Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Fourteen: I refuse.

“I don’t care what Natto said. Why would I agree to something as stupid as killing you before you’ve even done anything?” Drake scoffed.

“Drake! This is not the same laughing matter as what we have dealt with before! This is a Primordial Race that even the strongest races are afraid of. Their entire lineage has had to be kept in check since the dawning of before the fall of the first system!” Natto pleaded.

“Don’t care,” Drake said, “Is he doing anything now? Is Bjorn a threat now?” Drake asked.

“He is a potential threat that could end your universe before you are ever able to go forward! Yes, he is a threat!”

“That’s later, I mean right now, in this moment. Is my friend, the person who saved me. Is he a danger to me, my friends and family?” Drake asked again.

“No… But! He certainly will be! His future race are known as world enders, they devour entire systems!” she shouted.

“Then,” Drake smiled, looking back at Bjorn in the eyes, “I’ll just have to get strong enough to keep him in check. I’ve already had more than enough reason to reach the top, to stay strong and become stronger. This is just one more thing lighting a fire under my ass to keep going!” Drake laughed, his smile widening as he spread his arms, Natto nearly losing balance and falling off, “Bjorn! I refuse!”

“Drake.. I don’t think you can even stop me now, how are you going to stop me when I’m some super monster who wants to eat and kill everything bro?” Bjorn asked.

“Shaddup! I’ll figure it out! And who says I can’t fucking stop your big red-pubed ass! Are you going to make me go all out again to prove you wrong?” Drake sneered.

Bjorn’s eyes thinned.

“This is serious Drake. And no, this time is different. I have better control over my skills than before, and I’m leagues ahead of you in levels and stats. I have an Epic Ranked class as well. There is no stopping me now, what hope do you have later,” Bjorn said with his eyes serious.

“Don’t think you’re the only one with a special class. When we last fought I hadn’t even had a chance to practice my skills. I won’t be so easy to beat this time around. I’m willing to bet my life on saving yours. Let me do it you stubborn asshole,” Drake spat.

“I can’t let you risk your life for me man. It isn’t right… We’re friends but how do you think it would feel knowing I put that all on your shoulders? What if the worst happens? I wouldn’t be able to live with mysel-”

“Don’t care! I’ll take it all. All the responsibility, all of the weight. I’m still learning, and muddling through becoming a better person. But you started it Bjorn, you made me take the step forward after I thought I had no chance and was stuck wallowing in self-pity. You’re the second person to save my life with words alone. So shut the fuck up already,” Drake smiled, throwing his fist into Bjorn’s chest, “And let me save you for once.”

Bjorn sighed.

“And you call me the stubborn bastard? You’re like a child,” Bjorn conceded, a smile creasing his face.

“I am what I ea- Wait no, I’m just a kid when it suits me. And not listening to things I don’t want to hear suits me just fine when it comes to those important to me. You’re stuck with me now man. For life. This is our Naruto Sasuke moment,” Drake said giving a big grin.

“I do not understand why you will not listen to me… I was quite literally made to help advise you of things of this nature….” Nato said, slumping down into a sitting position on Drake’s shoulder, her head in her hands.

“Don’t worry you’ll get used to it Natto. We only have thousands of years together,” Drake laughed.

“Do not remind me! Thousands of years listening to pointless and awful references! Please! Take me now!” she pleaded to the sky.

“No one is coming to save you,” Drake said in a deep voice, then breaking out in a chuckle.

Bjorn shook his head.

“How did I end up enabling such a moron? And who the hell is Naruto?” he asked.

Drake recoiled.

“You can’t be serious? You know Vash but you’re telling me you don’t know him? I take it back, you might be a lost cause….” Drake said deflating.

“Please… leave me with the yappy ones at the food table… I care not for this nonsense anymore….” Natto asked.

“You know we can’t do that, but I’ll tell you what, I’ll have Claire bring you to a tent to eat. I snagged some of the finished food for you anyway,” Drake answered, Natto’s eyes brimming to life, nodding vigorously.

Bjorn gave a belly laugh, “Are you sure you two aren’t related? You act more like siblings than any I’ve ever seen bro.”

“I mean technically?” Drake said, wincing slightly.

“Oh? Wait really, dude?”

“It’s a weird system thing. Maybe I’ll explain it later.. Anyway, let's get back. There’s a crowd forming over there, and I’m getting a hole drilled into the back of my head from someone with a long vision skill of some sort,” Drake explained.

“You can tell that from here?” Bjorn asked.

“Yeah, my mana perception has gone up a bit since I started getting accustomed to my skills. You telling me you can’t Mr. Legendary Skills?” Drake countered.

“Never said that,” Bjorn smiled, walking back with Drake to the group.

“Hope you aren’t lying for your sake. Or I’m going to knock the snot out of you.”

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see…” Bjorn answered, his voice trailing off a bit.




“You guys hug it out?” Jacqueline asked, her face smirking.

“Yeah, you jealous sweetie?” Drake asked, smiling back.

“W-who’s fucking jealous!? Bloody wanker!” she spat.

“I think you have a thing for me, Jacqueline. But I already said I don’t like aged wine,” Drake jabbed again.

“I’m 26! You fucking dumb asshole!” she growled.

Drake shrugged, turning back to the growing group and Shigure.

“So who did we sell tickets to?” Drake asked.

Shigure raised a brow confused, taking a moment to understand what Drake meant.

“We have gathered all of the Leaders of the Coalition, some of them were absent when we… fought…” Shigure said.

