Dual Class [LitRPG] – Current Vol 4

Chapter One-Hundred and Nine: No need for alarm, it’s just my smartass talking.



Apocalypse: Reborn As A Monster! Is one of the classics from Royal Road, and coming right to your doorstep on scribblehub! If you've enjoyed the litrpg elements of Dual Class you are sure to enjoy this story. A gripping story of a man betrayed, taking down those who did in his last breaths only to be given another chance. But as a monster...?




“Shit’s been pretty quiet since that big quest ended huh, Bert?” the man said, leaning onto his claymore.

“Well yeah, Tom… Isn’t that how these shows do it? A little break from big event to the big event?” Bert replied, using his rifle’s scope to look out into the treeline of the forest.

“Bert… we aren't in a tv show. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

“A lot of things but I thought we were talking about the quiet peace we’ve got now, not my crippling depression and bad habits,” Bert said nonchalantly.

Tom looked over, his face incredulous.

“Good thing too, we would be here all day if we were.

Turning from his scope to Tom a smirk on his face.

“Tom, we are here all day, remember? We got in trouble for slacking on guard duty last time, and I don’t need Bear standing five feet above me looking down again. Felt like being above average height meant being as small as a mouse next to him,” Bert said, shivering visibly, remembering the experience.

Tom shook his head, his arms suddenly wrapping his body.

“Yeah, never mind, you’re right on that one. Guy’s built like a tank if the tank had an old estranged uncle that just came out of prison,” he said his body giving a quick jerk, “But he’s a nice guy though, gave out those potions that tasted like grape juice. Remember that?”

“Oh yeah, nice guy. Can kill you with his pinky toe, but a nice guy,” Bert agreed.

Suddenly a new voice chimed into their conversation.

“Aw, well that’s nice of you to say, guys. I’ll make some more of those potions for ya,” the voice said behind them.

“Oh no problem, thanks,” the pair said before realizing they hadn’t answered the other but someone entirely new, their heads slowly turning, then tilting upwards to meet the eyes of the new man.

Behind them stood Bjorn, a smile on his face, his mat gray armor covering most of his body, only his right arm showing any of his skin and the rippled muscles of his shoulder. His enormous two-handed sword’s handle eerily glowed a faint black as it peeked over his left shoulder.

“Bear! Sir! We weren’t slacking! Just a little guard duty chat!” Bert said, scrambling for an excuse.

Bjorn waved them off, trying to calm them as he turned his focus to the forest.

“Don’t worry about it, bro. I’m not going to hurt you for talking about me. Takes a lot more than that to get under my skin,” he laughed, “And I’m going to have to ask you to go grab everyone. I think we have visitors.”

The pair of guards changed from an expression of panic to one of confusion. They both followed his gaze turning back to the forest, a single man and woman walking out from the tree line, both lit by the orange of the dusk of the setting sun.

“Are they enemies? It’s only two,” Tom said.

Bjorn smiled,” Oh no, there's more. But I’m more excited about seeing an old friend,” Bjorn said to the two, his eyes flashing to white for a moment as he utilized his legendary skill revealing the man’s name despite his alias.


[Drake Wallen Level 20]


“Oh looks like they spotted us. What a wonderful welcome party,” Drake said, giving a soft whistle at the people pouring out of the extended rampart, “Look at that, they even put up an extra barricade, that’s some points to Shigure,” Drake mused aloud, the worried Miss Braun looking over her shoulder.

“Yes, it seems to be a new addition from when I was here. I’ll be goi-” she started explaining, but Drake didn’t let her excuse herself.

“No, no, I insist you mean them with us. After all, you were such a wonderful guide,” he said evenly, “You can stand at the head of the rest of the ones we’ve captured. Explaining how and why you decided to try to kill well over 200 people for your own gain and pleasure.”

The woman began running for the camp, her cover blown and cat now fully out of the bag.

Drake sighed knowing this was going to become a problem, but nevertheless had to stop her before she could cause more trouble.

Stepping forward, Drake moved quickly to intercept her. Miss Braun’s stats paled in comparison to his own as he moved in front of her, gripping her by the wrist in front of the entire camp and the rest of his group moving out of the tree line.

Within seconds he felt the stares of Shigure’s camp fall on him, hostile.

Saw that coming. Now if someone…. Drake thought just as a shout sounded over the crowds.

“Let that woman go!” a voice yelled.

Why. Why is this happening? I’ve been a good person, right? I’ve built up my good karma, right? Drake cursed inwardly against the high-pitched giggling of Natto in the background.

Drake turned expecting to see a younger person based on the pitch of the voice and was not surprised when they were exactly that.

The teen wore a loose robe not unlike Drake’s but in a more oriental sense. The robe or kimono was well fitted to the teen’s figure, leaving enough room for movement but at the same time not loose enough to become a hindrance. On his side two swords, one much longer than the other in scabbards of pure black, accented by rose gold markings, the handles covered in just as dark black as the scabbards, hilts of beautifully shimmering rose gold.

