Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Fifteen: Shock and Awe. Bjorn vs Drake Rematch.

Drake coughed embarrassedly.

“My bad I didn’t mean to get so caught up about that collectible… I just couldn’t help asking, seeing how cultured your friend Sato was,” Drake said.

“Cultured? He is the least cultured person here,” Shigure spat, his eyes frowning, “I wish he would grow up! We’ve almost died many times and all he does is make stupid anime references!”

Drake coughed again.

Oh, I’m going to piss this guy off for sure… He thought.

“Grow up? Kenzo, I'm a year older than you!” Sato snapped back.

“Yes, but mentally you are several years behind! How many times must I tell you those cartoons do not apply to the real world!” Shigure shouted.

Drake coughed.

If only this guy knew… I’ve been using those shows as a basis for everything in this tutorial. If it wasn’t for them I might have died several times over… Not to mention almost all of my spells are a reference to one show, manga, light novel or another. Drake thought, laughing to himself.

“Then,” Drake said, looking at Shigure and Sato, “How do you explain me kicking the shit out of you?” Drake chuckled.

“Excuse me?” Shigure spat, unsure of Drake’s meaning.

“Everything I hit you with is from a show or game I’ve experienced. Yet you seem to think they were useless,” Drake smiled.


Sato smiled triumphantly next to Shigure.

“What I think you are failing to realize is that everything is a means of growing stronger and maturing. You’re dismissing something Sato and I feel passionate about on the basis of some preconception or other,” Drake said shaking his head dramatically, “That’s going to become fatal in this new world. Your construct,” Drake continued, thumbing behind him, “That is going into my tent right now, should have told you.”

Shigure winced. His face then contorted into knowing as he realized Drake had some sort of perception ability.

“We are not the only ones this system has uprooted and thrown into the blender. You think our old world was a melting pot of diversity? You should know that it pales in comparison to the myriad of races we will have once we leave this place. And shutting out what is going to be a clash of times, cultures, and more importantly people is going to hurt you and the people you lead. I’m not saying that you have to like anime and the like, but understanding things you hate to solidify your position on it is vital to a good foundation of tolerance and mutual respect,” Drake explained, taking a breath from his long-winded speech.

I really need to cut back on the preaching….

“Not to mention, those shows are great. I mean have you even watched SlayerS? That alone would help you live through half the shit in this tutorial. And don’t get me started on that dude that slays Goblins. Chef’s kiss my man,” Drake said while making the gesture.

Shigure was so taken by surprise by the sermon that he stayed silent, essentially conceding the point. His eyes showed that his mind was turning as it consumed the words.

Drake was somewhat surprised that the teen didn’t argue more, honestly thinking that he would be adamant as most younger people are with their beliefs. But it seemed that the multiple beatings Drake had dished out had at least opened the kid's mind.

Figuratively speaking.

Drake turned to the crowd, many of them scowling back at him. Ignoring them, Drake’s eyes fell on Megan and Julia.

“I’m pleasantly surprised to see you both again. Even if one of you seems to disdain me,” Drake chuckled, walking over to the pair, ignoring the other scowling faces.

“Hello again, Lord Shot,” Julia said, giving a small bow.

“Are you making fun of me?” Drake asked incredulously.

“I wouldn’t think of doing such a thing, Lord Shot,” Julia said again, a smile on her face.

Drake sighed, looking over to Megan who was eerily silent compared to Julia, her face scrunched in a mix of frustrated emotions.

“So what’s the deal? You two came to watch the fight as well? Pretty sure you’ve both seen what I can do,” Drake said, leaning on one leg.

“I was unconscious. And no, I would like to extend my gratitude again and ask to join your inner circle. I know my skills will be of use,” Julia said evenly, then nudged Megan with her elbow.

“I-i… I’d also like to offer my service… I have been missing my friends. And I-” Megan looked downward, before continuing, “I know I’ve been giving you a hard time. On the way here, you saved me, saved us again. And I’ve talked to Chels, Jacky, even Tom more while we traveled…. I want to see with my own two eyes who you are. If you really are just a cold-hearted killer with a gentle face like… Chris… or if you are the savior they all make you out to be,” Megan said finishing, her eyes still on the ground.