“You mean when I kicked your shit in?” Drake smiled.

Shigure grit his teeth, but held his tongue.

“You don’t need to be so insulting to the boy Mr. Shot. You should know better,” Harley said, waving her finger at him.

Drake shirked backward slightly, a nervous grin on his face.

“Yes mam’, I’ll tone it back a bit. Just trying to haze him a little, you know how it is,” Drake chuckled.

“That’s just how he is Harley. We all know he’s an asshole, it's like his key character trait,” Chelsea said, chiming in.

“I don’t deny it,” Drake shrugged, looking around at the faces present.

He spotted most of his group save Hudson and Sherry. Drake also saw some faces that weren’t here yesterday.

Megan and Julia had turned up surprisingly. Amongst the crowd there were many he didn’t know, he also saw the exchanging of skill stones and monster cores in the background.

Oh, people are taking bets? Maybe we should get in on that… Drake thought.

Your first priority should be my meal! Have the zappy zappy girl feed me, be quick about it!” Natto grumbled.

Alright, alright.

“Claire, can I see you in my tent for a moment?” Drake asked, the woman’s face lighting up but slightly confused.

“U-um sure?” she answered walking with him to the tent.

Entering quickly, Natto also appeared on Drake’s shoulder.

Claire’s expression quickly deflated.

“Really!? Again!? I’m not a babysitter Drake!” Claire shouted, “I wanted to see the fight just like everyone else!”

Drake put up his hands placidly.

“I know. I know, but I need someone to watch Natto, and you’re one of the only people she doesn't seem to be annoyed with,” he chuckled.

“Then why don’t you just do it! I’m not her keeper…” she frowned.

“Can you just do this for me? Look I’ve been thinking about who can come with us when I go to take down the nest. And I think Bear might come, so that means I can take more people. Just let her eat like she normally does and I’ll let you tag along alright?” Drake offered.

“Promise…?” Claire asked, still huffy.

Drake nodded, placing the food out for Natto, her eyes drilling into him expectantly.

“Fine…” Claire said reluctantly, “But! You need to get Chelsea in here too, it isn’t fair if she gets to watch and I don’t.”

Really…? Why are women so competitive over this kind of thing? Drake sighed.

“Alright, fine. Then just watch her and make sure no one comes in alright?” Drake asked once more.

Claire nodded satisfied, her hand going for a piece of bread, but was quickly stopped by a knife landing inches from her hand.

Drake laughed as he exited the tent.

“Chelsea, Claire wants to speak to you,” he lied.

Chelsea’s ears perked up, but her brows showed her confusion.

“About what?” she asked, “The fight is just about to start.”

“I don’t know something about settling the score or something,” Drake fibbed again, walking past her and to the crowd.

Chelsea looked at him skeptically then nodded moving to the tent.

Drake let out a breath.

Now that that is over…

“Now then,” Drake said addressing the crowd, “Are you normies ready for a little shock and awe!” Drake roared.

“Who are you calling a normie, Raijuu me!” a person screamed from the crowd, his glasses reflecting the sheen of the pristine silver gun he held in his hands.

 Drake’s eyes widened at the familiar slang, surprised it was used against him.

“Sato, will you please shut up for once..” Shigure said, his head in his hand.

“How dare you call me a normie!” Drake said, hurt.

“You just put two gorgeous women into your tent. Of course, you're a raijuu!” Sato spat.

Well, when he puts it that way…. I wonder what he would say if he knew I turned them both down. Drake sighed, laughing at the thought.

“Is this another one of the Coalition Leaders?” Drake asked curiously, eyeing the gun.

“No.. this is my childhood friend, Sato,” Shigure said, showing a bit of embarrassment.

“I told you it’s xXxGunLover69xXx! Why are you ruining my immersion Kenzo!?” Sato cried.

“Well so much for an alias..” Drake mumbled inspecting the teen.


[xXxGunLover69xXx Level 18]


Oh, he's actually pretty high up there. Drake thought surprised.

“Say Sato, what can you trade me for these?” Drake said pulling out the guns he was still saving from the Cowboy Kobold, ”Look like a certain someone’s gun don’t they?” Drake smiled.

The teen’s eyes bloomed wide as he spotted the steampunk guns.

“It’s Jinx’s pistol! And two of them!? My Lord, I will do anything for them!” Sato said, his attitude taking a full 180.

“Ah… Otaku are so easily swayed,” Drake smirked, “Show me your wares junior.”

“I’ve been collecting many stones, but I can see I was mistaken about you, good sir… If my guess is correct. You know what,” Sato said, slipping a playing card from his pocket, and showing it to Drake, “This! Is?!”

Drake’s hand shook as he looked at the card, for the first time in a long time he dropped to his knees.

“Where did you get this?!” Drake whispered.

“I know a guy, and won it off him in a match!” Sato said proudly, “Well what do you say?”

Drake jumped at the card, dropping the pistols at his feet.

“Done!” Drake shouted looking at the card.


[Trading Card Illustration: The Dazzling Tyrant] [Rare]

  • Limited Edition Trading card made by the Artist. Only five copies were made.
  • The card depicts the Grand Tyrant within the forest in all his glory and is a sought-after collectible for all traders.
  • First Limited Edition Card of the Dazzling Tyrant Series. One of Five.


Bjorn looked on, finally forced to say something.

“Hey are we fighting or can I go back to eating?”

“IN A MINUTE!!” Drake howled.



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