “....Sorry I’m dealing rather poorly with some things…. Just.. No, Please tell me about this friend of yours you want me to do about it. You’ll have to forgive me for multi-tasking but with everything, I don’t know when I’ll have another chance.”

Chelsea and Jacqueline exchanged a look. Jacqueline gave a nod to Chelsea and she stepped up next to Drake.

“The man’s name is Chris Springs,” Chelsea started, but this time Drake turned.

“Wait the blond prick? Good looking, tall, nice smile, rather charismatic, but secretly an asshole with an evil juicy center?” Drake asked, his brow raised.

“Y-yes…? How did you know?”

“He tried to get me into his little group at the start, I turned him down because... Nevermind. So you want me to kill this guy 'cause he’s too good-looking, maybe turned you down, or did something then?” Drake offered.

“Drake!” Natto snapped.

My bad, I jumped the gun.

“Sorry, my intrusive thoughts got ahead of me. Continue,” Drake said, moving his mask off to the side so he could show his sheepish smile.

“No- Um,” Chelsea said, slightly confused, “You hit the nail on the head pretty much… Chris seemed like a nice guy at first but his true nature quickly showed when the tutorial started throwing stronger and stronger monsters at us,” Chelsea said, moving in tandem with Drake as he made grave after grave, “He used his charm to get close to 50 people together at one point, but what we didn’t know was that he had done so only to have himself be protected.”

Drake spun his finger in a circle, asking Chelsea to turn for a moment. She complied and Drake placed the remains of a person into the grave, then moved to the next.

“Protected how? From the strength he showed when he grabbed me I assumed he was a warrior?” Drake asked.

Chelsea stayed where she was for a moment, looking to go over something in her head before speaking.

“He apparently had people he knew in the tutorial. And they found people who were easy to manipulate…”

“I see… so he tried for younger people, mostly women. And men he thought he could easily bring under his wing and manipulate to do what he said,” Drake offered, his thoughts turning to Tom.

“For the most part, yes,” Chelsea agreed.

Ha! That means he thought you were easy to manipulate. I always knew you were an imbecile, even the stupid evil villain guy thinks so!” Natto laughed.

Drake ignored Natto as he listened to Chelsea go on.

“I was much the same, they found me a little after... I had been chased out from the group I had come into the tutorial with and had run into them. The one who vouched for me and helped me get into the group was… Megan.”

“And this is the friend you want to save?”

“Yes! She… She is the one who kept me from going crazy all those restless nights in the dark. I will do anything. Anything you ask! Even…”

Drake held up his hand.

“Please. I have enough crazy women around me, I do not need more. And value yourself more. I understand you want to help your friend, but I was going to do so regardless,” Drake turned to look at Chelsea, an endearing grin on his face, “I only needed to know how much you cared for her. And from what I can tell just from this is that you do so immensely. From the fight earlier I can also say you know how to take a hit and stand back up. You obviously don’t like me, but decided to work with me regardless to help her. And right now in this situation that is good enough for me.”

Drake fully turned to face her this time.

“You and Jacqueline have only just become a part of my group, but I can tell you are good people. Even if one of you, or well both of you, have a smart mouth. But anyone who can willingly sacrifice themselves for another… For friends and family. Is someone I’m willing to help. All you need do is ask me,” Drake said, holding out his hand, “Preferably politely,” he added with a light chuckle.

Chelsea looked bewildered at Drake, her face quickly changing expressions in rapid time. Disbelief, concern, anger, shock, joy, gratitude, and relief that then finally turned into a smile. Her left hand moved to meet Drake’s, her other covering her mouth, as she whimpered behind it, tears of relief and joy cascading down her face.

“Please save my friend. P-please save my friend Megan!” she shouted behind her hand, soft gasps resounding through the area.

Drake gave her hand a firm shake as they met.

“With pleasure,” Drake said, “Now if only Jacqueline could learn to be just as polite.”

“Piss off, bloody idiot!” she shouted from behind.

“Baby steps, we’ll get there,” Drake laughed, “Now let’s go see a mustached man about finding an evil villain!”


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, please continue to enjoy the story!



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Mark M., and Mr. Redd.

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