“Hey Megan,” Drake said, “My eyes are up here,” he scoffed, waiting for the woman to face him.

She stared back at him shakily, her eyes darting back and forth but Drake stayed silent until she was able to keep relative eye contact.

“When you ask for a favor, you need to look the person in the eye and be sincere. The eye is the window to the soul, and if you can’t even look me in them, how will I ever be able to trust you,” Drake said, then waiting for her response.

Megan was slightly shaken but, apparently determined as she stared back her eyes tearing slightly as she did.

“I am asking to join your party like the rest. I want to learn more about you to make my own decision if I should leave my friends to you!” she said, her voice growing to a shout.

Drake smiled, impressed by the boom of her voice.

“Nope! No can do, all full up,” Drake sneered back.

Both women looked at him in disbelief, their mouths hanging open wide.

“What do you mean you don’t have room?!” Both yelled.

Drake laughed then shrugged.

“I’m only kidding, sure, both of you can come with us. We could always use more support classes,” Drake laughed.

“You’re such an asshole!” Megan snapped,

Julia on the other hand, laughed with Drake.

“I think I will enjoy being in this group. Always keeping me on my toes, it feels like home,” she said.

“We can talk about the details later. Right now I need to put on a show. It was good talking to you two, and I’m thankful for your straightforwardness. Welcome aboard Team Shot,” he smiled.

“I’m never saying I’m a part of a team named that….” Megan mumbled, crossing her arms.

Drake scoffed and walked past them, making his way to the other star of the show.

“Sorry for the wait man, crazy how much you get pulled left and right with knowing people,” Drake said, apologizing to Bjorn.

“All good bro, I’m used to having it happen. Forget I was a CEO? Sometimes you need to have meetings when you don’t have time,” Bjorn replied nonchalantly with a wave of his unarmored hand, “Then, should we get started? I’ll clear some space,” Bjorn smiled, pulling his sword from his back.

Bjorn walked from the congregation of people finding a relatively open area for him to swing his sword in a manner that made it seem as if it took no effort despite the size of the weapon.

And with the swing, he felled trees enough to open up the forest in front of him.

“Jeez, who are you, frigging Scandinavian Cell?” Drake said, giving a brief whistle.

“I don’t know who that is,” Bjorn said, cocking an eyebrow.

“Alright that's it,” Drake sighed, “Everyone is going to have to go through anime rehabilitation when we get back to earth, I’ve had enough of people not getting my references. You are all so uncultured and deprived….”

“I got that one!” Sato screamed from behind them.

Drake gave Sato a thumbs up.

“At least there's one real one among us,” Drake scoffed.

Bjorn turned pointing his sword tip at Drake with one hand.

“Should we get started then? Lord, Shot?” Bjorn smirked.

Drake’s eyes lit up with eagerness, as they flashed through his ocular skills.

Marked. I’m more than ready,” Drake replied, his stance going low as he snapped his freshly returned right hand, summoning bolts of lightning to either side of him, “Don’t think this is going to go the same way as last time! Bear!” he roared, another snap of his fingers hurtling the Lightning Bolts forward as they trained right on Bjorn.

The bolts screeched forward towards Bjorn. But Bjorn only smirked as he stood in the open area he had created.

Drake didn’t wait for the impact. The bolts now blocking Bjorn’s vision of Drake, he shot to the side, snapping his fingers once again. His Tattoo Rings slipping into his inventory as he summoned his Morning Glory Staff.

Bjorn’s eyes somehow tracked Drake, as Drake came into view around the bolts of lightning on his left side.

Again with his nuts perception. But he isn’t the only one who can see through things! Drake roared internally.

The bolts of lightning finally met with Bjorn, but unexpectedly Bjorn, dodged one of the two, his free hand stopping the other bolt in its tracks as he gripped it like it was a twig of electricity.