Drake took a moment, his eyes focusing on the man, staying a clear blue.


[Shigure Kenzo Level 24]


Drake also turned his attention to the smiling giant sticking out like a sore thumb behind the crowd of people from the camp.


[Bear Level 27]


Did Bjorn not tell the kid who I am? Or does he have a hero complex? Drake thought, looking back at the teen glowering at him, his hand on his sword hilt.

You are by far the last person to say anyone has any sort of complex…” Natto said pointedly.

Drake opened his mouth underneath his mask but closed it, unable to argue.

“No, she’s a criminal,” Drake said finally addressing Shigure.

“Regardless of her crime, you should not treat her as such. She is still human,” Shigure countered.

Drake raised a brow, “Have you not dealt with the people in the tutorial that have killed swaths of people just for the hell of it? She is no better than a monster killing indiscriminately for their own pleasure,” Drake explained evenly, hearing murmurs coming from his own group as they now fully exited the forest into the opening of the Outpost.

“There’s that boss music again. Please someone else tell me they hear it and it’s not just me,” Tom whispered from behind Drake.

Drake ignored Tom and kept his focus on Shigure.

Should I goad him? I wanted to fight him anyway and seems like Bjorn is making sure no one else is going to step in. Drake thought, going through the options.

Drake decided to have some fun.

“I’m here at the request of Bear. This woman is a criminal and responsible for nearly killing all of the people you see behind me,” Drake said pointedly, “Are you simply going to have her run around freely? If so, then I may have made a mistake by coming here. I expected too much from a child who plays at being a leader.”

Shigure’s face instantly deepened into a fierce scowl at the jab.

Uh oh. Too far? Drake said, his eyes flashing yellow, his aura beginning to boil ready to be released to calm down the teen.

Imbecile…. Must you make every person you meet hate you instantly? It makes doing anything we need incredibly difficult!” Natto yelled.

Drake mentally shrugged as he kept his eyes fixed on Shigure.

“I know who you are, Shot. And you may be welcomed here by Sir Bear but he is not a member of the coalition and holds no power here. He is simply a guest. Regardless of what you hold as a preconceived notion of my leadership, I am in charge and if you wish to enter you will have to adhere to what I say. So let the woman go and we will take it from here,” Shigure growled out, his hand almost quaking as it gripped his sword.

Oh, he’s surprisingly calm despite himself. Drake thought impressed.

Certainly leagues ahead of yourself,” Natto snickered.


“I came here only because of my friendship with Bear. And the promise I made with him, these people behind me are here for shelter and protection. Are you going to deny them that because I refuse to give up a criminal? What about the rest of the ones I have captive who have done just as much as her if not worse? Are you really going to demand I give them freedom when they have forcibly and violently tried to do the same to these innocent people? How do you expect to protect anyone with such a soft attitude,” Drake jabbed.

Shigure’s face contorted to true anger at his last words. As he lowered his stance.

“You know nothing of what I will do to protect these people and my family! I won’t allow you to continue to insult me and my honor as a leader of this coalition. Let her go, this is the last time I will ask!”

Drake smirked under his mask.


Shimmering into existence next to him was Theodore, in all of his butler glory, his mustache a work of art as it stayed picturesque on his face.

“Yes, my Lord?” Theodore answered his body in a slight bow.

“Take Miss Braun to the other prisoners. Everyone who wants to stay with this child, can stay. The criminals will have to be judged for their crimes by someone more competent it seems,” Drake said, making sure to keep eye contact with Shigure as he did.

Shigure’s eyes cracked with malicious intent at the final jab, his honor insulted for the last time by Drake.

First Strike, Blood Moon Style, Ket-” Shigure began to whisper, his sword and drawing hand moving as he twisted his body, but he was interrupted by just the man Drake wanted to see.

“Okay okay! That’s enough,” Bjorn said, holding Shigure by the shoulder, “Ever your own pace huh, bro?” Bjorn said, his smile still as large as it was moments ago from the crowd.

“You know me Bear, I like to be flashy and make an entrance,” Drake said, breaking his evil facade and turning back to Theo, “Thank you for playing along Theo, can you please get the rest of the prisoners from Hudson, I’d like to hand them over like we planned.”

Shigure relaxed slightly but still glared daggers at Drake.

Drake chuckled, “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself,” he said, holding out his left hand, “I just wanted to get a gauge on who you were, and I’m glad you are who I thought you would be.”

Bjorn not Shigure raised a brow curious, biting on the leading statement.

“Oh? And what’s that?”

Drake moved his mask so his face showed his large smile, “A snot-nosed brat,” Drake laughed sarcastically.

The surroundings suddenly cracked with dense mana, Shigure’s visage turning dark.

Bjorn scoffed, shrugging as his hand came off of Shigure’s shoulder, Bjorn looking at Drake.

“Hey bro, I tried.”


 Thank you for reading as always.



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