Bjorn then crushed the bolt in his hands, the lightning mana dissipating into the air as he kept his eyes fixed on Drake.

Drake skidded to a stop, pointing his staff at Bjorn now.

The halls of the underworld welcome you! Cocytus!” Drake roared, a white magic circle forming below his feet.

With his spell, the increased magic flourished. The magic circle spread to encompass the surroundings, moving far enough to bring itself under Bjorn. Suddenly erecting a massive door of ice, flecks of purple-tinted ice adorning the inside.

Drake roared as he smiled behind his mask, his free hand raised high in the air, “Shut the Gate!”

Instantly the door slammed shut, like an Iron Maiden around Bjorn. The thunderous boom silencing the surroundings.

“W-what…? Is Bear…” someone murmured from the crowd.

Drake remained vigilant through the crowd's commotion, as he received no notification, and knew his friend better than that.

Just a warm-up huh? He thought, feeling the spell struggle to hold together around Bjorn.

The next moment Drake felt something bubbling behind the closed door, sending a shiver down his spine.

Quickly snapping his fingers he summoned lighting, switching his Endowment, and bolted from the spot he was just standing on throwing his staff into the air as it vanished into his inventory. Two rings materialized in front of him, that he quickly threw his fingers into, the tattoos flaring to life on his arm as the brilliant yellow cascaded over them accompanied by the deepening blue of the mana being infused.

A split second after Drake’s foot left the position, a dark blade of mana erupted from the door of ice, rending the ground he was just standing on apart, a gaping valley now there.

The Ice spell fell apart, as it fell in shards of shimmering splinters reflecting the light of the morning, a mist of both dust and cold snow covering the man inside as he stood in waiting for Drake’s next move.

“I thought I told you how I felt about your gimmicks, Shot,” Bjorn said evenly, his eyes flaring white in the shadows of the falling ice.

Drake smiled wider hearing the familiar statement.

“And I thought I told you my inspiration is anything but!” he roared back, “And I’ll prove it! Those inspirations will be your salvation Bear!”

Drake threw his hand forward.

Heretical Symphony of Elements!” Drake yelled, commanding his every spell to be used, all 11 instances, his Proficiency 3 Multiplicative skill shining.

Drake didn’t finish with just that as he changed his defensive skills, ready to enter a brawl as well.

I am the shield! I am the rampart! Bulwark! I am the wall on which my enemies billow! Unbreakable!”

The green sheen of the skills covered Drake in a cloak of security.

“He’s using defensive skills?! Isn’t he a mage!?” someone roared over the grounds.

“How can he summon that many spells?! That isn’t possible!” another added.

Drake ignored the shouts and complaints coming from the peanut gallery as he trained his eyes on the red outline of Bjorn within the smoke of ice and dust that his Weak Point Skill helped him both faintly see and feel.

On blessed wings! Guardians Reprieve!” Drake shouted finishing his defensive skills and roaring forward with the help of his Wind and Fire spells in tandem to increase his speed, reaching Bjorn in an instant with his first outstretched.

Drake’s first was covered both in the blue of his imbued mana and the red of his Martial skill as it careened forward towards Bjorn’s face, the ice around them falling in chunks and crashing like a falling building.

But once again Bjorn's tenacity and perception showed, as in the last moment a metal-gloved hand stopped Drake’s. The booming sound and force of the impact shattering the ice around them blowing the remains of the enormous Ice Door apart and sending pieces flying outward.

Drake clicked his tongue.

He has one hell of a reaction time. But what about this! Drake roared internally, using the rest of his spells.

Drake moved his lightning behind Bjorn to his blind spot as he continued to throw straight after straight at Bjorn’s head.

Bjorn effortlessly blocked each punch with his free hand.

Is he getting faster?!

Drake began imbuing more and more mana into his tattoos, their blue glow deepening as it started to overtake the red of his Martial skill.

His bolt of lightning took its chance now that Bjorn was distracted, and thrusted itself forward, but Bjorn somehow again knew that it was coming, moving his sword to deflect the spell, ricocheting off it and impaling the ground in a red-hot molten hole.

Bjorn smiled back at Drake.

Drake cursed but didn’t give up, continuing to channel his mana into his spells he began bombarding Bjorn with the elements at his disposal.

Spears of lightning, water, fire, earth, magma, and wind began shooting forward in every direction, but to no avail, Drake could not land a single blow.

What the fuck is this?! Is he omniscient?! I can’t even scratch him this time around.

Drake continued his assault as Bjorn remained calm, deflecting each of the spells with his large claymore, his movements so precise and casual he made the blade seem weightless.

Bjorn had apparently had enough as he finally went on the offensive, using a large sweeping movement, he cut right through the spell circles, surprising Drake.

“Who are you fucking Asta!?” Drake spat, pushing backward just moments before the blade struck him.

“Always with the random references,” Bjorn smirked, holding his blade’s tip at Drake, “The sword itself isn’t doing it, it just happens to be a part of one of my skills,” Bjorn said, refusing to move.

“Just like last time you aren’t going to move unless I make you huh?” Drake scoffed.

“You couldn’t make me even if you wanted to this time. The skill has improved well beyond what you have seen, and I’ve reached a threshold when I reached the max proficiency in some of my skills,” Bjorn laughed, “Let me show you.”

The mana surrounding Bjorn’s body began to shift, taking on a dark hue as he raised his sword to the heavens.

The world has bore witness to my absolute power.” Bjorn muttered, the density of the black mana spiking, his sword becoming pitch black, “Rend the skies! Heaven Splitting Blade!” Bjorn shouted, his sword lowering with such speed Drake was almost unable to move out of the way in time.

Using his spells he had no time for his charade of fake casting. Immediately he used his fire and wind to propel him to the side, part of his robes caught in the blade’s mana-infused swing.

Drake shot to the side, colliding with the ground as he rolled across it, eventually finding himself upright and looking at the destruction wrought by Bjorn's strike.

He looked at his smoldering robe, part of it erased, singed by the swing. It was still usable but almost half of it had been destroyed.

Looking to the ground, he saw what was now a chasm separating him from the camp. And from the expressions he saw from the spectators, they had no idea Bjorn was capable of it.

“Well, you ruined my favorite robes…” Drake muttered.

“Happens,” Bjorn said, resting his sword on his shoulder.

Drake frowned.

“Well since we’re going all out here. Allow me to oblige!” Drake roared as he stood to his feet, his hand arcing in front of him as seven magic circles formed for his elements. Then two more yellow magic circles formed on either side of him, as they began to slowly deepen into a wondrous violet color.

Heretical Endowment! Septenarius!” Drake cried, the seven elements vanishing as his hair and tattoos began to shift in color into a glorious cascading show of the elements.

Bjorn looked taken aback at the display.

“You can do them all at once? That’s new bro.”

“I’m not done yet. This might have been meant to only be a spar, but apparently, I need to show you just how far I’ve come,” Drake smirked, his body glowing in the shifting colors of his elements.

Asura! Duo!” Drake howled, his two lightning spells embedding themselves into his back just above his shoulders, turning into two additional arms as they slammed together, sparks crackling from the impact as the sound of thunder cracked through the surroundings.

“And for the finale! You’re the first who gets to see it firsthand, Bear!” Drake shouted across the field a primal smile creasing his face under his mask, his eyes turning to points as he reveled in the battle.

Drake clapped his hands together and when they separated two white burning balls of fire formed in the palms of his hands.

Heretical Attunement, Fire!”

Drake crushed the flames in his hands, as they leaked from his hands and spiraled up his arms forming breathing gauntlets of flames around his tattoos.

“I’m coming at you full force! No backing down, I’ll prove I can keep my word my friend. I won’t let you become the monster. Even if I have to become one myself to stop you!”



Thank you for reading as always! As celebration for essentially hitting 2k followers on RR here is a bonus chapy, hope you enjoy! See ya Wednesday. Cheers!


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